Russia staged the fake coup

Fake coup !! Staged

I should have been an inspector like Callohan
I called it within three seconds and I could give you chapter and verse for an hour . But at best it is educated speculation . The probability is that Grand Master Volodya set it up, but do not rule out it being set up by the UK and US and Volodya found out enough in advance to turn it to Russias advantage . Read Simplicius the Thinker for the big and deep analysis though I feel you will struggle with it .
I called it within three seconds and I could give you chapter and verse for an hour . But at best it is educated speculation . The probability is that Grand Master Volodya set it up, but do not rule out it being set up by the UK and US and Volodya found out enough in advance to turn it to Russias advantage . Read Simplicius the Thinker for the big and deep analysis though I feel you will struggle with it .
Ridiculous.....what 'advantage' does Russia get out of this??? You sound like a russian bot.
Ridiculous.....what 'advantage' does Russia get out of this??? You sound like a russian bot.
Yes .a few possibilities!!!

2 possibles!!

1st and most obvious is it reunites the Russian people and surges his popularity

2nd , it sends mixed messages to Pol Pot America that Russia is in chaos and weakening when it’s not

3rd, it’s a huge military smoke screen to reconfigure the battlefield
I am good at complex schemes
I do admire and learned a ton watching a guy named Eric Cartman
Yes .a few possibilities!!!

2 possibles!!

1st and most obvious is it reunites the Russian people and surges his popularity

2nd , it sends mixed messages to Pol Pot America that Russia is in chaos and weakening when it’s not

3rd, it’s a huge military smoke screen to reconfigure the battlefield
It does nothing for uniting the Russian People.....the majority of whom oppose putins insane war.

Also does nothing for putins popularity......the majority of the russian people hate putin as well as his war.

Putin has led Russia down the wrong path ......aka throwing in with China out of desperation....the Russian People know China is not their friend.

How on Earth do you think it reconfigures the battlefield......there is no change in the war....except Ukraine is surging with its counter-offensive and if it achieves its goal of removing russians from Ukraine....the pressure on putin will has been said ihe is a dead man walking.

Leaked internal Russian government polling recently indicated that as few as one in four Russians may be in favour of the war in Ukraine. Analysts believe that the forced mobilisation of over 300,000 civilians and the high level of casualties have all contributed to waning support for Russia’s war effort.

The polling, which also found that more than half the Russian people hope their government will enter peace talks, was reportedly conducted for the Kremlin’s Federal Guard Service (FSO) and published by the exiled dissident news website Meduza.

It’s important to bear in mind the source of this reporting and that obtaining accurate survey data one way or another is notoriously difficult but the UK ministry of defence said the results were “consistent with a separate October 2022 survey [conducted by the independent Levada Center] which found that 57% respondents reported being in favour of talks”.

Ret. Gen. David Petraeus comments on the failed Russian Coup​

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You are such a butt of humour that your silly topic was closed earlier as rubbish. That you are now incapable of seeing enormous potential advantages for Moscow simply underlines that complex matters are too taxing for you .
It was not was moved as mods are well known for.

I see no advantage nor potential advantages for Putin to have arranged this....perhaps someone with a fertile over-active imagination might come up with something but so far I have not seen any credible reason for putin to have done this.....on the other hand there is a very credible reason for him not to have done so.

If you could have presented some credible reason for Putin to have arranged this matter then you should have done it stands now you are simply engaging in a personal attack.

I would suggest you read what General Petraus has to say about the matter....I can think of no more credible or knowledgeable source than General David Petraeus but there are several knowledgable sources I have read on this matter and none of them have suggested it was a false flag operation.

I will wind it up with and weep.......... Putin is on his way out, but things could go from Vlad to worse

'Putin has been making mistake after mistake': Russian leader weakened
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How is having people underestimate you "weak"?
Underestimated? Does anyone think the President of tbe United Ststes would have a National Press Conference (which would be viewed by the world) to address 5000 or even 30000 armed soliders with tanks at say, the Arizona border? Even the Canadian military wouldn't stand for that. This incident proved that Putin jjst might not be very popular and could be at risk on any given day of being overthrown. He doesn't have his citizens on his side this is clear.
Underestimated? Does anyone think the President of tbe United Ststes would have a National Press Conference (which would be viewed by the world) to address 5000 or even 30000 armed soliders with tanks at say, the Arizona border? Even the Canadian military wouldn't stand for that. This incident proved that Putin jjst might not be very popular and could be at risk on any given day of being overthrown. He doesn't have his citizens on his side this is clear.
President Biden doesn't like us in Arizona that much. He probably wouldn't hold a press conference in the event of the occurrence you describe.
In fact he would likely instruct his genius of a press secretary to deny it happened,
Underestimated? Does anyone think the President of tbe United Ststes would have a National Press Conference (which would be viewed by the world) to address 5000 or even 30000 armed soliders with tanks at say, the Arizona border? Even the Canadian military wouldn't stand for that. This incident proved that Putin jjst might not be very popular and could be at risk on any given day of being overthrown. He doesn't have his citizens on his side this is clear.
And having you believe that would be to his advantage, just as having you believe that I was injured in a fight with you when I wasn't would give me an advantage. I definitely wouldn't count my eggs just yet.
And having you believe that would be to his advantage, just as having you believe that I was injured in a fight with you when I wasn't would give me an advantage. I definitely wouldn't count my eggs just yet.
I didn't say he was finished, one should never underestimate their opponent. He is more vulnerable than any time in the prior 20 years though.
I didn't say he was finished, one should never underestimate their opponent. He is more vulnerable than any time in the prior 20 years though.
War makes anyone vulnerable. It's full of risks and prices to pay for one's goals. Our government is doing the same to us by being involved in this.
Putin can't use tactical nukes in Ukraine, so he's shipped some to Belarus. At the same time it looks like the Wagner mercenary force is moving to Belarus.

Russian news says that 13 Russian pilots were killed by Wagner during this rebellion, but there's been no confirmation from western intelligence.

Sounds like Russian theater. Putin needs Belarus as his surrogate, but doesn't want it to be obvious.

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