Russia to disconnect from the internet as part of a planned test

How will Crooked Donnie get his instructions?
im going out on a limb here.....but maybe the phone?....
Well the Globalist always didn't like anyone associating with the Russians. It is because that they cannot make money if there is no threats.

Why Russian Officials Tried to Help John F. Kennedy Win the Presidency
Here's Why Russian Officials Tried to Help John F. Kennedy Become President

JFK’s Russian Conspiracy
Kennedy had his own secret back channel with Moscow. It may have kept the superpowers from going to war.
JFK Had His Own Russian Back Channel. It Helped to Prevent War.

Robert Kennedy’s back channel with the Russians
Robert Kennedy's back channel with the Russians

You've been bad. That is really a bad thing to say!

Was he interfering in the newpapers?

Alexander Feklisov, then the KGB station chief in Washington under the alias ‘Fomin,’ recalls that ‘the rezidentura [station] had been instructed to inform the Center periodically about the development of the electoral campaign, and to propose measures, diplomatic, propagandist, or [any] other, to encourage Kennedy’s victory.’ A KGB agent, according to Feklisov, even tried to contact Robert Kennedy, but met a polite rebuff.
Not Trump, Trump wanted Russia's help.

Obama offered to help Putin when he didn't think we would find out.

if you are referring to the ? mic mishap, well its true, isn't it, he would have more flexibility after he was re-elected, even though he was Potus at the time. Not the same.

Obama to Medvedev (translated): 'Tell Putin that I can't openly make a deal with him that will undermine America until AFTER I am re-elected.'
How will Crooked Donnie get his instructions?
im going out on a limb here.....but maybe the phone?....
Well the Globalist always didn't like anyone associating with the Russians. It is because that they cannot make money if there is no threats.

Why Russian Officials Tried to Help John F. Kennedy Win the Presidency
Here's Why Russian Officials Tried to Help John F. Kennedy Become President

JFK’s Russian Conspiracy
Kennedy had his own secret back channel with Moscow. It may have kept the superpowers from going to war.
JFK Had His Own Russian Back Channel. It Helped to Prevent War.

Robert Kennedy’s back channel with the Russians
Robert Kennedy's back channel with the Russians

You've been bad. That is really a bad thing to say!

Was he interfering in the newpapers?

Alexander Feklisov, then the KGB station chief in Washington under the alias ‘Fomin,’ recalls that ‘the rezidentura [station] had been instructed to inform the Center periodically about the development of the electoral campaign, and to propose measures, diplomatic, propagandist, or [any] other, to encourage Kennedy’s victory.’ A KGB agent, according to Feklisov, even tried to contact Robert Kennedy, but met a polite rebuff.
Not Trump, Trump wanted Russia's help.

Obama offered to help Putin when he didn't think we would find out.

I think you are wrong on that assumption.... mainly because it was not an Obama decision alone... it was a plan, with advisors from all areas of the government, having a hand in it... that there would be a "reset" of diplomacy with President Putin, once he took power again.

I don't think it was a secret plan of Obama's, that he was trying to hide from any of us.... it simply was our govt's heavily advised and thought out plan.

Obama was known not to make any rash decisions on his own. He studied and read the advise of others within the government and other historic materials before making any decision, and was criticized for taking too long to make crucial decisions.

His talk with Medvedev, was simply not discussing or being able to act on this Putin ''reset plan'' until he was re-elected... because starting a plan BEFORE his re-election would be fruitless/meaningless, if he did not win. imo
as far as the test is concerned... for an individual... I can avow, that I personally, would lose my mind, without a connection for any length of time! :p :D

I experienced this hell, for the week of Christmas, a few years ago, after an ice storm, knocked out electricity, and our generator was on the brink! It's awful, just gosh awful... but this was worse than simply no internet, it was no heat, no hot water, no lights, no stove, no microwave, no refrigerator, no water, no showers, no radio, no tv or cable....!!!!!! A nightmare!!! :eek:

After that experience, I became a prep-per!

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