Russia: United States #1 Geo Political Adversary


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
It would appear that a weakened Untied States is encouraging a resurgence of Russia influence. Putin has no respect of Obama and is making sure the world knows it.
Putin flexes muscle in big test of Russia's nuclear arsenal
By Steve Gutterman
MOSCOW | Sat Oct 20, 2012 3:34pm EDT
(Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin took a leading role in the latest tests of Russia's strategic nuclear arsenal, the most comprehensive since the 1991 Soviet collapse, the Kremlin said on Saturday.

The exercises, held mostly on Friday, featured prominently in news reports on state television which seemed aimed to show Russians and the world that Putin is the hands-on chief of a resurgent power.

Tests involving command systems and all three components of the nuclear "triad" - land and sea-launched long-range nuclear missiles and strategic bombers - were conducted "under the personal leadership of Vladimir Putin", the Kremlin said.

Putin flexes muscle in big test of Russia's nuclear arsenal | Reuters
And Obama wil "have more flexibility" after the election. Such a wise man. :eusa_whistle:

Interesting that Obama is promising flexibility while Putin is pursuing nuclear tests. I think Putin understands what a weak vessel Obama is and sees the re-emergence of a Soviet Empire.
From one of your own:

Romney rips Russia on campaign trail, but if elected may need to seek compromise | Fox News
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney calls Russia the No. 1 foe of the United States and promises to stand up to Russian President Vladimir Putin. But if he's elected president, he might find that he'll need Moscow's help.

Russia plays a critical role in facilitating the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan. The United States also needs Moscow's cooperation on keeping nuclear materials away from terrorists and American adversaries, and preventing gridlock at the U.N. Security Council, where both countries have vetoes.

While Romney has criticized President Barack Obama's "reset" — his administration's policy for improving relations with Russia — he has not said what exactly he would do differently beyond taking a tougher approach. Given U.S. interests in a cooperative relationship with Russia, some analysts think Romney may have to tone down his rhetoric if wins the White House.

Read more: Romney rips Russia on campaign trail, but if elected may need to seek compromise | Fox News
Some idiot called the Medved show the other day going on a rant about Romney's anti-Russia comments and that Romney is just a "neo-con."

Kook liberals and losertarians just ignore the threats of China, Russia, Iran, etc as if we live in some utopian world. You actually end up in a big war when you don't scare your enemies from doing anything bad.
So Russia is going to pull the Reagan scheme in reverse?

Bolster their military, increase the perception of a threat to the US,

and induce us to go broke trying to keep up with them in an arms race?
Lots of people on both sides of the Atlantic long for the simpler days of the cold war, fortunately they are quickly dying of old age.
Russia has never stopped being a threat to us.

Their strategy is to support rogue states just like they did in the Cold War. They supported Saddam up until our invasion, they are supporting Assad in Syria, they are supporting Iran building nukes, etc.

They are scum of the'd fit in well with them.

So Russia is going to pull the Reagan scheme in reverse?

Bolster their military, increase the perception of a threat to the US,

and induce us to go broke trying to keep up with them in an arms race?
So Russia is going to pull the Reagan scheme in reverse?

Bolster their military, increase the perception of a threat to the US,

and induce us to go broke trying to keep up with them in an arms race?

actually the quickest way to bankrupt us is for them to get us to elect more democrats......

The people who create a program, then never reform it or even care what the results are....because they made their money off of it.
Lots of people on both sides of the Atlantic long for the simpler days of the cold war, fortunately they are quickly dying of old age.

yeah from a guy who needs 10 pages on changing a light bulb.......

but really it's liberals who long for the day that socialism was not discredited
When the Cold War was going on liberals told us the USSR wasn't a threat and now that Russia is turning up the heat again, liberals are back telling us Russia isn't a threat.

See a pattern here? Liberals side with their socialist friends in Russia.....
Lots of people on both sides of the Atlantic long for the simpler days of the cold war, fortunately they are quickly dying of old age.

yeah from a guy who needs 10 pages on changing a light bulb.......

but really it's liberals who long for the day that socialism was not discredited

We already know republicans love rapidly escalating military spending, why did you even chime in with that crap?
Lots of people on both sides of the Atlantic long for the simpler days of the cold war, fortunately they are quickly dying of old age.

yeah from a guy who needs 10 pages on changing a light bulb.......

but really it's liberals who long for the day that socialism was not discredited

We already know republicans love rapidly escalating military spending, why did you even chime in with that crap? I have to type slower? You love to make things more complicated.....since it makes you feel smart

Second you with that socialism wasnt happened in the 80s......hence it's really you who would like to go back
Liberals being idiots don't like paying for the military, but they like to hide behind it when a 9-11 happens.

They live in another realm of reality where everyone should get free stuff, not have to work, etc...and bad people don't exist.
And Obama wil "have more flexibility" after the election. Such a wise man. :eusa_whistle:

Interesting that Obama is promising flexibility while Putin is pursuing nuclear tests. I think Putin understands what a weak vessel Obama is and sees the re-emergence of a Soviet Empire.

obama wants to reduce our military capability by 80%. obama has always seen himself as a citizen of the world rather than a citizen of the United States. It makes sense that he would make the nation weak and try to get other countries to compromise with a vastly weakened US than to negotiate with us as equals.

obama has a view that the weak, poor and needy are worthy of something from those stronger. They are in need of special protection and special consideration. He applies this view to the world. If the US were not so strong, we could demand and get all kinds of special considerations from nations like China and Russia. This just isn't the way real leaders think.
The reason liberals dont look at Russia is the number one political adversary, is they think people who believe in marriage, not killing kids, and capitalism as the number one adversary.....

I guess liberals thought this country was founded on big government, homos, and mothers who kill their kids because they cant afford them (oooops, I guess we should sterilize all poor people)
Russia, China, Iran, terrorists, etc like Obamination because:

1) He is weak. He hasn't done shit in regards to Libya except cover it up and our enemies see that.

2) He will gut the military to pay for social welfare programs.

3) He will spend us into bankruptcy which will further weaken this country.

4) He has a soft spot for muslims over Israel and this is the same strategy as our enemies.

5) He believes there is no evil in the world, everyone lives together on this planet for the common good.
Liberals being idiots don't like paying for the military, but they like to hide behind it when a 9-11 happens.

They live in another realm of reality where everyone should get free stuff, not have to work, etc...and bad people don't exist.

Nuclear missiles are currently one of the biggest holes we throw money down, we have plenty but Republicans want even more. Explain how already having the ability to sterilize the biosphere several times over is just not enough?
Oh look, the braniac chimes in. :eusa_whistle:

ICBMs are actually very cheap to operate and maintain compared to other weapon systems, but dumbfucks like you wouldn't know that.

The reason why we have 450 ICBMs underground in MT, CO, WY, ND and NE is because we need to penetrate our enemies' defenses, have some in reserve during a war and have enough left if we get hit first because someone like Obamination let them sit on the ground with 100 inbound ICBMs from Russia until impact.

Oh, the missiles aren't nuclear, but I'll let you try to figure it out.

But keep rambling on dumbfuck...

Liberals being idiots don't like paying for the military, but they like to hide behind it when a 9-11 happens.

They live in another realm of reality where everyone should get free stuff, not have to work, etc...and bad people don't exist.

Nuclear missiles are currently one of the biggest holes we throw money down, we have plenty but Republicans want even more. Explain how already having the ability to sterilize the biosphere several times over is just not enough?
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Oh look, the braniac chimes in. :eusa_whistle:

ICBMs are actually very cheap to operate and maintain compared to other weapon systems, but dumbfucks like you wouldn't know that.

The reason why we have 450 ICBMs underground in MT, CO, WY, ND and NE is because we need to penetrate our enemies' defenses, have some in reserve during a war and have enough left if we get hit first because someone like Obamination let them sit on the ground with 100 inbound ICBMs from Russia until impact.

Oh, the missiles aren't nuclear, but I'll let you try to figure it out.

But keep rambling on dumbfuck...

Liberals being idiots don't like paying for the military, but they like to hide behind it when a 9-11 happens.

They live in another realm of reality where everyone should get free stuff, not have to work, etc...and bad people don't exist.

Nuclear missiles are currently one of the biggest holes we throw money down, we have plenty but Republicans want even more. Explain how already having the ability to sterilize the biosphere several times over is just not enough?

Sunday must be fantasy day around the republican campfire, in what universe do you think that a Russian first strike is even a remote possibility? The cold war is over, what we have now is the MAP policy, Mutually Assured Profit, where both of our military establishments, Russia and the US, has much to gain by frightening people into spending money on them.

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