Zone1 Russia Wants UN to Pressure US

The explanation is contained in the link but basically the US appears to be trying to exclude Russia from the General Assembly!

Is this not catastrophic for the UN's survival?

Does America really want to exclude Russia.

I've placed this in the CDZ because it deserves serious discussion.

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If the US pulled out of the UN it wouldn't survive. Uncle Sugar provides more funding for that worthless institution than the majority of it's members combined.
Russia has the ability to whack Zelensky at any time and their spies in the Ukraine have the pinpoint coordinates.
All that's left is wondering why they don't?
It reminds me of why during the last couple of years during WWll the Allies didn't make a serious effort to kill Hitler?
Because he was making soo many bad military strategy and tactical decisions in his conducting of the war. That it was better not to assassinate Hitler because a truly capable German general might take his place and prolong the war.
Zelensky falls into that same category of inept military leadership, and Putin knows that keeping Zelensky alive to continue messing up is the best thing for Russia at this time.
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You're simply wrong. The UNSC has facilitated a give and take for it's members and the US has seen it's share of the benefits. If there was nothing in it for the US, it would have left the UN to die over 30 years ago.
The UN serves western humanitarian interests in places where an American flag is not welcome. They fight in places where the US does not want to send a bunch of troops. That's about it. Other than that it's just a stage for second-tier countries and penny-ante despots to come and act like they matter to the rest of the world.
I hear you but I have to disagree. America itself would have Zelensky whacked if he stopped cooperating.

There's considerable rumour that a patriotic Ukrainian will try to whack him in order to stop the massacre by the Russians.
The Russians have some major problems with their war. None of those problems would be solved by strengthening the resolve of Ukraine. Killing Zelensky makes him a martyr. Nothing like a fallen hero to make an army want to make the enemy pay dearly.
The Russians have some major problems with their war. None of those problems would be solved by strengthening the resolve of Ukraine. Killing Zelensky makes him a martyr. Nothing like a fallen hero to make an army want to make the enemy pay dearly.
You're losing sight of reality. It's a war between America and Russia with previously agreed upon limits.

But it cant continue indefinitely that way.
You're losing sight of reality. It's a war between America and Russia with previously agreed upon limits.

But it cant continue indefinitely that way.
Wars usually do end. At this point only pyrrhic victories are possible for Putin. Russia will gain nothing that makes it all worth it. Ukraine will have forged a real national identity. I thought the US fought stupid wars but this one takes the cake.
Yes they do!
But this is a discussion in which we're asking for participants to see through the forest to the trees. No further explanation is needed!
Are you supportive of the Russian war of outrageous aggression? Shouldn’t Russia have to suffer consequences for their international criminality?

The explanation is contained in the link but basically the US appears to be trying to exclude Russia from the General Assembly!

Is this not catastrophic for the UN's survival?

Does America really want to exclude Russia.
Well, yes that seems very clear. The US regards (and would like the world to regard) the UN in a similar fashion to NATO, that is to say, an international entity run and policed by the US alone. Just two examples from my lifetime:

1). "Do you have nuclear weapons on Cuba, yes or no, don't wait for the translation!" This was a particularly disgusting line of questioning for more than one reason ... because the US itself already had nuclear weapons on Sovjet's doorstep.

2). "Even an idiot knows that Saddam has WMD's!" The subsequent American slander of the UN for not giving the US permission to invade Irak and even had Washington clamouring for dropping out of the UN because of it.

So, The possibility of the US wanting to exclude Russia from any/or UN functions is a foregone conclusion. There is no secret about it. It is a typical anti-Democratic American tactic to draw lines in the sand and coerce others to chose sides in the American, “With or against us” bully beef.

The explanation is contained in the link but basically the US appears to be trying to exclude Russia from the General Assembly!

Is this not catastrophic for the UN's survival?

Does America really want to exclude Russia.

I've placed this in the CDZ because it deserves serious discussion.

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Russia doing what the US has been doing for a long time.

The US, if it wasn't world power, needs to get a lot of countries on its side. Trump was doing everything he could to destroy that because he only saw world politics as making money.

Russia is trying to be relevant in the world, the US could slap Russia down quite easily.
Russia doing what the US has been doing for a long time.

The US, if it wasn't world power, needs to get a lot of countries on its side. Trump was doing everything he could to destroy that because he only saw world politics as making money.

Russia is trying to be relevant in the world, the US could slap Russia down quite easily.
The thing is frigid, the US can't slap Russia down and that's why there's a proxy war. No nuclear armed country is 'slappable', and that's probably true for North Korea now.

Not because of N.K.'s own nukes but because of China's nuclear deterrent.
Well, yes that seems very clear. The US regards (and would like the world to regard) the UN in a similar fashion to NATO, that is to say, an international entity run and policed by the US alone. Just two examples from my lifetime:

1). "Do you have nuclear weapons on Cuba, yes or no, don't wait for the translation!" This was a particularly disgusting line of questioning for more than one reason ... because the US itself already had nuclear weapons on Sovjet's doorstep.
So you know the real story of how Kruschev upstaged Kennedy.
2). "Even an idiot knows that Saddam has WMD's!" The subsequent American slander of the UN for not giving the US permission to invade Irak and even had Washington clamouring for dropping out of the UN because of it.

So, The possibility of the US wanting to exclude Russia from any/or UN functions is a foregone conclusion. There is no secret about it. It is a typical anti-Democratic American tactic to draw lines in the sand and coerce others to chose sides in the American, “With or against us” bully beef.
I hear you but the signatory countries to the UN are there to serve their own purposes and pay to do it. Exclusing Russia would not only deprive Russia but also deprive the rest of the world of the very purpose of the UN. The US won't do that because China and more countries will/would go with Russia.
It's a curious move by the US but it must be just a move to inconvenience Russia temporarily.

Good discussion! Maybe some others have some ideas?

The explanation is contained in the link but basically the US appears to be trying to exclude Russia from the General Assembly!

Is this not catastrophic for the UN's survival?

Does America really want to exclude Russia.

I've placed this in the CDZ because it deserves serious discussion.

Moderators: Please police this thread appropriately.
We don't need the UN, the UN needs the US.
So you know the real story of how Kruschev upstaged Kennedy.
Do you want me to give it to you without the frills?

KHRUSHCHEV (pounding his fists on the table): “Remove your missile aimed at our cities from your bases in Turkey otherwise our missiles aimed at your cities will remain in Cuba. Starting a nuclear war is your call. We’re ready and able if that’s what you want, you silly little Catholic upstart.”

(with tail between his legs):Oh, ah, gee, um ….. OK we’ll remove our missiles. I guess they are old missiles, anyway.”

KHRUSHCHEV: “Pshaw. Yeah, sure. Sour grapes huh?”

I hear you but the signatory countries to the UN are there to serve their own purposes and pay to do it. Exclusing Russia would not only deprive Russia but also deprive the rest of the world of the very purpose of the UN. The US won't do that because China and more countries will/would go with Russia.

It's a curious move by the US but it must be just a move to inconvenience Russia temporarily.
You’re right, so either the US is incredibly stupid or just bluffing and playing “tuff” to the gallery while shitting themselves. I also agree that Russia’s “expulsion” would cause China et al. to go with Russia. Iran, North Korea ....

But then there is the OP headline: “Russia Wants UN to Pressure US”. Would Russia be willing to publicly go on bended knee to the UN to ask it to go bat for them? Is that an admirable position for Russia to find itself in? Or is it just that Russia wants some international media time to show the world that Russia is in fact the good guy?
Do you want me to give it to you without the frills?

KHRUSHCHEV (pounding his fists on the table): “Remove your missile aimed at our cities from your bases in Turkey otherwise our missiles aimed at your cities will remain in Cuba. Starting a nuclear war is your call. We’re ready and able if that’s what you want, you silly little Catholic upstart.”

(with tail between his legs):Oh, ah, gee, um ….. OK we’ll remove our missiles. I guess they are old missiles, anyway.”

KHRUSHCHEV: “Pshaw. Yeah, sure. Sour grapes huh?”

You’re right, so either the US is incredibly stupid or just bluffing and playing “tuff” to the gallery while shitting themselves. I also agree that Russia’s “expulsion” would cause China et al. to go with Russia. Iran, North Korea ....

But then there is the OP headline: “Russia Wants UN to Pressure US”. Would Russia be willing to publicly go on bended knee to the UN to ask it to go bat for them? Is that an admirable position for Russia to find itself in? Or is it just that Russia wants some international media time to show the world that Russia is in fact the good guy?
Humourous for sure, but I still find the move by the US to be quite baffling. The propaganda would have us believe that the world has taken a position against Russia, but America may have fallen victim to their own propaganda?

I tend to think that we might not hear anything more about it. I'll be keeping an eye open for it.
..... I still find the move by the US to be quite baffling. The propaganda would have us believe that the world has taken a position against Russia ...
That is the tactics. Josef Göbbles and Gorge Orwell have used it faithfully. Repeating the lie often enough so the masses believe it's true. That is ..... " ... having you believe the world has taken a position against Russia".
... but America may have fallen victim to their own propaganda?
The US is smart but Russia knows how to turn your own game against you. Who are the chess masters of the world?
I tend to think that we might not hear anything more about it. I'll be keeping an eye open for it.
I don't think it will be over as long as the Ukraine fumbly-bumbly is still in the news. Russia has found a usefull crack in the US-UN conglomerate. I believe that Putin is now beginning to use US "exceptions to the UN rules" to his own advantage. Look at all of the crap the US has gotten away with. "If they can do it ..... so can I".
That is the tactics. Josef Göbbles and Gorge Orwell have used it faithfully. Repeating the lie often enough so the masses believe it's true. That is ..... " ... having you believe the world has taken a position against Russia".

The US is smart but Russia knows how to turn your own game against you. Who are the chess masters of the world?

I don't think it will be over as long as the Ukraine fumbly-bumbly is still in the news. Russia has found a usefull crack in the US-UN conglomerate. I believe that Putin is now beginning to use US "exceptions to the UN rules" to his own advantage. Look at all of the crap the US has gotten away with. "If they can do it ..... so can I".
You said: "Russia has found a usefull crack in the US-UN conglomerate."

I find that enlightening, but I should have thought of it too.

Russia hasn't used that argument as far as I know, but it's so obvious that they must have by now. However, that would call for a concerted effort to keep Russia out, and I'm not there yet. That would be too destructive of US needs and priorities.

I've checked out but didn't find any further mention yet. A nothing-burger??
You said: "Russia has found a usefull crack in the US-UN conglomerate."

I find that enlightening, but I should have thought of it too.

Russia hasn't used that argument as far as I know, but it's so obvious that they must have by now. However, that would call for a concerted effort to keep Russia out, and I'm not there yet. That would be too destructive of US needs and priorities.

I've checked out but didn't find any further mention yet. A nothing-burger??
I don't really know for sure but this Russian "special operation" in the Ukraine .... isn't "special operations" one of those american excuses to circumnavigate International law and get away with it? Maybe the goose has come home to the gander.
The latest: All Russian Delegates To UN General Assembly Denied US Visas: Envoy - Iran Front Page
I don't really know for sure but this Russian "special operation" in the Ukraine .... isn't "special operations" one of those american excuses to circumnavigate International law and get away with it? Maybe the goose has come home to the gander.
I've always been totally convinced that it's America's war against Russia, and neither side will ever accept defeat.

As to the topic, Iran has spoken out in favor of Russia.

Nebenzya reiterated that the US, as a host nation of the UN, is obliged to ensure participation of delegations to the global organization’s events.

The law is on Russia's side if this isn't resolved.

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