Russian Appeasers

VOA: What role does the use of disinformation and propaganda play in Russia's war against Ukraine?​

Retired Army Lieutenant General Ben Hodges: The Russians have always used disinformation as part of what they do. And they have realized that we in the West are very vulnerable to disinformation and even conspiracy theories, because so many people here have lost confidence and trust in the government and in our institutions. We, the West, have failed to live up to our own talking points. I mean, we sat back and did nothing because we couldn't believe that any average person would trust the nonsense that comes from the Kremlin criminals. It’s so absurd and so obviously false. We failed to act, and we failed to hold them accountable. Also because we were willing to keep using cheap Russian gas.​

He’s talking about gullible Westerners who believe Russian propaganda, ie tankies.

VOA: One of the most discussed topics in relation to the aid the U.S. and its allies are giving Ukraine is the Russian threat of nuclear escalation. Many people in the U.S. and in Europe have said they fear such a scenario is possible. Why do you think Russia can use the “looming nuclear war” narrative so effectively?​

Hodges: Look, they have been threatening to use nuclear weapons for years. And certainly since their so-called special military operations started 11 months ago, they threatened nuclear weapons every time when we give Ukraine something. But each time when we finally make the decision to go ahead and provide the next level of aid, Russia doesn't do anything because they can't do anything.​

VOA: So, should we just ignore those threats?​

Hodges: I'd say we take them seriously because they do have thousands of nuclear warheads, and they clearly do not care how many innocent people are killed. But the likelihood of them using a nuclear weapon, I think, is actually very low. I think that they believed President [Joe] Biden, when he said there would be catastrophic consequences for Russia if they used a nuclear weapon. I think they believe him, and they also know that the use of a nuclear weapon will not give them any battlefield advantage. It won't change things on the ground, will not make them better for Russia. But if they do use nuclear weapons, then it's going to be over for the Russian Black Sea Fleet and for the Russian forces in Ukraine. And I think the Russian General Staff knows this. Their weapons are only useful when they threaten it, because they can see how many of us are terrified that they might actually do it.​

And who cowers most from this? That’s right, tankies. Surprise surprise.

Alt-right tankie appeasers who cower to Russia today are no different than the leftist tankie appeasers who cowered to Russia in the 1970s and 1980s. Reagan would be disgusted by the alt-right tankies.
See my signature...
Poor Putin.

All he’s trying to do is mercilessly bomb civilian population centers via a military campaign which is obviously criminal from the outset and conducted in that fashion, and what does he get? Lots of criticism.

Like it’s not difficult enough to behave like a modern day dictatorial prick motherfucker akin to Hitler without all the criticism.
VOA: What role does the use of disinformation and propaganda play in Russia's war against Ukraine?​

Retired Army Lieutenant General Ben Hodges: The Russians have always used disinformation as part of what they do. And they have realized that we in the West are very vulnerable to disinformation and even conspiracy theories, because so many people here have lost confidence and trust in the government and in our institutions. We, the West, have failed to live up to our own talking points. I mean, we sat back and did nothing because we couldn't believe that any average person would trust the nonsense that comes from the Kremlin criminals. It’s so absurd and so obviously false. We failed to act, and we failed to hold them accountable. Also because we were willing to keep using cheap Russian gas.​

He’s talking about gullible Westerners who believe Russian propaganda, ie tankies.

VOA: One of the most discussed topics in relation to the aid the U.S. and its allies are giving Ukraine is the Russian threat of nuclear escalation. Many people in the U.S. and in Europe have said they fear such a scenario is possible. Why do you think Russia can use the “looming nuclear war” narrative so effectively?​

Hodges: Look, they have been threatening to use nuclear weapons for years. And certainly since their so-called special military operations started 11 months ago, they threatened nuclear weapons every time when we give Ukraine something. But each time when we finally make the decision to go ahead and provide the next level of aid, Russia doesn't do anything because they can't do anything.​

VOA: So, should we just ignore those threats?​

Hodges: I'd say we take them seriously because they do have thousands of nuclear warheads, and they clearly do not care how many innocent people are killed. But the likelihood of them using a nuclear weapon, I think, is actually very low. I think that they believed President [Joe] Biden, when he said there would be catastrophic consequences for Russia if they used a nuclear weapon. I think they believe him, and they also know that the use of a nuclear weapon will not give them any battlefield advantage. It won't change things on the ground, will not make them better for Russia. But if they do use nuclear weapons, then it's going to be over for the Russian Black Sea Fleet and for the Russian forces in Ukraine. And I think the Russian General Staff knows this. Their weapons are only useful when they threaten it, because they can see how many of us are terrified that they might actually do it.​

And who cowers most from this? That’s right, tankies. Surprise surprise.

Alt-right tankie appeasers who cower to Russia today are no different than the leftist tankie appeasers who cowered to Russia in the 1970s and 1980s. Reagan would be disgusted by the alt-right tankies.

Our current administration is controlled by Russian assets.

Why do you lie? Because you just listen to lying propaganda or because you work for that propaganda machine?
You can’t identify a single lie. And we all know why, bingo. It’s because I told the truth. And of course, that makes you the liar.

Go suck Putin’s little red dying dick some more.
According to information confirmed by several independent sources, the Ukrainian security services intend to carry out a large-scale provocation in the near future to accuse Russia of allegedly committing "war crimes.

◽️ For this purpose, the Kiev regime planned a controlled bombing in the city of Kramatorsk of the buildings of the local narcological and oncological dispensaries (31 Alexei Tikhogo Street), as well as the first city hospital (17 Alexei Tikhogo Street), in order to accuse Russia of an alleged "premeditated strike" against civilian facilities.

◽️ Journalists from the Western media have already arrived in the city of Kramatorsk accompanied by SBU officers, who are now accommodated in the Sapphire Hotel (35 Vrachebnaya St.).

◽️ At the same time, medical personnel have now been evacuated. All staff have been transferred to a remote work format pending special instructions.

◽️ In the Western media, the bombing of medical facilities in Kramatorsk will be presented as yet another "atrocity" by Russian forces, demanding a response from the international community and accelerated deliveries of long-range missiles to Kiev for strikes on Russian territory.

◽️ Against the background of military failures of the Ukrainian army, the Kiev authorities with such provocations are trying to increase pressure on the public opinion of Western countries in order to expand the range of supplies of modern weapons and military equipment to the AFU.

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