Russian barracks hit by U.S. HIMARS rockets. At least 62 dead.

There is such a thing as respect from your adversaries. Obama and Biden are not respected by our enemies. This war could have and should have been avoided but now there have been thousands of innocent Ukrainians killed plus much of their infrastructure destroyed. This is a heavy price to pay.
Russia did not respect it's adversary (Ukraine), they intended to strip of it's land and independence. Now look at all the dead Russians, lost aircraft, tanks, artillery pieces, many of the Russians dying not even a clue as to why they were sent to their deaths, and Ukraine lives on. God bless the Ukrainian people and their resolve to not only not fall to Russian aggression and control, but to take back what is theirs.
Russia did not respect it's adversary (Ukraine), they intended to strip of it's land and independence. Now look at all the dead Russians, lost aircraft, tanks, artillery pieces, many of the Russians dying not even a clue as to why they were sent to their deaths, and Ukraine lives on. God bless the Ukrainian people and their resolve to not only not fall to Russian aggression and control, but to take back what is theirs.
Russia underestimated the resolve of Ukrainians. Putin is reaching out to Iran and China for help.
I'm sorry to be the one to inform you but understanding that the fucking Russians are assholes for invading, killing civilians (including children), raping girls and destroying the infrastructural of one of the most productive countries in Europe is not "poking your noses everywhere". It is understanding reality.

Fuck the Z-Orcs. The shitheads of the world now. Of course they have always been that way all my lifetime and I was born when Harry Truman was President.
Yeah, that asshole was the choicest SoB of them all.
Now that I know who your role model was I understand where your brainlessness came from.
Yeah, that asshole was the choicest SoB of them all.
Now that I know who your role model was I understand where your brainlessness came from.
LOL! You are confused Moon Bat. I was 0-3 years old then Truman was President and I have never voted for a goddamn Democrat in my life.

However, in my lifetime the Russkies have always been assholes. They don't know any better, do they?
LOL! You are confused Moon Bat. I was 0-3 years old then Truman was President and I have never voted for a goddamn Democrat in my life.

However, in my lifetime the Russkies have always been assholes. They don't know any better, do they?
You haven't changed I see. Good boy!
No. I remember. Vestra was instrumental in saving Amy. That was when the Doctor and the others were a good man goes to war. That was also when they discovered who River Song really was.

And if that sound stupid. Then you should realize it is, but as dumb as that is, it is lost in the shadow of your idiocy.
My post is about real events.
Tough shit. Actually 'Serpent people' and 'devil people' are definitions applied by some Muslims to the Yazidis. That is the reason why the ISIS tried to eliminate them in their 'caliphate'. ISIS seems to fall into category of lesser evil, following this logic I assume.
Another bumpkin who who won't research history but is a world-renowned expert on everything.
You mean like when they make Ukraine lie about the missiles than landed in Poland?

No. Ukraine assumed. A lie is like when Russia spent a month swearing they were not going to invade Ukraine to invade it. A lie is like not telling your soldiers that they will die by seizing Chernobyl.

Shall I continue to demonstrate this apparently difficult to grasp concept?
Really? Are you that stupid?

Of course, Russia attacks civilian targets and then the Azov Battalion obliterates it. Just like someone comes home, finds a broken glass and destroys the house before calling the cops and insurance company.

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