Russian barracks hit by U.S. HIMARS rockets. At least 62 dead.

Russia underestimated the resolve of Ukrainians. Putin is reaching out to Iran and China for help.
meanwhile US signals intelligence: "Here's where they are." Ukraine: "Thanks for the coordinates." Coordinates entered. HIMARS launched.
Another bumpkin who who won't research history but is a world-renowned expert on everything.
History? It tells me the one who is talking about the Khazars and directly links them to the Ukrainians. The Khazars were the Turk people and the centre of their empire was in contemporary Russia.
History? It tells me the one who is talking about the Khazars and directly links them to the Ukrainians. The Khazars were the Turk people and the centre of their empire was in contemporary Russia.


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Well, it's been nice knowin' y'all. If Putin launches any nukes, I'll be dead in the 1st blast.
Chances are I won't feel a thing.
War! Since the US will not allow any peace negotiations to take place, there can only be escalation. Now that Biden has gifted them with HIMARS rockets, the corrupt Kiev regime can do just that. They appear to have bombed a Russian barracks, possibly killing hundreds.

RIP. Sadly USA is responsible for deaths of many people in Russia and Ukraine.
It’s interesting how Western media is all but silent on the matter of Ukrainian losses. Unless of course they are claiming some civilian casualties or something. It’s as though they want their mindless consumers to think the Ukes aren’t taking their fair share of casualties. And judging by the posts from the Leftist cheerleaders here… It’s working.
No Nazism, right?
What would happen to the media that printed a headline on behalf of a рalestinian: "A day without a dead Jew isn't a complete day"?

No Nazism, right?
What would happen to the media that printed a headline on behalf of a рalestinian: "A day without a dead Jew isn't a complete day"?

The Ukrainian-Canadian ice hockey legend Wayne Gretzky joined a fundraising dinner for Ukraine in Canada earlier this year. He still remembers the Ukrainian words that his grandmother used when shouting at him when he was a boy. There are 1.5 mln Canadian-Ukrainians.
The Ukrainian-Canadian ice hockey legend Wayne Gretzky joined a fundraising dinner for Ukraine in Canada earlier this year. He still remembers the Ukrainian words that his grandmother used when shouting at him when he was a boy. There are 1.5 mln Canadian-Ukrainians.

I never thought about that, but he does look Ukranian. :aargh:

And Trudeau looks kinda Cuban.
RIP. Sadly USA is responsible for deaths of many people in Russia and Ukraine.
I say it's largely due to Biden being cheated in and then royally fucking up the Afghanistan withdrawal.

Those 100 or so people that died from ISIS suicide bombers did so because of Joe Biden's ego.
War! Since the US will not allow any peace negotiations to take place, there can only be escalation. Now that Biden has gifted them with HIMARS rockets, the corrupt Kiev regime can do just that. They appear to have bombed a Russian barracks, possibly killing hundreds.

But hey, it’s all “good news” right? I’m sure there won’t be any retaliation towards the US.

Biden is playing with fire, who will get burned?
I am guessing you have no idea what war is.

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