Russian barracks hit by U.S. HIMARS rockets. At least 62 dead.

Can you stop with the A.D.D. for min?

The coversation is not about the border security itself but about the opposition and MEDIA COVERAGE in developed democracies VS autocratic Russia.
funny, but you on the left support the suppression of media coverage just like Russia and China. CNN and MSNBC are no different than pravda and the chinese news
funny, but you on the left support the suppression of media coverage just like Russia and China. CNN and MSNBC are no different than pravda and the chinese news
That's a stupid fantasy.

CNN and MSNBC do not prevent others from reporting whatever it is they want to. Chinese government absolutely does.

FACT - America has freedom of speech and media. Russia and China do not.
That's a stupid fantasy.

CNN and MSNBC do not prevent others from reporting whatever it is they want to. Chinese government absolutely does.

FACT - America has freedom of speech and media. Russia and China do not.
when one viewpoint is banned there is no freedom. the twitter disclosures disprove your claim.
when one viewpoint is banned there is no freedom. the twitter disclosures disprove your claim.
What view point is banned in United States?

You gave me an example of Biden saying something, and I gave you reporting that contradicted it from media of every stripe.

So wtf are you talking about?
What view point is banned in United States?

You gave me an example of Biden saying something, and I gave you reporting that contradicted it from media of every stripe.

So wtf are you talking about?
twitter censored conservative posts, that has been proven. CNN and MSNBC are propaganda arms of the left, that has also been proven. Biden claims that the border is secure, the media repeats that lie, while the video evidence proves that it is not secure. Need more examples? there are thousands.
twitter censored conservative posts, that has been proven. CNN and MSNBC are propaganda arms of the left, that has also been proven. Biden claims that the border is secure, the media repeats that lie, while the video evidence proves that it is not secure. Need more examples? there are thousands

Are you stupid? I just don't understand how you can post this and not see how stupid you sound.

Twitter is a PRIVATE COMPANY, they can censor whatever they feel like on THEIR platform. Niether Twitter nor CNN, nor MSNBC prevent other media outlets in America from publishing whatever they want to. On the other hand in Russia and China there is a strict government censorship and criminal exposure for publicly protesting and contradicting the state propaganda on certian subjects.

I already showed you CNN, FOX and other outlets directly contradicting Biden's statement that you've brought up about the border. How can you say with a straight face that it hasn't been contradicted?

What the hell is wrong with you? Why do you keep shitting on America by equating it to these repressive states?
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