Russian barracks hit by U.S. HIMARS rockets. At least 62 dead.


Are you going to win with these schmucks?
Don't embarrass yourself.
Don't know if you can see this without Telegram installed.
Yep, you fools got duped by Kremlin BS machine again.

neither dormitory in the eastern city of Kramatorsk appeared to have been directly hit or seriously damaged. There were no obvious signs that soldiers had been living there and no sign of bodies or traces of blood.

When are you going to learn?
LOL, riiight, because our government would never lie.

Our government and media propagandists lied about WMD in Iraq.
It lied about Russia interfering in 2016 elections.
It lied about Russia collusion with Trump.
It lied about Ukraine phone call.
It lied about Syria chemical weapons attack.
It lied about Coof.
It lied about masks.
It lied about “2 weeks to flatten the curve”.
It lied about vaccines being “Safe & Effective”.
It lied about J6.
It lies about the Taliban - “they won’t take over Afghanistan!”
It lied about our borders being “secure”.
It lied about inflation - it’s “transitory”.
It lied about sanctions - they will “prevent war”.
It lied about NATO expansion - Kamala welcomed Ukraine in.
It lied about “no bio labs” in Ukraine.
It lied about not colluding with Big Tech to censor Americans.

We are really supposed to trust these people when they have lied about everything, nonstop, for so many years.
The soldiers we have deployed in Ukraine. :cuckoo:

Not to mention him trying to provoke an all out war with Russia. How would a nuclear war sound to you?

There are very few articles about US troops deployed to Ukraine. The ones that I can find say that only 160 National Guard troops have been sent there, but they only stayed a short time and didn't go to the front lines. Got any links to say that the US has sent active duty military to Ukraine?
AntonToo Here's the one you can't call a fake. You can't fake the way the khloptsy talk. It's all real.

Don't know if you can see this without Telegram installed.

And whats this?

You think you've seen some dead Ukranians and you know how the war is going? You are clueless, getting fed very limited, one sided view of the war
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Are you going to win with these schmucks?
Don't embarrass yourself.
I'm not the one emberassing myself by posting about some one guy somewhere and declaring it to be definitive of the entire war front.

You think Ukranians are under-equiped and de-moralized? You should see whats going on in the Russian chMobic army. They can't stop talking about how well equiped Ukranian units that captured them are.

Zolkin has 500+ interviews. Take your time, get a clue.
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Where are your manners, pal? Everyone you're not in agreement with is either drunk or have been smoking something. WTF again?
Maybe you understand what the hell he is talking about?

It's not a matter of agreeing or not agreeing, he is INCOHERENT.
I'm not the one emberassing myself by posting about some one guy somewhere and declaring it to be definitive of the entire war front.

You think Ukranians are under-equiped and de-moralized? You should see whats going on in the Russian chMobic army. They can't stop talking about how well equiped Ukranian units that captured them are.

Zolkin has 500+ interviews. Take your time, get a clue.

You don't have to eat the whole meat to know it's rotten.
A American veteran turned into a Mercenary of the Armed Forces of Ukraine
Lets talk about this:

There are no merceneries in Ukranian army. There ONLY volunteers. They are part of Ukranian Army, are under it's direct command, and are fully covered by Geneva conventions.

Russian propaganda machine can't stand the fact that many ideological westerners have volunteered to come to Ukrane to help them defend against Russhist invaders. So they insinuate some sort of greedy opportunism as their motivation.

It is of course INSANE to go risk your life for less-than-McDonalds-minimum-wage that Ukranian army pays it's soldiers. This propaganda line is LAUGHABLE, yet ignorant Russhists keep repeating it.

On the other hand Russia, against it's own laws employs ACTUAL Mercenaries that are the Wagner Group who recruit DIRECTLY OUT OF RUSSIAN JAILS, who's members are not part of Russian army, have no war status, who are effectively terrorists in Ukraine and have no Geneva convention protections.
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Maybe you understand what the hell he is talking about?

It's not a matter of agreeing or not agreeing, he is INCOHERENT.
Western shitheads:
Russia is weak - Ukraine will win this
Also Western shitheads:
Ukraine needs a shitload of tanks asap - otherwise Russia will overrun us all...

Dummy, the two are not mutually exclusive.

Really? You think "Russia will overrun us all"?

Well, Ukraine's winning can't exclude Russia's overrunning you all. That's what one may assume from your answer to Ringo. I think.
Ukraine needs a shitload of tanks asap - otherwise Russia will overrun us all...

Where did I say anything like that? Read him quoting me.

Does that look coherent to you? What does his comment have to do with what he quoted?

He can't carry actual coversation with me, so he is just talking past me with stupid straw-men.
Lets talk about this:

There are no merceneries in Ukranian army. There ONLY volunteers. They are part of Ukranian Army, are under it's direct command, and are fully covered by Geneva conventions.

Russian propaganda machine can't stand the fact that many ideological westerners have volunteered to come to Ukrane to help them defend against Russhist invaders. So they insinuate some sort of greedy opportunism as their motivation.

It is of course INSANE to go risk your life for less than minimum wage that Ukranian army pays it's soldiers.

On the other hand Russia, against it's own laws employs ACTUAL Mercenaries that are the Wagner Group who recruit DIRECTLY OUT OF RUSSIAN JAILS, who's members are not part of Russian army, have no war status, who are effectively terrorists in Ukraine and have no Geneva convention protections.
That's the typical western approach. Your brain-washed assholes come under that damned convention our patriots don't. How convenient, isn't it?
That's the typical western approach. Your brain-washed assholes come under that damned convention our patriots don't. How convenient, isn't it?
What fucking patriots? If they were patriots they would join Russian army as volunteers.

They are mostly poor people or jailed criminals presented with opportunity to make relatively big pay and get out of jail.
Where did I say anything like that? Read him quoting me.

Does that look coherent to you? What does his comment have to do with what he quoted?

He can't carry actual coversation with me, so he is just talking past me with stupid straw-men.
Dummy, the two are not mutually exclusive.
I think it was you, who said that. The rest goes from your words. Again, you're too damn, shell I say, inflexible. Where's your sense of humor, for God's sake?

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