Russian barracks hit by U.S. HIMARS rockets. At least 62 dead.

I won't even read this holodomor bull. The only thing I can tell you is that all your Banderites will be dealt with in due time. Hope it won't take long.

You are a little deranged there Sport.

I don't know what the hell "Banderites" are but if it is somebody that understand the Z-Orcs are the assholes of the world then sign me up.
Reminds me of the "shock & awe" bombing of Iraq by US forces in 2003 that was cheered all over the bars in US, as thousands died. Now Russia is being condemned for the same.
This is the result of not implementing Minsk agreement on purpose by the West.
Biden is a good general, Moscow horde will be fixed very soon


U.S. Catches Up With Qatar As The World’s Largest LNG Exporter/Moscow pipeline gas exports to Europe collapse to a post-Soviet low
This happened under Obama's watch. Russia invaded more of Ukraine under Biden's watch.
They should not have invaded under anybody's watch. It does not depend on the American President and never did.
They didn't invade Ukraine when Trump was President. Just saying.
Has no bearing or meaning, but you are welcome to mention it, as if it did.
You are a little deranged there Sport.

I don't know what the hell "Banderites" are but if it is somebody that understand the Z-Orcs are the assholes of the world then sign me up.

That's the problem with you all, noble fucking knights. You don't know but are poking your long noses everywhere they are not supposed to be poked into. Put them instead into that asshole you mentioned earlier.
Russia and every Russian citizen lies constantly. It is a cultural phenomenon.

It is long, but explains why the Russian Army and Russian propagandists like yourself are busy lying your assess off. Of course you scream that you are winning. Anything else is punished.

You mean like when they make Ukraine lie about the missiles than landed in Poland?
I believe it means that Putin did not fear either Obama or Biden.
You thought American Presidents were supposed to be feared on the far side of the world, and that is why they would not invade and attack their neighbors? That is the most ridiculous thing, I have ever heard, straight out, as how internation relations worked or were underpinned.
The dog ass Russians are getting their ass handed to them, due to their own stupidity. We did nothing this time, except sound the alarm of what was getting ready to happen and then gave those that wanted to defend their own country, the means to do so.
Why don’t you just get out of Uktraine?
Are you serious? Why the fuck did we start all this thing for? To let hohols bomb our people with impunity further more? No my friend. It won't be over until the last Bandera follower is dead, shot in the head of fucked into non-existence in any other way.
Are you serious? Why the fuck did we start all this thing for? To let hohols bomb our people with impunity further more? No my friend. It won't be over until the last Bandera follower is dead, shot in the head of fucked into non-existence in any other way.
If you get out of all of Ukraine, I figure the Ukrainians will quit killing you and destroying your equipment to get you out.
It is worth considering, unless Russian leadership is brain dead with misplace pride at making a horrible mistake by trying to retake Ukraine.
We did nothing this time, except sound the alarm of what was getting ready to happen and then gave those that wanted to defend their own country, the means to do so.
To our Gov't one day a group is acknowledged as terrorists and Nazis and when we need them the next day they suddenly become freedom fighters. One day a leader can be an ally fighting a dictator and the second, they disobey us they become the evil dictator аmericans don't notice. Because Americans are brought up by TV and have no idea about what is happening in the world, except what the lying media will tell them.
If you get out of all of Ukraine, I figure the Ukrainians will quit killing you and destroying your equipment to get you out.
It is worth considering, unless Russian leadership is brain dead with misplace pride at making a horrible mistake by trying to retake Ukraine.
Well, look at you, another nose poker and victim of western prestitutes, as Baron kindly dabs them. It will be retaken, don't you worry. Not sure about the western regions, the assholes living there started it all in the first place so I'd just bomb the shit out of them all and leave them on their own, to flee to the West or live happily in their newly acquired denazified and armyless peace.
To our Gov't one day a group is acknowledged as terrorists and Nazis and when we need them the next day they suddenly become freedom fighters. One day a leader can be an ally fighting a dictator and the second, they disobey us they become the evil dictator аmericans don't notice. Because Americans are brought up by TV and have no idea about what is happening in the world, except what the lying media will tell them.
I was "brought up" under the cloud of the cold war. I well remember Russian leader saying we would be detroyed, trying to put nuclear missiles 90 miles for Florida and being trained to hide under desks while air raid sirens simulated a Soviet Russian attack and later joining our military and indeed serving in Europe, to stand ready to protect. My mistrust of Russia is well founded, not in TV but in observing along borders. I am proud we are giving Ukraine the means to defend themself, so we do not have to send my kids or grandkids to defend Europe.

The Russians, need to get the Fk out of Ukraine and go home to enjoy and develop in their own country and not threatening and attempting to eat away other countries, one province at a time. Their imperialist adventurous days are over.
You thought American Presidents were supposed to be feared on the far side of the world, and that is why they would not invade and attack their neighbors? That is the most ridiculous thing, I have ever heard, straight out, as how internation relations worked or were underpinned.
The dog ass Russians are getting their ass handed to them, due to their own stupidity. We did nothing this time, except sound the alarm of what was getting ready to happen and then gave those that wanted to defend their own country, the means to do so.
There is such a thing as respect from your adversaries. Obama and Biden are not respected by our enemies. This war could have and should have been avoided but now there have been thousands of innocent Ukrainians killed plus much of their infrastructure destroyed. This is a heavy price to pay.
That's the problem with you all, noble fucking knights. You don't know but are poking your long noses everywhere they are not supposed to be poked into. Put them instead into that asshole you mentioned earlier.

I'm sorry to be the one to inform you but understanding that the fucking Russians are assholes for invading, killing civilians (including children), raping girls and destroying the infrastructural of one of the most productive countries in Europe is not "poking your noses everywhere". It is understanding reality.

Fuck the Z-Orcs. The shitheads of the world now. Of course they have always been that way all my lifetime and I was born when Harry Truman was President.
I was "brought up" under the cloud of the cold war. I well remember Russian leader saying we would be detroyed, trying to put nuclear missiles 90 miles for Florida and being trained to hide under desks while air raid sirens simulated a Soviet Russian attack and later joining our military and indeed serving in Europe, to stand ready to protect. My mistrust of Russia is well founded, not in TV but in observing along borders. I am proud we are giving Ukraine the means to defend themself, so we do not have to send my kids or grandkids to defend Europe.

The Russians, need to get the Fk out of Ukraine and go home to enjoy and develop in their own country and not threatening and attempting to eat away other countries, one province at a time. Their imperialist adventurous days are over.
Every time failing to mention that you placed your rockets in Turkey first and the conflict was finally resolved when Kennedy agreed to remove them from there.

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