Russian barracks hit by U.S. HIMARS rockets. At least 62 dead.

No. I remember. Vestra was instrumental in saving Amy. That was when the Doctor and the others were a good man goes to war. That was also when they discovered who River Song really was.

And if that sound stupid. Then you should realize it is, but as dumb as that is, it is lost in the shadow of your idiocy.
"Demons run when a good man goes to war".......Dr Who

Excellent episodes.

Not the Lizard People. I don't give them the courtesy of calling them "Ukranian". They are Khazars and the Khazars are Serpent People which means the Devil People. Folks here are siding with Ukraine and Satan and don't know a goddam thing about
Tough shit. Actually 'Serpent people' and 'devil people' are definitions applied by some Muslims to the Yazidis. That is the reason why the ISIS tried to eliminate them in their 'caliphate'. ISIS seems to fall into category of lesser evil, following this logic I assume.
War! Since the US will not allow any peace negotiations to take place, there can only be escalation. Now that Biden has gifted them with HIMARS rockets, the corrupt Kiev regime can do just that. They appear to have bombed a Russian barracks, possibly killing hundreds.

But hey, it’s all “good news” right? I’m sure there won’t be any retaliation towards the US.

Biden is playing with fire, who will get burned?

It's not Biden or the US that are blocking negotiations. It's Ukraine and Russia. Ukraine demands that the Russians leave Ukraine and stand trial in a war crimes suit. Russia demands that there is NO Ukraine, it's all part of Russia.
Everyday hohols lose a battalion or two yet the West plucks out a rare case of inevitable fuck-ups that are inherent to any war and salivates over it on ten pages.
Salivate this for a change:

There have been two HIMARS lost there to boot, along with over a hundred Ukrs sent on their journey to meet Bandera.
Everyday hohols lose a battalion or two yet the West plucks out a rare case of inevitable fuck-ups that are inherent to any war and salivates over it on ten pages.
Salivate this for a change:

There have been two HIMARS lost there to boot, along with over a hundred Ukrs sent on their journey to meet Bandera.

A curious coincidence. Every day we hear how the Russians are winning from the propagandists like yourself. But. On a map, the Russians seem to be losing ground.

That was a joke. It was never meant to be a method of looking at actual fighting.
It's not Biden or the US that are blocking negotiations. It's Ukraine and Russia. Ukraine demands that the Russians leave Ukraine and stand trial in a war crimes suit. Russia demands that there is NO Ukraine, it's all part of Russia.

That's about the size of it. My big question is how much of the "Russian" parts of Ukraine Putin can't make peace without taking over are historically Russian, and how much of it was Russified by Stalin and later leaders for strategic purposes.
A curious coincidence. Every day we hear how the Russians are winning from the propagandists like yourself. But. On a map, the Russians seem to be losing ground.

That was a joke. It was never meant to be a method of looking at actual fighting.

I thought you were hearing otherwise. That shitstain from above been bombarding you I'm sure by his equally smelly friends' victories nonstop. I'm just humbly sitting by contemplating this circus and waiting for it to end in some dramatic collapse of the Western so-called civilization.
In the part of Donetsk region controlled by Ukraine, high-precision strikes were carried out on the positions of the "foreign legion" during a special operation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported.

According to the official representative of the Russian military department Igor Konashenkov, the strikes were carried out in the areas of the village of Maslyakovka and the city of Kramatorsk.

— More than 130 foreign mercenaries were destroyed by high-precision strikes of the Russian Aerospace Forces at the temporary deployment points of the "foreign Legion" units in the areas of the settlements of Maslyakovka and the city of Kramatorsk of the Donetsk People's Republic, — he said during a briefing.

On the eve of the strike in the Kramatorsk area, foreign media reported. Footage of the explosion was broadcast on French television.
I thought you were hearing otherwise. That shitstain from above been bombarding you I'm sure by his equally smelly friends' victories nonstop. I'm just humbly sitting by contemplating this circus and waiting for it to end in some dramatic collapse of the Western so-called civilization.

I’m just trying to understand how with victories every day, the maps seem to show the invaders being driven out.
That's about the size of it. My big question is how much of the "Russian" parts of Ukraine Putin can't make peace without taking over are historically Russian, and how much of it was Russified by Stalin and later leaders for strategic purposes.
The only thing Stalin or Lenin rather did was he Ukrainionized Russian lands that were gifted to Ukraine as a good will gesture. It made no difference then, under the iron rule of Stalin and even later till the break down of the USSR, but after that the brain washing Western machine took advantage of the then week Russia and managed to erase the Ukrs' memory and turn them into stupid monkeys drooling for the bananas allegedly awaiting for them in the West. No bananas, it turned out, only pain in the ass.
I’m just trying to understand how with victories every day, the maps seem to show the invaders being driven out.
You heard of the meat grinder I guess? They are being fed to it methodically and recycled into a more useful matter. Russians on the other hand act from the relatively safe distance of artillery or rocket strikes caring for their people. It's not so much the territory they are after but the adversary's army destruction, the demilitarization that is. Denazification goes on in parallel and some will come after.
I’m just trying to understand how with victories every day, the maps seem to show the invaders being driven out.
At the same time it's an eye opener for me. Haven't the Western media been dumping all over you with their relentless frontline reports of how Russians suck? Are you starting to wake up bit by bit?

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