Russian barracks hit by U.S. HIMARS rockets. At least 62 dead.

Being a Boomer and being raised to distrust the Evil Empire and having to fight in the hot part of the Cold War against one of their proxies I kinda was convinced that when the goddamn Z-Orcs invaded Ukraine it was nothing more than business as usual for the filthy bastards.

The Russkies lost all moral standing (if they ever had any) with the invasion. You don't have to like the Ukrainians to realize that the Russians are assholes.
Nobody is supporting Putin and the ones from our side are denouncing Zelensky and his Khazarian Mafia and their money laundering, drug and sex slave trafficking. Putin is trying to put a stop to it. The left here are arguing about things they know nothing about. So far in the past 10 months, I have repeatedly invited those boobs to do a little research but no one seems to have time. Our country has been sucked into an evil regime and pouring billions into criminal activities.
I would disagree. No one is saying Ukraine is perfect, no state is, and everyone acknowledges corruption was long a big problem (as it is in Russia as well).

The current conflict is hugely increasing sex trafficking among refugees and large numbers of internally displaced people. Prior to the conflict, we’d long been working with and supporting anti-corruption groups and tied funding to improvement because it was a significant problem.

Sources on this:

(Imo, this is a good overall article in how we should be handling this). The article notes several important points.

for as long as Putin has ruled Russia, he has tried to subvert Ukrainian democracy by bankrolling pro-Russian political parties in Ukraine and controlling media outlets there through his favored oligarchs.

Ukrainian anti-corruption reforms since 2014 have been making that harder
, according to a case study published by the U.S. Agency for International Development. Ukraine has built the most transparent political-economic system anywhere, featuring the world’s first public beneficial ownership registry, most transparent public procurement system, most well-enforced and comprehensive asset declarations, first public database of politically exposed persons, and other innovative digital disclosure systems. Cases of grand corruption fall under the jurisdiction of a set of specialized anti-corruption bodies dedicated to investigation, prosecution, high court, and asset recovery. However, three of these new specialized institutions, including the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU), currently lack permanent leadership. Other important areas of the state remain unreformed, such as the ordinary judicial system all the way up to the constitutional court.

The article also points out that corruption played a big part in the failures of the Russian military.

You are right, Putin IS trying to put a stop to it, because their anti- corruption efforts are removing Russia from it’s internal politics and reducing it’s influence.

Is Ukraine perfect? No. But it is trending towards improvement, an improvement Russia does not want to see.

I disagree with what you seem to to say are Russia’s intentions. There is no benevolence associated with Russia’s long term priorities here, certainly not putting a stop to corruption, money laundering or human trafficking. Putin is ruthless when it comes acquiring and holding power. Russia, culturally and politically has long struggled with trying to be included at tbe “big boys” table, even more so with the break up of the Soviet Union. Every independent country Russia has targeted under false pretenses, was once part of it’s former empire either directly or as a satellite: Georgia, Chechnya, Moldova, Ukraine. In fact there is significant reason to believe the so called terrorist bombing that leveled an apartment building and was blamed on Chechnya leading to the second Chechnyans war, was engineered by Putin as it dramatically increased his power.

Ukraine was heading in the right direction, it is fighting for it’s existence as a democratic state, it did not start this war.

On the other hand look at Russia and it’s own record in this conflict.
The deliberate and constant targeting of civilians.
Forced population transfers to Russia’s interior.
”Filtration” camps and ethnic cleansing.

All of this heartens back to Stalin’s days, and in a large part led to the ethnic disputes in the region.

If you look at human trafficking, Russia also doesn’t look very good, sitting at Tier 3, alongside Myanmar, Afghanistan, North Korea. Ukraine was Tier 2 in 2020, now, since the conflict it has slid down to Tier 4, pretty bad.

Prior to the conflict, Ukraine was at least trending in the right direction but still in need of more reform.

So do you support Russia Or Ukraine in this and why?

I support Ukraine, not because it is perfect, but it is a sovereign nation, fighting for it’s existence as a nation AND a culture (note that Russia is deliberately wiping out all traces of Ukrainian identity and culture in the areas it controls, it is engaging in a brutal suppression, forced population transfers, ethnic cleansing and war crimes that come pretty close to genocide).

If Russia takes Ukraine (or even the regions bordering the sea, where it chokes off Ukraines commerce and land locks it into a vassal state) what nation, from it’s former empire is next and what does that mean for a long established rules based world order that has provided overall stability for over 80 years?
At the same time it's an eye opener for me. Haven't the Western media been dumping all over you with their relentless frontline reports of how Russians suck? Are you starting to wake up bit by bit?
The media I read has been extremely circumspect in stating whether something either the Russians or the Ukrainians report/claim can be independently confirmed
At the same time it's an eye opener for me. Haven't the Western media been dumping all over you with their relentless frontline reports of how Russians suck? Are you starting to wake up bit by bit?

No. I’m still reading the news. And it doesn’t look good for Russia.

I’m seeing and watching video of Russian troops digging trenches. I’m reading about the Mercenary Army made up of convicts who are losing troops fighting day long battles to take a single house.

But the biggest thing we hear is how Russia is going to launch nukes. They threaten this every few days. Those threats are just dumb. They are the actions of an impotent man waving his Prick around.

Putin is still trying to frighten the world into going along with his land grab. My answer for months has been to date you all to launch. Launch the damned Nukes if you have any that actually work. Be my guest.

Let me say it this way. If I was the President I’d have our submarines sink as many Russian Boomers as we could and launch the damned nukes myself.

I’m not afraid you all will launch. I’m not afraid you will win. An army so poorly equipped and even more poorly led is pathetic. You all wanted to be viewed as powerful. And instead you are viewed as pathetic by the world.
No. I’m still reading the news. And it doesn’t look good for Russia.

I’m seeing and watching video of Russian troops digging trenches. I’m reading about the Mercenary Army made up of convicts who are losing troops fighting day long battles to take a single house.

But the biggest thing we hear is how Russia is going to launch nukes. They threaten this every few days. Those threats are just dumb. They are the actions of an impotent man waving his Prick around.

Putin is still trying to frighten the world into going along with his land grab. My answer for months has been to date you all to launch. Launch the damned Nukes if you have any that actually work. Be my guest.

Let me say it this way. If I was the President I’d have our submarines sink as many Russian Boomers as we could and launch the damned nukes myself.

I’m not afraid you all will launch. I’m not afraid you will win. An army so poorly equipped and even more poorly led is pathetic. You all wanted to be viewed as powerful. And instead you are viewed as pathetic by the world.
No. I’m still reading the news. And it doesn’t look good for Russia.

I’m seeing and watching video of Russian troops digging trenches. I’m reading about the Mercenary Army made up of convicts who are losing troops fighting day long battles to take a single house.

But the biggest thing we hear is how Russia is going to launch nukes. They threaten this every few days. Those threats are just dumb. They are the actions of an impotent man waving his Prick around.

Putin is still trying to frighten the world into going along with his land grab. My answer for months has been to date you all to launch. Launch the damned Nukes if you have any that actually work. Be my guest.

Let me say it this way. If I was the President I’d have our submarines sink as many Russian Boomers as we could and launch the damned nukes myself.

I’m not afraid you all will launch. I’m not afraid you will win. An army so poorly equipped and even more poorly led is pathetic. You all wanted to be viewed as powerful. And instead you are viewed as pathetic by the world.
What nukes, for fuck's sake? Your assholes of reporters are making things up like there's no tomorrow. Do they ever take a break?
Being a Boomer and being raised to distrust the Evil Empire and having to fight in the hot part of the Cold War against one of their proxies I kinda was convinced that when the goddamn Z-Orcs invaded Ukraine it was nothing more than business as usual for the filthy bastards.

The Russkies lost all moral standing (if they ever had any) with the invasion. You don't have to like the Ukrainians to realize that the Russians are assholes.
What morals are you dimwit finding in Ukrs? The creeps whose granddads just for fun used to toss babies in the air and caught them with their bayonets? Who reaped open bellies of pregnant women or tied kids to telegraph posts with barbed wire and used them for shooting practice? And who of all people is talking of morals when all the monstrosities taking place in this world take their roots in your God-forsaken country?
Your world has long since gone insane. Can you trust madmen? More than half of the threads on this forum are about things normal people wouldn't have thought could ever exist just a decade ago.

Russia and every Russian citizen lies constantly. It is a cultural phenomenon.

It is long, but explains why the Russian Army and Russian propagandists like yourself are busy lying your assess off. Of course you scream that you are winning. Anything else is punished.
What morals are you dimwit finding in Ukrs? The creeps whose granddads just for fun used to toss babies in the air and caught them with their bayonets? Who reaped open bellies of pregnant women or tied kids to telegraph posts with barbed wire and used them for shooting practice? And who of all people is talking of morals when all the monstrosities taking place in this world take their roots in your God-forsaken country?
WWII was a bitch wasn't it? Remember how the Russian bastards starved the Ukrianains who were producing all the food for the failed Soviets? Remember when the Z-Orcs destroyed Warsaw and raped every female they could get their hands on? Hell they were even buddies with Hitler for awhile. Then after that there was 50 years of filthy ass Cold War destruction on several continents that the bastards had their hands in.

The Z-Orks have always been assholes. We hoped the sonofabitches would play nice after the fall of the Soviet Union but they continued to be shitheads. Invading Ukraine, killing civilians and destroying infrastructure in the breadbasket of Europe ain't cool.

Russians are like our Democrats here in the US. They fuck up everything they do, can't be trusted, full of hate, destructive and are morally vacant. Piss on them!
Russia and every Russian citizen lies constantly. It is a cultural phenomenon.

It is long, but explains why the Russian Army and Russian propagandists like yourself are busy lying your assess off. Of course you scream that you are winning. Anything else is punished.

Yes, I remember your true story of how you started hating Russia. The man of honor indeed!
WWII was a bitch wasn't it? Remember how the Russian bastards starved the Ukrianains who were producing all the food for the failed Soviets? Remember when the Z-Orcs destroyed Warsaw and raped every female they could get their hands on? Hell they were even buddies with Hitler for awhile. Then after that there was 50 years of filthy ass Cold War destruction on several continents that the bastards had their hands in.

The Z-Orks have always been assholes. We hoped the sonofabitches would play nice after the fall of the Soviet Union but they continued to be shitheads. Invading Ukraine, killing civilians and destroying infrastructure in the breadbasket of Europe ain't cool.

Russians are like our Democrats here in the US. They fuck up everything they do, can't be trusted, full of hate, destructive and are morally vacant. Piss on them!
I won't even read this holodomor bull. The only thing I can tell you is that all your Banderites will be dealt with in due time. Hope it won't take long.
I won't even read this holodomor bull. The only thing I can tell you is that all your Banderites will be dealt with in due time. Hope it won't take long.
Why don’t you just get out of Uktraine?

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