Russian barracks hit by U.S. HIMARS rockets. At least 62 dead.

Nice to see dead Russians for a change.

Meanwhile Putin has slaughtered tens of thousands of innocent Ukrainian civilians and the left is silent.

But Ukraine strikes a Russian MILITARY BARRACKS and the left goes apeshit worrying about escalation.

Putin escalated the day he invaded a sovereign nation.
The left is NOT silent, liar. And the OP, going apeshit, is NOT a leftist. In fact, the few supporting Putin seem to be coming from your side
Google the fucking Khazarian Mafia, dumb fuck, and see how far we have fallen.

Yeah, this is what came up, crazy old man

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, extremists and antisemites across the ideological spectrum have used the war as fodder for promoting antisemitic conspiracy theories. Emanating from classic antisemites and white supremacists, as well as QAnon influencers and Proud Boys acolytes, classic tropes of Jewish power, financial control and “abuse” of the Holocaust narrative abound online. In just a few short weeks, tens of thousands of social media users have been exposed to these dangerous lies.​

Who invaded Ukraine in 2014…and Georgia… and Chechnya…

gimper blames every bad thing that happens in the world on America.

Everywhere around the world.jpg
The left is NOT silent, liar. And the OP, going apeshit, is NOT a leftist. In fact, the few supporting Putin seem to be coming from your side
Nobody is supporting Putin and the ones from our side are denouncing Zelensky and his Khazarian Mafia and their money laundering, drug and sex slave trafficking. Putin is trying to put a stop to it. The left here are arguing about things they know nothing about. So far in the past 10 months, I have repeatedly invited those boobs to do a little research but no one seems to have time. Our country has been sucked into an evil regime and pouring billions into criminal activities.
If someone is a fascist tyrant, they're now thinking "If the USA can inflict this much destruction with a such a tiny fraction of their conventional arsenal, what could the USA do with nukes?".

The prospect terrifies them, so they play nice.

And the world is safer.

Appeasement fans will think otherwise.
Biden is the king of Appeasement after handing Afganistan back to a bunch of murderous goat farmers.

What happened to that model of democracy we were building in the Middle East?

Ukraine should learn we will bail on them too when the laundry machine is shut off..

Stupid kitty.
Yes, it is sad that we are in 2023 and the American people are clueless about the history of the Serpent People. And now our country is in cahoots with them and the Devil.
Sad that all they have is the weak retort of "Putin lover".

Sad they ignore the massive evidence of Ukrainian corruption that the MSM couldn't shut up about before the war.
And retaliation to that retaliation will be swift.
No use asking if we are prepared for nuclear war. We get it or not.
They are purposely provoking a huge nuclear power in it’s backyard. They claim it’s led by an unstable maniac dictator.

I don’t think they’ve thought this through.
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The Admiral appears to be sunsetting. LOL

They weren't our missiles, we sold them to the Ukrainians ya idiot.

Quick question.................if you sell a gun to someone, and they use that firearm that they legally bought from you, then go and shoot someone else, does that mean that you are liable for the gun that shot the person and should be brought up on charges? Think before you spew bullshit please.

(It's very rare that I will speak in defense of the Admiral, but this is one of them.)
Not the Lizard People. I don't give them the courtesy of calling them "Ukranian". They are Khazars and the Khazars are Serpent People which means the Devil People. Folks here are siding with Ukraine and Satan and don't know a goddam thing about their history.

Apparently, you don't know much about reality. This demented post, along with others you've put on this thread make that readily apparent even to the most casual observer.
And retaliation to that retaliation will be swift.
No use asking if we are prepared for nuclear war. We get it or not.
Russobot says what? Your paymaster will have an accident within a month. Your economy is tanking. Your men are dying. All you have to do is quit invading another country and murdering innocent women and children.

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