Russian Collusion Story Fell from the Headlines and Still Not One Piece of Evidence has come forward

Democrats have YET to produce the DNC server to investigators to prove and confirm Russia indeed hacked it, rather than a "leak" most likely from a Bernie supporter. I hope this all blows up in every progressives face with how mishandled the investigation was theough the left's obsession with producing evidence, and rather pathetic they are with finding an excuse for losing the White House.

Then the russians received stolen property. Which is still a crime. And the Trump associates colluded with the Russians (conspired with criminals) for the release of the stolen property.
Recieving can't be a crime, if it isn't a crime.

You relied on an underlying crime to prove criminality, which is like saying smoking is a crime, if you do it while driving drunk.

Nothing of the crime lead inextricably to the other. A better analogy is felony murder. A pair of arm robbers knock over a bank. The police kill one of the robbers, and the other robber is charged with his murder. Those consequences (killing by police) were absolutely forseeable. Had there been no initial crime, the consequences would never had occurred.

Same here. The in committing the underlying crime, the receiving of classified materials over the unsecured system was absolutely a forseeable result. Therefore, a chargeable crime.

The felony murder rule is a unique legal exceprtion, which allows convicting somebody of murder who only abeted the crime, even if they took no actual part. Example the lookout for a burglary, where the criminals inside encounted an armed citizen, and one of the criminals was shot and killed.

The lookout faces felony murder.
Ok...I'm going to say that you are probably technically correct. BUT...I still contend...rightly... that whether or not a provable technical crime was committed in the receiving...Hillary is still responsible for jeopardizing classified materials by attempting to circumvent the federal records keeping act.

And regardless, all of this begs the question.

Hillary SENT highly classified materials....some the were marked, some that were of the highest compartmentalized classification available to classifiers. PLUS, as SecState, Hillary was a classification originator...meaning it is her resposibility to know what is classified information and what information is safe for wider distribution.

I did enjoy the discussion.
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The media and every liberal shithole screamed about Russian Collusion, impeach Trump for months, but never a shred of the proof Schummer promised has ever came to light. Now the story seemed to have died and again no a shred of proof was presented.

The media and the Democrats have no honor!

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this is what happened. This morning you saw several headlines on the Trump Russian story, so you decided to come here and say that there are no headlines.
Show the proof you will never have.
"Russia, if you listening, we'd like to see Hillary's emails"
*said emails dumped*

Trumpsters "nothing to see here"
Democrats have YET to produce the DNC server to investigators to prove and confirm Russia indeed hacked it, rather than a "leak" most likely from a Bernie supporter. I hope this all blows up in every progressives face with how mishandled the investigation was theough the left's obsession with producing evidence, and rather pathetic they are with finding an excuse for losing the White House.

Then the russians received stolen property. Which is still a crime. And the Trump associates colluded with the Russians (conspired with criminals) for the release of the stolen property.

Let me attempt to be crystal clear on this. The DNC server, which the Democrats "CLAIMED" was hacked, was never turned over to ANY investigators (especially the FBI) to CONFIRM that a hack indeed took place. The Liberals, in their obsession to say a Russian collusion took place NEVER provided the evidence of proof that indeed that is what happened, kept the DNC server, and their actions went as far as to show no intention of providing a burden of proof that breach of their system actually took place.

The truth is we may actually have a government "leak" of information through a Bernie supporter.

Let me say again, NO burden of proof has actually been provided by Democrats, confirmed through an inspection of the SERVER ITSELF of a breach of the DNC as being accurate to.what actually took place.
The media and every liberal shithole screamed about Russian Collusion, impeach Trump for months, but never a shred of the proof Schummer promised has ever came to light. Now the story seemed to have died and again no a shred of proof was presented.

The media and the Democrats have no honor!

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this is what happened. This morning you saw several headlines on the Trump Russian story, so you decided to come here and say that there are no headlines.
Show the proof you will never have.
"Russia, if you listening, we'd like to see Hillary's emails"
*said emails dumped*

Trumpsters "nothing to see here"
Lie number 5,435,096
The felony murder rule is a unique legal exceprtion, which allows convicting somebody of murder who only abeted the crime, even if they took no actual part. Example the lookout for a burglary, where the criminals inside encounted an armed citizen, and one of the criminals was shot and killed.

The lookout faces felony murder.
Still, no names, just "somebody",

Where do you get "somebody" from that post?
Oh, um....I, uh, it's right there in black and white? LOL!
The media and every liberal shithole screamed about Russian Collusion, impeach Trump for months, but never a shred of the proof Schummer promised has ever came to light. Now the story seemed to have died and again no a shred of proof was presented.

The media and the Democrats have no honor!

Sent from my iPhone using
this is what happened. This morning you saw several headlines on the Trump Russian story, so you decided to come here and say that there are no headlines.
Show the proof you will never have.
"Russia, if you listening, we'd like to see Hillary's emails"
*said emails dumped*

Trumpsters "nothing to see here"
The media and every liberal shithole screamed about Russian Collusion, impeach Trump for months, but never a shred of the proof Schummer promised has ever came to light. Now the story seemed to have died and again no a shred of proof was presented.

The media and the Democrats have no honor!

Sent from my iPhone using
this is what happened. This morning you saw several headlines on the Trump Russian story, so you decided to come here and say that there are no headlines.
Show the proof you will never have.
"Russia, if you listening, we'd like to see Hillary's emails"
*said emails dumped*

Trumpsters "nothing to see here"

Making a statement in reference to a Hillary email coverup, through her choice to dump 30,000 emails that was a part of an actual investigation (normally referred to as tampering with evidence), not to mention her husband holding a private tarmac meeting with the US Attorney General to try and influence the investigation Hillary's way, is a lot different than providing the Russians with confidential documents. No one in the Trump administration had the ability to breach a DNC server, which is only "claimed" to be breached without providing (handing over) actual physical evidence to verify.
The media and every liberal shithole screamed about Russian Collusion, impeach Trump for months, but never a shred of the proof Schummer promised has ever came to light. Now the story seemed to have died and again no a shred of proof was presented.

The media and the Democrats have no honor!

Sent from my iPhone using
this is what happened. This morning you saw several headlines on the Trump Russian story, so you decided to come here and say that there are no headlines.
Show the proof you will never have.
"Russia, if you listening, we'd like to see Hillary's emails"
*said emails dumped*

Trumpsters "nothing to see here"
The media and every liberal shithole screamed about Russian Collusion, impeach Trump for months, but never a shred of the proof Schummer promised has ever came to light. Now the story seemed to have died and again no a shred of proof was presented.

The media and the Democrats have no honor!

Sent from my iPhone using
this is what happened. This morning you saw several headlines on the Trump Russian story, so you decided to come here and say that there are no headlines.
Show the proof you will never have.
"Russia, if you listening, we'd like to see Hillary's emails"
*said emails dumped*

Trumpsters "nothing to see here"

Making a statement in reference to a Hillary email coverup, through her choice to dump 30,000 emails that was a part of an actual investigation (normally referred to as tampering with evidence), not to mention her husband holding a private tarmac meeting with the US Attorney General to try and influence the investigation Hillary's way, is a lot different than providing the Russians with confidential documents. No one in the Trump administration had the ability to breach a DNC server, which is only "claimed" to be breached without providing (handing over) actual physical evidence to verify.
Geeze touch crowd :2up:

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