Zone1 Russian EMP capabilities......why aren't we taking this seriously?

The same Russia that has historically thrown bodies at a problem until they won for centuries ? The same Russia that is led by an old school KGB Communist ?

Being outnumbered, outgunned and outwitted can put one into a fuck it mode. the interview Pry states that putin has Generals who want him to use the EMP not only on Ukraine but against NATO doesn't immediately kill people, since it only destroys all electrical equipment.....hospitals and life support equipment were not pointed out in the interview, so they view this as a non-deadly attack which would not draw the same response as an actual nuclear missile hit....

And you would still need leaders with testicular fortitude to launch a counter strike against the Russian population......
The story I got is that Biden meets everyday thinking and worrying about all of the possible permutations and options if Russia does this or that with nukes,

then turns around and sends Ukraine more money, aid and gear to antagonize them further.

---Impeachable proof yet again that this asshole would rather risk all of America and all our lives rather than stop on his mission to protect this money laundering outfit so he don't get fried as a traitor!
Yes very true, and his drug-eating son is linked to virus collectors searching worldwide: Metabiota.
How would one see electrical failure on video?
A few decades ago, the cost to harden our electrical grid was put at 4 billion dollars. Now there would be a lot of pain in everything else that could be affected with an EMP attack. Having the electrical grid minimally affected after would hasten the rebuilt and repair of that everything else. And that is the quandary. Spending endless hundreds of billions of dollars and trillions of dollars on defense and other industries supporting it, that for a paltry pittance we do not maximize defending the homeland.
A few decades ago, the cost to harden our electrical grid was put at 4 billion dollars. Now there would be a lot of pain in everything else that could be affected with an EMP attack. Having the electrical grid minimally affected after would hasten the rebuilt and repair of that everything else. And that is the quandary. Spending endless hundreds of billions of dollars and trillions of dollars on defense and other industries supporting it, that for a paltry pittance we do not maximize defending the homeland.
Additionally nobody knows if this kind of attack would be effective or simply a waste of a good nuke. That in itself is the real reason that billions haven't been spent for this.
This country is way too busy worrying about being Woke, embracing LBGT, Green energy, and global warming to worry about national defense.
If Russia has those, do you know for a fact that the US doesn't?
If Russia has those, do you know for a fact that the US doesn't?

The expert from the first post stated that the U.S. hadn't bothered working on them for some reason...relying on nukes.
Apparently only devices which are turned on or plugged in are affected:
Can an EMP wipe out all the world's electronics?

The main problem is it blows out the relays ......which are not easily replaced in the time it would take to run out of food and heat, in the winter.......the expert was on a podcast Valuetainment and explained that a powerful Russian General was pushing putin to use the EMP weapons in their arsenal against Ukraine, and then NATO countries.....since it doesn't acctually kill....not directly, but shutting off the power that would kill anyone reliant on electricity in hospitals or for the things you need in the middle of winter......that it wouldn't allow NATO or the U.S. to use Nukes in retaliation.........

I think this is the podcast my family member watched.........don't watch it if you don't want to get irritated or depressed.....
The story I got is that Biden meets everyday thinking and worrying about all of the possible permutations and options if Russia does this or that with nukes,

then turns around and sends Ukraine more money, aid and gear to antagonize them further.

---Impeachable proof yet again that this asshole would rather risk all of America and all our lives rather than stop on his mission to protect this money laundering outfit so he don't get fried as a traitor!
If it weren't for the situations that Joe Biden and his son Hunter were dabbling in together while Hunter was in the Ukraine (otherwise Hunter being the pivot man it appears), then I would definitely be cheering Ukraine on against Russia's aggressive action's, wherefore I'm guessing that these are action's that were brought about in order to bring Ukraine back into the fold of Russia's sphere of influence within the region again, but I'm only guessing.

You see for me I'm an humanitarian, otherwise that is worried about the war taking Innocent live's by the hundred's of thousands's on either side of course, and this is me being over the politics of it all (i.e.the focusing on the who is right and the who is wrong at the government level's), and so I'm thinking more about the negotiations of peace instead of the sending of more bullet's into the situation, and therefore causing escalation to get way out of control, and without regards of it getting way out of control.

The building up of the character now known as Zelensky, may have put us into a position with him that encourages war instead of working to try and end the war through peaceful means now. But who knows the correct answers anymore?? I don't.

We best hope this thing isn't metastasising into something that engulfs the entire world because of our screwed up situation or thinking on it here..
I mean who would have ever thought that our leader would be Joe Biden who had big trouble in Ukraine, and yet is now residing over the horrendous situation there, and worse with some very shady character's in play on top of that ??

Character's that are putting our national security at great risk by going up against a (once upon a time, and not so long ago), "asleep" Nuclear armed powerful nation that is now learning as it speeds towards escalation, and for what ? Joe Biden and his crew ??

Let's hope we are wrong about it all, and that Joe Biden might actually be right about the direction he has taken us into.

Let's hope for our sake, and for Ukraines innocent citizen's sake that we know what we are doing.

Let's hope and pray. 🙏
People still hyping up Russia as some sort of a 'super power' are hilarious. They can't even beat a country with only a few Himars and rifles. lol read some more paranoid sci fi fictions.
Military experts and including Janes
Jane's Information Group, now styled Janes, is a global open-source intelligence company specialising in military, national security, aerospace and transport topics, whose name derives from British author Fred T---------------.

Stop waffling and DYOR . You make it up as you go.
perhaps you could expand a tad Luiza?
I'm not too worried about an EMP attack. Bring it on. Most of our cities, if not the nation as a whole could benefit from a good culling.

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