Russian Fighter Jets Make Simulated Attack On US Destroyer Passing 40ft Overhead--Obama Does Nothing

Really ? Was the destroyer supposed to shoot them down?
YES! This navy captain needs to explain himself...big time. I was aboard a carrier in the 90s and those jets would not have gotten withing 25 miles of our ship. Yes they would have been shot down.
And I think you're a liar.

I was aboard the Coral Sea in 1963 when Russian jets overflew our carrier and we did NOTHING. Kennedy was President.
So you want to go to war because Putin says " boo "?

No shots were fired, nothing was damaged --- they just flew by.
You need to read the whole thread. I'm not going to answer questions I've already answered just because you're late to the party.
I was aboard the U.S.S. Coral Sea in 1963 and the Russian bombers overflew us and we did NOTHING and Kennedy was President
Maybe if you had the whole Missile crises in Cuba could have been avoided. See you can't allow a smaller more aggressive nation to mess with you. I don't know why but life is better and more peaceful in the world when America is strong and respected. And another thing..... Kennedy was a dem so.......
Why didn't we do a simulated retaliation just to send a message? They did this to see how far they can push us. At the very least, Obama should issue a threat that we will not tolerate this.
He said "could have", not "should have." You prove to be too stupid to understand the difference.
Well at least one of you morons finally admitted that they could have fired at the jets. If I were in charge I would have scrambled armed fighters from the nearest carrier or base and chased them off. But that's just me. Obama hides under his desk.


Do you own a map or have the capability to Google?

Where is the Baltic Sea? There are probably no carriers within thousands of miles, and our bases are none too close either.

I once was on a mission where we were so far way from everyone that we never got mail for two months. Our wives were ready to kill someone because they all thought we were ignoring them!

Please stop being a wannabe keyboard commando and just admit you are out of your league and completely full of shit.
Well once again our weakened PC Obama led Navy allows the United States to be a complete embarrassment to the world.
Russian fighter jets close overflights U.S. destroyer -
Really ? Was the destroyer supposed to shoot them down?
How would the Russians have responded to shooting down their aircraft over international waters? Wouldn't that have been an act of war? The incident took place about 45 to 70 miles away, depending on which report you believe, from their huge Navel Airbase at Kaliningrad. Wouldn't they have had a right to go to the site of the incident to look for their pilot or aircrew that had been shot down?
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He said "could have", not "should have." You prove to be too stupid to understand the difference.
Well at least one of you morons finally admitted that they could have fired at the jets. If I were in charge I would have scrambled armed fighters from the nearest carrier or base and chased them off. But that's just me. Obama hides under his desk.

Do you know how far the nearest air base or carrier was from the ship when they were buzzed?

If it was over 250 miles, it would have been useless to send jets, because the incident would have been over before they could fly there.

I find it interesting that people who have never served think that Rambo style responses are the way to go.

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