Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov says Hitler had Jewish blood

Show one post of mine that supports anything that idiot did.

I know history, that doesn't mean I am a fucking Nazi you freak.

The story was tenuous at best back in the 20's and 30's and has never been proven or even backed up with sufficient information to call it anything more than agitprop.

You don't have much of a sense of humor obviously!
You have this habit of opening a thread about the war, then shitting on your own thread by dragging your TDS into it.

All you accomplish is to undermine the support for Ukraine in the US. You try to make this war about US domestic politics, you aren't helping Ukraine one bit.

Leave the red/blue bullshit out of it. This is bigger than that.
MAGA much?
You have this habit of opening a thread about the war, then shitting on your own thread by dragging your TDS into it.

All you accomplish is to undermine the support for Ukraine in the US. You try to make this war about US domestic politics, you aren't helping Ukraine one bit.

Leave the red/blue bullshit out of it. This is bigger than that.
MAGA much
Lavrov's is simply trying to make an excuse for a man that has launched an unprovoked war and committed brutal crimes that have not been since since the days of Hitler.

If his war and his crimes continue as they are, he may surpass the level of evil that even Hitler is known for.
Lavrov's is simply trying to make an excuse for a man that has launched an unprovoked war and committed brutal crimes that have not been since since the days of Hitler.

If his war and his crimes continue as they are, he may surpass the level of evil that even Hitler is known for.

He's in good company:

Lavrov's is simply trying to make an excuse for a man that has launched an unprovoked war and committed brutal crimes that have not been since since the days of Hitler.

If his war and his crimes continue as they are, he may surpass the level of evil that even Hitler is known for.




The one fact we can take from Lavrov's statement....If a Russian official's lips are moving...they are,in all livelihood, lying.

Lavrov's is making excuses for his boss....the murderer.

Sorry, are Jews the better people on the Earth?
Anyone can bash anyone except Jews.
He says his opinion, where is here a problem?
You may be right, but you can't deny that the main part of American 'appeasement voices' belong to the MAGA people. I don't mean that all the Republicans are from MAGA movement.

And it happens to be that these MAGA people repeat Russian propaganda virtually word to word, at the same time being totally ignorant about all those events.

You think they can change their mind? I don't think so. The train has already left the station.
Who can blame them? Between the fabricated Russian collusion narrative, Biden's family corruption, the bullshit impeachment(s), MAGA has every reason not to trust the democrat media narrative.

Yes, there is a significant contingent on the political right that believes the democrats are the greater threat, and I'm sympathetic to that viewpoint.

Incidentally, I can find just as many democrats who would rather see the aid for Ukraine spent on housing for the homeless, or student loan debt, or global warming, or some other left-wing priority. They just aren't getting their voices amplified by MSNBCNN because there is no political advantage in it.

Biden was perfectly content to leave Ukraine to Putin, and whisk Zelensky off to safety. Zelensky shamed him on Twitter when he said "I need guns, not a ride". When Austin and Blinken went to Ukraine, Zelensky warned them- "don't show up empty handed". IOW, "We can meet, but don't be wasting my time".

When I see Pelosi and Schiff skipping down the street in Kiev, hand in hand with Zelensky, it really tests my resolve. I know why they are there- they are setting conditions.

My support for Ukraine is based on the fundamental belief that Ukrainians are entitled to chart their own destiny. It isn't any more complicated than that.

But the more this war is used as a political football by democrats, the easier it will be for me to wash my hands of it and let it be a European-only problem.

Which it fundamentally is- but the euros are squishy, and they need encouragement from the US right now. And even though they will never admit it, Trump was right about NATO member's defense budgets and European dependence on Russian energy, so if that's the end state, that's okay too...

The one fact we can take from Lavrov's statement....If a Russian official's lips are moving...they are,in all livelihood, lying.

Lavrov's is making excuses for his boss....the murderer.
Who can blame them? Between the fabricated Russian collusion narrative, Biden's family corruption, the bullshit impeachment(s), MAGA has every reason not to trust the democrat media narrative.

Yes, there is a significant contingent on the political right that believes the democrats are the greater threat, and I'm sympathetic to that viewpoint.

Incidentally, I can find just as many democrats who would rather see the aid for Ukraine spent on housing for the homeless, or student loan debt, or global warming, or some other left-wing priority. They just aren't getting their voices amplified by MSNBCNN because there is no political advantage in it.

Biden was perfectly content to leave Ukraine to Putin, and whisk Zelensky off to safety. Zelensky shamed him on Twitter when he said "I need guns, not a ride". When Austin and Blinken went to Ukraine, Zelensky warned them- "don't show up empty handed". IOW, "We can meet, but don't be wasting my time".

When I see Pelosi and Schiff skipping down the street in Kiev, hand in hand with Zelensky, it really tests my resolve. I know why they are there- they are setting conditions.

My support for Ukraine is based on the fundamental belief that Ukrainians are entitled to chart their own destiny. It isn't any more complicated than that.

But the more this war is used as a political football by democrats, the easier it will be for me to wash my hands of it and let it be a European-only problem.

Which it fundamentally is- but the euros are squishy, and they need encouragement from the US right now. And even though they will never admit it, Trump was right about NATO member's defense budgets and European dependence on Russian energy, so if that's the end state, that's okay too...
One word...Syria

trump gave Syria to his wife....Pootin.
the only people who lie more about than Russians is MAGA.
One word...Syria

trump gave Syria to his wife....Pootin.
It was Obama that invited Putin into Syria with his "red line". Kerry said Assad had to get rid of his chemical weapons, and Putin said "deal!". Putin had to be laughing his ass off over that one. He outmaneuvered Obama on every single issue, from day one.

Putin never challenged Trump, and when we killed 100+ Russian soldiers in Syria, Putin did nothing.

Putin and Trump had a cordial relationship, yes. They treated each other with respect. They both knew the collusion nonsense was made up by democrats for political reasons, so neither leader acted like there was a causus belli for anything against the other.

You are why I don't trust democrats on Ukraine. Political tribalism is your only yardstick, and there is only red or blue, and nothing else. If Trump was in the oval, you would be screaming bloody murder, Trump is trying to blow up the whole world. There is ZERO question in my mind that is not true.

I am sorry Jim, but your enemies can never be destroyed. They are a creation of your ego, and to kill them would literally be to commit suicide. If you had the capacity for self-reflection you would understand that. The monster under your bed is a unique creature- one of a kind, and only you can see him.
It was Obama that invited Putin into Syria with his "red line". Kerry said Assad had to get rid of his chemical weapons, and Putin said "deal!". Putin had to be laughing his ass off over that one. He outmaneuvered Obama on every single issue, from day one.

Putin never challenged Trump, and when we killed 100+ Russian soldiers in Syria, Putin did nothing.

Putin and Trump had a cordial relationship, yes. They treated each other with respect. They both knew the collusion nonsense was made up by democrats for political reasons, so neither leader acted like there was a causus belli for anything against the other.

You are why I don't trust democrats on Ukraine. Political tribalism is your only yardstick, and there is only red or blue, and nothing else. If Trump was in the oval, you would be screaming bloody murder, Trump is trying to blow up the whole world. There is ZERO question in my mind that is not true.

I am sorry Jim, but your enemies can never be destroyed. They are a creation of your ego, and to kill them would literally be to commit suicide. If you had the capacity for self-reflection you would understand that. The monster under your bed is a unique creature- one of a kind, and only you can see him.
Pootin is trump's wife...of course they lover each other. Pootin is a murderer and a war criminal. trump will NEVER say a word about Pootin. Like Eric said, we get all the money we want from Russia.
But the more this war is used as a political football by democrats, the easier it will be for me to wash my hands of it and let it be a European-only problem
This part caught my eye the most. What do you mean? That the Dems (according to them) are trying to pose themselves as fighters for freedom while the Reps align themselves with Putin?

You know, I think that here you take a partisan side and look at that from only one side of the bench. This can't be a European-only problem just because it has never been as such.

Ask any Russian, listen to their propagandists, read about their demands several months ago. This all will tell you that they consider themselves on par with the US and the conflict in Ukraine is just the first stage of pushing the US out of significant part of Europe.

That is so clear, they are so openly talking about that that I can't believe someone can seriously talk about 'a European problem'.

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