Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov says Hitler had Jewish blood

This part caught my eye the most. What do you mean? That the Dems (according to them) are trying to pose themselves as fighters for freedom while the Reps align themselves with Putin?
That's the characterization I see on this very thread. Yes.

It began when Clinton lost the election in 2016, and continues unabated.
You know, I think that here you take a partisan side and look at that from only one side of the bench. This can't be a European-only problem just because it has never been as such.
What is the US strategic interest in Ukraine? Why didn't Obama do anything in 2014? According to you, it was our problem too.
Ask any Russian, listen to their propagandists, read about their demands several months ago. This all will tell you that they consider themselves on par with the US and the conflict in Ukraine is just the first stage of pushing the US out of significant part of Europe.

That is so clear, they are so openly talking about that that I can't believe someone can seriously talk about 'a European problem'.
I do not care what Russian propaganda says. They can consider themselves on a par with martians for all I care.

Yes, I read Putin's demands. There is no way NATO is going to remove the security umbrella from member states in eastern and southern Europe, or give Russia a veto on new members. Putin knew that when he made the demands- it was not a serious proposal.

"Push the US out of Europe"? If the Europeans would take their defense seriously, we wouldn't need to be in Europe. We kept 3 Divisions, their families, and the log infrastructure to support them in Europe for 70 years- I think we've done our share.

The US Military forces in Europe are there because of NATO. I will support NATO's decision about Ukraine, because it means NATO-Europe is unanimous.

The second that falls apart, I'm out.

Putin's invasion and annexation of Ukraine is illegal, I will never agree with it under any circumstances. National borders are inviolable under International law. You cannot change borders by force, and no one was threatening Russia.

But it's not the job of the US to enforce that, it's the job of the UN. If NATO wants to be the enforcer, it must ALL of NATO. 100%, no equivocation.
You have this habit of opening a thread about the war, then shitting on your own thread by dragging your TDS into it.

All you accomplish is to undermine the support for Ukraine in the US. You try to make this war about US domestic politics, you aren't helping Ukraine one bit.

Leave the red/blue bullshit out of it. This is bigger than that.
There is no chance he will do that. He’s a rabid partisan democrat. Some have claimed he's a D bot, pushing D talking points all day.
This part caught my eye the most. What do you mean? That the Dems (according to them) are trying to pose themselves as fighters for freedom while the Reps align themselves with Putin?

You know, I think that here you take a partisan side and look at that from only one side of the bench. This can't be a European-only problem just because it has never been as such.

Ask any Russian, listen to their propagandists, read about their demands several months ago. This all will tell you that they consider themselves on par with the US and the conflict in Ukraine is just the first stage of pushing the US out of significant part of Europe.

That is so clear, they are so openly talking about that that I can't believe someone can seriously talk about 'a European problem'.

Simple: Pootin is trying to restore the old USSR. He will fail. Russia will come out of this a Pariah in the world. If they allow the Pootin regime to stay, the people of Russia will suffer for generations to come.
That's the characterization I see on this very thread. Yes.

It began when Clinton lost the election in 2016, and continues unabated.

What is the US strategic interest in Ukraine? Why didn't Obama do anything in 2014? According to you, it was our problem too.

I do not care what Russian propaganda says. They can consider themselves on a par with martians for all I care.

Yes, I read Putin's demands. There is no way NATO is going to remove the security umbrella from member states in eastern and southern Europe, or give Russia a veto on new members. Putin knew that when he made the demands- it was not a serious proposal.

"Push the US out of Europe"? If the Europeans would take their defense seriously, we wouldn't need to be in Europe. We kept 3 Divisions, their families, and the log infrastructure to support them in Europe for 70 years- I think we've done our share.

The US Military forces in Europe are there because of NATO. I will support NATO's decision about Ukraine, because it means NATO-Europe is unanimous.

The second that falls apart, I'm out.

Putin's invasion and annexation of Ukraine is illegal, I will never agree with it under any circumstances. National borders are inviolable under International law. You cannot change borders by force, and no one was threatening Russia.

But it's not the job of the US to enforce that, it's the job of the UN. If NATO wants to be the enforcer, it must ALL of NATO. 100%, no equivocation.
Pootin was emboldened by the trump regime. trump turned his back on the Kurds, who we used as our fighters against ISIS. Then he gave Syria to Pootin. Pootin knew that if trump had been re-elected, he would have weakened NATO to the point that his mission of restoring the old USSR would have been very easy. trump lost, even though the liar keeps telling us he won.

Now Pootin is sending thousands of his fellow Russians to their death in order to try to restore the old USSR. Pootin himself may be on the way out. So, he has nothing to lose. That is scary.
What is the US strategic interest in Ukraine? Why didn't Obama do anything in 2014? According to you, it was our problem too
If we are talking solely about Ukraine, there is no strategic interest at all. If we are talking about European security as a whole, it has meaning as a part of deterrent efforts to push back Russia's influence in at least Eastern Europe.

Why Obama didn't do that? If put aside American partisan talking points, I think that main reason was in complete Ukraine's inability to confront Russia in the case of a full invasion.

Many people say that Ukrainian Army eight years ago and today is completely different entities. Two months ago, I didn't believe these claims. But it seems it is true.
es, I read Putin's demands. There is no way NATO is going to remove the security umbrella from member states in eastern and southern Europe, or give Russia a veto on new members. Putin knew that when he made the demands- it was not a serious proposal
Yes, I also thought that in the beginning. Sorta demand too much and get what you want. Now, something tells me they seriously expected to get what they demanded.

But it's not the job of the US to enforce that, it's the job of the UN. If NATO wants to be the enforcer, it must ALL of NATO. 100%, no equivocation
The UN? Oh, come on..

About NATO.. Yes it should also play its part. Overall, I think that NATO has become too bureaucratic and considering the number of its participants the principle of a unanimous approval should be changed. There should be a way to bypass a veto voting.
Accusing someone of being a Nazi with zero evidence is a "sense of humor"?

Back up your accusation or delete the post.

If anyone accused me of being a Nazi, I'd just take it as a joke.

You seem awfully sensitive about it....
Archives of this newspaper are one link to Hitler's DNA:
~22 h
'The same newspaper that published outrage at Lavrov's comments said this before: 'DNA tests reveal that the Fuhrer 'would not have been happy' to learn he was more Berber tribesman than Aryan superman.' '
Jerusalem Post
'....Haplogroup E1b1b1, rarely found on Western Europe, but considered one of the "founding lineage groups" for Ashkenazi and Sepharadic Jews.'
If you believe the Bible we all came from Adam and Eve, so we are all Jewish including God…

So what is the big deal about being Jewish except they cut their pecker, look funny and love Gold and Diamonds?

( I know I am wrong for what I wrote but I am making the point the stupidity of blaming Jewish society on everything is beyond stupid and it is possible Hitler had Jewish blood from the mother side )
I thought it was common knowledge that Hitler was partially Jewish.

His Grandmother was a maid in a wealthy Jewish household who got pregnant without a husband. Though there's no proof, it was always assumed that the father was the Jewish man that she worked for.

I guess you speak here about his father Aloys Hitler who had been Aloys Schicklgruber before he changed in 1876 in the age of about 40 years his name into Hitler and his status from "born to an unmarried mother" into "born to a married mother". Johann Georg Hiedler - the father of Hitlers father - had been a long time dead when this had happened. So it existed doubts that the testimony about this had been true. And so some people said - why knows no one - that Hitlers mother had worked for a Mr. Frankenberger in Graz who had been a Jew and she got pregnant from this Jew. But "Frankenberger" is not a Jewish name and in Graz lived in this years not anyone with the name Frankenberger. The only similiar name had been Frankenreiter - and Frankenreiter for sure not had been a Jew.

I guess most people love stories like "the Jew Adolf Hitler" because of an inborn sense for dramatic composition. But Hitler never had any contact to Jews when he was young and he never was educated anti-Semitic from anyone. oh ... and by the way: I met in the Waldviertel in Austria - where Hitler came from - many nice people with a wonderful great heart. I think the Hitler who is known from history is born in the hells of World War 1.
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The one fact we can take from Lavrov's statement....If a Russian official's lips are moving...they are,in all livelihood, lying.

Lavrov's is making excuses for his boss....the murderer.

It is well known that Hitler was about a forth Jewish.
Most people are.
Jews have a long history of being nomadic and are everywhere.
If you believe the Old Testament, then everyone is Jewish because Noah was.
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Russia is the new Third Reich. You must choose a side. You're either with the U.S. and freedom, or with the new Nazis, and tyranny. There is no in between. You're either a fighter for freedom, or a collaborator with dictators.

Easten Ukraine is ethnic and traditionally Russian.
The only reason Khrushchev gave the Russian provinces in the east to the Ukraine is that he was Ukrainian.
They should ALL be returned to Russia.
It is the principle of local autonomy.

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