Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov says Hitler had Jewish blood

The one fact we can take from Lavrov's statement....If a Russian official's lips are moving...they are,in all livelihood, lying.

Lavrov's is making excuses for his boss....the murderer.
I didn't know that it was a secret that Hitler was reportedly part jewish---
I guess you speak here about his father Aloys Hitler who had been Aloys Schicklgruber before he changed in 1876 in the age of about 40 years his name into Hitler and his status from "born to an unmarried mother" into "born to a married mother". Johann Georg Hiedler - the father of Hitlers father - had been a long time dead when this had happened. So it existed doubts that the testimony about this had been true. And so some people said - why knows no one - that Hitlers mother had worked for a Mr. Frankenberger in Graz who had been a Jew and she got pregnant from this Jew. But "Frankenberger" is not a Jewish name and in Graz lived in this years not anyone with the name Frankenberger. The only similiar name had been Frankenreiter - and Frankenreiter for sure not had been a Jew.

I guess most people love stories like "the Jew Adolf Hitler" because of an inborn sense for dramatic composition. But Hitler never had any contact to Jews when he was young and he never was educated anti-Semitic from anyone. oh ... and by the way: I met in the Waldviertel in Austria - where Hitler came from - many nice people with a wonderful great heart. I think the Hitler who is known from history is born in the hells of World War 1.

Frankenberger can be a Jewish name and there Hitler's mother's employer was called Frankenberger.
It is a descriptive name meaning he originally came from France.

But genetics prove Hitler was part Jewish.

To unravel the mystery of the Fuhrer’s roots, the Belgian journalist Jean-Paul Mulders teamed up with Marc Vermeeren, a historian who has written extensively about Hitler and his ancestors. The duo collected saliva samples from 39 of the infamous dictator’s living relatives, including a great-nephew, Alexander Stuart-Houston, who lives in New York, and an Austrian cousin identified only as “Norbert H.” Tests were then conducted to reveal the samples’ principal haplogroups, which are sets of chromosomes that geneticists use to define specific populations.

Writing in the Flemish-language magazine Knack, Mulders reported that the relatives’ most dominant haplogroup, known as E1b1b, is rare in Western Europeans but common among North Africans, and particularly the Berber tribes of Morocco, Algeria, Libya and Tunisia. It is also one of the major founding lineages of the Jewish population, present in 18 to 20 percent of Ashkenazi Jews and 8.6 to 30 percent of Sephardic Jews. In other words, Hitler’s family tree may have included Jewish and African ancestors.

And contrary to Allied propaganda, Germany was the LEAST anti-Jewish country in all of Europe.
It is easy to spot fake Allied propaganda, because they use the made up label, "anti-Semitic", when the word "Semitic" actually means Arab and not just Jewish. It is true Jews originally were Arab, but it is abusive cultural appropriation to use the word "Semitic" when referring to just Jews. The word "Semitc" means ALL Arabs, not just Jews.
The theory that Hitler has some Jewish blood goes back to the 1920's and 1930's in an attempt to discredit him in the eyes of the German far right.

It was never proven, or even implied to beyond allegations, something about one of his grandmothers being a housekeeper for a Jewish family, and her possibility of a relationship with the head of that family.
That's how I remember the accusation.
As Hitler’s personal lawyer and the governor-general of Poland during World War II, Hans Frank was executed during the Nuremberg trials in 1946. Seven years later in 1953, his memoir was posthumously published.

The book, titled Im Angesicht des Galgens (In The Face Of The Gallows), contained a bombshell. Frank suggested that Adolf Hitler — who had orchestrated the genocide of millions of Jews — was part Jewish.

Frank claimed that he’d looked into Hitler’s ancestry upon the Nazi leader’s own request in 1930. According to Frank, Hitler’s half-nephew had found evidence of his Jewish lineage
In his memoir, Frank wrote that Hitler’s paternal grandmother, Maria Anna Schicklgruber, was once employed as a cook by a Jewish family in Graz, Austria. During this time, Schicklgruber became pregnant by an unknown man and gave birth to Hitler’s father, Alois Schicklgruber, in 1837. Alois was registered as an “illegitimate child” with no dad when he was born.

Hitler would later insist that Johann Georg Hiedler — the man who married Schicklgruber in 1842 — was his paternal grandfather. Hiedler died in 1857, so he clearly wasn’t able to fully back up this claim for the Third Reich. Although Nazi Germany apparently accepted the story, many modern historians have debated whether it was actually true.

To this day, the true identity of Hitler’s paternal grandfather remains unknown. So amidst the ongoing mystery, Frank suggested that Alois’s father was the 19-year-old son of Schicklgruber’s employer, Frankenberger Sr.

Frank alleged that letters between Schicklgruber and Frankenberger Sr. corroborated this theory, as Frankenberger had sent money to Schicklgruber for child support. Frank suggested this as evidence that Hitler’s paternal grandfather was indeed Jewish — making Hitler a quarter Jewish.

The claim Hitler was not part Jewish comes from:
However, during the 1950s, a German author named Nikolaus von Preradovich punched a hole in Frank’s claim. Preradovich said that he found that “there were no Jews in Graz before 1856.”
Which obviously is totally false.
There is no place that had no Jews in Europe.
All Germanic people were heavily Jewish ever since the Jews were banned from Jerusalem around 170 AD, and many migrated into the Balkans, like the Khzars.
Most recently, the conspiracy theory about whether Adolf Hitler was Jewish resurfaced in 2019. Psychologist Leonard Sax released a paper reexamining the controversial claim, titled Aus den Gemeinden von Burgenland: Revisiting the question of Adolf Hitler’s paternal grandfather.

In the study, published in the Journal of European Studies, Sax wrote that he had found evidence from Austrian archives that there was in fact a Jewish community in Graz before 1850, contrary to Preradovich’s claim.

According to Sax’s paper, Emanuel Mendel Baumgarten, one of the first Jewish individuals elected to the Vienna municipal council in 1861, had petitioned the governor of Styria — the Austrian province where Graz is located — to lift the restrictions on Jewish people living in the area.
Frankenberger can be a Jewish name ...

Every German name can be a Jewish name or an US-American name or even a name of anyone in any country of the world. But "Frankenberger" is not a typical Jewish name - and, undear self-made idiot mine, - no one had been able to ask anyone else about the not existing Mr. Frankenberger in Graz whether he had been a not existing Jew or not.

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... The word "Semitc" means ALL Arabs, not just Jews.

This pseudo-scientific nonsense is wrong. An anti-Semite likes to undo god and to wipe out every information about Jews; also all biological information and so anti-Semites are ready to murder every Jew (including all not-Jews who have a Jewish ancestor): all men, all women, all children and also all babies.
It is well known that Hitler was about a forth Jewish.

Feet, legs, knees and ass? I will never understand how someone is able to be a racist. If this had been true then Hitler had been in danger to be murdered from Hitler. And the most strange thing: Today in many cases Nazis call others Nazis.

The Nazi-expression "Halbjude" (="1/2 Jew") means one the parents had been a Jew. "Vierteljude" ("1/4-Jew") means one of the grand-parents had been a Jew. And so on. And in all this people the Nazis saw Jews - whether they knew something about or not. Many people needed a so called "Ariernachweis" (="Aryan certificate").

By the way - many Germans had been Arians (="Ar-i-ans"!) in history before they became Catholics - but no German had ever been an Aryan. Aryans are either only an idea of linguists and/or in reality ancestors of the Persians.

Interesting is in this context that it is impossible to confuse the words "Arian" and "Aryan" in the German language. Arian="Arianer"; Aryan="Arier" <=> both expressions look different in the German language and sound totally different. So how came this English confusion into the ideology of the Nazis?

Beause of this elementary mistake the Nazis redefined "Aryans" in the Aryan certificate in this way:
Arischer Abstammung (= „deutschblütig“) ist demnach derjenige Mensch,
der frei von einem, vom deutschen Volke aus gesehen, fremdrassigen Bluts-
einschlage ist. Als fremd gilt hier vor allem das Blut der auch im euro-
päischen Siedlungsraume lebenden Juden und Zigeuner, das der asiatischen
und afrikanischen Rassen und der Ureinwohner Australiens und Amerikas
(Indianer), während zum Beispiel ein Engländer oder Schwede, ein Franzose oder
Tscheche, ein Pole oder Italiener, wenn er selbst frei von solchen, auch ihm
fremden Blutseinschlägen ist, als verwandt, also als arisch gelten muss, mag
er nun in seiner Heimat, in Ostasien oder Amerika wohnen oder
mag er Bürger der United States of America oder eines südamerikanischen Freistaats sein.
Accordingly, a person of Aryan descent (= "German-blooded") is one who is free from a foreign-blooded influence, as seen from the German people's point of view. The blood of the people living in the European settlement area is considered foreign. Jews and Gypsies living in the European settlement area, that of the Asiatic and African races and the and African races and the indigenous peoples of Australia and America (Indians), whereas, for example, an Englishman or Swede, a Frenchman or Czech, a Pole or an Italian, if he himself is free from such blood strokes, even foreign to him foreign blood, must be regarded as related, i.e. as Aryan, even though he may be he may reside in his native land, in East Asia or in America, or he may be a citizen of the United States of America or of a South American Free State.

This text is by the way also interesting in context of the current extremist propaganda of the Poles against everyone who attacks Poles because of racist crimes. Poles - and Slaws in general - had been also Aryans in the eyes of the Nazis! Many Poles got the German citizenship in those days. There had been many heroes under the Polish people - more than in other nations - who had helped Jews - but also criminals. The "blood of the Poles" - how practically the Polish government argues - makes no one automatically innocent!
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But genetics prove Hitler was part Jewish.

What's nonsense. The very most stupid idea in this context had been by the way the idea of fanatics of a sect to clone Hitler and to punish this clone for the crimes of Hitler. Better are such Nazis not able to express how totally mad and wrong they think.
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Mention was made of E1b1b in post #50. Hitler's obsession with finding the elusive artifactual Aryan spear links to Indo-European languages and is evidence that Hitler himself knew he was part Jewish:

May 2022 India / E1b1b

The first reference to E1b1b, came from Yavapai Indigenes, Arizona:

Sep 2016 Yavapai
'(U. North Texas; King Abdulaziz U. Saudi Arabia; UC Davis, California)....2 out of 62....'

The second reference to E1b1b came from Bosnia- Croatia, linking to the first naziesque massacre by the Croatians themselves (USMB search: Gudovac).

Dec 2016 Tuzla Canton, Bosnia / Croatia / Herzegovina

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