Russian provocation, lets see what Obama does if Russia moves

The West is in a period of very weak leadership. We will do nothing.


For my money, we SHOULD do something, but we will NOT.

If YOU were Uncle Vlad, would you sweat Obumble or Mister Swift-Boat?
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The only thing we should do is stop sending russia money.

if need be, attempt diplomacy and aid any refugees.

war, if and only if, the Ukrainians ask for help.

but really, it's not our fucking business

It wasn't our business when Germany seized Rhineland, it wasn't our business when Germany seized Austria, it wasn't our business when Germany seized the Czechs, it wasn't our Business when Germany attacked Poland, Great Britain and France, It wasn't our business when Germany attacked Norway, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg, It wasn't our business when Germany attacked Yugoslavia and Greece,it wasn't our business when Germany attacked the Soviet Union.

Remind me what happened next?

If Russia seizes Ukraine and we do not acted they WILL seize other nations as well. Exactly when does it become our business?
That's a ridiculous and hackneyed analogy. The Ukraine is squarely in Russia's sphere of influence with a very large ethnic Russian population. In Crimea in fact they are the majority. The Ukraine is far more Russia business than ours and they certainly have the power to assert it.

Austria, Czechloslavakia, and Poland were in German's sphere of influence with a very large ethnic German population, how the heck is the analogy ridiculous?

We'll give Russia half the world and then start war with them.
Obama's being backed into a corner!

He can't just sit back and let The Ukraine happen.

He'll do the only thing he can under the circumstances.....

Fly to Hawaii and play a round of golf.

The problem is the man has no freakin clue what he is doing.

And that could cost millions of lives.
That's a ridiculous and hackneyed analogy. The Ukraine is squarely in Russia's sphere of influence with a very large ethnic Russian population. In Crimea in fact they are the majority. The Ukraine is far more Russia business than ours and they certainly have the power to assert it.

Chamberlain said exactly the same about the Sudetenland.

Derative false analogy. (1) Putin is not Hitler. (2) Ukraine is not Sudentenland. (3) Russia and Ukraine do not affect our national security.

1. No one said he was.
2. No one claimed it was
3. Austria and Poland didn't effect our national security either, until Hitler declared war on us.

The analogy is spot on. The same situation is happening in the exact same way.

Putin will go into the Ukraine. He will go into Georgia. He will keep going until suddenly we are in another war to end all wars.

The analogy is spot-on.

Clemenza was right ( 1:35 on the clock )...

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Must we see this "movie" again???? The following is the wording of the statement that Neville Chamberlain waved when he stepped off the plane after the conference in Berlin had ended on 30 September, 1938.

"We, the German Führer and Chancellor, and the British Prime Minister, have had a further meeting today and are agreed in recognizing that the question of Anglo-German relations is of the first importance for two countries and for Europe.

"We regard the agreement signed last night and the Anglo-German Naval Agreement as symbolic of the desire of our two peoples never to go to war with one another again.

"We are resolved that the method of consultation shall be the method adopted to deal with any other questions that may concern our two countries, and we are determined to continue our efforts to remove possible sources of difference, and thus to contribute to assure the peace of Europe."

Chamberlain read this statement to a cheering crowd in front of 10 Downing St. and said;

"My good friends this is the second time in our history that there has come back from Germany to Downing Street peace with honor. I believe it is peace in our time."

Excerpted from "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich."
[ame=]Obama Responds to Russia Heckler: "What the Heck Are You Talking About!?" - YouTube[/ame]
Well, the western leaning Ukrainians have announced that the problem with Russia is theirs and they will deal with it. Problem solved. It's their worry, not ours or europes.
It wasn't our business when Germany seized Rhineland, it wasn't our business when Germany seized Austria, it wasn't our business when Germany seized the Czechs, it wasn't our Business when Germany attacked Poland, Great Britain and France, It wasn't our business when Germany attacked Norway, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg, It wasn't our business when Germany attacked Yugoslavia and Greece,it wasn't our business when Germany attacked the Soviet Union.

Remind me what happened next?

If Russia seizes Ukraine and we do not acted they WILL seize other nations as well. Exactly when does it become our business?
That's a ridiculous and hackneyed analogy. The Ukraine is squarely in Russia's sphere of influence with a very large ethnic Russian population. In Crimea in fact they are the majority. The Ukraine is far more Russia business than ours and they certainly have the power to assert it.

Austria, Czechloslavakia, and Poland were in German's sphere of influence with a very large ethnic German population, how the heck is the analogy ridiculous?

We'll give Russia half the world and then start war with them.
Poland and Czechoslovakia were not in Germany's sphere of influence by any standard, although an argument could have been made about the Sudetenland bordering Germany based on irredentism. Germans living in those areas were about 90% of the local population.

Remember, Russia lost the Cold War, but have never conceded influence over the territories of the former Soviet Union, except the Baltic states. Challenging their control now under decidedly weak western leadership and an increasingly apathetic populace in the face of a resurgent Russia would be a grave and costly mistake.
Well, the fat is in the fire now;

KIEV (AFP) - Russian aircraft carrying nearly 2,000 suspected troops have landed at a military air base near the regional capital of the restive Crimean peninsula, a top Ukrainian official said Friday, accusing Moscow of an "armed invasion".

"Thirteen Russian aircraft landed at the airport of Gvardeyskoye (near Simferopol) with 150 people in each one," Sergiy Kunitsyn, the Ukrainian president's special representive in Crimea, told the local ATR television channel, adding the air space had been closed."

2,000 Russian soldiers land in 'armed invasion' of Crimea: Kiev official

Looks like Hillary's 'reset' button worked. We just reset back to 1956.
Don't worry...

Fearless Leader will sort it out...


He'll bring back 'Peace in our time".
"Russian President Vladimir Putin has asked parliament for approval to use the country’s military in Ukraine, the Kremlin said in a statement Saturday.

Putin said the move is needed to protect ethnic Russians and the personnel of a Russian military base in Ukraine’s strategic region of Crimea. …"

Russia's Putin Submits Plans For Armed Intervention In Ukraine - NBC News

I guess now we know what Obama ment when he told Putin that he would have more flexibility if he was elected for a second term.

According to CNN just now, parliament approved use of military force. A direct thumb in the eye of Obama not less than 24 hours after declaring, 'consequences' and all

Much ado about nothing that actually matters, unless one considers it to be in our interest to control the outcome of everything everywhere.
A Russian apartment, in suburban Moscow...


"So, what did you guys think about Obama, talking about 'consequences' if we go into the Crimea?"

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