Russian Scientists: We predict 200-250 years of cooling!"


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
More losing for the k00ks.........

This forum has been a hoot over the past year or so........almost every week, there are reports of science completely refuting the claims of the religion. And you wnder why there hasnt been jack done on climate legislation in the past almost 7 years??!!!

Russian Scientists Predict Onset of Global Cooling | Heartlander Magazine

Because people dont want the wntire economy fucked over based upon the guess of 70 scientists.:2up:

Thats why.........not to mention,nobody cares about this shit anymore:fu:
Thats why.........not to mention,nobody cares about this shit anymore:fu:

Folks should be taking note of this prediction...the russians predicted this leveling off of temperature before the AGW bandwagon ever got really rolling and didn't back off an inch while the "concensus" was raging at its peak.. They are working from a position of actual evidence as opposed to one of computer models. Personally, I would love a couple of degrees of warming...but a couple of degrees or more of cooling really would be catastrophic.
LOL.....on DRUDGE right now........

Freakish cold has U.S. asking: 'Where's spring?'...
Another snowstorm taking aim at Denver...
Back to Winter in Midwest...

Here is the thing.......imagine any of the nutter-ass environmental OC's standing by the water cooler at work his am, "Shit......this global warming is a real threat......people need to wake up or we are doomed!!!":up::wtf::up::wtf::up::wtf:

Just came in from outside here in New York......have to wear my heavy hooded sweatshirt due to my balls freezing off. Its May s0ns........duh
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Skook's retard Russian pal doesn't seem to get that even if the solar output dipped lower than the Maunder Minimum, we'd still have global warming, just delayed by a few years. The effects of solar output changes are tiny compared to the cumulative effects of greenhouse gas increases.

Skooks, of course, doesn't care. His liars' cult has ordered him to say stupid things, and Skook obeys.
Skook's retard Russian pal doesn't seem to get that even if the solar output dipped lower than the Maunder Minimum, we'd still have global warming, just delayed by a few years. The effects of solar output changes are tiny compared to the cumulative effects of greenhouse gas increases.

Skooks, of course, doesn't care. His liars' cult has ordered him to say stupid things, and Skook obeys.

But the liars club is winning sweetie.......and thats all I care about. My role in here is just to highlight that fact!!!

Dummies like you dont seem to understand something......that the science doesnt matter for dick if its having zero impact on the policymakers. Essentially, its a big old hobby.....100% certainty. The dummies automatically hold disdain for any science data that doesnt conform with the religious these Russian studies are makey-uppey. The reason the "consensus science" isnt viewed as consensus anything to the public is because jackasses like Al Gore are now viewed as the guru of a special interest group.......the deniers now carry all of the jokes these days.

And how many people aged 37-40 actually give a flying fuck about global warming?


Report: Generation X Doesn't Care About Climate Change - US News and World Report

Pew Research asked about 20 concerns for the American publc. Where did global warming score?


Who is losing?:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:
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Skook's retard Russian pal doesn't seem to get that even if the solar output dipped lower than the Maunder Minimum, we'd still have global warming, just delayed by a few years. The effects of solar output changes are tiny compared to the cumulative effects of greenhouse gas increases.

Skooks, of course, doesn't care. His liars' cult has ordered him to say stupid things, and Skook obeys.

Do you have any idea how rediculous you sound claiming that a trace gas in the atmosphere has more influence on the climate of the earth than the sun?....any idea at all?
Skook's retard Russian pal doesn't seem to get that even if the solar output dipped lower than the Maunder Minimum, we'd still have global warming, just delayed by a few years. The effects of solar output changes are tiny compared to the cumulative effects of greenhouse gas increases.

Skooks, of course, doesn't care. His liars' cult has ordered him to say stupid things, and Skook obeys.

How "few" a number of years would constitute a "cooling event"...on your planet?
Skook's retard Russian pal doesn't seem to get that even if the solar output dipped lower than the Maunder Minimum, we'd still have global warming, just delayed by a few years. The effects of solar output changes are tiny compared to the cumulative effects of greenhouse gas increases.

Skooks, of course, doesn't care. His liars' cult has ordered him to say stupid things, and Skook obeys.

How "few" a number of years would constitute a "cooling event"...on your planet?

If it was 500 years, it wouldnt get these meatheads off the established narrtive.

West.....these people, like all people who embrace these "causes", must desparately cling to this stuff. Alternate information nukes the entire construct of their world. These people would get fubar'd if they even considered that this whole religion was nothing more than a vehicle for a special interest. Thats why they dismiss anything countering the prevailing religious view. You have about as much chance of convincing these knuckleheads otherwise as geting a sexual predator off children.

But comin' on here and making fun of them sure is a hoot!!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Skook's retard Russian pal doesn't seem to get that even if the solar output dipped lower than the Maunder Minimum, we'd still have global warming, just delayed by a few years. The effects of solar output changes are tiny compared to the cumulative effects of greenhouse gas increases.

Skooks, of course, doesn't care. His liars' cult has ordered him to say stupid things, and Skook obeys.

How "few" a number of years would constitute a "cooling event"...on your planet?

If it was 500 years, it wouldnt get these meatheads off the established narrtive.

West.....these people, like all people who embrace these "causes", must desparately cling to this stuff. Alternate information nukes the entire construct of their world. These people would get fubar'd if they even considered that this whole religion was nothing more than a vehicle for a special interest. Thats why they dismiss anything countering the prevailing religious view. You have about as much chance of convincing these knuckleheads otherwise as geting a sexual predator off children.

But comin' on here and making fun of them sure is a hoot!!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Don't get me wrong Skooks, I know these clowns are fanatics in every sense of the word. I just want reasonable people to come here and see just how unreasonable they are. That's how us losers end up.... WINNING!:lol::lol::lol:
How "few" a number of years would constitute a "cooling event"...on your planet?

If it was 500 years, it wouldnt get these meatheads off the established narrtive.

West.....these people, like all people who embrace these "causes", must desparately cling to this stuff. Alternate information nukes the entire construct of their world. These people would get fubar'd if they even considered that this whole religion was nothing more than a vehicle for a special interest. Thats why they dismiss anything countering the prevailing religious view. You have about as much chance of convincing these knuckleheads otherwise as geting a sexual predator off children.

But comin' on here and making fun of them sure is a hoot!!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Don't get me wrong Skooks, I know these clowns are fanatics in every sense of the word. I just want reasonable people to come here and see just how unreasonable they are. That's how us losers end up.... WINNING!:lol::lol::lol:


These climate k00ks couldnt have gotten it more wrong...........snowing in Saudi Arabia. was nowhere to be found in the news.:eusa_dance:

Check this out West.......... Global Warming Now Leading To Snowy Springs??Beaches Under Snow?!
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How "few" a number of years would constitute a "cooling event"...on your planet?

If it was 500 years, it wouldnt get these meatheads off the established narrtive.

West.....these people, like all people who embrace these "causes", must desparately cling to this stuff. Alternate information nukes the entire construct of their world. These people would get fubar'd if they even considered that this whole religion was nothing more than a vehicle for a special interest. Thats why they dismiss anything countering the prevailing religious view. You have about as much chance of convincing these knuckleheads otherwise as geting a sexual predator off children.

But comin' on here and making fun of them sure is a hoot!!!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

Don't get me wrong Skooks, I know these clowns are fanatics in every sense of the word. I just want reasonable people to come here and see just how unreasonable they are. That's how us losers end up.... WINNING!:lol::lol::lol:

Will that do?....:
WBGU: Neue Umwelt-Politikberater der Bundesregierung berufen - SPIEGEL ONLINE
Politikberater: Dicke Luft um Merkels neue Umweltflüsterer
"Dicke Luft" is a German concept for hot air, implying somebody farted
Politikberator = Policy advisors and Umweltfluesterer = Environment whisperers....

In Europe these non-elected idiots regard themselves as the 5th arm of Government. Here is their latest recommendation:
Der Beirat erneuerte seine alte Forderung nach einer "Großen Transformation" der Zivilisation. Der ambitionierte Weltplan sieht kontinentale Arbeitsteilung vor: Die gemäßigten Breiten produzieren Nahrung, die Subtropen Sonnenenergie, und die Tropen dienen der Erholung und der Erhaltung der Artenvielfalt.
The "great transformation" world plan incorporates a "continental tasking of civilization".
The moderate latitudes will be designated for food production, the subtropics for solar energy production and the tropics for recreation and species habitat.

Sounds almost like "numan" cooked it up, doesn`t it ?
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
- Albert Einstein

And here is another example:

One also wonders if we could, with enough lead time -- as in decades -- prevent such an eruption, say by tapping the magma for geothermal power on a massive scale and cooling the hotspot.

Great idea. Take "numan" with you and start drilling volcanoes.
Tell me when you start, so we can ask Commander Chris Hadfield to take a "caught on camera" video looking down from the ISS
Earth's core far hotter than thought

By Jason Palmer Science and technology reporter, BBC News
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How "few" a number of years would constitute a "cooling event"...on your planet?

Around 15 years, to be statistically significant. Not going to happen, of course. It's going to keep warming, like it has for the past 15 years.

Right now, we're leaving a long La Nina period where a lot of heat went into the oceans, not to mention a very low solar output. And air temperatures still got warmer. Now the sun is cycling up, and the ENSO (El Nino/La Nina) forecast is neutral for the summer and fall. Probably not a new record in 2013, due to the fading La Nina. But the first real El Nino year, and the high temp record gets smashed.

Now, if you'd like, you can embarrass yourself with that wacky conspiracy theory about how scientists are discarding all the data that shows the real cooling. Go on, I like that one.
Do you have any idea how rediculous you sound claiming that a trace gas in the atmosphere has more influence on the climate of the earth than the sun?....any idea at all?

Do you have any idea how retarded you look for claiming I said that?

This is the problem with most denialists, the way they lack common sense and critical thinking ability. I talk about year-to-year solar output fluctuations, and SSDD inexplicably starts ranting that I think the total output of the sun isn't important. Wow, that's stupid of him. And sadly, he's actually one of the brighter ones.
Do you have any idea how rediculous you sound claiming that a trace gas in the atmosphere has more influence on the climate of the earth than the sun?....any idea at all?

Do you have any idea how retarded you look for claiming I said that?

This is the problem with most denialists, the way they lack common sense and critical thinking ability. I talk about year-to-year solar output fluctuations, and SSDD inexplicably starts ranting that I think the total output of the sun isn't important. Wow, that's stupid of him. And sadly, he's actually one of the brighter ones.

But.....then, how come your side is losing? You talk about this shit like its all a slam dunk for the religion, however, in the last almost 7 years, how much has been accomplished via environmental legislation?

I'll tell you how much.

Exactly zero ( well, except for the light bulb legislation:eusa_dance: )

Nobody is knocking on the door of their representatives saying, "We need to do something about all this get your ass in gear and do up a carbon tax thing and up my electric bill by 100%!!!!!"

So......... who exactly has the problem, sweets?

I'll take stupid but winning every day over clever but always losing. Intellectuals who are also epic losers are a dime a dozen honey.

I might be a bit stupid..........but no problem connecting the dots here. The k00ks dont get that there is a difference between processing thoughts and intelligence. Its all right there in the part time bible in my field.
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How "few" a number of years would constitute a "cooling event"...on your planet?

Around 15 years, to be statistically significant. Not going to happen, of course. It's going to keep warming, like it has for the past 15 years.

Right now, we're leaving a long La Nina period where a lot of heat went into the oceans, not to mention a very low solar output. And air temperatures still got warmer. Now the sun is cycling up, and the ENSO (El Nino/La Nina) forecast is neutral for the summer and fall. Probably not a new record in 2013, due to the fading La Nina. But the first real El Nino year, and the high temp record gets smashed.

Now, if you'd like, you can embarrass yourself with that wacky conspiracy theory about how scientists are discarding all the data that shows the real cooling. Go on, I like that one.

:lol::lol::lol: So, now you're calling Hansen and Co. "deniers" are you... The leading warmists ALL disagree with your contention...real scientists, (as olfraud likes to say) doing real science, (sort of) and they disagree with you.
More losing for the k00ks.........

This forum has been a hoot over the past year or so........almost every week, there are reports of science completely refuting the claims of the religion. And you wnder why there hasnt been jack done on climate legislation in the past almost 7 years??!!!

Russian Scientists Predict Onset of Global Cooling | Heartlander Magazine

Because people dont want the wntire economy fucked over based upon the guess of 70 scientists.:2up:

Thats why.........not to mention,nobody cares about this shit anymore:fu:

If you don't care then please shut up.
Russian Scientists: We predict 200-250 years of cooling!"

They couldn't even predict their own Berlin wall from falling. I doubt any of their hot scientists are still left there anymore. Probably all escaped to Western countries for greater pay and more freedoms.
More losing for the k00ks.........

This forum has been a hoot over the past year or so........almost every week, there are reports of science completely refuting the claims of the religion. And you wnder why there hasnt been jack done on climate legislation in the past almost 7 years??!!!

Russian Scientists Predict Onset of Global Cooling | Heartlander Magazine

Because people dont want the wntire economy fucked over based upon the guess of 70 scientists.:2up:

Thats why.........not to mention,nobody cares about this shit anymore:fu:

If you don't care then please shut up.

Having trouble with your reading comprehension again are we spidey pooper?

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