Russian warship steams towards ship that attacked Syria!

Russian warship steams toward US destroyers that launched Syria strikes

Awesome! Go Russia! Blow those bastards out of the water if they dare try it again!

Well look what the cat dragged in....another pissant Sorosbot no doubt.
My my my just as intolerant as the libtards are...can't stomach that SOME people are TRUE America First and if that includes destroying the ziocon government in DC via Russian,Iranian and Syrian military attacks then so be it.

Fucking commie fucktard.
The IQ of your typical zioconservative exposed folks....Russia hasn't been communist since the early 90's......Just sad.
Oh, BTW... say hello to Associate Justice Gorsuch.

That's great I cheered him on! I am a populist and a TRUE America First believer. Not a ziocon puppet like President Hypocrite.

What the hell is a Ziocon?
Zionist Conservative. That's what you all are. This is ALL done in favor of Greater Israel and the US and President Hypocrite are nothing more than puppets on a string.
My my my just as intolerant as the libtards are...can't stomach that SOME people are TRUE America First and if that includes destroying the ziocon government in DC via Russian,Iranian and Syrian military attacks then so be it.

I saw where you said the Russians should SCUD the US......curl up and suck on it, boy.
This is called the game of cat and mouse.

Hopefully nobody will make a mistake in this game.

At least Trump was kind enough to warn his buddy Putin in advance of the missile strike. So the Russians got away from the base(s) and none of them was killed.
My my my just as intolerant as the libtards are...can't stomach that SOME people are TRUE America First and if that includes destroying the ziocon government in DC via Russian,Iranian and Syrian military attacks then so be it.

I saw where you said the Russians should SCUD the US......curl up and suck on it, boy.
Point being? Suck on your own vomit ziocon. YOU and those like you are nothing more than spewers of propaganda and bullshit filled with zionist lies. This government has NEVER stood for ME and I don't agree with it,I am not loyal to it and I couldn't care less if it collapses!

Fucking commie fucktard.
The IQ of your typical zioconservative exposed folks....Russia hasn't been communist since the early 90's......Just sad.
Oh, BTW... say hello to Associate Justice Gorsuch.

That's great I cheered him on! I am a populist and a TRUE America First believer. Not a ziocon puppet like President Hypocrite.
Once a commie, always a commie....especially when the Russians are led by commies.
Russian warship steams toward US destroyers that launched Syria strikes

Awesome! Go Russia! Blow those bastards out of the water if they dare try it again!
Trump has literally driven you mad.
I have always been a little mad. :)

“No great mind has ever existed without a touch of madness.”


Sad thing is this SAME thing would have happened under ANY candidate except MAYBE Sanders or Paul.
Mad, yes. Greatness, not so much.....not even a little.

Fucking commie fucktard.
The IQ of your typical zioconservative exposed folks....Russia hasn't been communist since the early 90's......Just sad.
Oh, BTW... say hello to Associate Justice Gorsuch.

That's great I cheered him on! I am a populist and a TRUE America First believer. Not a ziocon puppet like President Hypocrite.

What the hell is a Ziocon?
Zionist Conservative. That's what you all are. This is ALL done in favor of Greater Israel and the US and President Hypocrite are nothing more than puppets on a string.

You're mentally ill.

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