Russians Already Meddling In U.S. Midterms, Tillerson Says


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

The Republicans welcome any influence the Russians can exert over their mindless voter base. The Russians need only use the American social media to start totally implausible rumors or just plain silly stories about the “enemies of conservatism”, and the righties will swallow all of it. What a bunch of chumps.

Putin saw how easily the idiot Trump successfully scammed the least intelligent voters in the U.S. and so, established banks of computers with personnel able to exploit this weakest link in our society.

People of reason here in America and around the world have watched in disbelief as Putin turned the idiot Trump into his very own ventriloquist’s dummy. Putin then used his brainless puppet to embarrass the United States and its people, alienate our allies, and greatly lessen our standing in the world community.

Putin felt extremely gratified at how well his countrymen (and women) were able to, so easily, bamboozle the American conservatives. However, he had no idea, nor had he expected the massive support his orange-haired and orange-skinned puppet has received from the Republican establishment.

If Tillerson is correct that Russia is already targeting the weakest minds in the U.S., American conservatives will again be reading the BS, rumors and outlandish tales posted on social media, all of which has been created especially for them. The Republican establishment and the 0.1% will be so happy.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings [everyone knows who they are], memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.


The Republicans welcome any influence the Russians can exert over their mindless voter base. The Russians need only use the American social media to start totally implausible rumors or just plain silly stories about the “enemies of conservatism”, and the righties will swallow all of it. What a bunch of chumps.

Putin saw how easily the idiot Trump successfully scammed the least intelligent voters in the U.S. and so, established banks of computers with personnel able to exploit this weakest link in our society.

People of reason here in America and around the world have watched in disbelief as Putin turned the idiot Trump into his very own ventriloquist’s dummy. Putin then used his brainless puppet to embarrass the United States and its people, alienate our allies, and greatly lessen our standing in the world community.

Putin felt extremely gratified at how well his countrymen (and women) were able to, so easily, bamboozle the American conservatives. However, he had no idea, nor had he expected the massive support his orange-haired and orange-skinned puppet has received from the Republican establishment.

If Tillerson is correct that Russia is already targeting the weakest minds in the U.S., American conservatives will again be reading the BS, rumors and outlandish tales posted on social media, all of which has been created especially for them. The Republican establishment and the 0.1% will be so happy.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings [everyone knows who they are], memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.


At best, they can exploit divisions. That is all. It appears you have fallen for it hook, line and sinker.

The Republicans welcome any influence the Russians can exert over their mindless voter base. The Russians need only use the American social media to start totally implausible rumors or just plain silly stories about the “enemies of conservatism”, and the righties will swallow all of it. What a bunch of chumps.

Putin saw how easily the idiot Trump successfully scammed the least intelligent voters in the U.S. and so, established banks of computers with personnel able to exploit this weakest link in our society.

People of reason here in America and around the world have watched in disbelief as Putin turned the idiot Trump into his very own ventriloquist’s dummy. Putin then used his brainless puppet to embarrass the United States and its people, alienate our allies, and greatly lessen our standing in the world community.

Putin felt extremely gratified at how well his countrymen (and women) were able to, so easily, bamboozle the American conservatives. However, he had no idea, nor had he expected the massive support his orange-haired and orange-skinned puppet has received from the Republican establishment.

If Tillerson is correct that Russia is already targeting the weakest minds in the U.S., American conservatives will again be reading the BS, rumors and outlandish tales posted on social media, all of which has been created especially for them. The Republican establishment and the 0.1% will be so happy.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings [everyone knows who they are], memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.


Me while In the real world, the love birds left a crumb trail right to the Token Negro, not Russians.
Has the DNC started colluding with foreign entities to influence the vote again?
The default excuse when they fail to gain the majority and lose seats in the senate this fall.

Did I miss the memo about Tillerson jumping ship to the Dems?

They'll steal that idea and run with it. They've done it once with trump after losing the election. They'll do it again if they fail to gain anything significant.

The Republicans welcome any influence the Russians can exert over their mindless voter base. The Russians need only use the American social media to start totally implausible rumors or just plain silly stories about the “enemies of conservatism”, and the righties will swallow all of it. What a bunch of chumps.

Putin saw how easily the idiot Trump successfully scammed the least intelligent voters in the U.S. and so, established banks of computers with personnel able to exploit this weakest link in our society.

People of reason here in America and around the world have watched in disbelief as Putin turned the idiot Trump into his very own ventriloquist’s dummy. Putin then used his brainless puppet to embarrass the United States and its people, alienate our allies, and greatly lessen our standing in the world community.

Putin felt extremely gratified at how well his countrymen (and women) were able to, so easily, bamboozle the American conservatives. However, he had no idea, nor had he expected the massive support his orange-haired and orange-skinned puppet has received from the Republican establishment.

If Tillerson is correct that Russia is already targeting the weakest minds in the U.S., American conservatives will again be reading the BS, rumors and outlandish tales posted on social media, all of which has been created especially for them. The Republican establishment and the 0.1% will be so happy.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings [everyone knows who they are], memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.


You want thoughtful comments, make some. We'll wait.

Of course Russia would love to meddle in our elections. We do it to other countries all the time. Of course, our tools of choice trend to be a little more violent than social media, but what's a few bombs between enemies?

Seriously, no one should be surprised or shocked that another country would try to influence our elections. We should, however, be saddened that the democrats are so eager to help them.

The Republicans welcome any influence the Russians can exert over their mindless voter base. The Russians need only use the American social media to start totally implausible rumors or just plain silly stories about the “enemies of conservatism”, and the righties will swallow all of it. What a bunch of chumps.

Putin saw how easily the idiot Trump successfully scammed the least intelligent voters in the U.S. and so, established banks of computers with personnel able to exploit this weakest link in our society.

People of reason here in America and around the world have watched in disbelief as Putin turned the idiot Trump into his very own ventriloquist’s dummy. Putin then used his brainless puppet to embarrass the United States and its people, alienate our allies, and greatly lessen our standing in the world community.

Putin felt extremely gratified at how well his countrymen (and women) were able to, so easily, bamboozle the American conservatives. However, he had no idea, nor had he expected the massive support his orange-haired and orange-skinned puppet has received from the Republican establishment.

If Tillerson is correct that Russia is already targeting the weakest minds in the U.S., American conservatives will again be reading the BS, rumors and outlandish tales posted on social media, all of which has been created especially for them. The Republican establishment and the 0.1% will be so happy.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings [everyone knows who they are], memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.


You want thoughtful comments, make some. We'll wait.

Of course Russia would love to meddle in our elections. We do it to other countries all the time. Of course, our tools of choice trend to be a little more violent than social media, but what's a few bombs between enemies?

Seriously, no one should be surprised or shocked that another country would try to influence our elections. We should, however, be saddened that the democrats are so eager to help them.

If only it were just the Dems that were helping. It is a group effort and thanks to that fact Russia has succeeded in ways they had not counted on.

Faith in the electoral system is damaged
Faith in law enforcement is damaged
Faith in national security apparatus is damaged
The press is no longer trusted.

That is a laundry list of things to do if one wanted to bring down a country from the inside.

And both parties are gleefully participating

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The Republicans welcome any influence the Russians can exert over their mindless voter base. The Russians need only use the American social media to start totally implausible rumors or just plain silly stories about the “enemies of conservatism”, and the righties will swallow all of it. What a bunch of chumps.

Putin saw how easily the idiot Trump successfully scammed the least intelligent voters in the U.S. and so, established banks of computers with personnel able to exploit this weakest link in our society.

People of reason here in America and around the world have watched in disbelief as Putin turned the idiot Trump into his very own ventriloquist’s dummy. Putin then used his brainless puppet to embarrass the United States and its people, alienate our allies, and greatly lessen our standing in the world community.

Putin felt extremely gratified at how well his countrymen (and women) were able to, so easily, bamboozle the American conservatives. However, he had no idea, nor had he expected the massive support his orange-haired and orange-skinned puppet has received from the Republican establishment.

If Tillerson is correct that Russia is already targeting the weakest minds in the U.S., American conservatives will again be reading the BS, rumors and outlandish tales posted on social media, all of which has been created especially for them. The Republican establishment and the 0.1% will be so happy.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, alternate facts, denial, and off-topic silliness (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings [everyone knows who they are], memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.


Solely as a reaction to Putin's support of the Shiite Syrians,Tillerson has reverted to the Exxonians' collaboration with the jihadist Sunni OPECkers. I doubt if Trump is likely to keep this backstabber around very much longer.

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