Russians are very happy Comrade Trump has been elected!

Russians are so happy Trump was elected

I guess Pooootin is applauding between his intermittent chuckles. He pulls the right levers and got his boy elected. He is very happy. Now he can march westward as far as he wants in his quest to reassemble the old Soviet Union.

You RWers should be very proud.

Лонг ливе Комраде Трумп!
Yeah, maybe we won't have another Hillary war.
Russians are so happy Trump was elected

I guess Pooootin is applauding between his intermittent chuckles. He pulls the right levers and got his boy elected. He is very happy. Now he can march westward as far as he wants in his quest to reassemble the old Soviet Union.

You RWers should be very proud.

Лонг ливе Комраде Трумп!
I am not Russian, but I am happy.

Don't HAPPY!!!
The Russians were our allies against the Nazis, too.

The enemy of your enemy....
So you also like them because they sent Jews to the gulags, or because the editor of Pravda was Jewish?

Why Couldn't Soviet Jews See Stalin for the Anti-Semitic Monster He Was?

Nope..that's not what I said.

Psst...Democrats owned and abused slaves. Do you have a real point?
Yeah, they were the enemy of your enemy, but mostly they owned your enemy.

And you did defend the Soviet Union.
probably happy they avoided WWIII which was inevitable with Clinton

Amen, brother, amen.

I think it's a good idea that we will have a president who will get along with Russia rather than one like Hillary who is hell-bent in getting us into war.

She is responsible for the illegal wars in the Middle East, wars that have killed and maimed our men and women in service, caused the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent women and children and displaced countless others and is bringing us closer and closer to a nuclear confrontation with Russia.

Hillary Clinton strongly advocates establishing a no-fly zone in Syria and as President she will be able to declare one. For those of you who do not know what a no-fly zone is, let me explain. To establish a no-fly zone one country (the United States) issues an order that no other country (such as Russia) can use air power in a particular combat zone. Those planes that enter a no-fly zone can be shot down. This is a possible doomsday scenario and it is one Hillary Clinton publicly embraces. Hillary attempts to downplay her dangerous position by suggesting she can negotiate a no-fly zone with Russia, but she is being disingenuous. Hillary's stated goal is to protect U.S.-backed terrorists from from air attacks by Russian-backed Assad forces (see first link below) and Hillary knows there is no way Russia is going to let that happen. Russia would agree to end military activity as long as US-backed forces do the same; however, Hillary will insist on pursuing the war and she will unilaterally impose a no-fly zone. God help us all if she does and the U.S. downs a Russian plane.

Hillary is actually going against Obama on this issue and is also disregarding the advice of military leaders such as Marine Corps Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who has stated implementing a no-fly zone would cause war with Russia (see second link below).

Clinton Differs With Administration on Syria No-Fly Zone, Arming the Kurds

Hillary Promises A Syria No-Fly To Save Lives, Top General Says It Would Lead To War With Russia

The left criticizes Trump because Putin prefers him to Clinton. All that proves is that Putin is a hell of a lot more intelligent than America's ultra-liberals. Putin knows Clinton's war-mongering background and her insatiable appetite for power at all costs. Putin would be a damn fool to want Clinton in office and he is not. No peace-loving person whether head of state or common man would want Clinton in office. Clinton is a danger to world peace and stability. Putin knows that; Trump knows that; I know that; and every informed person on the planet knows that. The only ones who don't get it are the Clinton lovers who get their news from the same liberal alphabet-media controlled by Soros and other Clinton supporters.

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