Russia’s defense minister bristles at US comment

Shoigu on Thursday expressed concern about Hagel’s comment, saying it could “mean that the Pentagon is working on scenarios for an operation near our country’s border.”

US military has gamed out just about everything including what to do if hostile aliens show up and start blasting stuff. :)

If it's a game, they have chosen an extremely bad time for that. Seriously, it's like poking a very nervous bear...
And even being a game, considering the moment, it's a provocation.
Cause when Russia was gaming near the Ukrainian border, what did the world community say?
They implemented sanctions that have crashed the Russian economy and put them on the edge of recession, devalued their monetary system, cost their economy billions of dollars and pissed off the rich Russians who can no longer visit their estates, penthouses and yachts or collect their billions in western banks. They have also had to deal with angry citizens who have been burying their sons killed in Ukraine and are demanding answers about the hundreds of missing ones who disappeared in Ukraine.
Putin is more likely to be shot by one of his henchmen than heading toward Poland. The ruble is in free-fall from the sanctions and lower oil prices. Russia is now trading for dollars and putting them in CHINESE banks, which are teetering on the kind of debt collapse we had 7 years ago. The defense minister let on that the country can't afford their military build-up, much less take on the destitute Ukraine. He got Crimea and a land bridge to supply it....that's all he wanted. Should he try to encounter a NATO country, he'll be overthrown.
Putin is more likely to be shot by one of his henchmen than heading toward Poland. The ruble is in free-fall from the sanctions and lower oil prices. Russia is now trading for dollars and putting them in CHINESE banks, which are teetering on the kind of debt collapse we had 7 years ago. The defense minister let on that the country can't afford their military build-up, much less take on the destitute Ukraine. He got Crimea and a land bridge to supply it....that's all he wanted. Should he try to encounter a NATO country, he'll be overthrown.
They didn't get the land bridge. Crimea is still cut off and isolated. They are restricted to receiving outside goods from air and sea. The economy in Crimea is a shambles and dependent on Russia for aid just to keep food on the shelves.
* Ballot paper offers no choice for staying with status quo

* Both options lead to Crimea passing under Russian control

KIEV, March 11 (Reuters) - Sunday's vote in Ukraine's Crimea is being officially billed as a chance for the peninsula's peoples to decide fairly and freely their future - but in fact there is no room on the ballot paper for voting "Nyet" to control by Russia.

Crimea Vote Doesn t Offer No Option For Joining Russia
I wouldn't call that a legitimate vote.

I wouldn't exactly call it annexing. Imagine if Mexico stormed our 4 state borders, claimed Ca, NM, Az and TX, and said they had just annexed them all.
But what if CA, NM, AZ and Texas VOTED to join Mexico?

That's what the Ukraine did.
I wouldn't exactly call it annexing. Imagine if Mexico stormed our 4 state borders, claimed Ca, NM, Az and TX, and said they had just annexed them all.
But what if CA, NM, AZ and Texas VOTED to join Mexico?

That's what the Ukraine did.
If you had armed "Mexican Separatist" reinforced by Mexican soldiers roaming around those states and photo and videoing every person who showed up to vote, would you recognize the voting results.

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