Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Mysterious $1 Million Prize


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
The old Democrats double standard at work.

Of course, the Democrats know the MSM will run cover for them.

The MSM is an enemy of We the People.

When the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg accepted a $1 million prize from a liberal billionaire’s foundation, she pledged to pass the money to a list of designated charities. Four years later, it is unclear where Ginsburg sent that money—an ambiguity that experts say raises conflict of interest concerns.


The Berggruen Institute’s refusal to disclose which groups profited from Ginsburg’s $1 million prize comes as mainstream media outlets such as ProPublica have worked to instill a crisis of confidence in the Supreme Court over alleged ethical transgressions from conservative justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. Democrats such as Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D., R.I.) and Sen. Dick Durbin (D., Ill.) have seized on the reports to push a Supreme Court ethics law that Republicans say would overstep congressional authority. The Senate Judiciary Committee will vote on the bill Thursday.

But experts told the Free Beacon that the left’s lack of interest in potential ethical lapses from Ginsburg betrays the partisan motivation behind their attacks.

"Ginsburg required that her list of entities she showered with funds be confidential and we don’t know how many of them appeared before the Court when Justice Ginsburg was serving," said former Office of Management and Budget general counsel Mark Paoletta, a longtime friend of Justice Clarence Thomas. "With all of the Left’s wailing about transparency, this is the antithesis—but crickets from the Left. They don’t care about ethics. They just want to attack the Court because it is no longer acting like a super legislature to enact unpopular progressive policies like affirmative action."


But the billionaire investor claimed he wasn’t involved in awarding Ginsburg the philosophy prize in 2019. That decision was left to the Berggruen Prize Jury, which in 2019 included former University of Pennsylvania president Amy Gutmann. The year prior, Gutmann helped Hunter Biden’s academically subpar daughter secure a ticket to the prestigious university at the behest of President Joe Biden, the Free Beacon reported. Gutmann became Biden’s ambassador to Germany in January 2022.

Ginsburg’s acceptance of the Berggruen Institute prize is hardly the only ethical lapse from the late justice, according to the liberal group Fix the Court. In 2018, Ginsburg embarked on a private tour of Israel paid for by billionaire Morris Khan just one year after the Supreme Court issued a ruling in favor of his company Amdocs. Ginsburg did not recuse herself from that case.


The old Democrats double standard at work.

Of course, the Democrats know the MSM will run cover for them.

The MSM is an enemy of We the People.

When the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg accepted a $1 million prize from a liberal billionaire’s foundation, she pledged to pass the money to a list of designated charities. Four years later, it is unclear where Ginsburg sent that money—an ambiguity that experts say raises conflict of interest concerns.
The Berggruen Institute’s refusal to disclose which groups profited from Ginsburg’s $1 million prize comes as mainstream media outlets such as ProPublica have worked to instill a crisis of confidence in the Supreme Court over alleged ethical transgressions from conservative justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. Democrats such as Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D., R.I.) and Sen. Dick Durbin (D., Ill.) have seized on the reports to push a Supreme Court ethics law that Republicans say would overstep congressional authority. The Senate Judiciary Committee will vote on the bill Thursday.
But experts told the Free Beacon that the left’s lack of interest in potential ethical lapses from Ginsburg betrays the partisan motivation behind their attacks.
"Ginsburg required that her list of entities she showered with funds be confidential and we don’t know how many of them appeared before the Court when Justice Ginsburg was serving," said former Office of Management and Budget general counsel Mark Paoletta, a longtime friend of Justice Clarence Thomas. "With all of the Left’s wailing about transparency, this is the antithesis—but crickets from the Left. They don’t care about ethics. They just want to attack the Court because it is no longer acting like a super legislature to enact unpopular progressive policies like affirmative action."
But the billionaire investor claimed he wasn’t involved in awarding Ginsburg the philosophy prize in 2019. That decision was left to the Berggruen Prize Jury, which in 2019 included former University of Pennsylvania president Amy Gutmann. The year prior, Gutmann helped Hunter Biden’s academically subpar daughter secure a ticket to the prestigious university at the behest of President Joe Biden, the Free Beacon reported. Gutmann became Biden’s ambassador to Germany in January 2022.
Ginsburg’s acceptance of the Berggruen Institute prize is hardly the only ethical lapse from the late justice, according to the liberal group Fix the Court. In 2018, Ginsburg embarked on a private tour of Israel paid for by billionaire Morris Khan just one year after the Supreme Court issued a ruling in favor of his company Amdocs. Ginsburg did not recuse herself from that case.

It's unclear?

She must be guilty!
Very few people disliked Ginsburg more than me.

But this stuff is just getting out of hand.

Why now ??????
Ginsburg’s acceptance of the Berggruen Institute prize is hardly the only ethical lapse from the late justice, according to the liberal group Fix the Court. In 2018, Ginsburg embarked on a private tour of Israel paid for by billionaire Morris Khan just one year after the Supreme Court issued a ruling in favor of his company Amdocs. Ginsburg did not recuse herself from that case.

Can you specifically tell us how this is an ethical lapse.

Tell us about the ruling.

I'm not saying it didn't happen.

However, I am not about throwing this stuff around loosley.

Please help us out here.
The old Democrats double standard at work.

Of course, the Democrats know the MSM will run cover for them.

The MSM is an enemy of We the People.

When the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg accepted a $1 million prize from a liberal billionaire’s foundation, she pledged to pass the money to a list of designated charities. Four years later, it is unclear where Ginsburg sent that money—an ambiguity that experts say raises conflict of interest concerns.
The Berggruen Institute’s refusal to disclose which groups profited from Ginsburg’s $1 million prize comes as mainstream media outlets such as ProPublica have worked to instill a crisis of confidence in the Supreme Court over alleged ethical transgressions from conservative justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. Democrats such as Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D., R.I.) and Sen. Dick Durbin (D., Ill.) have seized on the reports to push a Supreme Court ethics law that Republicans say would overstep congressional authority. The Senate Judiciary Committee will vote on the bill Thursday.
But experts told the Free Beacon that the left’s lack of interest in potential ethical lapses from Ginsburg betrays the partisan motivation behind their attacks.
"Ginsburg required that her list of entities she showered with funds be confidential and we don’t know how many of them appeared before the Court when Justice Ginsburg was serving," said former Office of Management and Budget general counsel Mark Paoletta, a longtime friend of Justice Clarence Thomas. "With all of the Left’s wailing about transparency, this is the antithesis—but crickets from the Left. They don’t care about ethics. They just want to attack the Court because it is no longer acting like a super legislature to enact unpopular progressive policies like affirmative action."
But the billionaire investor claimed he wasn’t involved in awarding Ginsburg the philosophy prize in 2019. That decision was left to the Berggruen Prize Jury, which in 2019 included former University of Pennsylvania president Amy Gutmann. The year prior, Gutmann helped Hunter Biden’s academically subpar daughter secure a ticket to the prestigious university at the behest of President Joe Biden, the Free Beacon reported. Gutmann became Biden’s ambassador to Germany in January 2022.
Ginsburg’s acceptance of the Berggruen Institute prize is hardly the only ethical lapse from the late justice, according to the liberal group Fix the Court. In 2018, Ginsburg embarked on a private tour of Israel paid for by billionaire Morris Khan just one year after the Supreme Court issued a ruling in favor of his company Amdocs. Ginsburg did not recuse herself from that case.


So a Supreme Court Justice was bought off.
Dude, this is kinda irrelevant minutia.

Sorry, I have to call it like I see it, always.
Dude, this is kinda irrelevant minutia.

Sorry, I have to call it like I see it, always.

Pay attention.

... mainstream media outlets such as ProPublica have worked to instill a crisis of confidence in the Supreme Court over alleged ethical transgressions from conservative justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.
Pay attention.

... mainstream media outlets such as ProPublica have worked to instill a crisis of confidence in the Supreme Court over alleged ethical transgressions from conservative justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.
They may have worked to, but that kinda fizzled, yannow?

That the mainstream media did that was bad, yes. They are garbage these days.

Guide me to the point you're making or just tell my dumb ass. I don't get what you're driving at.
In 2019, Ginsburg was awarded a $1 million prize from the Berggruen Institute for advancing equality between the sexes. However, Ginsburg did not accept the money herself; instead, she donated the money to charity

The organization said Ginsburg will direct the prize money to charitable or non-profit organizations of her choice.

She died in 2020

She was 86 when she got the award. She had enough money from other things and her net worth shows that she is wealthy. So she did donate the money as the organization said they sent the money to her charity of choice. It says she donated to more than 20 charities. The CNN articles says which charities that she donated to.
In 2019, Ginsburg was awarded a $1 million prize from the Berggruen Institute for advancing equality between the sexes. However, Ginsburg did not accept the money herself; instead, she donated the money to charity

The organization said Ginsburg will direct the prize money to charitable or non-profit organizations of her choice.

She died in 2020

She was 86 when she got the award. She had enough money from other things and her net worth shows that she is wealthy. So she did donate the money as the organization said they sent the money to her charity of choice. It says she donated to more than 20 charities. The CNN articles says which charities that she donated to.

No, it does not mention the charities that actually recieved any of the $1 million.

And see the OP.

"Ginsburg required that her list of entities she showered with funds be confidential and we don’t know how many of them appeared before the Court when Justice Ginsburg was serving," said former Office of Management and Budget general counsel Mark Paoletta, a longtime friend of Justice Clarence Thomas.​
Never look a gift horse in the mouth.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg to the best of my understanding ruled fairly in her career as a Supreme Court Justice. But in my experience, if you give a prize to get people to visit your Fairgrounds table at the mall, you better get used to being questioned by the winner who might likely say something like, "What's the catch?" (when they claimed their prize, a brand new top-of-the-line sewing machine) TRUE STORY. All I could tell the woman was "A 2-year-old child pulled your name and number out of the box, and I hope you like your new machine." :dunno:
No, it does not mention the charities that actually recieved any of the $1 million.

And see the OP.

"Ginsburg required that her list of entities she showered with funds be confidential and we don’t know how many of them appeared before the Court when Justice Ginsburg was serving," said former Office of Management and Budget general counsel Mark Paoletta, a longtime friend of Justice Clarence Thomas.​

My original post has two links. The first one shows the splash page for the link. The second one does not. So if you select the first one then no it does not show it. The second one does show it when pressed.

I have placed it a 2nd time. She gave the money awarded to her to charities. It's a fact.

This link breaks down the charities
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The old Democrats double standard at work.

Of course, the Democrats know the MSM will run cover for them.

The MSM is an enemy of We the People.

When the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg accepted a $1 million prize from a liberal billionaire’s foundation, she pledged to pass the money to a list of designated charities. Four years later, it is unclear where Ginsburg sent that money—an ambiguity that experts say raises conflict of interest concerns.
The Berggruen Institute’s refusal to disclose which groups profited from Ginsburg’s $1 million prize comes as mainstream media outlets such as ProPublica have worked to instill a crisis of confidence in the Supreme Court over alleged ethical transgressions from conservative justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito. Democrats such as Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D., R.I.) and Sen. Dick Durbin (D., Ill.) have seized on the reports to push a Supreme Court ethics law that Republicans say would overstep congressional authority. The Senate Judiciary Committee will vote on the bill Thursday.
But experts told the Free Beacon that the left’s lack of interest in potential ethical lapses from Ginsburg betrays the partisan motivation behind their attacks.
"Ginsburg required that her list of entities she showered with funds be confidential and we don’t know how many of them appeared before the Court when Justice Ginsburg was serving," said former Office of Management and Budget general counsel Mark Paoletta, a longtime friend of Justice Clarence Thomas. "With all of the Left’s wailing about transparency, this is the antithesis—but crickets from the Left. They don’t care about ethics. They just want to attack the Court because it is no longer acting like a super legislature to enact unpopular progressive policies like affirmative action."
But the billionaire investor claimed he wasn’t involved in awarding Ginsburg the philosophy prize in 2019. That decision was left to the Berggruen Prize Jury, which in 2019 included former University of Pennsylvania president Amy Gutmann. The year prior, Gutmann helped Hunter Biden’s academically subpar daughter secure a ticket to the prestigious university at the behest of President Joe Biden, the Free Beacon reported. Gutmann became Biden’s ambassador to Germany in January 2022.
Ginsburg’s acceptance of the Berggruen Institute prize is hardly the only ethical lapse from the late justice, according to the liberal group Fix the Court. In 2018, Ginsburg embarked on a private tour of Israel paid for by billionaire Morris Khan just one year after the Supreme Court issued a ruling in favor of his company Amdocs. Ginsburg did not recuse herself from that case.

Excalibur, I really appreciate your thread, because it made me interested in reviewing Ruth Bader Ginsberg's biography here: Ruth Bader Ginsburg - Wikipedia

I was astonished by her life of hard work in academia to achieve all she did in one lifetime. She was totally dedicated to the United States law and speaking rightly in all things. She wound up being top of the class in both Harvard and Columbia schools of law, and how she dealt with and won the hearts of good old boy professors with her hard work and astonishingly excellent communication skills in English and Swedish language usage. I learned a lot just by viewing her usage to persuade the legal world to allow women to opine in a field women were not expected to master including a change from Harvard to Columbia to accomplishing top scholarship at both schools as the masters at Harvard were hard put to allow her to be all that she could be in a nice way, meaning hard work. She has a truly higher mind, and I was enchanted by her achievements of a lifetime of keeping honesty first. I also appreciate Kilroy 2's post for his or her research to find that indeed she gave to charities all that she "won," with not a thought for her own enrichment as well as why she was nominated to be on the Supreme Court because she was known to work hard before making top-notch decisions. which requires total honesty. She made herself into the best person for the job of being the first woman on the Supreme Court, and be a wife and mother too at the same time. ;thup: I learned a lot today about her special gifts for arriving at the truth in all she did. It's nothing but work to be top scholar in one's field, and I agreed with her approach to help people understand the law in her usage of language that goes far beyond what most people can do. Thanks again for a great thread. My best kudos. beautress.

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