RWer Jennifer Rubin (WAPO) lambastes the GOP over "crackpots"


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!

Jennifer Rubin (source)​

Getting rid of crackpotism in the GOP - The Washington Post

(The blog that she contributes to on WAPO is called "Right Turn". She is a staunch Conservative)

Getting rid of crackpotism in the GOP

...Republicans have their own problem: They tolerate far too many crackpots.

Dr. Ben Carson joins Mike Huckabee in refusing to accept that Supreme Court decisions, on gay marriage for example, are binding. Pressed by Chris Wallace, Carson insisted that Marbury v. Madison and more than 200 years of history have not settled the issue. “It is an open question. It needs to be discussed.” Actually, it’s not open...

Huckabee has ... hawked “nutritional supplements” as a cure to diabetes. He insisted on Sunday, “One of the elements of the plan was dietary supplements, but it is not the fundamental thing.” (Then why encourage people to buy them?) He declared, “I don’t have to defend everything that I’ve ever done.” So he’s both a constitutional and dietary charlatan. Either one should disqualify him.

Then there is Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.), who cynically chooses to pander to the conspiracy-mongers who turning a military exercise primarily in Texas into a secret plan to impose martial law. Cruz has taken their nonsense as legitimate and made inquiries at the Pentagon. Rich Lowry hit the nail on the head on ABC, calling this “pandering to a vocal minority.”...

...How many times has Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) falsely suggested the National Security Agency is listening to the content of millions of phone calls? Before reversing himself, he also gave support to the anti-vaccine hooey. At what point do voters say, you know, that’s not the mindset or character of someone who we’d want as president?

Responsible conservatives should follow Lowry’s lead — name and shame — lest the GOP be seen as a haven for the unhinged. ...

Who is Jennifer Rubin?

Jennifer Rubin journalist - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Jennifer Rubin is an American neoconservative columnist and a blogger for The Washington Post. Previously she worked at Commentary, PJ Media, Human Events, and The Weekly Standard. She also published at Politico, The New York Post, New York Daily News, National Review, The Jerusalem Post, and a variety of other media publications.


For discussion ---

This quoted material begs the question: are Conservatives out there in the real world going to be willing to listen to self-criticism? Once the Jade 15 exercises are completed and people like Ted Cruz are going to look like complete and utter fools for having tried to make this into a nefarious gubbermint plot to enslave Texans and what-not, are Conservatives going to wake up and realize that a number of their candidates are often saying things that are considered absolutely insane by the overwhelming majority of people who are sane?

I accept criticism of Clinton, Sanders, O'Malley, etc, because I know that no candidate is a perfect person. Are Conservatives willing to do the same, or are they going to just grumble that somehow, Jen Rubin is not really a Conservative?

I gotta say, from my perspective, the crop of GOP candidates that is forming for 2016 makes the 2012 GOP crop look tame, lily-livered and Liberal in comparison. They make Barry Goldwater look like Lenin. And their 2012 nominee lost decisively against an embattled Democratic president during economic rough times. I see the same conundrum forming for 2016 as formed for 2012: that GOP candidates are tacking so unbelievably hard to the Right in order to feed enough "red-meat" to a crazed ultra-Conservative base, "red-meat" that then turns into a poison-pill for the GOP when the General Election campaign starts up after both nominations are completed. It appears that Jeb Bush recognizes this conundrum, but even before officially getting out of the starting gate, he has put his foot in his mouth about the Iraq War that may very well jettison any hope of him even launching, which I suspect causes Scott Walker to whoop with glee.

So, what do you think of Jen Rubin's words?

Let's see who can actually debate like a real adult on this thread and put his emotions in his side pocket and actually debate the quoted material...

Oh, and nat4900 - thanks for trying this once already. This material DESERVES to be debated.
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And just from my own perspective, I HOPE that Conservatives DON'T listen to Jen Rubin. I HOPE that they don't heed her warning.

Because the more outer-space kind of stuff they say, the more of an image as the "Party of the Loons" they build, which will not help them in 2016.

I think that Jen Rubin is trying to do her party a favor, but I doubt that many Conservatives will actually listen to her.
ok, never heard of her.

but now what are the people suppose to do, orgasm? run and change parties to that other stinking, corrupted, nasty party, the Democrats.

man you people are so hard up because your own party and that man you put in as President...... is imploding
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ok, never heard of her.

but now what are the people suppose to do, orgasm? run and change parties to that other stinking, corrupted, nasty party, the Democrats.

man you people are so hard up because your own party and that man you put in as President...... is imploding

Are you saying that after all of these years, you have never heard of Jennifer Rubin?

Fer Chrissakes, she worked for Romney's campaign and supported him.

Are you a Republican or not?

And once again, you demonstrate, by your very own words, why the GOP is sinking itself all on its own, without any help from the Left: your own inability to:

a.) comprehend
b.) discern
c.) exercise self-criticism.

These things will be the Right's undoing in 2016.

Mark my words.
lets all orgasm over Your Dear Leader lambasting YOU who voted for him and his members in Congress. that was awesome.

Obama Hurls Insults at Liberals on Trade
Progressives called ignorant, insincere, and motivated by politics, sparking fury among President's base
By Brent Budowsky | 05/12/15 12:09pm

US President Barack Obama leaves after speaking about trade policy at Nike Headquarters on May 8, 2015 in Beaverton, Oregon.

President Obama’s performance in pushing for approval of fast track legislation of the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal, in which he’s allied with Republicans and has spent the last week castigating and insulting liberal Democrats, has been one of the most bizarre and ill-advised performances of his presidency.

I spent many years working for senior Democratic Senators such as Lloyd Bentsen and House Democratic leaders beginning with the legendary Speaker Tip O’Neill, and have never seen any president of either party insult so many members of his own party’s base and members of the House and Senate as Mr. Obama has in his weeks of tirades against liberals on trade.

In Mr. Obama’s speech at Nike last week, his comments to Matt Bai of Yahoo over the weekend, and White House press secretary Josh Earnest’s comments to reporters on Monday, Mr. Obama and his White House staff have repeated a string of personal insults directed against prominent liberal Democrats in Congress, liberal Democrats across the nation, organized labor, and leading public interest and environmental groups who share doubts about the TPP trade deal.

By the time the House and Senate finish their work on trade the headline will probably be either “Obama loses on trade” or “Obama and Republicans win on trade.” Either outcome is undesirable for Obama.(its undesirable for Obama. the hell if it's good or bad for WE the people, like always under this tyrant)
Mr. Obama’s tirades on trade have included accusations that these liberal Democrats are ignorant about trade policy, insincere when offering their opinions, motivated by politics and not the national interest, and backward looking towards the past. Obama’s repeated attacks against Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), in which he charged that Warren’s concern about the trade bill is motivated not by a reasoned view of what is right for America but by her personal political motivations, is one of the most dishonest and repellant examples of character assassination and contempt by any American president, against any leading member of his own party, in my lifetime.

Read more at Obama Hurls Insults at Liberals on Trade Observer
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lets all orgasm over Your Dear Leader lambasting YOU who voted for him and his members in Congress. that was awesome.

Obama Hurls Insults at Liberals on Trade
Progressives called ignorant, insincere, and motivated by politics, sparking fury among President's base
By Brent Budowsky | 05/12/15 12:09pm

US President Barack Obama leaves after speaking about trade policy at Nike Headquarters on May 8, 2015 in Beaverton, Oregon.

President Obama’s performance in pushing for approval of fast track legislation of the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal, in which he’s allied with Republicans and has spent the last week castigating and insulting liberal Democrats, has been one of the most bizarre and ill-advised performances of his presidency.

I spent many years working for senior Democratic Senators such as Lloyd Bentsen and House Democratic leaders beginning with the legendary Speaker Tip O’Neill, and have never seen any president of either party insult so many members of his own party’s base and members of the House and Senate as Mr. Obama has in his weeks of tirades against liberals on trade.

In Mr. Obama’s speech at Nike last week, his comments to Matt Bai of Yahoo over the weekend, and White House press secretary Josh Earnest’s comments to reporters on Monday, Mr. Obama and his White House staff have repeated a string of personal insults directed against prominent liberal Democrats in Congress, liberal Democrats across the nation, organized labor, and leading public interest and environmental groups who share doubts about the TPP trade deal.

By the time the House and Senate finish their work on trade the headline will probably be either “Obama loses on trade” or “Obama and Republicans win on trade.” Either outcome is undesirable for Obama.(its undesirable for Obama. the hell if it's good or bad for WE the people, like always under this tyrant)
Mr. Obama’s tirades on trade have included accusations that these liberal Democrats are ignorant about trade policy, insincere when offering their opinions, motivated by politics and not the national interest, and backward looking towards the past. Obama’s repeated attacks against Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), in which he charged that Warren’s concern about the trade bill is motivated not by a reasoned view of what is right for America but by her personal political motivations, is one of the most dishonest and repellant examples of character assassination and contempt by any American president, against any leading member of his own party, in my lifetime.

Read more at Obama Hurls Insults at Liberals on Trade Observer
Follow us: @newyorkobserver on Twitter | newyorkobserver on Facebook

No, that is nothing more than deflection. Your posting has absolutely nothing at all to do with the OP.

You still have not spoken to the points in the OP at all. Are you incapable of actually reading material, or are you just a paid troll for the Right?

Really, Stephanie, you do Righties injustice when you pull this shit. YOU make the Right look bad.

Think about it.
this is double orgasmic. You'll need a cigarette after reading this.
Look out: Imploding, eating their own....

Democrat on Pelosi's Leadership: 'When the Team Is Not Doing Great, You Got to Make Some Changes'
By Craig Millward | May 11, 2015 | 3:47 PM EDT
AddThis Sharing
FacebookTwitterMore - During an interview on WPRI's "Newsmakers" last week, Rep. Jim Langevin (D-R.I.) said House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) would have to "make the case to all of us about what the plan is going forward."

He compared her leadership to that of a sports team, saying "when the team is not doing great, you got to make some changes."

"I would say this: You can look at different sports coaches over the years, and when teams are doing great, the coach is doing great, and when the team is not doing great, you got to make some changes, and so certainly I would say we need to look at are we making progress or are we not making progress,” Langevin said when asked it he thought it was time for Pelosi to move on.

ALL of it here:
Democrat on Pelosi s Leadership When the Team Is Not Doing Great You Got to Make Some Changes
lets all orgasm over Your Dear Leader lambasting YOU who voted for him and his members in Congress. that was awesome.

Obama Hurls Insults at Liberals on Trade
Progressives called ignorant, insincere, and motivated by politics, sparking fury among President's base
By Brent Budowsky | 05/12/15 12:09pm

US President Barack Obama leaves after speaking about trade policy at Nike Headquarters on May 8, 2015 in Beaverton, Oregon.

President Obama’s performance in pushing for approval of fast track legislation of the Trans Pacific Partnership trade deal, in which he’s allied with Republicans and has spent the last week castigating and insulting liberal Democrats, has been one of the most bizarre and ill-advised performances of his presidency.

I spent many years working for senior Democratic Senators such as Lloyd Bentsen and House Democratic leaders beginning with the legendary Speaker Tip O’Neill, and have never seen any president of either party insult so many members of his own party’s base and members of the House and Senate as Mr. Obama has in his weeks of tirades against liberals on trade.

In Mr. Obama’s speech at Nike last week, his comments to Matt Bai of Yahoo over the weekend, and White House press secretary Josh Earnest’s comments to reporters on Monday, Mr. Obama and his White House staff have repeated a string of personal insults directed against prominent liberal Democrats in Congress, liberal Democrats across the nation, organized labor, and leading public interest and environmental groups who share doubts about the TPP trade deal.

By the time the House and Senate finish their work on trade the headline will probably be either “Obama loses on trade” or “Obama and Republicans win on trade.” Either outcome is undesirable for Obama.(its undesirable for Obama. the hell if it's good or bad for WE the people, like always under this tyrant)
Mr. Obama’s tirades on trade have included accusations that these liberal Democrats are ignorant about trade policy, insincere when offering their opinions, motivated by politics and not the national interest, and backward looking towards the past. Obama’s repeated attacks against Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), in which he charged that Warren’s concern about the trade bill is motivated not by a reasoned view of what is right for America but by her personal political motivations, is one of the most dishonest and repellant examples of character assassination and contempt by any American president, against any leading member of his own party, in my lifetime.

Read more at Obama Hurls Insults at Liberals on Trade Observer
Follow us: @newyorkobserver on Twitter | newyorkobserver on Facebook
This fails as a red herring fallacy.

Address the issue presented in the OP.
The GOP really needs to run a pure Tea Party ticket, President and Vice President.

100% purity. Cruz/Palin or Palin/Cruz.

Let's get past this and move on.


and the Democrats need to run Rosanne Barr/Mother Sheehan.
both parties have their nut jobs. the Democrats just has more in my book.
but to post something from some NOBODY from the DNC Compost no less.... because she calls the GOP, crackpots.

it's stupid and desperate
ok, never heard of her.

but now what are the people suppose to do, orgasm? run and change parties to that other stinking, corrupted, nasty party, the Democrats.

man you people are so hard up because your own party and that man you put in as President...... is imploding

We're supposed to become more Starkey
The GOP really needs to run a pure Tea Party ticket, President and Vice President.

100% purity. Cruz/Palin or Palin/Cruz.

Let's get past this and move on.


and the Democrats need to run Rosanne Barr/Mother Sheehan.
both parties have their nut jobs. the Democrats just has more in my book.
but to post something from some NOBODY from the DNC Compost no less.... because she calls the GOP, crackpots.

it's stupid and desperate

You have still not responded to Jennifer Rubin's text. You are still deflecting and not paying attention and I have no desire to play your parent.

Grow the fuck up and learn to debate like a real adult.
this is double orgasmic. You'll need a cigarette after reading this.
Look out: Imploding, eating their own....

Democrat on Pelosi's Leadership: 'When the Team Is Not Doing Great, You Got to Make Some Changes'
By Craig Millward | May 11, 2015 | 3:47 PM EDT
AddThis Sharing
FacebookTwitterMore - During an interview on WPRI's "Newsmakers" last week, Rep. Jim Langevin (D-R.I.) said House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) would have to "make the case to all of us about what the plan is going forward."

He compared her leadership to that of a sports team, saying "when the team is not doing great, you got to make some changes."

"I would say this: You can look at different sports coaches over the years, and when teams are doing great, the coach is doing great, and when the team is not doing great, you got to make some changes, and so certainly I would say we need to look at are we making progress or are we not making progress,” Langevin said when asked it he thought it was time for Pelosi to move on.

ALL of it here:
Democrat on Pelosi s Leadership When the Team Is Not Doing Great You Got to Make Some Changes

You are still not paying attention to the actual content of the OP.

Are you mentally retarded? Do you have a brain injury?
ok, never heard of her.

but now what are the people suppose to do, orgasm? run and change parties to that other stinking, corrupted, nasty party, the Democrats.

man you people are so hard up because your own party and that man you put in as President...... is imploding

We're supposed to become more Starkey

oh no thank you. I don't know how to be a fake.
ok, never heard of her.

but now what are the people suppose to do, orgasm? run and change parties to that other stinking, corrupted, nasty party, the Democrats.

man you people are so hard up because your own party and that man you put in as President...... is imploding

We're supposed to become more Starkey

I don't think that at all.

Tell me, once Jade 15 is completed and Ted Cruz looks like an utter fool for trying to get people to distrust the US military, are you going to support him? Is that the Conservative view these days? To hate the military?

Please, expatiate.
ok, never heard of her.

but now what are the people suppose to do, orgasm? run and change parties to that other stinking, corrupted, nasty party, the Democrats.

man you people are so hard up because your own party and that man you put in as President...... is imploding

We're supposed to become more Starkey

oh no thank you. I don't know how to be a fake.

But that is all that you are: a fake.

You cannot debate even one single point on any topic.

All you do is troll. That's the entire spectrum of Stephanie right there. Sad.

Did you even read the OP?

Wait, don't answer that. We already know.

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