RW'ers: If in power, would you let a state break away from the union if they wanted?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Quick question for Republicans and Libertarians. I know your type really looks up to the Founding Fathers and puts them on a high pedestal. And that's fine, they were great men. But, they were unhappy under British rule, they didn't like the laws they were under, so they rebelled, and broke away.

Would you support a state doing that? Seriously, lets say the GOP wins in 2016. Lets say the GOP wins the House and Senate next year, then the White House in 2016.

But, a state like Florida, or lets say, New Hampshire, wants to break off from the union. Lets use Florida.

Florida puts it to a statewide vote, and 95% vote to break away from the United States. The state says they don't like federal laws, and they want their right to be FREE.....just like the Founding Fathers.

If they did that, and declared independence, and started printing their own money, and put up walls on the Florida/GA/AL border, and armed it with a state military that they formed.....would you in power order the Federal government to crack down on that state? Or, allow them to break off and gain the freedom they want?

Your answer matters a lot, as it shows a macro version of your thoughts towards a people's right to freedom.

Why are you predisposed to asking such farfetched questions? Nobody wants this country to dissolve. We would much rather have freedom as a whole than freedom in part. What good is being American if you secede? What good is living the Founding Fathers dream if you destroy what they fought and died for to create? The entire idea is preposterous. Your post is stereotypical and offensive.
Key West declared their independence once, sometime around the homeland security ramp up. Was quite interesting to hear about back in the day.
I notice you picked a state that we might miss.

But Florida is an unlikely candidate for secession.

California is a more plausible candidate.

And it may not be the golden state it used to be but I would still miss it just for old times sake.

However if the illegal aliens who have taken over the state want to leave the union and rejoin Mexico I would not spill blood to keep them.
The thread and question is nothing more than a set up if you do nothing you would be labeled a radical extremist who is allowing the country to be destroyed if you crack down you would be a radical extremist trampling on people's freedoms this along with the fact this same scenario was not applied to the Democrats and their possible response says it all.
Friggin' idiots need to examine the terms under which New Hampshire joined the union.

They're free to leave whenever they choose.

No, I'm not gonna do your homework for you. If you don't like it then find some source that can deny it. Then go read a New Hampshire vehicle license plate and do as it recommends.
I notice you picked a state that we might miss.

But Florida is an unlikely candidate for secession.

California is a more plausible candidate.

And it may not be the golden state it used to be but I would still miss it just for old times sake.

However if the illegal aliens who have taken over the state want to leave the union and rejoin Mexico I would not spill blood to keep them.

California still gives twice the money to the federal government as the next closest state.
California is not so much likely to ask "out" as it is to be demanded BACK by Mexico, a demand a week apologist-in-chief could hardly refuse lest His "Peace Prize" turn to dust.
Key West declared their independence once, sometime around the homeland security ramp up. Was quite interesting to hear about back in the day.

I went to Key West in June. It was fucking awesome. I got real drunk and jumped into the water when a Manatee popped up in the canal. Little did I know I was committing like 5 felonies :dunno:
Quick question for Republicans and Libertarians. I know your type really looks up to the Founding Fathers and puts them on a high pedestal. And that's fine, they were great men. But, they were unhappy under British rule, they didn't like the laws they were under, so they rebelled, and broke away.

Would you support a state doing that? Seriously, lets say the GOP wins in 2016. Lets say the GOP wins the House and Senate next year, then the White House in 2016.

But, a state like Florida, or lets say, New Hampshire, wants to break off from the union. Lets use Florida.

Florida puts it to a statewide vote, and 95% vote to break away from the United States. The state says they don't like federal laws, and they want their right to be FREE.....just like the Founding Fathers.

If they did that, and declared independence, and started printing their own money, and put up walls on the Florida/GA/AL border, and armed it with a state military that they formed.....would you in power order the Federal government to crack down on that state? Or, allow them to break off and gain the freedom they want?

Your answer matters a lot, as it shows a macro version of your thoughts towards a people's right to freedom.

I would allow them to secede.
California still gives twice the money to the federal government as the next closest state.

Thats nice.

All the more reason for the America hating libs and mexico loving illegal aliens to consider breaking away.

Don't you agree?

Why are you predisposed to asking such farfetched questions? Nobody wants this country to dissolve. We would much rather have freedom as a whole than freedom in part. What good is being American if you secede? What good is living the Founding Fathers dream if you destroy what they fought and died for to create? The entire idea is preposterous. Your post is stereotypical and offensive.

You farfetched shrillness is entertaining.

No to the question.
The thread and question is nothing more than a set up if you do nothing you would be labeled a radical extremist who is allowing the country to be destroyed if you crack down you would be a radical extremist trampling on people's freedoms this along with the fact this same scenario was not applied to the Democrats and their possible response says it all.

ITs also a scenario lots of governments in this world have faced. I picked a HUGE, history altering scenario to ask right wingers to say HOW THEY WOULD GOVERN.

A few months ago, I asked the polar opposite. An extremely MINOR one. Speed bumps, vs total freedom, vs more cops to enforce speed, on any given road. RW'ers again said it was a dumb scenario.

Point is....right wingers often refuse to say how they would govern if elected. WHy vote for them if they have NO PLAN other than....."Errrr low taxes, more guns and Jesus!!!"

If people voted FOR something, and you were in power, would you allow it, or obstruct it?

Right wingers are not fit to govern if they cant answer very big, or very small, issues that governments must answer.
So what if that same state instead voted that ALL drugs would be legal. Crack, coke, heroin, pot, acid, hashish, shrooms. All the pain killers and oxy you could dream of. Hell, it's sold in candy machines.

What if that state voted to LEGALIZE that, would you as the federal government allow it, or not?

Would you recognize their freedom, or oppress it?

RW'ers are very uncomfortable with these questions. Which is why they aren't fit to govern.
What would be the argument on why a state should not be allowed to secede

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