Ryan's (R-WI) new budget DOA

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
Why do Repubs do this? They need a non-Randian as a budget chairman. His budget presupposes the repeal of Obamacare WHICH we just had a referendum on (AKA- election)

Ryan stakes out GOP budget principles, pledges $4.6 trillion in savings - First Read
The plan is unlikely to ever become law in its entirety; it assumes a repeal of President Barack Obama's health care reform law, and collects no new revenue from taxes, two elements which are unpalatable to Democrats.

They keep saying "we produced a budget" but if it goes nowhere/is so partisanly lopsided, did they genuinely produce one? :eusa_liar:

he threw Keystone XL in there as well as a final :fu: :eusa_hand:
Why do Repubs do this? They need a non-Randian as a budget chairman. His budget presupposes the repeal of Obamacare WHICH we just had a referendum on (AKA- election)

Ryan stakes out GOP budget principles, pledges $4.6 trillion in savings - First Read
The plan is unlikely to ever become law in its entirety; it assumes a repeal of President Barack Obama's health care reform law, and collects no new revenue from taxes, two elements which are unpalatable to Democrats.

They keep saying "we produced a budget" but if it goes nowhere/is so partisanly lopsided, did they genuinely produce one? :eusa_liar:

he threw Keystone XL in there as well as a final :fu: :eusa_hand:

Why do people (fools) keep calling it a "Health Care law", when it is actually a 'Health Insurance law"?
Why do some (fools) assume that "new revenue" is a necessity instead of expecting the government to adhere to a budget like the common folk do?
Why do Repubs do this? They need a non-Randian as a budget chairman. His budget presupposes the repeal of Obamacare WHICH we just had a referendum on (AKA- election)

Ryan stakes out GOP budget principles, pledges $4.6 trillion in savings - First Read
The plan is unlikely to ever become law in its entirety; it assumes a repeal of President Barack Obama's health care reform law, and collects no new revenue from taxes, two elements which are unpalatable to Democrats.

They keep saying "we produced a budget" but if it goes nowhere/is so partisanly lopsided, did they genuinely produce one? :eusa_liar:

he threw Keystone XL in there as well as a final :fu: :eusa_hand:


A budget not submitted in good faith is the same as no budget at all.
Aren't we finally supposed to get a budget from the Senate after a mere four year wait ? I look forward to seeing how balanced and non partisan that's going to be.

No. Harry Reid will never let ANY budget come to a vote in the Senate. NEVER. His boy Barry told him in the beginning that the only thing that would be acceptable to his imperial unholiness was continuing resolutions.

As long as the Communist-In-Chief is in the WH, the United States will never have a budget.
Why do Repubs do this? They need a non-Randian as a budget chairman. His budget presupposes the repeal of Obamacare WHICH we just had a referendum on (AKA- election)

Ryan stakes out GOP budget principles, pledges $4.6 trillion in savings - First Read
The plan is unlikely to ever become law in its entirety; it assumes a repeal of President Barack Obama's health care reform law, and collects no new revenue from taxes, two elements which are unpalatable to Democrats.

They keep saying "we produced a budget" but if it goes nowhere/is so partisanly lopsided, did they genuinely produce one? :eusa_liar:

he threw Keystone XL in there as well as a final :fu: :eusa_hand:


A budget not submitted in good faith is the same as no budget at all.

exactly. I refer to them as "show votes" because they know it makes them look good in deep red districts even though it won't go anywhere. That covers around 75% of the bills coming out of Boehner's tea party House.
Why do Repubs do this? They need a non-Randian as a budget chairman. His budget presupposes the repeal of Obamacare WHICH we just had a referendum on (AKA- election)

Ryan stakes out GOP budget principles, pledges $4.6 trillion in savings - First Read
The plan is unlikely to ever become law in its entirety; it assumes a repeal of President Barack Obama's health care reform law, and collects no new revenue from taxes, two elements which are unpalatable to Democrats.

They keep saying "we produced a budget" but if it goes nowhere/is so partisanly lopsided, did they genuinely produce one? :eusa_liar:

he threw Keystone XL in there as well as a final :fu: :eusa_hand:

It forces a balanced budget in 10 years...What do you fear?...
Newsflash. Keystone is needed. The only reason Obama is blocking it is political expedience. One of Obama's and the democrat party's most coveted constituencies is the far left enviro- wackos. Of course he wieghed the pros and cons on this.
At the time of the decision, it was more politically expedient to piss off 20,000 union oil pipeline workers than 5 million enviro nazis
Why do Repubs do this? They need a non-Randian as a budget chairman. His budget presupposes the repeal of Obamacare WHICH we just had a referendum on (AKA- election)

Ryan stakes out GOP budget principles, pledges $4.6 trillion in savings - First Read
The plan is unlikely to ever become law in its entirety; it assumes a repeal of President Barack Obama's health care reform law, and collects no new revenue from taxes, two elements which are unpalatable to Democrats.

They keep saying "we produced a budget" but if it goes nowhere/is so partisanly lopsided, did they genuinely produce one? :eusa_liar:

he threw Keystone XL in there as well as a final :fu: :eusa_hand:

It forces a balanced budget in 10 years...What do you fear?...
Newsflash. Keystone is needed. The only reason Obama is blocking it is political expedience. One of Obama's and the democrat party's most coveted constituencies is the far left enviro- wackos. Of course he wieghed the pros and cons on this.
At the time of the decision, it was more politically expedient to piss off 20,000 union oil pipeline workers than 5 million enviro nazis

10 years isnt nearly soon enough
Aren't we finally supposed to get a budget from the Senate after a mere four year wait ? I look forward to seeing how balanced and non partisan that's going to be.

The past four years budgets have been so bad even democrats would not vote for them.
Of course this is done deliberately. The White House has no interest in budget. A budget restricts spending while continuing resolutions allow the President virtual unfettered spending power.
It's time to cut off Obama from his Spending I V bag..
So what if the government has to close some departments and some workers have to be sent home.
The facts are that the White House has laid out a budget every single year. The Senate has too, but now that every single thing gets filibustered, it makes it difficult for anyone to get close to 60 votes there instead of the 50 that it's supposed to be.

The facts about Paul Ryan's new proposal is that he balances the budget in 10 years by keeping the tax increases in Obamacare while cutting health insurance that goes to people while he also accounts in his budget for the $600 billion that was raised by letting the Bush Tax Cuts expire in the mini-fiscal cliff deal back in December.

Paul Ryan just isn't a serious person. He's actually proposing balancing the budget by raising taxes and supporting the two things that Obama wanted and got already. I mean, how stupid is that?

I can't take Ryan seriously. I don't know why some in the media still do.
Aren't we finally supposed to get a budget from the Senate after a mere four year wait ? I look forward to seeing how balanced and non partisan that's going to be.

The past four years budgets have been so bad even democrats would not vote for them.
Of course this is done deliberately. The White House has no interest in budget. A budget restricts spending while continuing resolutions allow the President virtual unfettered spending power.
It's time to cut off Obama from his Spending I V bag..
So what if the government has to close some departments and some workers have to be sent home.

The disinformation that the right must let go of is that Obama has a blank check to spend as he pleases. The fact is that he submits his budget to Congress and the budget is completely reliant on the House vote.

Most Americans know this, so yas may want to drop the meme, 'kay?
The facts are that the White House has laid out a budget every single year. The Senate has too, but now that every single thing gets filibustered, it makes it difficult for anyone to get close to 60 votes there instead of the 50 that it's supposed to be.

The facts about Paul Ryan's new proposal is that he balances the budget in 10 years by keeping the tax increases in Obamacare while cutting health insurance that goes to people while he also accounts in his budget for the $600 billion that was raised by letting the Bush Tax Cuts expire in the mini-fiscal cliff deal back in December.

Paul Ryan just isn't a serious person. He's actually proposing balancing the budget by raising taxes and supporting the two things that Obama wanted and got already. I mean, how stupid is that?

I can't take Ryan seriously. I don't know why some in the media still do.

Uh, no. The United States Senate has not passed a budget since April 29, 2009.

The House proposes a budget EVERY year - and has done since Barry took over. It goes to the Senate and Harry "Howdy Doody" Reid kills it in conference - just as the Communist-In-Chief has directed him to do since the day Barry took over. We have NOT had a budget since Barry took over.

We, basically, are operating under the very same budget that Bush left for Obama. Continuing resolutions allow Barry to spend at will. PERIOD. END OF STORY.
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Why do Repubs do this? They need a non-Randian as a budget chairman. His budget presupposes the repeal of Obamacare WHICH we just had a referendum on (AKA- election)

Ryan stakes out GOP budget principles, pledges $4.6 trillion in savings - First Read
The plan is unlikely to ever become law in its entirety; it assumes a repeal of President Barack Obama's health care reform law, and collects no new revenue from taxes, two elements which are unpalatable to Democrats.

They keep saying "we produced a budget" but if it goes nowhere/is so partisanly lopsided, did they genuinely produce one? :eusa_liar:

he threw Keystone XL in there as well as a final :fu: :eusa_hand:

It forces a balanced budget in 10 years...What do you fear?...
Newsflash. Keystone is needed. The only reason Obama is blocking it is political expedience. One of Obama's and the democrat party's most coveted constituencies is the far left enviro- wackos. Of course he wieghed the pros and cons on this.
At the time of the decision, it was more politically expedient to piss off 20,000 union oil pipeline workers than 5 million enviro nazis

It's not just about balancing the budget, it's also about how you balance it. And two things. First, whenever a plan comes out that says "over the next ten years", that's normally Washington code for "it doesn't do a damn thing". And second, I would have to see a nonpartisan review of his plan before I believed a single word of it.

But balancing the budget isn't what Ryan cares about. If he actually gave a shit about balancing the budget he would submit a bill that had an actual chance of passing. Instead, he vomits out a plan, one he knows without a shadow of a doubt will fail, laced with nothing but neo-con ideas that serves no purpose other than posturing and dividing for the next election.

It's nothing but political theatre, and you're buying it.
Why do Repubs do this? They need a non-Randian as a budget chairman. His budget presupposes the repeal of Obamacare WHICH we just had a referendum on (AKA- election)

Ryan stakes out GOP budget principles, pledges $4.6 trillion in savings - First Read

They keep saying "we produced a budget" but if it goes nowhere/is so partisanly lopsided, did they genuinely produce one? :eusa_liar:

he threw Keystone XL in there as well as a final :fu: :eusa_hand:

It forces a balanced budget in 10 years...What do you fear?...
Newsflash. Keystone is needed. The only reason Obama is blocking it is political expedience. One of Obama's and the democrat party's most coveted constituencies is the far left enviro- wackos. Of course he wieghed the pros and cons on this.
At the time of the decision, it was more politically expedient to piss off 20,000 union oil pipeline workers than 5 million enviro nazis

It's not just about balancing the budget, it's also about how you balance it. And two things. First, whenever a plan comes out that says "over the next ten years", that's normally Washington code for "it doesn't do a damn thing". And second, I would have to see a nonpartisan review of his plan before I believed a single word of it.

But balancing the budget isn't what Ryan cares about. If he actually gave a shit about balancing the budget he would submit a bill that had an actual chance of passing. Instead, he vomits out a plan, one he knows without a shadow of a doubt will fail, laced with nothing but neo-con ideas that serves no purpose other than posturing and dividing for the next election.

It's nothing but political theatre, and you're buying it.
No..The days of overspending are OVER. This is all about balancing the budget.
The gravy train has stopped running.
I am laughing my ass off.
You have the nerve to talk about partisan politics.
Anyway. Protecting sacred cow social spending is what your side wanted. So now you'll just have to deal with it. You'll have to live with less government.

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