S.C. GOP goes full bizarro: Militarizes ALL state residents in case of invasion??!!


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Bill tweaks law on SC's 'unorganized militia' | CharlotteObserver.com

Just wow. When you thought the GOP couldnt get any more bizarre or nutty, especially after Tuesday's "Water-bottle-Gate", then I see this in the news today.

The South Carolina GOP is proposing a law that would exempt all SC militay and unorganized militia from any federal gun laws. They say "heaven forbid" some invading force land on their shores and state residents need to fight them off. Nevermind, you know, the Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Army Guard, Air Guard, state, county and local SWAT teams.........nevermind that, lets assume this invading force has overrun all of those military, state guard and police agencies. Our "militia" and "unorganized militia" must fight them off.

So WHO is part of the "unorganized" militia and regular militia under SC law? ANY state resident over 17. Yep. If you are 17, and live in SC, you are part of the state militia, like it or not. And the GOP says you need to arm yourself in case of their shore being invaded (Remember, they just might defeat our Navy, Army, Marines, USAF, Coast Guard, Army Guard, Air Guard, State Police, county and city SWAT teams.......you'll be all thats left).

The bill says all militia members (aka, anyone in SC over 17) should be allowed to keep any firearms, ammo, accessories, even if banned by Federal law, as part of their militia gear. In a fun note, the acronym for South Carolina Unorganized Militia is "SCUM" haha!

This is what the state GOP is working on. MEANWHILE.......SC roads are crumbling, schools are among the nation's worst, crime rate is among the nations worst, poverty outside the 3 main metro areas is abysmal, and yet, our state GOP reps are more concerned about arming every person in the state over 17 in case our military and police are all destroyed by some unknown landing force that is so powerful it beats all the armed services and domestic forces we have.

Thats the ticket GOP. Throw in a Benghazi reference, and you got a winner!
SC Bill Steps Up To Protect Unorganized Militia From Fed's Gun Grab : Freedom Outpost

In fact, if you are 17 and in SC, you are already part of the state's "standing army" according to the GOP rep. And thus, you are exempt from ANY Federal authority telling you what weapons you can and cant have. So, as the link says, some think you should be able to have flame throwers and all the weapons the military has. A common batshit crazy SC resident is now officially part of the SC state standing army/militia, and is exempt from federal gun laws, and thus, can and should be able to own a flame thrower, RPG, full auto .50 cal vehicle mounted weapon. Hell, pave him a landing strip and give him an F16!

God O' Mighty, these rednecks have gone full throttle insane.
To sum it up..........to any and all 17 year olds in the State of South Carolina, the reddest of red states in America: Be on notice. You just got drafted into the SC State Army. God Bless Republicans!
Kudos for them being prepared. Never know what will happen

Funny you said this :This is what the state GOP is working on. MEANWHILE.......SC roads are crumbling, schools are among the nation's worst, crime rate is among the nations worst, poverty outside the 3 main metro areas is abysmal, and yet, our state GOP reps are more concerned about arming every person in the state over 17 in case our military and police are all destroyed by some unknown landing force that is so powerful it beats all the armed services and domestic forces we have.

Kinda sounds like obama. You know, with his priorities being on guns, minimum wage and climate control BAHAHAHA
I believe it is a citizens responsibility against tyranny and invasion. Are they just supposed to sit down and get raped and shot? HELL no! Stand your ground!
Bush and the republicans allowed us to be hit on our own soil.

did your guns stop that?
I believe it is a citizens responsibility against tyranny and invasion. Are they just supposed to sit down and get raped and shot? HELL no! Stand your ground!

So, you think that there is a real threat of a foreign military that would be able to defeat our Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines, then our Coast Guard, and Army Guard, and Air Guard, and then, whatever is left of that force, being able to overrun our state, local and county swat teams and cops..........and the only think left will be the common rednecks of America with rifles to take on the landing force on our shores?

If you think that is a real possibility, then yes, the GOP is indeed full blown clinically insane.

Hey, it could be an alien UFO force that comes in and invades!!!! Shouldnt all residents have anti-aircraft guns on top of their garages? What about shoulder fired surface-to-air missiles?? You never know, UFOs could invade and we need those weapons, right?
Kudos for them being prepared. Never know what will happen

Funny you said this :This is what the state GOP is working on. MEANWHILE.......SC roads are crumbling, schools are among the nation's worst, crime rate is among the nations worst, poverty outside the 3 main metro areas is abysmal, and yet, our state GOP reps are more concerned about arming every person in the state over 17 in case our military and police are all destroyed by some unknown landing force that is so powerful it beats all the armed services and domestic forces we have.

Kinda sounds like obama. You know, with his priorities being on guns, minimum wage and climate control BAHAHAHA

Obamas gun focus: We do have a problem with gun violence.
OBamas min wage focus: We do have an economic mess
Obamas climate control: We are experiencing weird weather stuff

Like his plans or not, disagree or not, they are relevant topics.

But the GOP: I dont see an imminent threat of invasion of the South Carolina coast from any force that has the ability to overrun our military and police in a full invasion.

See my point now?
I believe it is a citizens responsibility against tyranny and invasion. Are they just supposed to sit down and get raped and shot? HELL no! Stand your ground!

So, you think that there is a real threat of a foreign military that would be able to defeat our Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines, then our Coast Guard, and Army Guard, and Air Guard, and then, whatever is left of that force, being able to overrun our state, local and county swat teams and cops..........and the only think left will be the common rednecks of America with rifles to take on the landing force on our shores?

If you think that is a real possibility, then yes, the GOP is indeed full blown clinically insane.

Hey, it could be an alien UFO force that comes in and invades!!!! Shouldnt all residents have anti-aircraft guns on top of their garages? What about shoulder fired surface-to-air missiles?? You never know, UFOs could invade and we need those weapons, right?

Damn strait we need em. We legally can, and who can afford them, why not? What if they invaded them first? Instead of losing thousands of people, the citizens could stand their ground. A couple ballsy patriots could do wonders. Look at the heroes from Benghazi that held of droves of terrorists for a while. Good example, IMO

I do not doubt anything anymore. I would rather prepared, than ass-fucked and shot. At least my family and I wouldn't go out being a pussy
Kudos for them being prepared. Never know what will happen

Funny you said this :This is what the state GOP is working on. MEANWHILE.......SC roads are crumbling, schools are among the nation's worst, crime rate is among the nations worst, poverty outside the 3 main metro areas is abysmal, and yet, our state GOP reps are more concerned about arming every person in the state over 17 in case our military and police are all destroyed by some unknown landing force that is so powerful it beats all the armed services and domestic forces we have.

Kinda sounds like obama. You know, with his priorities being on guns, minimum wage and climate control BAHAHAHA
the majority of the problems you mentioned are in democratic strong holds in the state .
Kudos for them being prepared. Never know what will happen

Funny you said this :This is what the state GOP is working on. MEANWHILE.......SC roads are crumbling, schools are among the nation's worst, crime rate is among the nations worst, poverty outside the 3 main metro areas is abysmal, and yet, our state GOP reps are more concerned about arming every person in the state over 17 in case our military and police are all destroyed by some unknown landing force that is so powerful it beats all the armed services and domestic forces we have.

Kinda sounds like obama. You know, with his priorities being on guns, minimum wage and climate control BAHAHAHA

Obamas gun focus: We do have a problem with gun violence.
OBamas min wage focus: We do have an economic mess
Obamas climate control: We are experiencing weird weather stuff

Like his plans or not, disagree or not, they are relevant topics.

But the GOP: I dont see an imminent threat of invasion of the South Carolina coast from any force that has the ability to overrun our military and police in a full invasion.

See my point now?

Yea, that should be a priority forget our economy etc. There has ALWAYS been gun violence. Maybe them fools could start enforcing what we already have. Minimum wage is complete horse shit. That will not help anyone but some high schoolers and part timers that do not care about their well-being.
Climate control. How do we do that exaxtly? It is the way the world works. Look at history, bub. IT HAPPENS. Technology has something to do with you all being scared shitless. You think bad stuff never happened? The Ice Age was BS, I take it?
I believe it is a citizens responsibility against tyranny and invasion. Are they just supposed to sit down and get raped and shot? HELL no! Stand your ground!

So, you think that there is a real threat of a foreign military that would be able to defeat our Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines, then our Coast Guard, and Army Guard, and Air Guard, and then, whatever is left of that force, being able to overrun our state, local and county swat teams and cops..........and the only think left will be the common rednecks of America with rifles to take on the landing force on our shores?

If you think that is a real possibility, then yes, the GOP is indeed full blown clinically insane.

Hey, it could be an alien UFO force that comes in and invades!!!! Shouldnt all residents have anti-aircraft guns on top of their garages? What about shoulder fired surface-to-air missiles?? You never know, UFOs could invade and we need those weapons, right?

Damn strait we need em. We legally can, and who can afford them, why not? What if they invaded them first? Instead of losing thousands of people, the citizens could stand their ground. A couple ballsy patriots could do wonders. Look at the heroes from Benghazi that held of droves of terrorists for a while. Good example, IMO

I do not doubt anything anymore. I would rather prepared, than ass-fucked and shot. At least my family and I wouldn't go out being a pussy

Wow, what a lunatic.

So, you think our Air Force radars would miss this invasion? Our Navy sonar and radar would miss it? Ooops, right? You think our Marine quick action forces are that inept?

You truly have that little faith in our military, that they would somehow allow an invading force to land on SC's shores and invade, rape us, shoot us, etc, and just watch? Why do you have such little faith in our military?

And, you truly think you need an anti-aircraft gun on your garage?

My God, right wingers have gotten to an extent of insanity that needs to be studied in a clinic.
They arent drafted in this. More false outrage.

True. A "draft" means a person was not in the military to begin.

THIS crazy ass right wing law states that simply being 17 in their state means you are automatically a militia member of, from their own words, the SC "state standing army". You literally have to resign to become just a "civilian" under state law. That is the exact law, read it. You are automatically a "state standing army" member when you turn 17, and must resign to become just a "civilian". And it says you are under orders of the Governor of SC, unless you resign.

Its worse than a draft. It is a forced militarization of all citizens on their 17th birthday!!!! Which means the South Carolina State Army is now over 4,000,000 people!! Bigger than the formal US military!!!
So, you think that there is a real threat of a foreign military that would be able to defeat our Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines, then our Coast Guard, and Army Guard, and Air Guard, and then, whatever is left of that force, being able to overrun our state, local and county swat teams and cops..........and the only think left will be the common rednecks of America with rifles to take on the landing force on our shores?

If you think that is a real possibility, then yes, the GOP is indeed full blown clinically insane.

Hey, it could be an alien UFO force that comes in and invades!!!! Shouldnt all residents have anti-aircraft guns on top of their garages? What about shoulder fired surface-to-air missiles?? You never know, UFOs could invade and we need those weapons, right?

Damn strait we need em. We legally can, and who can afford them, why not? What if they invaded them first? Instead of losing thousands of people, the citizens could stand their ground. A couple ballsy patriots could do wonders. Look at the heroes from Benghazi that held of droves of terrorists for a while. Good example, IMO

I do not doubt anything anymore. I would rather prepared, than ass-fucked and shot. At least my family and I wouldn't go out being a pussy

Wow, what a lunatic.

So, you think our Air Force radars would miss this invasion? Our Navy sonar and radar would miss it? Ooops, right? You think our Marine quick action forces are that inept?

You truly have that little faith in our military, that they would somehow allow an invading force to land on SC's shores and invade, rape us, shoot us, etc, and just watch? Why do you have such little faith in our military?

And, you truly think you need an anti-aircraft gun on your garage?

My God, right wingers have gotten to an extent of insanity that needs to be studied in a clinic.

You seem to be very obtuse right now. I do not doubt our forces. AT ALL. Look at Benghazi. They had to fight by themselves. Don't think nothing could happen. It is always in the back of my mind.
So, you think that there is a real threat of a foreign military that would be able to defeat our Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines, then our Coast Guard, and Army Guard, and Air Guard, and then, whatever is left of that force, being able to overrun our state, local and county swat teams and cops..........and the only think left will be the common rednecks of America with rifles to take on the landing force on our shores?

If you think that is a real possibility, then yes, the GOP is indeed full blown clinically insane.

Hey, it could be an alien UFO force that comes in and invades!!!! Shouldnt all residents have anti-aircraft guns on top of their garages? What about shoulder fired surface-to-air missiles?? You never know, UFOs could invade and we need those weapons, right?

Damn strait we need em. We legally can, and who can afford them, why not? What if they invaded them first? Instead of losing thousands of people, the citizens could stand their ground. A couple ballsy patriots could do wonders. Look at the heroes from Benghazi that held of droves of terrorists for a while. Good example, IMO

I do not doubt anything anymore. I would rather prepared, than ass-fucked and shot. At least my family and I wouldn't go out being a pussy

Wow, what a lunatic.

So, you think our Air Force radars would miss this invasion? Our Navy sonar and radar would miss it? Ooops, right? You think our Marine quick action forces are that inept?

You truly have that little faith in our military, that they would somehow allow an invading force to land on SC's shores and invade, rape us, shoot us, etc, and just watch? Why do you have such little faith in our military?

And, you truly think you need an anti-aircraft gun on your garage?

My God, right wingers have gotten to an extent of insanity that needs to be studied in a clinic.

what if high command ignored the problem......? the military would not arrive.....

gosh.....that sounds like something that actually happened recently......Benghazi anyone....?

faith in our military is only as good as its leader.....and that faith is GONE....

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