S.C. GOP goes full bizarro: Militarizes ALL state residents in case of invasion??!!

Oh my God. If I hear "BENGHAZI" one more time, Im gonna lose it.

Benghazi happend in a nation in Northern Africa, a radical nation with no domestic police worth a shit, and full of crazy ass Muslims.

Columbia, SC, isn't in Northern Africa, or full of crazy Muslims, and it does have a very capable, nationally accredited SWAT team, as well as a local Army base, and Air Force, Navy and Marine bases within 90 miles. I doubt, Columbia, SC, is gonna come under a mass Muslim attack that the local rednecks need to fight off.

But hey, just in case, the state GOP just drafted 4,000,000 SC residents into the standing state army!!!!

If you hear about Benghazi one more time you'll what? [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=A2EoZq2rXXI]Obama event goers on Benghazi: What?!? - YouTube[/ame]
Bush and the republicans allowed us to be hit on our own soil.

did your guns stop that?

WTF????? You cannot be serious...

Is it any worse than suggesting the Chinese would invade South Carolina, and either our military would allow it, or, our military would be defeated, and the only thing left would be a bunch of fat SC rednecks with .22 cal rifles to fight them off?

Folks, if the Chinese defeat our military, or, our military ignores an invasion, then you are so fucked that you may as well just say fuck it.
Oh my God. If I hear "BENGHAZI" one more time, Im gonna lose it.

Benghazi happend in a nation in Northern Africa, a radical nation with no domestic police worth a shit, and full of crazy ass Muslims.

Columbia, SC, isn't in Northern Africa, or full of crazy Muslims, and it does have a very capable, nationally accredited SWAT team, as well as a local Army base, and Air Force, Navy and Marine bases within 90 miles. I doubt, Columbia, SC, is gonna come under a mass Muslim attack that the local rednecks need to fight off.

But hey, just in case, the state GOP just drafted 4,000,000 SC residents into the standing state army!!!!

If you hear about Benghazi one more time you'll what? [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=A2EoZq2rXXI]Obama event goers on Benghazi: What?!? - YouTube[/ame]

I said I'd "lose it". "IT" being.....any tiny, microscopic bit of hope I may have still had that the right wing would ever recover from this insanity binge it has been on.

But, "it" is now gone. You people are so obsessed with Benghazi, you are probably gonna cost yourselves the 2014 and 2016 elections.

You just cant fathom that most people just dont care about Benghazi. And the more you people push it, the more you push voters away. Is your goal to beat Obama? Or is it to help the people of THIS country.

There is a price to pay for being World Police and having a presence in every nutty nation on Earth. Sometimes, when the World Police have an outpost in the middle of millions of batshit crazy loons, it's gonna go badly.
Bush and the republicans allowed us to be hit on our own soil.

did your guns stop that?

Your outragious lie aside, had there been armed citizens on those planes then 911 would never have happened.

Armed citizens on pressurized jets. I love it.

You assuming they would be forced to use their weapon. History shows that just the presence of a weapon can be a deterrent. But don't let the facts stop you.
Your outragious lie aside, had there been armed citizens on those planes then 911 would never have happened.

Armed citizens on pressurized jets. I love it.

Yes. Armed citizens on a jet.

Imagine THIS:

A few armed, and probably poorly trained, citizens on a jet. Also on that jet is an air marshal or two. Also on the jet is a few terrorists.

The terrorists start to act. The armed rednecks jump up and pull their guns. The air marshals jump up, see a few Muslims acting crazy, and a few other people of unknown race acting crazy and pulling guns. The citizens see the Marshals, in plain clothes, pulling guns. Unarmed people panic seeing all the people pulling guns. Chaos and gunfire ensues.

Meanwhile, the pressurized jet at 10,000 feet absorbs bullets and....well, we dont know after that.

What a fantasy, how long have you been a writer of fiction?
Your outragious lie aside, had there been armed citizens on those planes then 911 would never have happened.

Armed citizens on pressurized jets. I love it.

You assuming they would be forced to use their weapon. History shows that just the presence of a weapon can be a deterrent. But don't let the facts stop you.

Question: If the common American redneck with no felony conviction is allowed to pack a gun on a flight........what is stopping the common American Muslim fanatic, with no felony conviction, from also packing a gun on a flight?

See how stuipd your idea is now?
Bush and the republicans allowed us to be hit on our own soil.

did your guns stop that?

WTF????? You cannot be serious...

Is it any worse than suggesting the Chinese would invade South Carolina, and either our military would allow it, or, our military would be defeated, and the only thing left would be a bunch of fat SC rednecks with .22 cal rifles to fight them off?

Folks, if the Chinese defeat our military, or, our military ignores an invasion, then you are so fucked that you may as well just say fuck it.

that may be true......but what the fuck gives you the right to prevent a man from going down fighting for his freedom....?

just because some Red Chinese commie-loving prez wants to take our guns away.....?
Armed citizens on pressurized jets. I love it.

You assuming they would be forced to use their weapon. History shows that just the presence of a weapon can be a deterrent. But don't let the facts stop you.

Question: If the common American redneck with no felony conviction is allowed to pack a gun on a flight........what is stopping the common American Muslim fanatic, with no felony conviction, from also packing a gun on a flight?

See how stuipd your idea is now?

Wow... What a disgustingly racist thing to say.
You assuming they would be forced to use their weapon. History shows that just the presence of a weapon can be a deterrent. But don't let the facts stop you.

Question: If the common American redneck with no felony conviction is allowed to pack a gun on a flight........what is stopping the common American Muslim fanatic, with no felony conviction, from also packing a gun on a flight?

See how stuipd your idea is now?

Wow... What a disgustingly racist thing to say.

Considering most recent terror attacks in the US or against US interests have been done by crazy Muslims, I dont find it racist at all.

But it is true. Everywhere you allow a common redneck to pack heat, you also allow a rookie-radical to pack heat.
WTF????? You cannot be serious...

Is it any worse than suggesting the Chinese would invade South Carolina, and either our military would allow it, or, our military would be defeated, and the only thing left would be a bunch of fat SC rednecks with .22 cal rifles to fight them off?

Folks, if the Chinese defeat our military, or, our military ignores an invasion, then you are so fucked that you may as well just say fuck it.

that may be true......but what the fuck gives you the right to prevent a man from going down fighting for his freedom....?

just because some Red Chinese commie-loving prez wants to take our guns away.....?

Im not saying to do that.

Im saying there is some common sense areas for all laws, including gun laws.

Does the common citizen need a surface to air missile to defend against possible UFO invasions? No.

Just like the chances of China defeating our military, and invading South Carolina, are so slim....that we probably shouldnt allow flame throwers to be sold at Wal-Mart just yet. But, some right wingers think a flame thrower is appropriate, a link to which I provided.
Armed citizens on pressurized jets. I love it.

You assuming they would be forced to use their weapon. History shows that just the presence of a weapon can be a deterrent. But don't let the facts stop you.

Question: If the common American redneck with no felony conviction is allowed to pack a gun on a flight........what is stopping the common American Muslim fanatic, with no felony conviction, from also packing a gun on a flight?

See how stuipd your idea is now?

I see how stupid you are when you have to play the "what if" game in a lame attempt to make a point.

Fact is had there been someone armed on those planes , 911 may have never happened.

Oh and for you ignorant people out that believe firing a bullet on a plane will cause the plane to crash.

There are four things that might happen if a person were to fire a gun on an airplane:

  • The bullet simply goes through the aluminum skin of the plane and punches a small hole as it exits.
  • The bullet hits a window and blows it out.
  • The bullet hits wiring hidden in the walls or the floor.
  • The bullet hits a fuel tank.

If the bullet simply punctures the skin of an airplane, then it's no big deal. The cabin of the airplane is pressurized, and the hole creates a small leak, but the pressurization system will compensate for it. A single hole, or even a few holes like this, will have no effect.

If the bullet blows out a window, that's a problem. A big one. When the window blows, the plane will depressurize over the course of several seconds. Since all of the air in the cockpit is rushing toward the missing window, a lot of debris will be heading in that direction with it. If the person sitting next to the window isn't strapped in, then it's possible that he or she will get pushed out -- another good reason to wear your safety belt at all times!

But the plane will not necessarily crash!
Wow, what a lunatic.

So, you think our Air Force radars would miss this invasion? Our Navy sonar and radar would miss it? Ooops, right? You think our Marine quick action forces are that inept?

You truly have that little faith in our military, that they would somehow allow an invading force to land on SC's shores and invade, rape us, shoot us, etc, and just watch? Why do you have such little faith in our military?

And, you truly think you need an anti-aircraft gun on your garage?

My God, right wingers have gotten to an extent of insanity that needs to be studied in a clinic.

what if high command ignored the problem......? the military would not arrive.....

gosh.....that sounds like something that actually happened recently......Benghazi anyone....?

faith in our military is only as good as its leader.....and that faith is GONE....

Did you lose all faith in this country on 911?

I lost faith in this country long before that. It's leaders anyways.
Is it any worse than suggesting the Chinese would invade South Carolina, and either our military would allow it, or, our military would be defeated, and the only thing left would be a bunch of fat SC rednecks with .22 cal rifles to fight them off?

Folks, if the Chinese defeat our military, or, our military ignores an invasion, then you are so fucked that you may as well just say fuck it.

that may be true......but what the fuck gives you the right to prevent a man from going down fighting for his freedom....?

just because some Red Chinese commie-loving prez wants to take our guns away.....?

Im not saying to do that.

Im saying there is some common sense areas for all laws, including gun laws.

Does the common citizen need a surface to air missile to defend against possible UFO invasions? No.

Just like the chances of China defeating our military, and invading South Carolina, are so slim....that we probably shouldnt allow flame throwers to be sold at Wal-Mart just yet. But, some right wingers think a flame thrower is appropriate, a link to which I provided.

A surface to air missile, isn't a gun. And no one is advocating allowing citizens to arm themselves with surface to air missile.

Your strawman arguments are lame!
You assuming they would be forced to use their weapon. History shows that just the presence of a weapon can be a deterrent. But don't let the facts stop you.

Question: If the common American redneck with no felony conviction is allowed to pack a gun on a flight........what is stopping the common American Muslim fanatic, with no felony conviction, from also packing a gun on a flight?

See how stuipd your idea is now?

I see how stupid you are when you have to play the "what if" game in a lame attempt to make a point.

Fact is had there been someone armed on those planes , 911 may have never happened.

Oh and for you ignorant people out that believe firing a bullet on a plane will cause the plane to crash.

There are four things that might happen if a person were to fire a gun on an airplane:

  • The bullet simply goes through the aluminum skin of the plane and punches a small hole as it exits.
  • The bullet hits a window and blows it out.
  • The bullet hits wiring hidden in the walls or the floor.
  • The bullet hits a fuel tank.

If the bullet simply punctures the skin of an airplane, then it's no big deal. The cabin of the airplane is pressurized, and the hole creates a small leak, but the pressurization system will compensate for it. A single hole, or even a few holes like this, will have no effect.

If the bullet blows out a window, that's a problem. A big one. When the window blows, the plane will depressurize over the course of several seconds. Since all of the air in the cockpit is rushing toward the missing window, a lot of debris will be heading in that direction with it. If the person sitting next to the window isn't strapped in, then it's possible that he or she will get pushed out -- another good reason to wear your safety belt at all times!

But the plane will not necessarily crash!

Air Marshals simply use special Ammo with lower Velocity to try and mitigate the dangers.
Bush and the republicans allowed us to be hit on our own soil.

did your guns stop that?
"The essence of the Liberal outlook lies not in what opinions are held, but in how they are held: instead of being held dogmatically, they are held tentatively, and with a consciousness that new evidence may at any moment lead to their abandonment." -Bertrand Russell

Press Release: SEC Votes for Final Rules Defining How Banks Can Be Securities Brokers; 2007-190; Sept. 19, 2007

The introduction of this new principle of representative democracy has rendered useless almost everything written before on the structure of government; Thomas Jefferson

The Following User Says Thank You to Truthmatters For This Useful Post:
Pogo (Today)
http://www.charlotteobserver.com/2013/02/13/3853074/bill-tweaks-law-on-scs-unorganized.html Bill tweaks law on SC's 'unorganized militia' | CharlotteObserver.com

Nevermind, you know, the Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Army Guard, Air Guard, state, county and local SWAT teams.........nevermind that, lets assume this invading force has overrun all of those military, state guard and police agencies. Our "militia" and "unorganized militia" must fight them off.

So WHO is part of the "unorganized" militia and regular militia under SC law? ANY state resident over 17. Yep. If you are 17, and live in SC, you are part of the state militia, like it or not. And the GOP says you need to arm yourself in case of their shore being invaded (Remember, they just might defeat our Navy, Army, Marines, USAF, Coast Guard, Army Guard, Air Guard, State Police, county and city SWAT teams.......you'll be all thats left).

I bet the Jews felt real comforted to know that the German military was going to protect them.
The Chinese felt comforted knowing Mao's military would protect them too. Oh wait, Mao ran them over with tanks.

Retard Libs never learned about history and Democide.

You assuming they would be forced to use their weapon. History shows that just the presence of a weapon can be a deterrent. But don't let the facts stop you.

Question: If the common American redneck with no felony conviction is allowed to pack a gun on a flight........what is stopping the common American Muslim fanatic, with no felony conviction, from also packing a gun on a flight?

See how stuipd your idea is now?

I see how stupid you are when you have to play the "what if" game in a lame attempt to make a point.

Fact is had there been someone armed on those planes , 911 may have never happened.

Oh and for you ignorant people out that believe firing a bullet on a plane will cause the plane to crash.

There are four things that might happen if a person were to fire a gun on an airplane:

  • The bullet simply goes through the aluminum skin of the plane and punches a small hole as it exits.
  • The bullet hits a window and blows it out.
  • The bullet hits wiring hidden in the walls or the floor.
  • The bullet hits a fuel tank.

If the bullet simply punctures the skin of an airplane, then it's no big deal. The cabin of the airplane is pressurized, and the hole creates a small leak, but the pressurization system will compensate for it. A single hole, or even a few holes like this, will have no effect.

If the bullet blows out a window, that's a problem. A big one. When the window blows, the plane will depressurize over the course of several seconds. Since all of the air in the cockpit is rushing toward the missing window, a lot of debris will be heading in that direction with it. If the person sitting next to the window isn't strapped in, then it's possible that he or she will get pushed out -- another good reason to wear your safety belt at all times!

But the plane will not necessarily crash!

Wait...your criticizing me for making a point with a "what it"?


- What if the government inflicts tyranny on us
- What if China decides to invade us
- What if an armed citizen was there to stop it

Like those "what ifs" we hear every day?

BTW, untrained people on a plane with guns shooting it out is a disaster waiting to happen. Even if they dont hit a window, innocent bystanders will be hit.

You idiots who took an 8 hour concealed carry class all of a sudden think you are tactical gurus on par with soldiers or swat guys.

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