S.C. GOP goes full bizarro: Militarizes ALL state residents in case of invasion??!!

Oh, well, that's not so bad.

What about the two you missed?

[*]The bullet hits wiring hidden in the walls or the floor.

[*]The bullet hits a fuel tank.

What happens then?

Hitting a fuel take would more than likely take down the plane. A bullet hitting wiring not neccessarily.

I still like the odds.

Prior to 1965 Americans were allowed to carryn on board. There was never a problem.


Let's not confuse them with facts.
Bill tweaks law on SC's 'unorganized militia' | CharlotteObserver.com

Just wow. When you thought the GOP couldnt get any more bizarre or nutty, especially after Tuesday's "Water-bottle-Gate", then I see this in the news today.

The South Carolina GOP is proposing a law that would exempt all SC militay and unorganized militia from any federal gun laws. They say "heaven forbid" some invading force land on their shores and state residents need to fight them off. Nevermind, you know, the Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Army Guard, Air Guard, state, county and local SWAT teams.........nevermind that, lets assume this invading force has overrun all of those military, state guard and police agencies. Our "militia" and "unorganized militia" must fight them off.

So WHO is part of the "unorganized" militia and regular militia under SC law? ANY state resident over 17. Yep. If you are 17, and live in SC, you are part of the state militia, like it or not. And the GOP says you need to arm yourself in case of their shore being invaded (Remember, they just might defeat our Navy, Army, Marines, USAF, Coast Guard, Army Guard, Air Guard, State Police, county and city SWAT teams.......you'll be all thats left).

The bill says all militia members (aka, anyone in SC over 17) should be allowed to keep any firearms, ammo, accessories, even if banned by Federal law, as part of their militia gear. In a fun note, the acronym for South Carolina Unorganized Militia is "SCUM" haha!

This is what the state GOP is working on. MEANWHILE.......SC roads are crumbling, schools are among the nation's worst, crime rate is among the nations worst, poverty outside the 3 main metro areas is abysmal, and yet, our state GOP reps are more concerned about arming every person in the state over 17 in case our military and police are all destroyed by some unknown landing force that is so powerful it beats all the armed services and domestic forces we have.

Thats the ticket GOP. Throw in a Benghazi reference, and you got a winner!

According to US law the unformed militia of the entire Country is anyone 18 and older. But then lets not let facts get in the way of a good old fashioned rant that has zero reality attached. I suggest you READ the Constitution,
Hitting a fuel take would more than likely take down the plane. A bullet hitting wiring not neccessarily.

I still like the odds.

Prior to 1965 Americans were allowed to carryn on board. There was never a problem.


Let's not confuse them with facts.

Had Americans been allowed to carry firearms on September 11, 2001, the terrorists would have never been able to hijack the airplanes.

But them liberals love gun free zones.

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Bill tweaks law on SC's 'unorganized militia' | CharlotteObserver.com

Just wow. When you thought the GOP couldnt get any more bizarre or nutty, especially after Tuesday's "Water-bottle-Gate", then I see this in the news today.

The South Carolina GOP is proposing a law that would exempt all SC militay and unorganized militia from any federal gun laws. They say "heaven forbid" some invading force land on their shores and state residents need to fight them off. Nevermind, you know, the Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Army Guard, Air Guard, state, county and local SWAT teams.........nevermind that, lets assume this invading force has overrun all of those military, state guard and police agencies. Our "militia" and "unorganized militia" must fight them off.

So WHO is part of the "unorganized" militia and regular militia under SC law? ANY state resident over 17. Yep. If you are 17, and live in SC, you are part of the state militia, like it or not. And the GOP says you need to arm yourself in case of their shore being invaded (Remember, they just might defeat our Navy, Army, Marines, USAF, Coast Guard, Army Guard, Air Guard, State Police, county and city SWAT teams.......you'll be all thats left).

The bill says all militia members (aka, anyone in SC over 17) should be allowed to keep any firearms, ammo, accessories, even if banned by Federal law, as part of their militia gear. In a fun note, the acronym for South Carolina Unorganized Militia is "SCUM" haha!

This is what the state GOP is working on. MEANWHILE.......SC roads are crumbling, schools are among the nation's worst, crime rate is among the nations worst, poverty outside the 3 main metro areas is abysmal, and yet, our state GOP reps are more concerned about arming every person in the state over 17 in case our military and police are all destroyed by some unknown landing force that is so powerful it beats all the armed services and domestic forces we have.

Thats the ticket GOP. Throw in a Benghazi reference, and you got a winner!

According to US law the unformed militia of the entire Country is anyone 18 and older. But then lets not let facts get in the way of a good old fashioned rant that has zero reality attached. I suggest you READ the Constitution,

Alot of states still restrict thier unorganized milita to males 17-45. South Carolina should be applauded in removing the restriction on women and removing the age limitation.
So Republicans, the party of small government, wants everyone in the nation to belong to the largest government agency ever created? Of course it turns out to be "military".
So Republicans, the party of small government, wants everyone in the nation to belong to the largest government agency ever created? Of course it turns out to be "military".

pssst, if the need ever arose, we already are. where have you been for the last 237 years?
So, you think that there is a real threat of a foreign military that would be able to defeat our Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines, then our Coast Guard, and Army Guard, and Air Guard, and then, whatever is left of that force, being able to overrun our state, local and county swat teams and cops..........and the only think left will be the common rednecks of America with rifles to take on the landing force on our shores?

If you think that is a real possibility, then yes, the GOP is indeed full blown clinically insane.

Hey, it could be an alien UFO force that comes in and invades!!!! Shouldnt all residents have anti-aircraft guns on top of their garages? What about shoulder fired surface-to-air missiles?? You never know, UFOs could invade and we need those weapons, right?

Damn strait we need em. We legally can, and who can afford them, why not? What if they invaded them first? Instead of losing thousands of people, the citizens could stand their ground. A couple ballsy patriots could do wonders. Look at the heroes from Benghazi that held of droves of terrorists for a while. Good example, IMO

I do not doubt anything anymore. I would rather prepared, than ass-fucked and shot. At least my family and I wouldn't go out being a pussy

Wow, what a lunatic.

So, you think our Air Force radars would miss this invasion? Our Navy sonar and radar would miss it? Ooops, right? You think our Marine quick action forces are that inept?

You truly have that little faith in our military, that they would somehow allow an invading force to land on SC's shores and invade, rape us, shoot us, etc, and just watch? Why do you have such little faith in our military?

And, you truly think you need an anti-aircraft gun on your garage?

My God, right wingers have gotten to an extent of insanity that needs to be studied in a clinic.

Where the fuck IS our military? Deployed overseas? Fat fucking lotta good that's going to do those of us who are Stateside, don't you think?

Bill tweaks law on SC's 'unorganized militia' | CharlotteObserver.com

Just wow. When you thought the GOP couldnt get any more bizarre or nutty, especially after Tuesday's "Water-bottle-Gate", then I see this in the news today.

The South Carolina GOP is proposing a law that would exempt all SC militay and unorganized militia from any federal gun laws. They say "heaven forbid" some invading force land on their shores and state residents need to fight them off. Nevermind, you know, the Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Army Guard, Air Guard, state, county and local SWAT teams.........nevermind that, lets assume this invading force has overrun all of those military, state guard and police agencies. Our "militia" and "unorganized militia" must fight them off.

So WHO is part of the "unorganized" militia and regular militia under SC law? ANY state resident over 17. Yep. If you are 17, and live in SC, you are part of the state militia, like it or not. And the GOP says you need to arm yourself in case of their shore being invaded (Remember, they just might defeat our Navy, Army, Marines, USAF, Coast Guard, Army Guard, Air Guard, State Police, county and city SWAT teams.......you'll be all thats left).

The bill says all militia members (aka, anyone in SC over 17) should be allowed to keep any firearms, ammo, accessories, even if banned by Federal law, as part of their militia gear. In a fun note, the acronym for South Carolina Unorganized Militia is "SCUM" haha!

This is what the state GOP is working on. MEANWHILE.......SC roads are crumbling, schools are among the nation's worst, crime rate is among the nations worst, poverty outside the 3 main metro areas is abysmal, and yet, our state GOP reps are more concerned about arming every person in the state over 17 in case our military and police are all destroyed by some unknown landing force that is so powerful it beats all the armed services and domestic forces we have.

Thats the ticket GOP. Throw in a Benghazi reference, and you got a winner!

Why wouldn't you be part of the militia if you are a citizen of the state? Do you have any idea what the militia is? Why do you think self defense is a bad thing? Why are you convinced that we instead need to sit by helplessly and wait for some government official to respond? How is that at all responsible?

I wish more people remembered that it's their responsibility to protect themselves and their neighbors and that you don't have to join a branch of the military to realize that.
And just when we thought the GOP was all for freedom and less government.........the reddest of red states makes ALL 4,000,000 of it's citizens automatic members of the State Standing Army, a position which they officially must resign from to be considered just a "civilian".

Does this mean the SC Standing Army, at 4,000,000 strong, is one of the, if not THE largest Army in the world? Wow.

IF the people who live there agree with it is NONE of your business..just pull your panties out and don't go to that state...I hope they do it in my state NEXT
These same type of proclamations regarding the limits of the Federal authority led to secession and war in the late 1850's.

And the smart people in the big cities laughed and called the Southrons crazy.
The bill is a pre-emptive move, should Congress pass or the president order gun restrictions, amid the continued debate over the mass killing in December of 20 children and six adults at a Connecticut elementary school.

More ignorance and idiocy from the right.

If enacted this measure would be in violation of the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution.

Federal law and decisions by the Federal courts are binding on the states; Federal law trumps state laws, and the states may not pre-empt, nullify, or otherwise ignore Federal statutes. See: Cooper v. Aaron (1958).
There won't be any need for a militia... because there won't be anyone left alive. If, by a miracle there are survivors... they will be in a literal, virtual hell.

The surviving assault rifle gun freaks can use their pop guns target practicing on the mountains of cadavers.
Bill tweaks law on SC's 'unorganized militia' | CharlotteObserver.com

Just wow. When you thought the GOP couldnt get any more bizarre or nutty, especially after Tuesday's "Water-bottle-Gate", then I see this in the news today.

The South Carolina GOP is proposing a law that would exempt all SC militay and unorganized militia from any federal gun laws. They say "heaven forbid" some invading force land on their shores and state residents need to fight them off. Nevermind, you know, the Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Army Guard, Air Guard, state, county and local SWAT teams.........nevermind that, lets assume this invading force has overrun all of those military, state guard and police agencies. Our "militia" and "unorganized militia" must fight them off.

So WHO is part of the "unorganized" militia and regular militia under SC law? ANY state resident over 17. Yep. If you are 17, and live in SC, you are part of the state militia, like it or not. And the GOP says you need to arm yourself in case of their shore being invaded (Remember, they just might defeat our Navy, Army, Marines, USAF, Coast Guard, Army Guard, Air Guard, State Police, county and city SWAT teams.......you'll be all thats left).

The bill says all militia members (aka, anyone in SC over 17) should be allowed to keep any firearms, ammo, accessories, even if banned by Federal law, as part of their militia gear. In a fun note, the acronym for South Carolina Unorganized Militia is "SCUM" haha!

This is what the state GOP is working on. MEANWHILE.......SC roads are crumbling, schools are among the nation's worst, crime rate is among the nations worst, poverty outside the 3 main metro areas is abysmal, and yet, our state GOP reps are more concerned about arming every person in the state over 17 in case our military and police are all destroyed by some unknown landing force that is so powerful it beats all the armed services and domestic forces we have.

Thats the ticket GOP. Throw in a Benghazi reference, and you got a winner!

we need to just give those fuckers to Mexico & be done w/ them &* compensate bucs90 because he's a good guy.
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And just when we thought the GOP was all for freedom and less government.........the reddest of red states makes ALL 4,000,000 of it's citizens automatic members of the State Standing Army, a position which they officially must resign from to be considered just a "civilian".

Does this mean the SC Standing Army, at 4,000,000 strong, is one of the, if not THE largest Army in the world? Wow.

IF the people who live there agree with it is NONE of your business..just pull your panties out and don't go to that state...I hope they do it in my state NEXT

ummm..... he lives there steph :eusa_whistle:

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