S.C. GOP goes full bizarro: Militarizes ALL state residents in case of invasion??!!

Bill tweaks law on SC's 'unorganized militia' | CharlotteObserver.com

Just wow. When you thought the GOP couldnt get any more bizarre or nutty, especially after Tuesday's "Water-bottle-Gate", then I see this in the news today.

The South Carolina GOP is proposing a law that would exempt all SC militay and unorganized militia from any federal gun laws. They say "heaven forbid" some invading force land on their shores and state residents need to fight them off. Nevermind, you know, the Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Army Guard, Air Guard, state, county and local SWAT teams.........nevermind that, lets assume this invading force has overrun all of those military, state guard and police agencies. Our "militia" and "unorganized militia" must fight them off.

So WHO is part of the "unorganized" militia and regular militia under SC law? ANY state resident over 17. Yep. If you are 17, and live in SC, you are part of the state militia, like it or not. And the GOP says you need to arm yourself in case of their shore being invaded (Remember, they just might defeat our Navy, Army, Marines, USAF, Coast Guard, Army Guard, Air Guard, State Police, county and city SWAT teams.......you'll be all thats left).

The bill says all militia members (aka, anyone in SC over 17) should be allowed to keep any firearms, ammo, accessories, even if banned by Federal law, as part of their militia gear. In a fun note, the acronym for South Carolina Unorganized Militia is "SCUM" haha!

This is what the state GOP is working on. MEANWHILE.......SC roads are crumbling, schools are among the nation's worst, crime rate is among the nations worst, poverty outside the 3 main metro areas is abysmal, and yet, our state GOP reps are more concerned about arming every person in the state over 17 in case our military and police are all destroyed by some unknown landing force that is so powerful it beats all the armed services and domestic forces we have.

Thats the ticket GOP. Throw in a Benghazi reference, and you got a winner!

we need to just give those fuckers to Mexico & be done w/ them &* compensate bucs90 because he's a good guy.

Or better yet, SC lawmakers should address issues solely within their purview, however unexciting; such as better schools and job opportunities.
Bill tweaks law on SC's 'unorganized militia' | CharlotteObserver.com

Just wow. When you thought the GOP couldnt get any more bizarre or nutty, especially after Tuesday's "Water-bottle-Gate", then I see this in the news today.

The South Carolina GOP is proposing a law that would exempt all SC militay and unorganized militia from any federal gun laws. They say "heaven forbid" some invading force land on their shores and state residents need to fight them off. Nevermind, you know, the Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Army Guard, Air Guard, state, county and local SWAT teams.........nevermind that, lets assume this invading force has overrun all of those military, state guard and police agencies. Our "militia" and "unorganized militia" must fight them off.

So WHO is part of the "unorganized" militia and regular militia under SC law? ANY state resident over 17. Yep. If you are 17, and live in SC, you are part of the state militia, like it or not. And the GOP says you need to arm yourself in case of their shore being invaded (Remember, they just might defeat our Navy, Army, Marines, USAF, Coast Guard, Army Guard, Air Guard, State Police, county and city SWAT teams.......you'll be all thats left).

The bill says all militia members (aka, anyone in SC over 17) should be allowed to keep any firearms, ammo, accessories, even if banned by Federal law, as part of their militia gear. In a fun note, the acronym for South Carolina Unorganized Militia is "SCUM" haha!

This is what the state GOP is working on. MEANWHILE.......SC roads are crumbling, schools are among the nation's worst, crime rate is among the nations worst, poverty outside the 3 main metro areas is abysmal, and yet, our state GOP reps are more concerned about arming every person in the state over 17 in case our military and police are all destroyed by some unknown landing force that is so powerful it beats all the armed services and domestic forces we have.

Thats the ticket GOP. Throw in a Benghazi reference, and you got a winner!

we need to just give those fuckers to Mexico & be done w/ them &* compensate bucs90 because he's a good guy.

Or better yet, SC lawmakers should address issues solely within their purview, however unexciting; such as better schools and job opportunities.

that would be asking too much of the repub *cough* "legislators" down there :lol:
The bill is a pre-emptive move, should Congress pass or the president order gun restrictions, amid the continued debate over the mass killing in December of 20 children and six adults at a Connecticut elementary school.

More ignorance and idiocy from the right.

If enacted this measure would be in violation of the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution.

Federal law and decisions by the Federal courts are binding on the states; Federal law trumps state laws, and the states may not pre-empt, nullify, or otherwise ignore Federal statutes. See: Cooper v. Aaron (1958).

Federal law does not trump the Constitution. The States are given the power to raise militias. The second amendment protects the people's right to own weapons. The 39 ruling states those weapons must be of common usage to the military.

A federal law can not overturn the Constitution. A State that specifies who is in the militia, specifies exactly who MUST own military type weapons.

The Supremacy clause is not a blank check that allows the Fed to violate the Constitution.
And just when we thought the GOP was all for freedom and less government.........the reddest of red states makes ALL 4,000,000 of it's citizens automatic members of the State Standing Army, a position which they officially must resign from to be considered just a "civilian".

Does this mean the SC Standing Army, at 4,000,000 strong, is one of the, if not THE largest Army in the world? Wow.

IF the people who live there agree with it is NONE of your business..just pull your panties out and don't go to that state...I hope they do it in my state NEXT

ummm..... he lives there steph :eusa_whistle:

Hell, one of my brothers lives down there with his wife and I can tell you right now they aren't going to be involved with that bullshit. Maybe we ought to send them some weapons and personel, because we have plenty to spare in my family. I'll take the Stoner SR-25, an AR-15 and an M1911 pistol, because I don't like 9mm ammo. That AR isn't that hard to turn into full M-16 mode for someone who has already converted one.

Let the war begin in South Carolina where historically it deserves to begin! I've live there when I went through Parris Island, so maybe I can return the hospitality.
Bush and the republicans allowed us to be hit on our own soil.

did your guns stop that?

Your outragious lie aside, had there been armed citizens on those planes then 911 would never have happened.

Armed citizens on pressurized jets. I love it.

You seem to know as little about pressurized jets as you do about any other subject. We had armed air marshals on pressurized jets in the 70's, and we have them again since 9/11. They are airplanes, Dumbass, not balloons. You can fire numerous bullets through the skin and the pressurization system would not be affected. You just have to be careful not to shoot the pilots, and there is a miminal risk that you might hit a control cable or a hydraulic line. A window is not likely to blow out unless you hit it several times.

If we had had a few people with guns on those airplanes, we would not have had the towers come down.
The bill is a pre-emptive move, should Congress pass or the president order gun restrictions, amid the continued debate over the mass killing in December of 20 children and six adults at a Connecticut elementary school.

More ignorance and idiocy from the right.

If enacted this measure would be in violation of the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution.

Federal law and decisions by the Federal courts are binding on the states; Federal law trumps state laws, and the states may not pre-empt, nullify, or otherwise ignore Federal statutes. See: Cooper v. Aaron (1958).

Federal law does not trump the Constitution. The States are given the power to raise militias. The second amendment protects the people's right to own weapons. The 39 ruling states those weapons must be of common usage to the military.

A federal law can not overturn the Constitution. A State that specifies who is in the militia, specifies exactly who MUST own military type weapons.

The Supremacy clause is not a blank check that allows the Fed to violate the Constitution.

Federal law does not trump the Constitution.

No one ever said it did.

A federal law can not overturn the Constitution.

No one ever said it could.

The Supremacy clause is not a blank check that allows the Fed to violate the Constitution.

No one ever said it was.

All acts of Congress are presumed to be Constitutional until a court rules otherwise, including a law banning AR 15s.

Only the courts determine the constitutionality of a given Federal law, not the states. A state law does not trump the Constitution, a state law can not overturn the Constitution, a state law can not pre-empt or nullify a Federal statute or ruling of a Federal court.

If the people of SC, or any other jurisdiction, believe a given Federal law is un-Constitutional, they’re free to file suit and challenge the law in Federal court.
Question: If the common American redneck with no felony conviction is allowed to pack a gun on a flight........what is stopping the common American Muslim fanatic, with no felony conviction, from also packing a gun on a flight?

See how stuipd your idea is now?

I see how stupid you are when you have to play the "what if" game in a lame attempt to make a point.

Fact is had there been someone armed on those planes , 911 may have never happened.

Oh and for you ignorant people out that believe firing a bullet on a plane will cause the plane to crash.

There are four things that might happen if a person were to fire a gun on an airplane:

  • The bullet simply goes through the aluminum skin of the plane and punches a small hole as it exits.
  • The bullet hits a window and blows it out.
  • The bullet hits wiring hidden in the walls or the floor.
  • The bullet hits a fuel tank.

If the bullet simply punctures the skin of an airplane, then it's no big deal. The cabin of the airplane is pressurized, and the hole creates a small leak, but the pressurization system will compensate for it. A single hole, or even a few holes like this, will have no effect.

If the bullet blows out a window, that's a problem. A big one. When the window blows, the plane will depressurize over the course of several seconds. Since all of the air in the cockpit is rushing toward the missing window, a lot of debris will be heading in that direction with it. If the person sitting next to the window isn't strapped in, then it's possible that he or she will get pushed out -- another good reason to wear your safety belt at all times!

But the plane will not necessarily crash!

Oh, well, that's not so bad.

What about the two you missed?

[*]The bullet hits wiring hidden in the walls or the floor.

[*]The bullet hits a fuel tank.

What happens then?

If the bullet hits wiring, your reading lamp doesn't work. If it hits a fuel tank, you will see a stream of fuel flowing from the wing. JP-5 is not that flammable.

You are far more likely to survive an airborne gunfight than you are likely to survive a hijacking by radical Moslems.
The bill is a pre-emptive move, should Congress pass or the president order gun restrictions, amid the continued debate over the mass killing in December of 20 children and six adults at a Connecticut elementary school.

More ignorance and idiocy from the right.

If enacted this measure would be in violation of the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution.

Federal law and decisions by the Federal courts are binding on the states; Federal law trumps state laws, and the states may not pre-empt, nullify, or otherwise ignore Federal statutes. See: Cooper v. Aaron (1958).

See Colorado, California, and Washington pot laws.
The Civil War started in South Carolina .. guess they're ready to go again.

They just want to live in the land of the free.

It wasn't so free in PI.

I guess they wanted their freedom too, back in the old days when my dad went down there to build a hydrogen bomb plant. I was just an infant growing up, but I still remember those days, because my grandparents bought a toy tractor with a wagon to take the little brother behind. My parents lived in a trailor down there and they tell me it was only 7 months when I could walk. I'll give you a hint, the hallways were narrow.
I believe it is a citizens responsibility against tyranny and invasion. Are they just supposed to sit down and get raped and shot? HELL no! Stand your ground!

Republicans have become the party of the schizophrenic, paranoid, and delusional. I'm surprised they aren't requiring all citizens to build underground bunkers, just in case.
King Obama orders Americans to give up their guns. The good people of SC outwit him (not like thats a big accomplishment), and the libs start hating --- gotta love the dims party of hate!
South Carolina is special. Is it the home state of the Special Olympics? Oh, and Lindsey Graham...
Bill tweaks law on SC's 'unorganized militia' | CharlotteObserver.com

Just wow. When you thought the GOP couldnt get any more bizarre or nutty, especially after Tuesday's "Water-bottle-Gate", then I see this in the news today.

The South Carolina GOP is proposing a law that would exempt all SC militay and unorganized militia from any federal gun laws. They say "heaven forbid" some invading force land on their shores and state residents need to fight them off. Nevermind, you know, the Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Army Guard, Air Guard, state, county and local SWAT teams.........nevermind that, lets assume this invading force has overrun all of those military, state guard and police agencies. Our "militia" and "unorganized militia" must fight them off.

So WHO is part of the "unorganized" militia and regular militia under SC law? ANY state resident over 17. Yep. If you are 17, and live in SC, you are part of the state militia, like it or not. And the GOP says you need to arm yourself in case of their shore being invaded (Remember, they just might defeat our Navy, Army, Marines, USAF, Coast Guard, Army Guard, Air Guard, State Police, county and city SWAT teams.......you'll be all thats left).

The bill says all militia members (aka, anyone in SC over 17) should be allowed to keep any firearms, ammo, accessories, even if banned by Federal law, as part of their militia gear. In a fun note, the acronym for South Carolina Unorganized Militia is "SCUM" haha!

This is what the state GOP is working on. MEANWHILE.......SC roads are crumbling, schools are among the nation's worst, crime rate is among the nations worst, poverty outside the 3 main metro areas is abysmal, and yet, our state GOP reps are more concerned about arming every person in the state over 17 in case our military and police are all destroyed by some unknown landing force that is so powerful it beats all the armed services and domestic forces we have.

Thats the ticket GOP. Throw in a Benghazi reference, and you got a winner!

Is this the beginning of secession? Oh well, it will all end when a white person lives in the White House.
I believe it is a citizens responsibility against tyranny and invasion. Are they just supposed to sit down and get raped and shot? HELL no! Stand your ground!

Republicans have become the party of the schizophrenic, paranoid, and delusional. I'm surprised they aren't requiring all citizens to build underground bunkers, just in case.

Seriously, what is it you people have against being prepared?
Bill tweaks law on SC's 'unorganized militia' | CharlotteObserver.com

Just wow. When you thought the GOP couldnt get any more bizarre or nutty, especially after Tuesday's "Water-bottle-Gate", then I see this in the news today.

The South Carolina GOP is proposing a law that would exempt all SC militay and unorganized militia from any federal gun laws. They say "heaven forbid" some invading force land on their shores and state residents need to fight them off. Nevermind, you know, the Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Army Guard, Air Guard, state, county and local SWAT teams.........nevermind that, lets assume this invading force has overrun all of those military, state guard and police agencies. Our "militia" and "unorganized militia" must fight them off.

So WHO is part of the "unorganized" militia and regular militia under SC law? ANY state resident over 17. Yep. If you are 17, and live in SC, you are part of the state militia, like it or not. And the GOP says you need to arm yourself in case of their shore being invaded (Remember, they just might defeat our Navy, Army, Marines, USAF, Coast Guard, Army Guard, Air Guard, State Police, county and city SWAT teams.......you'll be all thats left).

The bill says all militia members (aka, anyone in SC over 17) should be allowed to keep any firearms, ammo, accessories, even if banned by Federal law, as part of their militia gear. In a fun note, the acronym for South Carolina Unorganized Militia is "SCUM" haha!

This is what the state GOP is working on. MEANWHILE.......SC roads are crumbling, schools are among the nation's worst, crime rate is among the nations worst, poverty outside the 3 main metro areas is abysmal, and yet, our state GOP reps are more concerned about arming every person in the state over 17 in case our military and police are all destroyed by some unknown landing force that is so powerful it beats all the armed services and domestic forces we have.

Thats the ticket GOP. Throw in a Benghazi reference, and you got a winner!

After Katrina it took our military including the national guard 5 days to get there when they knew 3 days ahead of time the disaster was going to happen. And you don't think our militia should be prepared for anything?

It took that same military only 2 days to get to a disaster 1/2 way around the world that nobody knew was coming.
Bill tweaks law on SC's 'unorganized militia' | CharlotteObserver.com

Just wow. When you thought the GOP couldnt get any more bizarre or nutty, especially after Tuesday's "Water-bottle-Gate", then I see this in the news today.

The South Carolina GOP is proposing a law that would exempt all SC militay and unorganized militia from any federal gun laws. They say "heaven forbid" some invading force land on their shores and state residents need to fight them off. Nevermind, you know, the Marines, Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Army Guard, Air Guard, state, county and local SWAT teams.........nevermind that, lets assume this invading force has overrun all of those military, state guard and police agencies. Our "militia" and "unorganized militia" must fight them off.

So WHO is part of the "unorganized" militia and regular militia under SC law? ANY state resident over 17. Yep. If you are 17, and live in SC, you are part of the state militia, like it or not. And the GOP says you need to arm yourself in case of their shore being invaded (Remember, they just might defeat our Navy, Army, Marines, USAF, Coast Guard, Army Guard, Air Guard, State Police, county and city SWAT teams.......you'll be all thats left).

The bill says all militia members (aka, anyone in SC over 17) should be allowed to keep any firearms, ammo, accessories, even if banned by Federal law, as part of their militia gear. In a fun note, the acronym for South Carolina Unorganized Militia is "SCUM" haha!

This is what the state GOP is working on. MEANWHILE.......SC roads are crumbling, schools are among the nation's worst, crime rate is among the nations worst, poverty outside the 3 main metro areas is abysmal, and yet, our state GOP reps are more concerned about arming every person in the state over 17 in case our military and police are all destroyed by some unknown landing force that is so powerful it beats all the armed services and domestic forces we have.

Thats the ticket GOP. Throw in a Benghazi reference, and you got a winner!

I'd be more concerned about that rat hole North Charleston.
These same type of proclamations regarding the limits of the Federal authority led to secession and war in the late 1850's.

And the smart people in the big cities laughed and called the Southrons crazy.
If you're going to pretend to know stuff, it's helpful if you at least get the date right.

They were crazy then, they're crazy now. How'd all that Civil Warrin' thing work out?

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