S.C. GOP goes full bizarro: Militarizes ALL state residents in case of invasion??!!

The Chinese still run people over with tanks.

This just happened 6 months ago:

Liberals say we should all get steamrolled by the government, it's for the greater good!

don't fuck with South Carolina libb !!

I'm thinking S. Carolina Republicans are telling obama to fuck off and it has nothing to with an invading "foreign" force.
Of course the libs around here are to stupid to figure that out.

THen why are the SC Republicans talking about the need to arm themselves to fight off an invading foreign force, if it had nothing to do with an invading foreign force?

Hell, I can suggest a bill to equip all homes with anti-aircraft guns, just in case a UFO invasion happens. But Im not suggesting there might be a UFO invasion.

You are truly stupid. Here you are on a politics board and you appear to have zero understanding of political posturing.
Go figure.
Oh and by the way.....this brings in to question your right to even speak on any political subject from here on out.
You're just to stupid.
Oh my God. If I hear "BENGHAZI" one more time, Im gonna lose it.

Benghazi happend in a nation in Northern Africa, a radical nation with no domestic police worth a shit, and full of crazy ass Muslims.

Columbia, SC, isn't in Northern Africa, or full of crazy Muslims, and it does have a very capable, nationally accredited SWAT team, as well as a local Army base, and Air Force, Navy and Marine bases within 90 miles. I doubt, Columbia, SC, is gonna come under a mass Muslim attack that the local rednecks need to fight off.

But hey, just in case, the state GOP just drafted 4,000,000 SC residents into the standing state army!!!!

If you hear about Benghazi one more time you'll what? [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=A2EoZq2rXXI]Obama event goers on Benghazi: What?!? - YouTube[/ame]

Yeah.....I would say that is a good depiction of your typical lib. Brainless.
How embarrassing for dems.
Question: If the common American redneck with no felony conviction is allowed to pack a gun on a flight........what is stopping the common American Muslim fanatic, with no felony conviction, from also packing a gun on a flight?

See how stuipd your idea is now?

I see how stupid you are when you have to play the "what if" game in a lame attempt to make a point.

Fact is had there been someone armed on those planes , 911 may have never happened.

Oh and for you ignorant people out that believe firing a bullet on a plane will cause the plane to crash.

There are four things that might happen if a person were to fire a gun on an airplane:

  • The bullet simply goes through the aluminum skin of the plane and punches a small hole as it exits.
  • The bullet hits a window and blows it out.
  • The bullet hits wiring hidden in the walls or the floor.
  • The bullet hits a fuel tank.

If the bullet simply punctures the skin of an airplane, then it's no big deal. The cabin of the airplane is pressurized, and the hole creates a small leak, but the pressurization system will compensate for it. A single hole, or even a few holes like this, will have no effect.

If the bullet blows out a window, that's a problem. A big one. When the window blows, the plane will depressurize over the course of several seconds. Since all of the air in the cockpit is rushing toward the missing window, a lot of debris will be heading in that direction with it. If the person sitting next to the window isn't strapped in, then it's possible that he or she will get pushed out -- another good reason to wear your safety belt at all times!

But the plane will not necessarily crash!

Wait...your criticizing me for making a point with a "what it"?


- What if the government inflicts tyranny on us
- What if China decides to invade us
- What if an armed citizen was there to stop it

Like those "what ifs" we hear every day?

BTW, untrained people on a plane with guns shooting it out is a disaster waiting to happen. Even if they dont hit a window, innocent bystanders will be hit.

You idiots who took an 8 hour concealed carry class all of a sudden think you are tactical gurus on par with soldiers or swat guys.

I don't play the what if games.

The 2nd amendment was not designed for what ifs but to protect us in the case we may need to defend our freedoms.

Untrained people do not get CHL's. BTW it's a 10 hour class and we score on proficiency as well as gun laws.
The Chinese still run people over with tanks.

This just happened 6 months ago:

Liberals say we should all get steamrolled by the government, it's for the greater good!


That's awful. But I still don't understand how they got that tank to South Carolina.
Brilliant. I have to had it to the progressive thinkers of South Carolina. Obviously a state that values and respects the fundamentals this country was founded on.
How did I KNOW Benghazi would pop up in this thread?

So, you guys really think that if China invaded South Carolina, that the military would just step aside and let it happen?

Has the Republican Party REALLY slid this far into the abyss?

The answer to your last question is, of course, "YES".

But if you listen to "Pepe La Phew", the NRA president, the real threat is from our "southern" border.

The last election, Republicans got 27% of the Hispanic vote. Now that "Thunderdome" is the new "worry", do you want to bet that "La Phew" just lowered that number to 2%?

With the Apocalyptic collapse, the only way for rednecks to protect themselves from Mexicans, is, well, you know.......

Take the dick out of your mouth because all we hear is :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

We've known that for a long time. That's why the Republican Party is having such problems.
You assuming they would be forced to use their weapon. History shows that just the presence of a weapon can be a deterrent. But don't let the facts stop you.

Question: If the common American redneck with no felony conviction is allowed to pack a gun on a flight........what is stopping the common American Muslim fanatic, with no felony conviction, from also packing a gun on a flight?

See how stuipd your idea is now?

I see how stupid you are when you have to play the "what if" game in a lame attempt to make a point.

Fact is had there been someone armed on those planes , 911 may have never happened.

Oh and for you ignorant people out that believe firing a bullet on a plane will cause the plane to crash.

There are four things that might happen if a person were to fire a gun on an airplane:

  • The bullet simply goes through the aluminum skin of the plane and punches a small hole as it exits.
  • The bullet hits a window and blows it out.
  • The bullet hits wiring hidden in the walls or the floor.
  • The bullet hits a fuel tank.

If the bullet simply punctures the skin of an airplane, then it's no big deal. The cabin of the airplane is pressurized, and the hole creates a small leak, but the pressurization system will compensate for it. A single hole, or even a few holes like this, will have no effect.

If the bullet blows out a window, that's a problem. A big one. When the window blows, the plane will depressurize over the course of several seconds. Since all of the air in the cockpit is rushing toward the missing window, a lot of debris will be heading in that direction with it. If the person sitting next to the window isn't strapped in, then it's possible that he or she will get pushed out -- another good reason to wear your safety belt at all times!

But the plane will not necessarily crash!

Oh, well, that's not so bad.

What about the two you missed?

[*]The bullet hits wiring hidden in the walls or the floor.

[*]The bullet hits a fuel tank.

What happens then?
The Chinese still run people over with tanks.

This just happened 6 months ago:

Liberals say we should all get steamrolled by the government, it's for the greater good!


That's awful. But I still don't understand how they got that tank to South Carolina.

And again the lib shows no inclination to read the facts. Thats not a tank nimrod.
You probably dont know the difference between a BB gun and a laws rocket.
Brilliant. I have to had it to the progressive thinkers of South Carolina. Obviously a state that values and respects the fundamentals this country was founded on.

And proud of their "Confederate Heritage".
And just when we thought the GOP was all for freedom and less government.........the reddest of red states makes ALL 4,000,000 of it's citizens automatic members of the State Standing Army, a position which they officially must resign from to be considered just a "civilian".

Does this mean the SC Standing Army, at 4,000,000 strong, is one of the, if not THE largest Army in the world? Wow.

Again, you are being obtuse. It does not make shit. Re-read it and try to comprehend. It gives them the right to own what they want, saying fuck you to federal laws. They are standing their ground :clap2:
It is not requiring everyone over 17 to go buy weapons and stand guard. Get a fuckin grip

READ the bill.

It clearly says all residents, able bodied, age 17 and above are designated by this bill as members of the South Carolina organized or unorganized militia. The GOP reps stated that this is the states of SC's "standing army" as allowed by the Constitution.

The bill reads:

- All members of the state organized and unorganized milita are subject to activation and orders by the state Commander in Chief (governor), and are exempt from any authority outside of the state of South Carolina.

- All members of the state organized and unorganized militia can resign their position, and thus will be considered a "civilian".

The bill literally says: You are NOT a civilian at age 17, you are considered a member of the state's "standing army", or, it's militia. You can resign this at any time (doesnt say how), and at that time, be considered a civilian.

You didnt read it. It does this to justify arming that militia with any military weapon that the militia deems fit. Only by making EVERY person a member of the militia is every person allowed these weapons.

So, the SC GOP is protecting the gun rights by literally enlisting every resident over 17, through a law, into the state standing army.

Like it or not, that is what the GOP here is trying to do. Yay freedom!

Alot of states have the unorgainzed milita in thier laws or even consitution, however most states restrict it to Males (white males?) age 17 to 45. South Carolina is the first state to become all inclusive in its milita, adding all female, males over 45, and removing any remmenant restriction based on Race. It also does not discriminate based on sexual orientation or economic background. Progressive for sure.

I wish they would have removed the term "able bodied" and instead restricted convicted felons, domestic assaulters, and the mentally incompetent. Someone in a wheel chair could be in the milita (wheel locks take care of the recoil).
The Chinese still run people over with tanks.

This just happened 6 months ago:

Liberals say we should all get steamrolled by the government, it's for the greater good!


That's awful. But I still don't understand how they got that tank to South Carolina.

And again the lib shows no inclination to read the facts. Thats not a tank nimrod.
You probably dont know the difference between a BB gun and a laws rocket.

Check out the previous post. I just didn't want him to feel bad. Now, don't you feel like a fool? You should.
Again, you are being obtuse. It does not make shit. Re-read it and try to comprehend. It gives them the right to own what they want, saying fuck you to federal laws. They are standing their ground :clap2:
It is not requiring everyone over 17 to go buy weapons and stand guard. Get a fuckin grip

READ the bill.

It clearly says all residents, able bodied, age 17 and above are designated by this bill as members of the South Carolina organized or unorganized militia. The GOP reps stated that this is the states of SC's "standing army" as allowed by the Constitution.

The bill reads:

- All members of the state organized and unorganized milita are subject to activation and orders by the state Commander in Chief (governor), and are exempt from any authority outside of the state of South Carolina.

- All members of the state organized and unorganized militia can resign their position, and thus will be considered a "civilian".

The bill literally says: You are NOT a civilian at age 17, you are considered a member of the state's "standing army", or, it's militia. You can resign this at any time (doesnt say how), and at that time, be considered a civilian.

You didnt read it. It does this to justify arming that militia with any military weapon that the militia deems fit. Only by making EVERY person a member of the militia is every person allowed these weapons.

So, the SC GOP is protecting the gun rights by literally enlisting every resident over 17, through a law, into the state standing army.

Like it or not, that is what the GOP here is trying to do. Yay freedom!

Alot of states have the unorgainzed milita in thier laws or even consitution, however most states restrict it to Males (white males?) age 17 to 45. South Carolina is the first state to become all inclusive in its milita, adding all female, males over 45, and removing any remmenant restriction based on Race. It also does not discriminate based on sexual orientation or economic background. Progressive for sure.

I wish they would have removed the term "able bodied" and instead restricted convicted felons, domestic assaulters, and the mentally incompetent. Someone in a wheel chair could be in the milita (wheel locks take care of the recoil).

If they weren't restricting convicted felons, domestic assaulters, and the mentally incompetent, they wouldn't be able to include all those Aryan Nation members, Confederates and rednecks whose parents are also siblings.
READ the bill.

It clearly says all residents, able bodied, age 17 and above are designated by this bill as members of the South Carolina organized or unorganized militia. The GOP reps stated that this is the states of SC's "standing army" as allowed by the Constitution.

The bill reads:

- All members of the state organized and unorganized milita are subject to activation and orders by the state Commander in Chief (governor), and are exempt from any authority outside of the state of South Carolina.

- All members of the state organized and unorganized militia can resign their position, and thus will be considered a "civilian".

The bill literally says: You are NOT a civilian at age 17, you are considered a member of the state's "standing army", or, it's militia. You can resign this at any time (doesnt say how), and at that time, be considered a civilian.

You didnt read it. It does this to justify arming that militia with any military weapon that the militia deems fit. Only by making EVERY person a member of the militia is every person allowed these weapons.

So, the SC GOP is protecting the gun rights by literally enlisting every resident over 17, through a law, into the state standing army.

Like it or not, that is what the GOP here is trying to do. Yay freedom!

Alot of states have the unorgainzed milita in thier laws or even consitution, however most states restrict it to Males (white males?) age 17 to 45. South Carolina is the first state to become all inclusive in its milita, adding all female, males over 45, and removing any remmenant restriction based on Race. It also does not discriminate based on sexual orientation or economic background. Progressive for sure.

I wish they would have removed the term "able bodied" and instead restricted convicted felons, domestic assaulters, and the mentally incompetent. Someone in a wheel chair could be in the milita (wheel locks take care of the recoil).

If they weren't restricting convicted felons, domestic assaulters, and the mentally incompetent, they wouldn't be able to include all those Aryan Nation members, Confederates and rednecks whose parents are also siblings.

Missing the point as usual. Old milita laws were usually restricted to males 17-45 and probably added some "whites only" language to them.

All South Carolina is doing is making its old milita law more 21st century friendly by no longer excluding women, the "elderly" and implying no other qualifiers such as race, sexual orientation, or economic background.

Very progressive of South Carolina in my opinion.
That's awful. But I still don't understand how they got that tank to South Carolina.

And again the lib shows no inclination to read the facts. Thats not a tank nimrod.
You probably dont know the difference between a BB gun and a laws rocket.

Check out the previous post. I just didn't want him to feel bad. Now, don't you feel like a fool? You should.

That's besides the point. I said the Chinese STILL run people over with tanks because in the past they were using tanks, they are continuing that trend with the "road flattening trucks" but that doesn't communicate well for the delivery of my point.
That's awful. But I still don't understand how they got that tank to South Carolina.

And again the lib shows no inclination to read the facts. Thats not a tank nimrod.
You probably dont know the difference between a BB gun and a laws rocket.

Check out the previous post. I just didn't want him to feel bad. Now, don't you feel like a fool? You should.

Sure you did. And considering it says "steamrolled" at the bottom I thought (incorrectly) that you would figure it out.
Keep trying ...because stupid people are funny.
Bush and the republicans allowed us to be hit on our own soil.

did your guns stop that?

Excuse moi ,

But, after 1965 your people declared airplanes to be GUN FREE ZONES ....just like Sandy Hook Elementary was !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bush and the republicans allowed us to be hit on our own soil.

did your guns stop that?

where any guns used to kill thousands of americans? wasn't clintons gun ban still in place? where americans allowed to take guns on planes to protect themselves?
Question: If the common American redneck with no felony conviction is allowed to pack a gun on a flight........what is stopping the common American Muslim fanatic, with no felony conviction, from also packing a gun on a flight?

See how stuipd your idea is now?

I see how stupid you are when you have to play the "what if" game in a lame attempt to make a point.

Fact is had there been someone armed on those planes , 911 may have never happened.

Oh and for you ignorant people out that believe firing a bullet on a plane will cause the plane to crash.

There are four things that might happen if a person were to fire a gun on an airplane:

  • The bullet simply goes through the aluminum skin of the plane and punches a small hole as it exits.
  • The bullet hits a window and blows it out.
  • The bullet hits wiring hidden in the walls or the floor.
  • The bullet hits a fuel tank.

If the bullet simply punctures the skin of an airplane, then it's no big deal. The cabin of the airplane is pressurized, and the hole creates a small leak, but the pressurization system will compensate for it. A single hole, or even a few holes like this, will have no effect.

If the bullet blows out a window, that's a problem. A big one. When the window blows, the plane will depressurize over the course of several seconds. Since all of the air in the cockpit is rushing toward the missing window, a lot of debris will be heading in that direction with it. If the person sitting next to the window isn't strapped in, then it's possible that he or she will get pushed out -- another good reason to wear your safety belt at all times!

But the plane will not necessarily crash!

Oh, well, that's not so bad.

What about the two you missed?

[*]The bullet hits wiring hidden in the walls or the floor.

[*]The bullet hits a fuel tank.

What happens then?

Hitting a fuel take would more than likely take down the plane. A bullet hitting wiring not neccessarily.

I still like the odds.
I see how stupid you are when you have to play the "what if" game in a lame attempt to make a point.

Fact is had there been someone armed on those planes , 911 may have never happened.

Oh and for you ignorant people out that believe firing a bullet on a plane will cause the plane to crash.

There are four things that might happen if a person were to fire a gun on an airplane:

  • The bullet simply goes through the aluminum skin of the plane and punches a small hole as it exits.
  • The bullet hits a window and blows it out.
  • The bullet hits wiring hidden in the walls or the floor.
  • The bullet hits a fuel tank.

If the bullet simply punctures the skin of an airplane, then it's no big deal. The cabin of the airplane is pressurized, and the hole creates a small leak, but the pressurization system will compensate for it. A single hole, or even a few holes like this, will have no effect.

If the bullet blows out a window, that's a problem. A big one. When the window blows, the plane will depressurize over the course of several seconds. Since all of the air in the cockpit is rushing toward the missing window, a lot of debris will be heading in that direction with it. If the person sitting next to the window isn't strapped in, then it's possible that he or she will get pushed out -- another good reason to wear your safety belt at all times!

But the plane will not necessarily crash!

Oh, well, that's not so bad.

What about the two you missed?

[*]The bullet hits wiring hidden in the walls or the floor.

[*]The bullet hits a fuel tank.

What happens then?

Hitting a fuel take would more than likely take down the plane. A bullet hitting wiring not neccessarily.

I still like the odds.

Prior to 1965 Americans were allowed to carryn on board. There was never a problem.


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