Sacramento Trying to Tax you AFTER you Leave the Confederate State of California

CA is not the only state that does this and may not even be the worse in percentage terms, I don't know. What I do know is that being the most populous state it screws over the most people.
They have an exodus occurring that makes Grapes of Wrath look like a vacation.

Pretty soon the only people that will populate the state are Queers, Welfare Queens, Illegals, Moon Bats, Hollywood assholes and Silicon Valley billionaires that drive around in Prius.

Given the normal levels of population loss 1-2% of the affected area and the massive amount of insurance payouts needed to bankroll their exodus CA will need a massive tax increase to survive:

1 year wait for building permits

mudslides are yet to come and they will multiply the damage

Those unconstitutional taxes will have to be repaid with interest.

I'm mildly surprised that CA is not yet in default.

There are additional tax multipliers.

It took six weeks for Nero to burn down Rome and he got only up into the millions. CA burned down and with mudslides coming CA is likely to have a damage total in terms of tax base in the low trillions.

Capital flight, higher insurance payments for everything and a likely decision on the tax case that will further multiply needed taxes. Figure on a 60 year recovery period minimum.
CA is not the only state that does this and may not even be the worse in percentage terms, I don't know. What I do know is that being the most populous state it screws over the most people.
They have an exodus occurring that makes Grapes of Wrath look like a vacation.

Pretty soon the only people that will populate the state are Queers, Welfare Queens, Illegals, Moon Bats, Hollywood assholes and Silicon Valley billionaires that drive around in Prius.

Given the normal levels of population loss 1-2% of the affected area and the massive amount of insurance payouts needed to bankroll their exodus CA will need a massive tax increase to survive:

1 year wait for building permits

mudslides are yet to come and they will multiply the damage

Those unconstitutional taxes will have to be repaid with interest.

I'm mildly surprised that CA is not yet in default.

There are additional tax multipliers.

It took six weeks for Nero to burn down Rome and he got only up into the millions. CA burned down and with mudslides coming CA is likely to have a damage total in terms of tax base in the low trillions.

Capital flight, higher insurance payments for everything and a likely decision on the tax case that will further multiply needed taxes. Figure on a 60 year recovery period minimum.

Left Wing economic systems (welfare states) are never viable. They work until the money made under capitalism runs out.
True. But the use of creative accounting that helped magnify CA, in terms of population and economy is now working against them. Edgar Rice Burroughs, for example, established Tarzana in 1919 as the best place to run his publishing, film and radio empire. Doheny, of Teapot dome fame, became rich from the LA oil boom of the 1880s. Neither of these two fortunes would have passed muster even back then much less the earlier Stanford fortune even earlier, if everything had been on the up and up The state has been corrupt to the core going back to when it was part of the Spanish empire. Once it becomes honest in the work out of its massive and, in some cases unconstitutional, ways of doing things it will have less going for it

I'm not going to click a link to an unreputable website. When someone like you posts links that claim outrageous things I have no reason to believe that anything they have to say is anything less than mindless BS propaganda.

From the comments in this thread, and from doing some searching, I surmise this is about Gilbert Hyatt. So here's the real story about Hyatt.

Hyatt's case revolved around whether he was a resident, or whether he fraudulently claimed he moved out of state simply to avoid paying taxes. This was based on a series of irregular activities that regularly put him in California, including an unorthodox sale of his California house sans real estate agents, evidence that he was continuing to send business faxes out of said house, participation in local events after the alleged move, use of a local post office box, frequently flying out of LAX on business trips, so on and so forth.

California considered supposed move to be fraudulent, adopting the view that he continued to operate his business in California. They came after him for unpaid taxes, but eventually was largely successful in his case, and the various appeals that took place over the years found him liable for taxes on only a small portion of the time in question.

But Hyatt felt that the state had been unfair in coming after him, and brought his own suit against California. But he sued in a Nevada court. He was awarded nearly half a billion dollars in damages, but the SCOTUS reduced that to a mere $50k. That case is what will now be going back to the SCOTUS. The question the court will consider is whether it was permissible for Hyatt to sue California in a Nevada court.

After 24 years, wealthy inventor gets his day in tax court – and wins

Franchise Tax Board of California v. Gilbert P. Hyatt
Uh, it happened to me in that other great liberal state, I got hit with a village tax when I left Bartlett, IL!

Which of these did you have to pay after leaving?
Real Estate transfer tax, since I moved out of the taxing boundaries.

And you sold your property?

I'm not going to click a link to an unreputable website. When someone like you posts links that claim outrageous things I have no reason to believe that anything they have to say is anything less than mindless BS propaganda.

From the comments in this thread, and from doing some searching, I surmise this is about Gilbert Hyatt. So here's the real story about Hyatt.

Hyatt's case revolved around whether he was a resident, or whether he fraudulently claimed he moved out of state simply to avoid paying taxes. This was based on a series of irregular activities that regularly put him in California, including an unorthodox sale of his California house sans real estate agents, evidence that he was continuing to send business faxes out of said house, participation in local events after the alleged move, use of a local post office box, frequently flying out of LAX on business trips, so on and so forth.

California considered supposed move to be fraudulent, adopting the view that he continued to operate his business in California. They came after him for unpaid taxes, but eventually was largely successful in his case, and the various appeals that took place over the years found him liable for taxes on only a small portion of the time in question.

But Hyatt felt that the state had been unfair in coming after him, and brought his own suit against California. But he sued in a Nevada court. He was awarded nearly half a billion dollars in damages, but the SCOTUS reduced that to a mere $50k. That case is what will now be going back to the SCOTUS. The question the court will consider is whether it was permissible for Hyatt to sue California in a Nevada court.

After 24 years, wealthy inventor gets his day in tax court – and wins

Franchise Tax Board of California v. Gilbert P. Hyatt
Your article is outdated.

Search - Supreme Court of the United States

I'm not going to click a link to an unreputable website. When someone like you posts links that claim outrageous things I have no reason to believe that anything they have to say is anything less than mindless BS propaganda.

From the comments in this thread, and from doing some searching, I surmise this is about Gilbert Hyatt. So here's the real story about Hyatt.

Hyatt's case revolved around whether he was a resident, or whether he fraudulently claimed he moved out of state simply to avoid paying taxes. This was based on a series of irregular activities that regularly put him in California, including an unorthodox sale of his California house sans real estate agents, evidence that he was continuing to send business faxes out of said house, participation in local events after the alleged move, use of a local post office box, frequently flying out of LAX on business trips, so on and so forth.

California considered supposed move to be fraudulent, adopting the view that he continued to operate his business in California. They came after him for unpaid taxes, but eventually was largely successful in his case, and the various appeals that took place over the years found him liable for taxes on only a small portion of the time in question.

But Hyatt felt that the state had been unfair in coming after him, and brought his own suit against California. But he sued in a Nevada court. He was awarded nearly half a billion dollars in damages, but the SCOTUS reduced that to a mere $50k. That case is what will now be going back to the SCOTUS. The question the court will consider is whether it was permissible for Hyatt to sue California in a Nevada court.

After 24 years, wealthy inventor gets his day in tax court – and wins

Franchise Tax Board of California v. Gilbert P. Hyatt

There are 43 states that pull this crap according to your link. Did I read that right?
Your article is outdated.

Search - Supreme Court of the United States
Uh, it happened to me in that other great liberal state, I got hit with a village tax when I left Bartlett, IL!

Which of these did you have to pay after leaving?
Real Estate transfer tax, since I moved out of the taxing boundaries.

And you sold your property?
Yep, and vacated that god forsaken state for Indiana,
Property taxes in Bartlett were pushing 10K (4 years ago) taxes in Fort Wayne = 1,750.
"The case is simple, if you build a business or create a new products and START getting funds from it, you must always pay taxes to the State of California, if started in this State."

Thank goodness Trump is redoing the courts and filling seats with common sense judges to fight this lunacy.....

Why shouldn't you pay taxes to a State where you made and continue to make the monies?

The guy moved as a tax dodge and didn't do it correctly. This is why when big money is coming you should ALWAYS consult a tax attorney PRIOR TO collecting any monies.
Is that why he won his harassment case against California?
Stephen Frank's California Political News And Views Archives - California Political Review

Now Californians are confederates.

In another story from the same site, Democrats are Nazi's.

Remember, the Nazi Party is a white nationalist organization full of racists.

I suspect Nazi's wouldn't be happy with Democrats and being among gays and blacks and Hispanics and other minorities.

No, they need to stay in the Republican Party where everyone is just like them.
Actually, Nazi race laws were modeled after the American Democratic party's racial policies.

The Nazis emulated the American Democrats, not the other way around. So saying that the Democrats are like Nazis is putting the cart before the horse.
unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage can solve most of our capital problems in California.

Higher paid Labor pay more in local taxes and create more in local demand.

We should raise tax revenue through an institutional upward pressure on wages.
Uh, it happened to me in that other great liberal state, I got hit with a village tax when I left Bartlett, IL!

Which of these did you have to pay after leaving?
Real Estate transfer tax, since I moved out of the taxing boundaries.

And you sold your property?
Yep, and vacated that god forsaken state for Indiana,
Property taxes in Bartlett were pushing 10K (4 years ago) taxes in Fort Wayne = 1,750.

Welcome fellow Hoosier. I'm glad you escaped. Illinois is a beautiful state with great farm land, it is a shame what all that corruption did to the farmers and business owners. Many others came with you, and we wish you the best and much success.
Why would anyone want to leave California?


being a huge number of unpredictable catastrophes waiting for a time to happen (earthquakes, fires, floods, droughts)

Lack of even minimal sanitation (poop maps for its two largest cities) like NY, CA is a literal shithole.

high taxes

a tradition of corruption going back to when it was a part of the Spanish empire (the politicians in LA, NY, MA, IL and AR can only fantasize about getting kick backs from both sides of gang wars as CA -politicians routinely do and even multi-sided gang wars as with the current drug cartel wars are seen at least some of the time.)

polluted and hypothermic shores.

Yeah, except for all of the above what's not to like?
Why would anyone want to leave California?


being a huge number of unpredictable catastrophes waiting for a time to happen (earthquakes, fires, floods, droughts)

Lack of even minimal sanitation (poop maps for its two largest cities) like NY, CA is a literal shithole.

high taxes

a tradition of corruption going back to when it was a part of the Spanish empire (the politicians in LA, NY, MA, IL and AR can only fantasize about getting kick backs from both sides of gang wars as CA -politicians routinely do and even multi-sided gang wars as with the current drug cartel wars are seen at least some of the time.)

polluted and hypothermic shores.

Yeah, except for all of the above what's not to like?

Earthquakes aren't limited to California.

Latest earthquakes in Tennessee, USA / list and interactive map: past 7 days

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