Sad six month anniversary

How ironic that the liberals who supposedly support the right to protest start a thread critical of patriotic Americans protesting against a stolen election.
How ironic that the liberals who supposedly support the right to protest start a thread critical of patriotic Americans protesting against a stolen election.
"protesting"? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: You like that kind of protesting, eh? You like beating up Capitol cops? You like defecating in the Capitol building? You like threatening to lynch the VP?
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Six months ago today the FAILED insurrection at the Capitol building PLUS the attempted bombing of both the RNC and DNC....who's hiding this bomber?

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Dang, and it was about 6 months ago Biden and Democrats managed to lie and cheat their way into the White House...go figure.
It's was about 6 months that we've been waiting for trump cultists to provide us with ANY evidence of their claimed voter fraud. 6 months. It's almost as if they've got nothing......................but whining and crying and lying......and dodging any responsibility for their FAILED insurrection.

No kidding, it's been about 6 months we've been waiting for Biden to prove he doesn't have Dementia.
What a shame that trump fluffers are still hating so much on the Capitol cops who gave their all on Jan 6th.

Identity of Ashli Babbitt Killer Confirmed — Careless Capitol Police Lieutenant Is Being Protected by Democrats, Pelosi and Deep State FBI

By Jim Hoft
Published July 6, 2021 at 8:10am
Ah...and what will you do with that information?

What difference does it make? An officer shoots a suspect for failing to comply or fighting with the officer and we know their name within a week, two at the most.

A woman is fatally shot in the Capitol. There are at least 14,000 hours of videotape that have yet to be released, why?
Six months ago today the FAILED insurrection at the Capitol building PLUS the attempted bombing of both the RNC and DNC....who's hiding this bomber?

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Your thread certainly triggered the Trumpers on this Board.

Is that really a surprise?

These Trumpist posters have proved themselves over and over again to part of the Trump cult of personality.

Don’t believe your lyin’ eyes on what occurred on 1/6 they’ll tell you, but believe the words of the cult leader.

You will never change the minds of cultists no matter the facts.
Six months ago today the FAILED insurrection at the Capitol building PLUS the attempted bombing of both the RNC and DNC....who's hiding this bomber?

View attachment 509528
Your thread certainly triggered the Trumpers on this Board.

Is that really a surprise?

These Trumpist posters have proved themselves over and over again to part of the Trump cult of personality.

Don’t believe your lyin’ eyes on what occurred on 1/6 they’ll tell you, but believe the words of the cult leader.

You will never change the minds of cultists no matter the facts.
How many have been charged with insurrection, Dumbass.
What a shame that trump fluffers are still hating so much on the Capitol cops who gave their all on Jan 6th.

Capitol cops let the protesters in.
That gave the insurrections permission to beat on them, defecate in the building and threaten the lives of government officials? You live in a strange world with strange rules.
Six months ago today the FAILED insurrection at the Capitol building PLUS the attempted bombing of both the RNC and DNC....who's hiding this bomber?

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And you motherfucking faggots haven't shut the fuck up about it not one single motherfucking day since.

Goddamn, you're so fucking pathetic. You must be black.
How upset you are that the Jan 6th FAILED insurrection is being mentioned and those FAILED insurrectionists are being held responsible and those in Congress who may have facilitated the FAILED insurrection are going to be questioned. Yeah, I'd be embarrassed if I were you too.
About six months into Trump's presidency a Sanders supporter tried to wipe out an entire republican baseball team. They found a list of all conservative congress people in his pocket. The kicker is that they buried the story faster than they buried the shooter. Today almost nobody recognizes the name James Hodgkinson. Did he meet with democrat staffers while he was living in his van? Did he meet his idol Bernie Sanders? Did democrats supply him with the baseball practice schedule and the names of the conservatives? The Feds forgot to check.
Six months ago today the FAILED insurrection at the Capitol building PLUS the attempted bombing of both the RNC and DNC....who's hiding this bomber?

View attachment 509528
Your thread certainly triggered the Trumpers on this Board.

Is that really a surprise?

These Trumpist posters have proved themselves over and over again to part of the Trump cult of personality.

Don’t believe your lyin’ eyes on what occurred on 1/6 they’ll tell you, but believe the words of the cult leader.

You will never change the minds of cultists no matter the facts.
How many have been charged with insurrection, Dumbass.
LOL..Is that all you have? 545 rioters have been criminally charged and many more Trumpist lawbreakers are still out on the lame. It is obvious what these people were up to. The Amercan public doesn't need any damn Trumpists telling them what occurred on 1/6, when it is plain for all to see.
Six months ago today the FAILED insurrection at the Capitol building PLUS the attempted bombing of both the RNC and DNC....who's hiding this bomber?

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Too bad they didn't take you out.
Ah...fear and anger leads to trump cultist thuggish threats. How surprising. Didn't you claim (and then back pedal in fear) that you were there?
He wasn't there. He's just a wind bag fulla tRump farts.
Six months ago today the FAILED insurrection at the Capitol building PLUS the attempted bombing of both the RNC and DNC....who's hiding this bomber?

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Oh blow it out your ass, pearl clutcher.
Yes, we know that trump cultists are very unhappy that their (your) insurrection FAILED....and not only did it FAIL but it made them (you) look the thugs they (you) really are.
There was no "insurrection" you hysterical pearl clutching nincompoop.

Never thought I'd see the day where the cartoonish antagonists from The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged appear to be understated....But here you are.
There was a FAILED insurrection. You has a sad over that part.
As credible as claiming a mosquito bite was a failed stabbing.
Six months ago today the FAILED insurrection at the Capitol building PLUS the attempted bombing of both the RNC and DNC....who's hiding this bomber?

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That's a good question. Conspiracies usually cannot exist in a free society, because the only safe secret is on you don't tell anybody else - even your nearest and dearest. LOL

But to me the story isn't really about crimes, even crimes against the govt. We've ALWAYS had those, from Benedict Arnold to Ayers and Dohrn. Good excuses are no excuse. But in 250 years we never had a potus of ANY party - not just the dems and gop - do that. Oh wait .... there was Jefferson Davis

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