Sadaam Hussein

Take it to the religious forum and see if you can get a nibble.
This isn't a religous thread. Its a thread about killing innocent people.

I could just as easily mentioned east timor where we helped Indoesia comit genocide.
I'm waiting for you to support your US supplied Iraq with chemical and biological weapons assertion. If you want to look stupid it's fine with me.
Bill Clinton said that Saddam was developing WMD's and then he went and bombed Yugoslavia. Some estimate that over 5,000 civilians were killed in Bill Clinton's splendid little war and the liberal media just gushed at what a good job he was doing. After 9-11 George Bush gave Saddam a year to comply with U.N. sanctions and Saddam refused. Iraq sent it's air force to hide in Iran and any trace of nuclear technology disappeared but all of a sudden Iran is involved in nuclear development. It doesn't take a CIA agent to conclude that it's possible Saddam sent his WMD's to Iran during the year that Bush gave him. Since Bush held over the Clinton appointments in the "intelligence" agencies it's possible that the CIA was trying to undermine the Bush administration just like the democrat party undermined the military operation.

Thanks to Jamie Gorelick's "wall" between the CIA and FBI, Tenant had no idea the 9/11 hijackers were already in the US. Jamie's next claim to fame was looting Fannie Mae for $26M in bonuses before the 2008 crash. Ironically, now she's hooked up with Jared Kushner about "conflict of interest" problems in the Trump administration. The whole D.C. swamp is about as inbred as it gets.
I'm waiting for you to support your US supplied Iraq with chemical and biological weapons assertion. If you want to look stupid it's fine with me.

Exactly. Rummy was rumored to have given Saddam some B/C precursors but we surely didn't provide him with the weapons themselves.
Was thinking today about how the US armed Sadaam with chemical and biological weapons throughout the 80s.
What's your source for that? I've heard libs say over the last two decades but haven't seen a source yet. News Article: Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says
I believe we were sponsoring Iraq during their war with iran in the 80s.
You believe? The US favored Iraq over Iran at the time but the assertion is we supplied chemical and biological weapons. Where does it say that?
That link didn't say that. That was just saying we found ammunitions from the 80s. Reagan supplied Iraq with all kinds of shit. Like the mk-84. We used SA to give them those. They were our weapons. We used all kinds of fronts for that.
I remember something about Iraq using chemical weapons on the kurds back then and killed around 5K people.. Reagan gave them dual purpose technology, military intelligence and billions of dollars.
Was thinking today about how the US armed Sadaam with chemical and biological weapons throughout the 80s.
What's your source for that? I've heard libs say over the last two decades but haven't seen a source yet. News Article: Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says
I believe we were sponsoring Iraq during their war with iran in the 80s.
You believe? The US favored Iraq over Iran at the time but the assertion is we supplied chemical and biological weapons. Where does it say that?
How Did Iraq Get Its WMD? - We Sold Them To Saddam

It says it everywhere. I cant beleive you dont know this. Read it in the washington post or the NYT or wall street journal or read the cia docs themselves.
Was thinking today about how the US armed Sadaam with chemical and biological weapons throughout the 80s.
What's your source for that? I've heard libs say over the last two decades but haven't seen a source yet. News Article: Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says
I believe we were sponsoring Iraq during their war with iran in the 80s.
You believe? The US favored Iraq over Iran at the time but the assertion is we supplied chemical and biological weapons. Where does it say that?
That link didn't say that. That was just saying we found ammunitions from the 80s. Reagan supplied Iraq with all kinds of shit. Like the mk-84. We used SA to give them those. They were our weapons. We used all kinds of fronts for that.
I remember something about Iraq using chemical weapons on the kurds back then and killed around 5K people.. Reagan gave them dual purpose technology, military intelligence and billions of dollars.
Try giving him antrhax, the bubonic plague, nerve gas, etc, after he had already gasses a a half million Iranians and then his own people with our helicopters.

It wasn't just Reagan, it was Bush as well.
Was thinking today about how the US armed Sadaam with chemical and biological weapons throughout the 80s.
What's your source for that? I've heard libs say over the last two decades but haven't seen a source yet. News Article: Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says
I believe we were sponsoring Iraq during their war with iran in the 80s.
You believe? The US favored Iraq over Iran at the time but the assertion is we supplied chemical and biological weapons. Where does it say that?
How Did Iraq Get Its WMD? - We Sold Them To Saddam

It says it everywhere. I cant beleive you dont know this. Read it in the washington post or the NYT or wall street journal or read the cia docs themselves.
First off, I don't take fake news outlets seriously. Or op-eds. Secondly, your source says we sold them the technology. You claimed we sold them chemical and biological weapons. So the answer is yes, you are an idiot.
Was thinking today about how the US armed Sadaam with chemical and biological weapons throughout the 80s.
What's your source for that? I've heard libs say over the last two decades but haven't seen a source yet. News Article: Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says
I believe we were sponsoring Iraq during their war with iran in the 80s.
You believe? The US favored Iraq over Iran at the time but the assertion is we supplied chemical and biological weapons. Where does it say that?
That link didn't say that. That was just saying we found ammunitions from the 80s. Reagan supplied Iraq with all kinds of shit. Like the mk-84. We used SA to give them those. They were our weapons. We used all kinds of fronts for that.
I remember something about Iraq using chemical weapons on the kurds back then and killed around 5K people.. Reagan gave them dual purpose technology, military intelligence and billions of dollars.
Try giving him antrhax, the bubonic plague, nerve gas, etc, after he had already gasses a a half million Iranians and then his own people with our helicopters.

It wasn't just Reagan, it was Bush as well.
If he bought US helicopters they belonged to Iraq and were no longer ours. I know thinking is hard if you are unaccustomed to it. But it's like going to the gym, start with tiny weights then work up to something man sized.
Try giving him antrhax, the bubonic plague, nerve gas, etc, after he had already gasses a a half million Iranians and then his own people with our helicopters.

It wasn't just Reagan, it was Bush as well.

Does Soros pay you enough to find a link to your bullshit?
Was thinking today about how the US armed Sadaam with chemical and biological weapons throughout the 80s.
What's your source for that? I've heard libs say over the last two decades but haven't seen a source yet. News Article: Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says
I believe we were sponsoring Iraq during their war with iran in the 80s.
You believe? The US favored Iraq over Iran at the time but the assertion is we supplied chemical and biological weapons. Where does it say that?
How Did Iraq Get Its WMD? - We Sold Them To Saddam

It says it everywhere. I cant beleive you dont know this. Read it in the washington post or the NYT or wall street journal or read the cia docs themselves.
First off, I don't take fake news outlets seriously. Or op-eds. Secondly, your source says we sold them the technology. You claimed we sold them chemical and biological weapons. So the answer is yes, you are an idiot.
The US gave him precursors, including the bubonic plague over an 8 years span. Both before, during and after he used chemical weapons. We then blocked the UN from condeming him for using them.

When you give someone who is using chemical weapons against civilians chemical weapons before, during and after, you are giving him chemical weapons.

Thats like selling the NAZIS a gas chamber in 1944 and saying it was dual use. Give me a break.
What's your source for that? I've heard libs say over the last two decades but haven't seen a source yet. News Article: Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says
I believe we were sponsoring Iraq during their war with iran in the 80s.
You believe? The US favored Iraq over Iran at the time but the assertion is we supplied chemical and biological weapons. Where does it say that?
How Did Iraq Get Its WMD? - We Sold Them To Saddam

It says it everywhere. I cant beleive you dont know this. Read it in the washington post or the NYT or wall street journal or read the cia docs themselves.
First off, I don't take fake news outlets seriously. Or op-eds. Secondly, your source says we sold them the technology. You claimed we sold them chemical and biological weapons. So the answer is yes, you are an idiot.
The US gave him precursors, including the bubonic plague over an 8 years span. Both before, during and after he used chemical weapons. We then blocked the UN from condeming him for using them.

When you give someone who is using chemical weapons against civilians chemical weapons before, during and after, you are giving him chemical weapons.

Thats like selling the NAZIS a gas chamber in 1944 and saying it was dual use. Give me a break.
Your source didn't make that claim either. You don't learn. Your word isn't good enough.
We also gave him intelligence on kurds positions, Iranian positions. News Article: Munitions Found in Iraq Meet WMD Criteria, Official Says
I believe we were sponsoring Iraq during their war with iran in the 80s.
You believe? The US favored Iraq over Iran at the time but the assertion is we supplied chemical and biological weapons. Where does it say that?
How Did Iraq Get Its WMD? - We Sold Them To Saddam

It says it everywhere. I cant beleive you dont know this. Read it in the washington post or the NYT or wall street journal or read the cia docs themselves.
First off, I don't take fake news outlets seriously. Or op-eds. Secondly, your source says we sold them the technology. You claimed we sold them chemical and biological weapons. So the answer is yes, you are an idiot.
The US gave him precursors, including the bubonic plague over an 8 years span. Both before, during and after he used chemical weapons. We then blocked the UN from condeming him for using them.

When you give someone who is using chemical weapons against civilians chemical weapons before, during and after, you are giving him chemical weapons.

Thats like selling the NAZIS a gas chamber in 1944 and saying it was dual use. Give me a break.
Your source didn't make that claim either. You don't learn. Your word isn't good enough.
LOL what are you saying? My source? There are a million sources on this. Its common knowledge. Its not by job to write you a paper. Go check it and see.
We also gave him intelligence on kurds positions, Iranian positions.
You believe? The US favored Iraq over Iran at the time but the assertion is we supplied chemical and biological weapons. Where does it say that?
How Did Iraq Get Its WMD? - We Sold Them To Saddam

It says it everywhere. I cant beleive you dont know this. Read it in the washington post or the NYT or wall street journal or read the cia docs themselves.
First off, I don't take fake news outlets seriously. Or op-eds. Secondly, your source says we sold them the technology. You claimed we sold them chemical and biological weapons. So the answer is yes, you are an idiot.
The US gave him precursors, including the bubonic plague over an 8 years span. Both before, during and after he used chemical weapons. We then blocked the UN from condeming him for using them.

When you give someone who is using chemical weapons against civilians chemical weapons before, during and after, you are giving him chemical weapons.

Thats like selling the NAZIS a gas chamber in 1944 and saying it was dual use. Give me a break.
Your source didn't make that claim either. You don't learn. Your word isn't good enough.
LOL what are you saying? My source? There are a million sources on this. Its common knowledge. Its not by job to write you a paper. Go check it and see.
No, I'll just call you an idiot for making outlandish claims you can't support.
We also gave him intelligence on kurds positions, Iranian positions.
You believe? The US favored Iraq over Iran at the time but the assertion is we supplied chemical and biological weapons. Where does it say that?
How Did Iraq Get Its WMD? - We Sold Them To Saddam

It says it everywhere. I cant beleive you dont know this. Read it in the washington post or the NYT or wall street journal or read the cia docs themselves.
First off, I don't take fake news outlets seriously. Or op-eds. Secondly, your source says we sold them the technology. You claimed we sold them chemical and biological weapons. So the answer is yes, you are an idiot.
The US gave him precursors, including the bubonic plague over an 8 years span. Both before, during and after he used chemical weapons. We then blocked the UN from condeming him for using them.

When you give someone who is using chemical weapons against civilians chemical weapons before, during and after, you are giving him chemical weapons.

Thats like selling the NAZIS a gas chamber in 1944 and saying it was dual use. Give me a break.
Your source didn't make that claim either. You don't learn. Your word isn't good enough.
LOL what are you saying? My source? There are a million sources on this. Its common knowledge. Its not by job to write you a paper. Go check it and see.
If there are a million, use something legit. Shouldn't be that hard.
The US gave him precursors, including the bubonic plague over an 8 years span. Both before, during and after he used chemical weapons. We then blocked the UN from condeming him for using them.

When you give someone who is using chemical weapons against civilians chemical weapons before, during and after, you are giving him chemical weapons.

Thats like selling the NAZIS a gas chamber in 1944 and saying it was dual use. Give me a break.

First you said "weapons"...then I told you it was only the precursors so now you're saying that. Does Soros pay you enough to subcontract with me to continue correcting your bullshit?

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