Sadaam Hussein

And the bloody Iraq War blunder rolls on. Some top US Commanders in Iraq recently stated that even when ISIS is defeated, we're not leaving. It really is a bleak hopeless situation. After ISIS is gone, there's gonna be another 'ISIS.' And another, and another, and another...
Can we please get the fluck out of Iraq now!? 14yrs? My God, enough is enough.
Was thinking today about how the US armed Sadaam with chemical and biological weapons throughout the 80s. He we helped him kill a million Iranians and gas his own people. How we blocked the UN from condemning him for using chemical weapons.

This was bi-partisan support. And nobody seems to care. The deathtoll from that support by some estimates, including the Iranians, is 2 million.

Do we not count the dead we cause? Do we not owe Iraq reparations?

How long will we support the brutal Saudis, Bahrain, Qatar, etc, a bunch of medieval dictatorships.

Cant we at least say sorry?
What good does it do to say anything when one of your paid tyrants goes rogue ?!

Saddam was a good counterweight to Iran.

That counterweight is now missed very much there.

Iran is still insane and out of control.
What Histwhorians Are Paid Not to Tell You

While setting back the world-threatening Iranian jihad twenty years, Saddam overproduced on oil beyond his OPEC quotas, driving down world oil prices. Low oil prices were the main reason for Reagan's economic boom.

The only reason Bush, Sr., attacked Saddam was to get the oil prices back up, producing obscene profits for his petrocratic aristocracy. Kuwait had no right to exist; it was a corrupt and cowardly parasite country that had belonged to the rulers of Mesopotamia for 5,000 years. After World War I, it was clipped off where it always belonged, like some bondholder's coupon.
Was thinking today about how the US armed Sadaam with chemical and biological weapons throughout the 80s. He we helped him kill a million Iranians and gas his own people. How we blocked the UN from condemning him for using chemical weapons.

This was bi-partisan support. And nobody seems to care. The deathtoll from that support by some estimates, including the Iranians, is 2 million.

Do we not count the dead we cause? Do we not owe Iraq reparations?

How long will we support the brutal Saudis, Bahrain, Qatar, etc, a bunch of medieval dictatorships.

Cant we at least say sorry?
What good does it do to say anything when one of your paid tyrants goes rogue ?!

Saddam was a good counterweight to Iran.

That counterweight is now missed very much there.

Iran is still insane and out of control.
What Histwhorians Are Paid Not to Tell You

While setting back the world-threatening Iranian jihad twenty years, Saddam overproduced on oil beyond his OPEC quotas, driving down world oil prices. Low oil prices were the main reason for Reagan's economic boom.

The only reason Bush, Sr., attacked Saddam was to get the oil prices back up, producing obscene profits for his petrocratic aristocracy. Kuwait had no right to exist; it was a corrupt and cowardly parasite country that had belonged to the rulers of Mesopotamia for 5,000 years. After World War I, it was clipped off where it always belonged, like some bondholder's coupon.

It's all about Western Globalist Imperialism in the Middle East. It always has been, and always will be. The Brits drew up the current maps. But why were they allowed to do that? Because they killed enough folks over there to seize control. So, the Permanent War rolls on & on.
Was thinking today about how the US armed Sadaam with chemical and biological weapons throughout the 80s. He we helped him kill a million Iranians and gas his own people. How we blocked the UN from condemning him for using chemical weapons.

This was bi-partisan support. And nobody seems to care. The deathtoll from that support by some estimates, including the Iranians, is 2 million.

Do we not count the dead we cause? Do we not owe Iraq reparations?

How long will we support the brutal Saudis, Bahrain, Qatar, etc, a bunch of medieval dictatorships.

Cant we at least say sorry?

Why do you pin it on just the US. Didn't most of our allies sell hardware and precursor chemicals to Iraq? Oh wait we were the leader of the free world back then I guess....So what if we opened the door and gave them 4 billion in aid. It was for food. (so they could spend their money on hardware and stuff). The Intel we leaked to him wasn't all that helpful, but it did prolong the war. Besides, we got to shoot down a civilian airliner! </sarcasm>

We never counted the civilian dead in Iraq. Not that they didn't matter.

The spice must flow

I mean oil. Sorry all that sand makes me think of worms.......
Was thinking today about how the US armed Sadaam with chemical and biological weapons throughout the 80s. He we helped him kill a million Iranians and gas his own people. How we blocked the UN from condemning him for using chemical weapons.

This was bi-partisan support. And nobody seems to care. The deathtoll from that support by some estimates, including the Iranians, is 2 million.

Do we not count the dead we cause? Do we not owe Iraq reparations?

How long will we support the brutal Saudis, Bahrain, Qatar, etc, a bunch of medieval dictatorships.

Cant we at least say sorry?

Why do you pin it on just the US. Didn't most of our allies sell hardware and precursor chemicals to Iraq? Oh wait we were the leader of the free world back then I guess....So what if we opened the door and gave them 4 billion in aid. It was for food. (so they could spend their money on hardware and stuff). The Intel we leaked to him wasn't all that helpful, but it did prolong the war. Besides, we got to shoot down a civilian airliner! </sarcasm>

We never counted the civilian dead in Iraq. Not that they didn't matter.

The spice must flow

I mean oil. Sorry all that sand makes me think of worms.......

The Show/War must go on. It's all about plundering resources. How were the Brits allowed to draw up the current maps in the Middle East? Well, they killed, plundered and seized control. And nothing's changed. It's still about Imperialism. It's about installing Puppet Regimes who do what they're told. When or if they stop doing what they're told, they'll be marked for death. And that's what happened to Hussein. He stopped obeying his Masters. And he paid for that with his life.

The Iraq War is a major costly blunder for average Americans. But it's been a great success for a few Globalist Elites. And that's why even if ISIS is defeated, we won't be leaving. There's still so much plundering left to do. That war ain't ending anytime soon. It's pretty depressing. But that is how it goes. It's an Endless War agenda.
Was thinking today about how the US armed Sadaam with chemical and biological weapons throughout the 80s. He we helped him kill a million Iranians and gas his own people. How we blocked the UN from condemning him for using chemical weapons.

This was bi-partisan support. And nobody seems to care. The deathtoll from that support by some estimates, including the Iranians, is 2 million.

Do we not count the dead we cause? Do we not owe Iraq reparations?

How long will we support the brutal Saudis, Bahrain, Qatar, etc, a bunch of medieval dictatorships.

Cant we at least say sorry?
What good does it do to say anything when one of your paid tyrants goes rogue ?!

Saddam was a good counterweight to Iran.

That counterweight is now missed very much there.

Iran is still insane and out of control.
What Histwhorians Are Paid Not to Tell You

While setting back the world-threatening Iranian jihad twenty years, Saddam overproduced on oil beyond his OPEC quotas, driving down world oil prices. Low oil prices were the main reason for Reagan's economic boom.

The only reason Bush, Sr., attacked Saddam was to get the oil prices back up, producing obscene profits for his petrocratic aristocracy. Kuwait had no right to exist; it was a corrupt and cowardly parasite country that had belonged to the rulers of Mesopotamia for 5,000 years. After World War I, it was clipped off where it always belonged, like some bondholder's coupon.

While setting back the world-threatening Iranian jihad twenty years, Saddam overproduced on oil beyond his OPEC quotas, driving down world oil prices.

Bullshit. Iraqi production dropped, a lot, during the war.
It was still way below pre-war levels when Reagan left office.

Low oil prices were the main reason for Reagan's economic boom.

Reagan's economy had nothing to do with oil prices.
Was thinking today about how the US armed Sadaam with chemical and biological weapons throughout the 80s. He we helped him kill a million Iranians and gas his own people. How we blocked the UN from condemning him for using chemical weapons.

This was bi-partisan support. And nobody seems to care. The deathtoll from that support by some estimates, including the Iranians, is 2 million.

Do we not count the dead we cause? Do we not owe Iraq reparations?

How long will we support the brutal Saudis, Bahrain, Qatar, etc, a bunch of medieval dictatorships.

Cant we at least say sorry?
What good does it do to say anything when one of your paid tyrants goes rogue ?!

Saddam was a good counterweight to Iran.

That counterweight is now missed very much there.

Iran is still insane and out of control.
What Histwhorians Are Paid Not to Tell You

While setting back the world-threatening Iranian jihad twenty years, Saddam overproduced on oil beyond his OPEC quotas, driving down world oil prices. Low oil prices were the main reason for Reagan's economic boom.

The only reason Bush, Sr., attacked Saddam was to get the oil prices back up, producing obscene profits for his petrocratic aristocracy. Kuwait had no right to exist; it was a corrupt and cowardly parasite country that had belonged to the rulers of Mesopotamia for 5,000 years. After World War I, it was clipped off where it always belonged, like some bondholder's coupon.

While setting back the world-threatening Iranian jihad twenty years, Saddam overproduced on oil beyond his OPEC quotas, driving down world oil prices.

Bullshit. Iraqi production dropped, a lot, during the war.
It was still way below pre-war levels when Reagan left office.

Low oil prices were the main reason for Reagan's economic boom.

Reagan's economy had nothing to do with oil prices.

Hussein began opposing the Western Globalist Elites. And that was his downfall. He started thinking for himself. The Elites weren't gonna tolerate that. He had to go. 9/11 helped facilitate that. Bush used it as a pretext for invasion. It was obviously Bullshite, but it worked.

So now we're left with this bloody endless war in Iraq. Average Americans will never see any benefits from it, but a few Globalist Elites will. And that's what it's all about in the end. Makes ya feel helpless. But i don't know how the People can change it. I really don't.
Was thinking today about how the US armed Sadaam with chemical and biological weapons throughout the 80s. He we helped him kill a million Iranians and gas his own people. How we blocked the UN from condemning him for using chemical weapons.

This was bi-partisan support. And nobody seems to care. The deathtoll from that support by some estimates, including the Iranians, is 2 million.

Do we not count the dead we cause? Do we not owe Iraq reparations?

How long will we support the brutal Saudis, Bahrain, Qatar, etc, a bunch of medieval dictatorships.

Cant we at least say sorry?
What good does it do to say anything when one of your paid tyrants goes rogue ?!

Saddam was a good counterweight to Iran.

That counterweight is now missed very much there.

Iran is still insane and out of control.
What Histwhorians Are Paid Not to Tell You

While setting back the world-threatening Iranian jihad twenty years, Saddam overproduced on oil beyond his OPEC quotas, driving down world oil prices. Low oil prices were the main reason for Reagan's economic boom.

The only reason Bush, Sr., attacked Saddam was to get the oil prices back up, producing obscene profits for his petrocratic aristocracy. Kuwait had no right to exist; it was a corrupt and cowardly parasite country that had belonged to the rulers of Mesopotamia for 5,000 years. After World War I, it was clipped off where it always belonged, like some bondholder's coupon.

While setting back the world-threatening Iranian jihad twenty years, Saddam overproduced on oil beyond his OPEC quotas, driving down world oil prices.

Bullshit. Iraqi production dropped, a lot, during the war.
It was still way below pre-war levels when Reagan left office.

Low oil prices were the main reason for Reagan's economic boom.

Reagan's economy had nothing to do with oil prices.

Well all that coke he allowed his buddies the Contra's to bring in didn't hurt.

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