Salty water found on Mars!!!

Idk we could do water shielding on Mars, like they propose for interspace travel on ships to block out most of the cosmic rays. Still it's a bit of a step backwards when if we set our sights on Saturn we can use the planets gasses for propulsion of the next generation of engines.
Idk we could do water shielding on Mars, like they propose for interspace travel on ships to block out most of the cosmic rays. Still it's a bit of a step backwards when if we set our sights on Saturn we can use the planets gasses for propulsion of the next generation of engines.
We already have the next generation of engines, but we're too scared to use them. Look up nuclear powered rockets and NASA.
Mars is fucked up because it isn't a "Goldilocks planet", like earth is. Humans never lived there, but even if they did, those humans never made it to earth. If you have the ability to go to other planets, you wouldn't fade away without leaving behind proof you existed on the new planet.
Actually it is in that zone. All it lacks is the proper atmosphere which it did indeed possess at one time. Mars IS teraformable

Probably not. Its lack of a molten core means it has no magnetic field shielding it. Cosmic rays would make cancer as common as chest colds.
That's true but I seem to remember something from NASA a few years ago where they speculated on ways to create an artificial field. But you are right. When the core died that's when solar winds blew away the atmosphere

“There’s something fascinating about science. You get such wholesale returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact.” Mark Twain

Jonathan Swift (17th century English satirist) speaking of the achievements of science and its reflection upon its own laurels. ---- "And he, whose fortunes and dispositions have placed him in a convenient station to enjoy the fruits of this noble art; he that can with Epicurus content his ideas with the films and images that fly-off upon his senses from the superficies of things; such a man truly wise, creams off nature, leaving the sour and the dregs for philosophy and reason to lap up. This is the sublime and refined point of felicity, called, the possession of being well deceived; the serene peaceful state of being a fool among knaves."
Idk we could do water shielding on Mars, like they propose for interspace travel on ships to block out most of the cosmic rays. Still it's a bit of a step backwards when if we set our sights on Saturn we can use the planets gasses for propulsion of the next generation of engines.
We already have the next generation of engines, but we're too scared to use them. Look up nuclear powered rockets and NASA.

I think we're only too "scared" to use them on Earth because of the possible loss of life... In space the potential danger would only be (at first) to whatever money we put into a space ship/station and the scientists on it to test the idea. We just have to build the engine and get it far enough from earth to test "safely" - and we dont' even need the... Helium 3 (I think I got that right) to test it, we can "test" using more plentiful Earth resources then test again when we've traversed that (likely unmanned) test vehicle to Saturn (which they estimate would take only 3 months with the proposed engine.)
Idk we could do water shielding on Mars, like they propose for interspace travel on ships to block out most of the cosmic rays. Still it's a bit of a step backwards when if we set our sights on Saturn we can use the planets gasses for propulsion of the next generation of engines.
We already have the next generation of engines, but we're too scared to use them. Look up nuclear powered rockets and NASA.

I think we're only too "scared" to use them on Earth because of the possible loss of life... In space the potential danger would only be (at first) to whatever money we put into a space ship/station and the scientists on it to test the idea. We just have to build the engine and get it far enough from earth to test "safely" - and we dont' even need the... Helium 3 (I think I got that right) to test it, we can "test" using more plentiful Earth resources then test again when we've traversed that (likely unmanned) test vehicle to Saturn (which they estimate would take only 3 months with the proposed engine.)
Well the proposal from decades ago was to build these nuclear powered rockets in outer space, where they would be less of a danger to lives on Earth. But of course, just like many of us were scared to leave the caves hundreds of thousands of years ago, many are scared today that our technology has come too far.

I promise you, any form of energy that we invent that can power us as far as Saturn in a reasonable amount of time, will have great destructive potential. It will take some great calamity to drive us to use it, just as something drove us out of the caves a long time ago.
I believe it was finances rather than fear which put an end to that idea, which, unfortunately, might still be the case :/
Mars has water on its surface, and it's in liquid form at least some of the time.

NASA on Monday announced the results of a new study showing that salty liquid water flows seasonally on Mars, giving the red planet one of the essential ingredients for life.

Guys, this is my fantasy theory.....I believe we've all been here before....only on Mars. And thanks to global warming neglects, we fucked the planet up and that world came to an end, as did mankind. So God believe we all deserve a second chance gave us this planet that we call earth....and guess what? We're doing the same exact shit. Fuckin it up!!

So the lesson here, next time God....create only the animals and leave human beings OUT!!
Or billions of years before earth was in the sweet spot mars was. Whatever lived on Mars back then died. Billions of years later life started on earth. Soon trilobites dominated the planet earth. They had no idea what happened on Mars billions of years before. Then dinosaurs ruled and they had no idea about trilobites or the life that use to be on Mars. Then mammals took over and they had no idea about dinosaurs trilobites or life on Mars. Those mammals are evolving and learning about all three. But we are just discovering. Imagine what we will know year 3015.
Mars is fucked up because it isn't a "Goldilocks planet", like earth is. Humans never lived there, but even if they did, those humans never made it to earth. If you have the ability to go to other planets, you wouldn't fade away without leaving behind proof you existed on the new planet.
There may have been life but not earth life. Or maybe they will find tardigrade on Mars. There are more tardigrade on earth than humans. An alien visiting earth might mistake earth for the planet of the tardigrade.
Mars has water on its surface, and it's in liquid form at least some of the time.

NASA on Monday announced the results of a new study showing that salty liquid water flows seasonally on Mars, giving the red planet one of the essential ingredients for life.

Guys, this is my fantasy theory.....I believe we've all been here before....only on Mars. And thanks to global warming neglects, we fucked the planet up and that world came to an end, as did mankind. So God believe we all deserve a second chance gave us this planet that we call earth....and guess what? We're doing the same exact shit. Fuckin it up!!

So the lesson here, next time God....create only the animals and leave human beings OUT!!
Or billions of years before earth was in the sweet spot mars was. Whatever lived on Mars back then died. Billions of years later life started on earth. Soon trilobites dominated the planet earth. They had no idea what happened on Mars billions of years before. Then dinosaurs ruled and they had no idea about trilobites or the life that use to be on Mars. Then mammals took over and they had no idea about dinosaurs trilobites or life on Mars. Those mammals are evolving and learning about all three. But we are just discovering. Imagine what we will know year 3015.

I've always had this wierd outlook on life.....wouldn't it be cool as hell, if after we've all died, God gets out this big movie projector, load us all up with popcorn and show us all how it all happened, how it all began, from start to oh man wouldn't that be cool as hell?????
I thought they established that the apparent fossils in the mars rock could have been natural formed, so they couldn't rule it as "proof" of past life on mars?


As for like terraforming Mars, it's not just the solar winds (which like I said we could block with a hydro shield - and there is flowing liquid water still on Mars btw - or even living under ground would block solar wind bourne radiation,) but the more concerning issue with Mars habitation, is that gravity itself is a requirement for human survival. While we could maybe ignore that our bones decalcify and that our muscles atrophy (like evolve to the planets gravity), we cannot really "evolve" past the blood pooling that caused by zero g - and leads to a huge rash of serious health problems. I suppose we'd have to test just how little gravity we can survive in, but idk that we could do such tests in this day and age hahaha

To my knowledge the only method of "gravital correction" we even consider employing atm is a single person machine that basically spins the body using centrifugal force to "emulate" gravity. While this works to a point (aka everyone has a faux gravity bed/chair or w/e), I think when you're talking about living on another planet long-term (which given our current space travel speeds we are) we're far better off to pick somewhere with a "survivable" gravity level. We should go to Mars and do science stuff for sure, but for long-term human occupation I don't think it's the right choice for us at this time. I do not know that the costs and effort of creating a large gravity reproduction "thing" on the surface is a good investment.


Also, I was talking about Fusion Propulsion Module - Solutions

M-drive is indeed a working theory, but speed is the major hurdle we're facing. M-Drive is "perpetual motion" which is good for the pocketbook, but we need to be able to get to another solar system within someone's lifespan ultimately. M-drive might be well suited to intersystem travel along with the solar sail "engine" ideas though.

For the past decade or so NASA's been busy fucking around with green rocket fuels ~sigh~ so I'm afraid the necessary innovation for quicker space travel is not going to come from our gov...
How do they know it's salty?
i heard that Mars even had a "Bush Like" President at the time the martians lived there.
Of course Bush was there, that's why the planet no longer has life on it, everyone left!!
thats what I am hearing,,that at one time there was a Bush decendant as President when there was life on Mars around 5000 BC,,,then eventually Global Warming slowly made Mars inihabital,,,,well,,,the roaches and the Hildabeasts are still there.
Mars has water on its surface, and it's in liquid form at least some of the time.

NASA on Monday announced the results of a new study showing that salty liquid water flows seasonally on Mars, giving the red planet one of the essential ingredients for life.

Guys, this is my fantasy theory.....I believe we've all been here before....only on Mars. And thanks to global warming neglects, we fucked the planet up and that world came to an end, as did mankind. So God believe we all deserve a second chance gave us this planet that we call earth....and guess what? We're doing the same exact shit. Fuckin it up!!

So the lesson here, next time God....create only the animals and leave human beings OUT!!

Yeah Global Warming ended life on Mars

I thought they established that the apparent fossils in the mars rock could have been natural formed, so they couldn't rule it as "proof" of past life on mars?


As for like terraforming Mars, it's not just the solar winds (which like I said we could block with a hydro shield - and there is flowing liquid water still on Mars btw - or even living under ground would block solar wind bourne radiation,) but the more concerning issue with Mars habitation, is that gravity itself is a requirement for human survival. While we could maybe ignore that our bones decalcify and that our muscles atrophy (like evolve to the planets gravity), we cannot really "evolve" past the blood pooling that caused by zero g - and leads to a huge rash of serious health problems. I suppose we'd have to test just how little gravity we can survive in, but idk that we could do such tests in this day and age hahaha

To my knowledge the only method of "gravital correction" we even consider employing atm is a single person machine that basically spins the body using centrifugal force to "emulate" gravity. While this works to a point (aka everyone has a faux gravity bed/chair or w/e), I think when you're talking about living on another planet long-term (which given our current space travel speeds we are) we're far better off to pick somewhere with a "survivable" gravity level. We should go to Mars and do science stuff for sure, but for long-term human occupation I don't think it's the right choice for us at this time. I do not know that the costs and effort of creating a large gravity reproduction "thing" on the surface is a good investment.


Also, I was talking about Fusion Propulsion Module - Solutions

M-drive is indeed a working theory, but speed is the major hurdle we're facing. M-Drive is "perpetual motion" which is good for the pocketbook, but we need to be able to get to another solar system within someone's lifespan ultimately. M-drive might be well suited to intersystem travel along with the solar sail "engine" ideas though.

For the past decade or so NASA's been busy fucking around with green rocket fuels ~sigh~ so I'm afraid the necessary innovation for quicker space travel is not going to come from our gov...

Man, you guys are intense.....and Love it!! Very informative if you can read latin....LOLOLO
Mars has water on its surface, and it's in liquid form at least some of the time.

NASA on Monday announced the results of a new study showing that salty liquid water flows seasonally on Mars, giving the red planet one of the essential ingredients for life.

Guys, this is my fantasy theory.....I believe we've all been here before....only on Mars. And thanks to global warming neglects, we fucked the planet up and that world came to an end, as did mankind. So God believe we all deserve a second chance gave us this planet that we call earth....and guess what? We're doing the same exact shit. Fuckin it up!!

So the lesson here, next time God....create only the animals and leave human beings OUT!!

Yeah Global Warming ended life on Mars

i thought it was a six mile wide asteroid that was created by the Bush Family.

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