Sam Nunberg wants to tear up Mueller subpoena.....REALLY!

What Is Sam Nunberg Doing?

Pressed about whether he believed Mueller “had something” on Trump, Nunberg said: “I think that he may have done something during the election. But I don’t know that for sure.”

That admission on its own may sabotage whatever chance Nunberg had of fighting the subpoena. “It’s the kind of statement that obviously must pique the interest of Mueller and his office, and it cries out for further questioning,” said Barrett.

“The way they asked about his business dealings, the way they asked if you had heard anything even while I was fired, it just made me suspect that they suspect something about him,” Nunberg said.

“He may very well not have done anything, but the other thing I will tell you, is regardless of whether or not he had money coming to him during the election, okay, during the general, he won that election. And he has to get credit for it.”

:eusa_clap: donny's credit has done gone bankrupt again!

Bannon was quoted saying something else that plays into the current state of the Mueller investigation in a way that puts Trump in serious danger:

You realize where this is going. This is all about money laundering. Mueller chose [senior prosecutor Andrew] Weissmann first and he is a money-laundering guy. Their path to f***ing Trump goes right through Paul Manafort, Don Jr., and Jared Kushner. . . . It's as plain as a hair on your face. It goes through Deutsche Bank and all the Kushner shit. The Kushner shit is greasy. They're going to go right through that. They're going to roll those . . . guys up and say play me or trade me.

Worst thing Steve Bannon said about Trump? “Money laundering”
liddle devin nunes:
Nunes is america’s biggest traitor since Benedict Arnold.
Running to Trump to give him privileged information from the House intelligence Committee was unconscionable!
Fox News avoided the Nunberg story today almost as much as they avoided Obama’s Accomplishments in office.
Time to turn another witness.
how would that happen if the subpoena is ignored? LOL

If the subpoena is ignored he goes to jail.

Nunberg could refuse to comply and bring a motion to quash the subpoena. He could refuse to comply and force Mueller into court asking for a contempt citation. Either ways would allow Nunberg to challenge the legality of the subpoena itself.

Nutberg could do all sorts of things, he's going to jail though.
Ex-Trump campaign adviser says he will refuse to comply with Mueller subpoena

Ha Ha! What an idiot. He will go to jail....oh

He also said that from the prosecutors question...he thought they had something on Trump. He thinks Trump did something wrong during the election.

A Grand Jury Subpeona is not to be taken lightly. Nunberg has now changed his mind and says he will cooperate--:auiqs.jpg: He probably talked to his lawyer, after he solbered up.

Anyway, Mueller is subpeoning all emails from about everyone, including Steve Bannon, Paul Manafort, Jerad Kushner, Rick Gates, George Papalopdous, Roger Stone and whomever else that was on his email contact list. The target here is Roger Stone who is on record for stating that he had a backdoor into Wikileaks and was in contact with the Russian hacker known as Guicifer 2.0.

In the final months of the 2016 campaign, longtime Donald Trump associate Roger Stone repeatedly discussed his backchannel communications with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and claimed knowledge of forthcoming leaks from the group, a CNN KFile review of his public statements shows. Stone's comments about WikiLeaks have come under increased scrutiny as the FBI and congressional committees investigate whether Trump associates were involved in Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 election.
Trump adviser Roger Stone repeatedly claimed to know of forthcoming WikiLeaks dumps - CNNPolitics

Roger Stone, the flamboyant political adviser who has been connected to President Donald Trump for years, is defending his contacts with "Guccifer 2.0"-- the online persona who claims responsibility for hacking the Democratic National Committee -- as an innocuous "brief exchange" of a few direct messages that he says amount to nothing.
Trump associate plays down Twitter contact with Guccifer 2.0 - CNNPolitics

This is who Roger Stone is.



Roger Stone
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Why do I have to spend 80 hours going over my emails that I’ve had with Steve Bannon and with Roger Stone?” Nunberg asked NBC News reporter Katy Tur on Monday afternoon.
See, this right here....

You have to do this, Nunberg, precisely because you are guilty and cannot just give them all of your emails without going through them first. I would not have to spend 80 hours going over my emails before turning them over to the FBI. I could just turn them over.
Mueller will cave?
He’s a war hero and THE most respected person in the country.
You’re a lunatic.

He's a punk and a kunt.

He will cower while you Communist throw spit wads of slander and libel.

You filthy traitors were done the day the Nunes memo was released, and every last one of us knows it. Your witch hunt is in it's death throws, lashing out wildly as it dies. Now the investigation of the FISA crimes start, including the collusion between the FBI, the Clinton Camp, and Moscow.


  • McCabe is convicted but has his sentence magically commuted
  • Comey is convicted and goes to prison
  • Strzok is convicted of treason
  • Lisa Page is convicted of treason
  • The plea bargain of Michael Flynn is vacated due to being coerced by Mueller who used underworld tactics including extortion on him
  • Though clearly guilty of countless crimes, Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada will not be charged with crimes, but will slink of in shame
  • Hillary Clinton will still posses the blackmail that has kept her out of prison for so long
  • Republicans will increase their control of the house in November
  • Republicans will increase their control in the Senate to 56
  • Carter Page wins his lawsuit against Yahoo and HuffPost, bankrupting Verizon media.

Real or Poe's law? I just cant tell...
I kinda wish I had CNN, apparently this interview mind bogglingly weird.
Erin Burnett handled him well. He may have had a few drinks, but that was mania, pure and simple. I've dealt with it plenty.
I agree with the guy who said it was irresponsible and unethical for CNN to keep bringing him on in that state.

He doesn't know any more about what's going on than you or I.
Time to turn another witness.
how would that happen if the subpoena is ignored? LOL

If the subpoena is ignored he goes to jail.

Nunberg could refuse to comply and bring a motion to quash the subpoena. He could refuse to comply and force Mueller into court asking for a contempt citation. Either ways would allow Nunberg to challenge the legality of the subpoena itself.

Other than that...he goes to jail...
Ex-Trump campaign adviser says he will refuse to comply with Mueller subpoena

Ha Ha! What an idiot. He will go to jail....oh

He also said that from the prosecutors question...he thought they had something on Trump. He thinks Trump did something wrong during the election.

Best way to handle a bully is to stand up to him.

The Grand Inquisitor relies on fear to promote his witch hunt. Bravo for Nunburg telling the thug to go fuck himself.

Manafort is standing up to the little creep as well.

Grand Inquisitor Mewler - Torquemada is a punk, a two bit thug. His plea deal with Flynn is falling apart because it was gotten under duress. Sessions is FINALLY investigating the corrupt Clinton/Russia/FBI conspiracy to fix the last election. Torquemada may not have been engaged in that, but his acts since starting the Witch Trials very well could land him in prison.

Fuck Torquemada, no one should bow to the kunt.

Tell Sessions he needs to stand up more often to the Orange Clown...he has nothing to lose...
Ari Melber just said on Lawrence O'Donnell that he had just talked with Sam Nunberg and his dad on the phone - and Nunberg said he probably will NOT comply with the subpoena.

His chose....Mueller laughs...
Because he's a moron, and he knows that clowns like you will eat it up?

Seriously, you don't know what you're talking about. Nunberg can fight the subpoena if he wants, but he'll lose - and he knows it.

in the interview he said his lawyer just fired him



So this is actually a public meltdown, rather than a legal strategy?

i think so- it was a vid on the wapo site so it was hard to hear clearly, but i'm pretty sure he said his lawyer had or was about to fire him.

maybe he just wants the attention and intends to comply.

it's really difficult to believe that he thinks he'll prevail if he tries to quash the subpoena or wants to go to jail, but stranger things

maybe he wants to martyr himself for the cause

He is a flaming idiot. But he said Trump was walking around the week before the Junior Russia meeting bragging about it.

The Liar in Chief in action.
A flaming idiot who knows everything!? How is it he’s an idiot then?

I first met Nunberg in person in 2014, when he arranged for me to interview his boss, Donald Trump, on a flight from New Hampshire to New York. Thanks to an unexpected blizzard that effectively shut down LaGuardia Airport, we ended up flying to Palm Beach instead, where I spent 36 hours marooned at Mar-a-Lago with Trump as my host and Nunberg as my sidekick.

At the time, what most struck me about Nunberg was the way he seemed to mimic Trump’s speaking cadences (“fantastic,” “huge,” “loser”) and sartorial aesthetic (wide lapels, shiny ties, thick knots). But, as I would later learn, his true mentor was actually Roger Stone.

As Nunberg told it, he was sitting in a law-school class one day when someone emailed him a Weekly Standard profile of the notorious Republican operative. Stone was described in the piece as a “Nixon-era dirty trickster” and “professional lord of mischief,” and he was quoted talking about politics as “performance art … sometimes for its own sake.”

Nunberg was enthralled by the mythology surrounding Stone, and seemed determined to develop a similar reputation for himself. Soon enough, he was studying under the dark-arts master, and experimenting with his own low-stakes “dirty tricks.” The maxims of amorality espoused by his mentor—canonized as “Stone’s Rules”—included, “Admit nothing, deny everything, launch counterattack,” and, “Nothing is on the level.”

Nunberg got his chance to put these lessons to work a couple months after our stay at Mar-a-Lago, when BuzzFeed published my profile of Trump. The story displeased the billionaire, and he promptly fired Nunberg, who then retaliated against me by helping to plant a fake story in Breitbart. (Headline: EXCLUSIVE—TRUMP: ‘SCUMBAG’ BUZZFEED BLOGGER OGLED WOMEN WHILE HE ATE BISON AT MY RESORT.) Maybe I should have taken it more personally, but I recognized it for what it was—an act of performance art, most likely for its own sake. Years later, Nunberg would tell me the whole mini-controversy was great for his career: “People actually knew who I was after that.”

Trump eventually took Nunberg back and tasked him with laying the groundwork for his presidential bid—only to fire him again shortly after the campaign launched in 2015. (The stated reason for his dismissal this time was the discovery of racist comments in Nunberg’s old Facebook posts...

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