Sam Nunberg wants to tear up Mueller subpoena.....REALLY!

“By the way, you know I’m the number one trending person on Twitter?” :cuckoo:

It was just after 8:00 p.m. on Monday night, and the suddenly-famous Sam Nunberg had phoned me from Dorrian’s Red Hand Restaurant, a yuppie hangout on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, where he was reveling in his triumph.

After announcing earlier that day his intention to defy a grand-jury subpoena in the Russia investigation (“Arrest me,” he’d dared prosecutors), the former Trump aide had spent the day conducting a manic media blitz—popping up on multiple cable-news programs, granting interviews to dozens of journalists, and hijacking the news cycle with a car-crash procession of blustery soundbites.

He seemed to take special pleasure in speculating about how Mueller might be reacting to the spectacle.

“You know what the funny thing is?” he boasted. “He’s thinking I’m, like, playing eight-dimensional chess with Donald Trump.”

Well, I asked, are you?

He guffawed. “No!”

Legal experts were warning that his failure to cooperate with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation could put him in serious legal jeopardy—but at this moment, it seemed, Nunberg was in a celebratory mood.

“Can you report this?” he asked me at one point during our conversation, his voice taking on a gleeful tone.

“You have to report this: The champ champ does whatever the fuck he wants.”

“The … who?” I asked.

“The champ champ!” :alcoholic:

Erin Burnett Asks Sam Nunberg If He’s Drunk

Sam Nunberg Insists He's Not Drunk in Interview With CNN's Erin Burnett

I first met Nunberg in person in 2014, when he arranged for me to interview his boss, Donald Trump, on a flight from New Hampshire to New York. Thanks to an unexpected blizzard that effectively shut down LaGuardia Airport, we ended up flying to Palm Beach instead, where I spent 36 hours marooned at Mar-a-Lago with Trump as my host and Nunberg as my sidekick.

At the time, what most struck me about Nunberg was the way he seemed to mimic Trump’s speaking cadences (“fantastic,” “huge,” “loser”) and sartorial aesthetic (wide lapels, shiny ties, thick knots). But, as I would later learn, his true mentor was actually Roger Stone.

As Nunberg told it, he was sitting in a law-school class one day when someone emailed him a Weekly Standard profile of the notorious Republican operative. Stone was described in the piece as a “Nixon-era dirty trickster” and “professional lord of mischief,” and he was quoted talking about politics as “performance art … sometimes for its own sake.”

Nunberg was enthralled by the mythology surrounding Stone, and seemed determined to develop a similar reputation for himself. Soon enough, he was studying under the dark-arts master, and experimenting with his own low-stakes “dirty tricks.” The maxims of amorality espoused by his mentor—canonized as “Stone’s Rules”—included, “Admit nothing, deny everything, launch counterattack,” and, “Nothing is on the level.”

Nunberg got his chance to put these lessons to work a couple months after our stay at Mar-a-Lago, when BuzzFeed published my profile of Trump. The story displeased the billionaire, and he promptly fired Nunberg, who then retaliated against me by helping to plant a fake story in Breitbart. (Headline: EXCLUSIVE—TRUMP: ‘SCUMBAG’ BUZZFEED BLOGGER OGLED WOMEN WHILE HE ATE BISON AT MY RESORT.) Maybe I should have taken it more personally, but I recognized it for what it was—an act of performance art, most likely for its own sake. Years later, Nunberg would tell me the whole mini-controversy was great for his career: “People actually knew who I was after that.”

Trump eventually took Nunberg back and tasked him with laying the groundwork for his presidential bid—only to fire him again shortly after the campaign launched in 2015. (The stated reason for his dismissal this time was the discovery of racist comments in Nunberg’s old Facebook posts...
Another incidence of stranger than strange. He's a lightweight hangeroner. Trump seems to surround himself with guys like this, and at least 4 are related to him by blood or marriage. LOL

I sort of felt sorry for him because he's racking up legal bills, but after seeing some of his past antics in partisan going personal ... ef him.
Ex-Trump aide says he'll likely cooperate with Mueller

First he says he won't --then he says he will--


"A former Trump campaign aide spent much of the day promising to defy a subpoena from special counsel Robert Mueller, even throwing down the challenge to "arrest me," then backed off his defiance by saying he would probably cooperate in the end.
In an interview Monday night with The Associated Press, Sam Nunberg said he was angry over Mueller's request to have him appear in front of a grand jury and turn over thousands of emails and other communications with other ex-officials, among them his mentor Roger Stone. But he predicted that, in the end, he'd find a way to comply.
"I'm going to end up cooperating with them," he said."
among his rants, nunberg admitted "trump may well have done something during the campaign"

then Huckleberry houndface insisted "I definitely think he doesn't know that for sure because he's incorrect."

because presumably SHE knows that for sure!?? :laugh: :eusa_liar:

this is reminiscent of that time vp pence so earnestly pressed a similar lie.

Pence said "nothing could be further from the truth" in response to claims that members of Trump's campaign had been in contact with WikiLeaks.

i LOVE how these mighty righteous Christian warriors are so willing to tell LIES for team traitor :eusa_clap:

“Thou shalt not bear false witness”
forbids speaking falsely in any matter, lying, equivocating, and any way devising and designing to deceive our neighbor.

White House communications director Hope Hicks testified to the House Intelligence Committee that she had told "white lies" as part of her job representing President Donald Trump. Within 24 hours, Hicks announced her departure from the White House.

teflon don's latest tweet:

"The new Fake News narrative is that there is CHAOS in the White House. Wrong! People will always come & go..."



...there is a moral connotation to saying that someone is “KGB”, because the Soviet KGB carried out assassinations, harassed and imprisoned dissidents, and was one of the pioneers of what came to be known as fake news.

That the KGB formed the bulk of Putin’s professional experience is beyond doubt – he worked there from the day he graduated college in 1974 until at least August 1991. ... It was important, the KGB higher-ups believed, that the cadres understand the world they were being trained to subvert and manipulate. Putin has brought many of his former KGB colleagues with him to the highest levels of government.

Vladimir Putin

Boris Nemstov Plaza

Secretary of State Colin Powell told W, “but I still look in his eyes and I see K-G-B. Remember,” he added ominously, “there’s a reason he’s fluent in German.”

Vice President Dick Cheney felt the same way: Every time he saw Putin, he told people, “I think KGB, KGB, KGB.”
White House communications director Hope Hicks testified to the House Intelligence Committee that she had told "white lies" as part of her job representing President Donald Trump. Within 24 hours, Hicks announced her departure from the White House.

teflon don's latest tweet:

"The new Fake News narrative is that there is CHAOS in the White House. Wrong! People will always come & go..."



The Hicks thing still confuses me. It's true, apparently, that she's a private person rather than a Trumpian media hound racheting up unfaithfulness and boorish bullying that goes with the Trump brand, and she's sexually outed with Lewandowski, who was married, and Porter, who beat the snot - literally - out of his female lovers/wives ..... but is that why she's leaving?

Her father is mega rich, so it's not legal fees. Mueller has not charged her with a crime inorder to "pressure" her to testify against Trump. No one knows what the disclosed to Mueller.

All these episodes involve people who the media, or the power players, misuse. Nixon had Maureen Dean and Rosemary Woods. And I think Ron Zigler. Slick dumped all over DeeDee Myers. People bankrupted themselves covering for Reagan in Iran Contra. I'm just not sure about Hicks. Victim/player?
He looks unhinged on Fake News CNN, it's no wonder why he had to get fired. Look at the way he's losing it. Turns out he never endorsed Trump, but was latching onto Trump's campaign after his candidate lost. So it's making sense why he got let go.
“ fake news”
Hilarious you don’t realize how stupid you sound when you say that.

Again.. Why is Mueller wasting time and tax payer money hounding about this Trump Russia hoax.
From Trump’s ass to your lips. After ALL the evidence that has gone down, the indictments and the 11 members of Trump’s team meeting with Russians and lying about it, for you to STILL call it a hoax shows you have more than a few screws loose.

Well, it will be a great reason for Trump to replace Mueller soon. Clocks tickin', snowflake.

Tick tock
Tick tock
Tick tock
A question every deplorable has run away from:
Why did 11 members of Trump’s team ILLEGALLY meet with Russians and then lie about it after getting caught?

Scatters DEPLORABLES faster than a well placed fart.
you should ask the 11 people. how would we know that? they did nothing wrong. shit man, hitlery paid for dirt on trump. bad dirt at that.
White House communications director Hope Hicks testified to the House Intelligence Committee that she had told "white lies" as part of her job representing President Donald Trump. Within 24 hours, Hicks announced her departure from the White House.

teflon don's latest tweet:

"The new Fake News narrative is that there is CHAOS in the White House. Wrong! People will always come & go..."



The Hicks thing still confuses me. It's true, apparently, that she's a private person rather than a Trumpian media hound racheting up unfaithfulness and boorish bullying that goes with the Trump brand, and she's sexually outed with Lewandowski, who was married, and Porter, who beat the snot - literally - out of his female lovers/wives ..... but is that why she's leaving?

Her father is mega rich, so it's not legal fees. Mueller has not charged her with a crime inorder to "pressure" her to testify against Trump. No one knows what the disclosed to Mueller.

All these episodes involve people who the media, or the power players, misuse. Nixon had Maureen Dean and Rosemary Woods. And I think Ron Zigler. Slick dumped all over DeeDee Myers. People bankrupted themselves covering for Reagan in Iran Contra. I'm just not sure about Hicks. Victim/player?

everyone seems to have been abused by trump eventually, so maybe that's all there is to it.

she was loyal to his presidency but she's certainly not going down for him...

maybe he fired her in a huff or maybe she just told him buh bye.

Before her sudden resignation announcement, soon-to-be-former White House communications director Hope Hicks was berated by President Trump for admitting to Congress she told “white lies” for him
I wasn't aware that Roger Stone is also the info-wars propoganda--that was all over social media outlets during the election cycle. I wonder if he wasn't using Russian adds on his site?

Anyway- Nunberg didn't want to hand over emails and testify, stating--because he is afraid he'll PERJURE his mentor Roger Stone.

Here is Roger Stone's statement to the House Intelligence Committee when he testified in front of them. This guy is a real right wing nut case--political hack.


Ex-Trump campaign adviser says he will refuse to comply with Mueller subpoena

Ha Ha! What an idiot. He will go to jail....oh

He also said that from the prosecutors question...he thought they had something on Trump. He thinks Trump did something wrong during the election.

You have to love that Mueller is utterly silent when all of these Lying Trump derps rant and rave when they are caught by the tail. Mueller never says anything, he just does his job. How fracking refreshing is this dude.
I don't know how anyone can take anything that guy said seriously. He also said Mueller won't put him in jail for refusing the subpoena. That sure ain't true.
then any info he may say about trump is useless.
Ex-Trump campaign adviser says he will refuse to comply with Mueller subpoena

Ha Ha! What an idiot. He will go to jail....oh

He also said that from the prosecutors question...he thought they had something on Trump. He thinks Trump did something wrong during the election.

I can not believe that the special counsel - an UNCONSTITUTIONAL OFFICE is allowed out there to harrass people.



If Congress believes that the President must be removed from office then impeach and remove. But they can not force the president to appoint someone within the executive branch to investigate the president.

I can not believe that Americans are so narcotized and/or ignorant to allow the powers that be and the deep state to depose our duly elected president.



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