Same Magistrate Who Okay'd Mar-a-Lago Search Issues Gag Order On Trump

No way any American is getting a fair trial in the environment created by the deep state leftist cabal. We are no better than the Nazis now. Obama started every bit of this shite, and he gave power to an alleged criminal in his VP slot. Chicago mob tactics don't fall to far from the chitcago tree being watered with alleged bribes and more bribes.

You're right, no American can get a fair trial when a Democrat's in office. We should release Robert Gregory Bowers immediately, since he was convicted by Democrat juries. Release Subway sandwich pedo Jared Fogle since it was Obama's FBI and DOJ that prosecuted him. Release them all. Keep them out of prison until MAGA Jesus rises again on the third day and magically reenters the Oval Office.


p.s. Y'all are fucken loony toons.
But wait, let me guess, you being an anonymous internet bro, have special insights they just can't see, without even having looked at the fucking evidence?

Dude, seriously, lay off the Breitbart.

Neither are juries - you wanna do away with juries? Replace them with what, judges? Then you'll complain that the judges are partisan. Dude, look at how utterly fucking ridiculous your logic is.

Ever consider maybe you're the one being easily misled?
Look, prick. Trump had a bunch of presidential documents he had every right to when he was POTUS.
This isn't the first time these cocksuckers tried this shit. Remember Russian Collusion?
Now if you don't start making some sense, little newb, I'm gonna put you on ignore, because I hate wasting my time on dirtbag shitforbrians assholes.
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LOL! Nah, I think I'm gonna hang out here and expose how utterly fucking divorced from reality and basic logic you are. Sorry you don't like it, pop tart. Maybe you need to find a safe space, snowflake.
That's rich.
A snowflake calling me a snowflake.
You're gone fucker.
Trump and Classified clearance lawyers can view it, in a Scif, but can not talk to the public via social media or twitter, or truth social etc etc, about the top secret documents...nor make notes when in the SCIF.

That's really standard procedure on top secret evidence during a trial, from what I've read...???
I guess if it was in his garage, anyone could view it.
Look, prick. Trump had a bunch of presidential documents he had every right to when he was POTUS.

He's not president anymore, so he broke the law. He was given more chances to return them without prosecution than anyone who worked under him would have had. Don't take my word for it, take Trump's own former Attorney General.

This isn't the first time these cocksuckers tried this shit. Remember Russian Collusion?

The only thing 'they' tried was to get MAGA Jesus to return the classified materials he was not authorized to possess.

Now if you don't start making some sense, little newb, I'm gonna put you on ignore, because I hate wasting my time on dirtbag shitforbrians assholes.

7fliny.jpg honest report of the nefarious actions by a renegade judge not involved in the case.

He's only a magistrate who made anti-Trump remarks and had previously recused himself from a court matter involving Trump. Why he is allowed* to have any input on anything Trump is astonishing.

* Magistrates are appointed by the court for a limited term, they are not Article III judges.
That is not what it does, why do you need to lie with every post.

It limits him talking about after he has seen it
No, can't you read?
The gag order allowed the Special Council and the FBI to leak to the press but prevents Trump from leaking.
It also doesn't allow him to see the evidence they have against him unless he's in a SCIF being watched by government officials. Treating the former POTUS like he's a God Damn traitor.
What's especially astounding was the fact that there shouldn't be anything they have on him he hasn't already seen.
What this tells me is they planted evidence.

Ruling for Mr. Trump, Judge Cannon effectively froze a significant portion of the government’s inquiry, barring prosecutors from using the materials seized from Mar-a-Lago for any “investigative purpose” connected to the case against Mr. Trump until the work of the arbiter, known as a special master, was finished.

An appeals court sitting in Atlanta ultimately overruled Judge Cannon, scrapped the special master’s review and allowed the investigation of Mr. Trump to resume unhindered.

In a sharply critical decision, a three-member panel of the appeals court said Judge Cannon never had the proper jurisdiction to intervene in the case and order the review. The court also chided her for stopping federal investigators from using the files seized from Mar-a-Lago, saying there was no justification for treating Mr. Trump differently from any other target of a search warrant.

“It is indeed extraordinary for a warrant to be executed at the home of a former president — but not in a way that affects our legal analysis or otherwise gives the judiciary license to interfere in an ongoing investigation,” the court wrote.

end quotes

this is what happens when people like you choose to ignore news you find uncomfortable. Your ignorance gets fed fertilized and it gets watered
Of course all this takes place when we have a witch hunt, and we have a totally biased system that's ignoring the self serving double standard's and hypocrisy just as long as it derails Trump.
No, can't you read?
The gag order allowed the Special Council and the FBI to leak to the press but prevents Trump from leaking.
It also doesn't allow him to see the evidence they have against him unless he's in a SCIF being watched by government officials. Treating the former POTUS like he's a God Damn traitor.
What's especially astounding was the fact that there shouldn't be anything they have on him he hasn't already seen.
What this tells me is they planted evidence.
They had the opportunity.
Judge Reinhart is up to his old tricks. He torpedoed another Trump case before signing the search warrant allowing the FBI to raid Trump's home. Now he's sticking his nose into the document case by issuing a gag order against Trump limiting his ability to look at evidence against him.

No, he is preventing the Rapist and Traitor from talking shit he has no right to talk about.
I guess if it was in his garage, anyone could view it.
Yep, but you missed in a locked storage room in his locked garage for his prized Corvette.... A Special Counsel appointed is still investigating any possible exposure of Biden's classified documents.

There were 20,000 people in and out of Mara Lago, and Bedminster over those two years....That's a much larger crowd that could have targeted them than Joe's private garage.

Oh, and Biden's garage storage closet did not have Top Secret level classified documents, just the University of Penn think tank office had some top secret classified documents...from what I've read on it?
Judge Reinhart is up to his old tricks. He torpedoed another Trump case before signing the search warrant allowing the FBI to raid Trump's home. Now he's sticking his nose into the document case by issuing a gag order against Trump limiting his ability to look at evidence against him.

I wonder on what basis he has anything to say about the case.

He’s such a fuckin’ hack, he could be posting here as any of our many libtards.

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