same sex marriage

Assuredly, I [Jesus] say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they may utter; but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness


1- So Adam and Eve were never pardoned?
2- I thought jesus died for our sins? Or was it not retro-active?
3- So everyone who's ever said "goddam" is fucked?

No John....the sin against the holy spirit that took place by the Pharisees was that they attributed the acts of heeling and helping those in misery that Jesus did, which came from God, as the work of Satan.

This is the sin against the Holy Spirit that Jesus spoke the Unforgivable sin.

ALL other sins are forgivable....

they're not really married cause, the preacher preforming the cerimony is apperently a fraud. how could you go against the book your preaching from. because the bible plainly says it wrong.

When my wife and I got married 24 years ago, there was not a Bible involved.

This may come as a shock, but people can, and do, get married outside the confines of the church...
ALL other sins are forgivable....


Like homosexuality? Btw, why did god make homosexuality a part of almost all species?
-Yes, homosexuality, adultery, fornication, etc are all forgivable sins...this is from the mouth of Jesus, Himself....not me, making it up on behalf of Him.

-It is not a part of almost 'ALL SPECIES', so I do not know what you are talking about...I know there are a few species that look like they do, but not a sizable amount, nor a majority, let alone almost ALL?

Leaving God out of it completely, would go against the Survival of the Fittest and the innate drive by all species to multiply themselves? At least it seems like it would? I am opened to discuss that aspect of it, if you would like?

Lots of species exhibit homosexuality, but even if it's just "some" then why did god do this, did he give free will to animals as well?
Fornication? LOL. So you never have sex unless it's for procreation?

If god, then why have survival of the fittest? Didn't god make every animal perfect from the start?
Lots of species exhibit homosexuality, but even if it's just "some" then why did god do this, did he give free will to animals as well?
Fornication? LOL. So you never have sex unless it's for procreation?

If god, then why have survival of the fittest? Didn't god make every animal perfect from the start?

No, animals were not given free will, with knowledge and reasoning as human beings, is what the Bible says...

Fornication is sex outside of meaningful relationship...marriage, common law marriage, committed couples...

All of my sex with the hubby has been sex without husband and I have never been blessed and/or able to have children with each other. :(

Oh, and the answer on WHY, I had seen on a National Geographic special that they THINK the homosexual behavior is to show dominance on a few of the cases where homosexuality or Bisexuality is shown.
Lots of species exhibit homosexuality, but even if it's just "some" then why did god do this, did he give free will to animals as well?
Fornication? LOL. So you never have sex unless it's for procreation?

If god, then why have survival of the fittest? Didn't god make every animal perfect from the start?

Animals rape the same species to demonstrate their dominance. When the one that was raped gets a chance, it destroys the rapist and takes its place. I am not close with any homosexuals, are you saying you (the homosexuals) are like animals?

Fornication is sex without honoring the other person. It applies to people that have "casual" sex.
they're not really married cause, the preacher preforming the cerimony is apperently a fraud. how could you go against the book your preaching from. because the bible plainly says it wrong.

Let's just ignore the fact that marriage is a social and legal union that does not have to be about religion at all, and that the issue of the same sex marriage is legal and not religious...and instead focus on the point you're bringing up about the religious aspect of marriage.

Yes, the Bible plainly states that you shall not lie with a man as with a woman. So for two men to get married is, from a Biblical standpoint, "wrong," and any two men who do so are doing something that God does not approve of. As for whether the preacher performing the ceremony is a "fraud"...would the preacher also be a fraud if he went against the Bible in other ways?

There are many ways to go against the Bible...for example, let's say the preacher does not keep kosher (as most Christians and even many modern-day Reform or Conservative Jews do not). You might argue that as a Christian, it's not important for the preacher to keep kosher because the kosher laws were written in the Old Testament, which is trumped (for Christians) by the New Testament. Well, the tenets against homosexuality were written as part of the Levitical laws...also part of the Old Testament.

If Christians are able to ignore such Old Testament proclamations as:

Deuteronomy 14:8 - "The pig is also are not to eat their meat."

Deuteronomy 22:11 - "Do not wear clothes of wool and linen woven together."

Deuteronomy 13:6-10 - "If your very own brother, or your son or daugher, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying "Let us go and worship other gods"...Show him no pity...You must certainly put him to death. Your hand must be the first in putting him to death, and then the hands of all the people."

Leviticus 20:10 - "If a man commits adultery with another man's wife...both the adulterer and the adulteress must be put to death."

Leviticus 20:18 - "If a man lies with a woman during her monthly period and has sexual relations with her, he has exposed the source of her flow, and she has also uncovered it. Both of them must be cut off from their people."

...why is it that they are unable to similarly ignore this one?

Leviticus 20:13 - "If a man lies with a man as one lies with a woman, both of them has done what is detestable. They must be put to death."

I don't see anything outlining that Leviticus 20:13 is somehow more important than the other Levitical laws. Why do Christians cling to this one, and other specific Biblical tenets, while ignoring and throwing away the rest?

In answer to your question about the priest...he was probably already a "fraud" for going against the Bible a thousand times over before he performed a gay marriage ceremony.
Yes, the Bible plainly states that you shall not lie with a man as with a woman.

Ok, hypothetically, if you are having anal sex with a woman, wouldn't it then be ok to have anal sex with a man, because you are just lie-ing with a man as you do with a woman?
they're not really married cause, the preacher preforming the cerimony is apperently a fraud. how could you go against the book your preaching from. because the bible plainly says it wrong.

Oh, dear GOD, you don't understand how this process works.

Try to stay with me here. Marriage is not a matter of church policy. The church the pastor is ordained in probably will not recognize the "marriage", and may very likely defrock him, but marriage in this sense is a matter of state law. If the state's laws recognize same sex "marriages" and the pastor in question is authorized to perform state-recognized weddings at the time he does it, then they are, indeed, "really married" in the only fashion that actually mattered to them in the first place. This is why weddings can also be performed by people other than ministers.
American Christians crack me up.

Ask, "Do you know any gays"? Answer, "And I don't want to either".

Ask, "Is gay a choice"? Answer, "Yes".

Ask, "Did you choose"? Answer, "No".

Ask, "Will a gay marriage destroy yours"? Answer, "No, of course not".

Ask, "Why not let them get married"? Answer, "Because it will destroy the institution of marriage".

Ask, "But not yours"? Answer, "Not mine".

Ask, "Where do gays come from"? Answer, "I don't know".

Ask, "Did you know that gays are the children of Christians"? Answer, "No way".

Ask, "What if your son was gay", Answer, "No way, I didn't raise him to be gay".

Ask, "But what if he were"? Answer, "I would have to disown him and that would be his choice".

And the ignorance goes round and round.

American atheists crack me up.

Ask: "Did you talk to any Christians?" Answer: "No, I just made up what I 'knew' they would say for them."

Give it up, twit. I don't trust you to coherently tell me what YOU think, let alone what other people think.
they're not really married cause, the preacher preforming the cerimony is apperently a fraud. how could you go against the book your preaching from. because the bible plainly says it wrong.

Oh, dear GOD, you don't understand how this process works.

Try to stay with me here. Marriage is not a matter of church policy. The church the pastor is ordained in probably will not recognize the "marriage", and may very likely defrock him, but marriage in this sense is a matter of state law. If the state's laws recognize same sex "marriages" and the pastor in question is authorized to perform state-recognized weddings at the time he does it, then they are, indeed, "really married" in the only fashion that actually mattered to them in the first place. This is why weddings can also be performed by people other than ministers.

If it's a state issue, then people need to stop putting their religious ideals into it completely and it should be treated as any other legal contract, consenting adults only. Otherwise we can say that women are not allowed to sign gym contracts, or men can't enter a rental contract, or that straight people are no longer allowed to contract home decorators.
where does it say in the bible "just use the parts that suits you and you'll be alright".
somewhere after Jesus died, and someone had an LCD induced hallucination whereby all the old testament rules no longer applied. Christians have just been using the parts that suit them since the dawn of the religion. Jesus said you should give all of your possessions to the poor. ALL of them. Do you do that? Didn't think so.

Fact is, most Christians haven't read all the bible, nor do they follow it all.

Gays are mentally ill and need psychological treatment.

Allowing them to marry is enabling their sickness.
oh good! A hick that thinks he's a doctor! Good thing every psychiatrist across the country disagrees with you! But hey, I'm sure your lack of education, combined with your stellar common sense, qualifies you to make such a statement. Good job.

Fudge packer homos are nasty disease spreading perverts who should be locked up for the protection of society.
because two people coming together in monogamous peaceful mutual affection for each other.... means SOCIETY IS VULNERABLE AND UNPROTECTED! OH THE HORROR! HIDE THE BABIES AND ORPHANS, LEST THEY BE INFECTED WITH THE GAY VIRUS!

Macro evolution, species changing into other species, is a belief. There is no scientifice evidence it has EVER happened.
Oh good! An uneducated hick who thinks he's a geneticist! Wonderful! I'd ask where you got your degree from, but I can already guess it's a BS. Good thing no PhD geneticist agrees with you. No, I take that back. There's one who does. All the rest think he's a nutjob.

Welcome to the technological era. Unlike the 1920s, we've since figured out what a lil thing called DNA is. We can track DNA within and between species. We can see how DNA is preserved and altered along evolution's path. As someone else mentioned, there is no such thing as "micro" or "macro" evolution. They are terms that religious zealots made up, and no legitimate scientist actually acknowledges them. There is only evolution.

So no, genetics hick, there is an overwhelming amount of evidence which supports evolution.

I am not manipulating the ten Commandments.
Tell me how being homosexual is honoring your parents?
Tell me how it's not? Now if someone has parents that are not supportive of their sexuality, it's not honoring them, sure. But if the parents are supportive of that, then they are honoring their parents just fine.

Just curious: if you want to go into a certain job field, and your parents aren't supportive of you, are you similarly just as dirty sinful as a homosexual with unsupportive parents? Or, perhaps, you as an adult are free to make your own decisions about your job, regardless of your parents wishes.
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where does it say in the bible "just use the parts that suits you and you'll be alright".
somewhere after Jesus died, and someone had an LCD induced hallucination whereby all the old testament rules no longer applied. Christians ...

Macro evolution, species changing into other species, is a belief. There is no scientifice evidence it has EVER happened.
Oh good! An uneducated hick who thinks he's a geneticist! Wonderful! I'd ask where you got your degree from, but I can already guess it's a BS. Good thing no PhD geneticist agrees with you. No, I take that back. There's one who does. All the rest think he's a nutjob.

Welcome to the technological era. Unlike the 1920s, we've since figured out what a lil thing called DNA is. We can track DNA within and between species. We can see how DNA is preserved and altered along evolution's path. As someone else mentioned, there is no such thing as "micro" or "macro" evolution. They are terms that religious zealots made up, and no legitimate scientist actually acknowledges them. There is only evolution.

So no, genetics hick, there is an overwhelming amount of evidence which supports evolution.

What proof do scientists have that one species transformed into another?
You site "overwhelming amount of evidence", please present it.
What fossils have been found that demonstrates genetical links between species?

DNA evidence is not fully understood. They do not have ANY evidence that one species has "magically" transformed into another species. It is a theory (without a book...maybe Darwin was on LSD).

I am not manipulating the ten Commandments.
Tell me how being homosexual is honoring your parents?
Tell me how it's not? Now if someone has parents that are not supportive of their sexuality, it's not honoring them, sure. But if the parents are supportive of that, then they are honoring their parents just fine.

Just curious: if you want to go into a certain job field, and your parents aren't supportive of you, are you similarly just as dirty sinful as a homosexual with unsupportive parents? Or, perhaps, you as an adult are free to make your own decisions about your job, regardless of your parents wishes.[/QUOTE]

If you are not honoring your parents, you are sinning. It does not matter if you are working in a job that would bring dishonor, acting crimminally, being less than upright, morally, etc, etc, etc. Homosexuals do not have the market cornered on sinning. We all sin, it just seems that the homosexuals are the only ones, that are in complete denial of their sins.
BTW I sin too. I do not go out and ask society to tell me that my sins are okay. I try to do better and ask for the Lord's forgiveness and grace, so that I do not continue to make the same mistakes.
The only HOPE is G*d.
Fornication is sex without honoring the other person. It applies to people that have "casual" sex.
What is dishonorable about two consenting adults mutually pleasuring eachother?

In this society, two consenting adults "pleasuring each other" is "tolerated", and even "accepted". The dishonorable thing about it: you would not marry them to have a lifetime building into 'the two shall become one'. Even you would have to agree, if you look at our society, many, many crimes are committed, due to one of those "mutually consenting adults" deciding the other must be punished for not 'continuing to please'.

If you don't have enough respect for the person to make a serious committment, you should have enough respect for yourself, not to 'mutually pleasure each other'.

Casual sex does not help society (something the libs are always pushing); it can have the adverse effect, where people are afraid to committ, and miss building strong relationships and families. Exposing children to that behavior can cause even worse problems. Do your own study: as "sex" is declared a "necessity", note how the "value" of life has declined. Instead of protecting individual rights, we protect the "right to abuse others". We would do better if we tried to honor G*d (and indirectly, our parents).
If you are not honoring your parents, you are sinning. It does not matter if you are working in a job that would bring dishonor, acting crimminally, being less than upright, morally, etc, etc, etc. Homosexuals do not have the market cornered on sinning. We all sin, it just seems that the homosexuals are the only ones, that are in complete denial of their sins.
BTW I sin too. I do not go out and ask society to tell me that my sins are okay. I try to do better and ask for the Lord's forgiveness and grace, so that I do not continue to make the same mistakes.
So, if someone's parents are supportive of them being homosexual, it doesn't dishonor their parents, and thus doesn't break any commandment. Great. Glad we have now shown that.

But regardless: America separates church from state. Everyone not Christian need not lawfully subject themselves to Christian "morals". So when someone tries to pass a LAW regarding homosexuality, it's best you leave your bible at the door. If you can't argue morality without it, you don't have much inherent morality anyway, eh?

Casual sex does not help society (something the libs are always pushing); it can have the adverse effect, where people are afraid to committ, and miss building strong relationships and families.
So it would seem to me that encouraging committed affectionate monogamous relationships would be beneficial overall, based on what you're saying. Gay marriage would accomplish that goal, yet you are against it. Perhaps you need to rethink that one.
Fornication is sex without honoring the other person. It applies to people that have "casual" sex.
What is dishonorable about two consenting adults mutually pleasuring eachother?

In this society, two consenting adults "pleasuring each other" is "tolerated", and even "accepted". The dishonorable thing about it: you would not marry them to have a lifetime building into 'the two shall become one'. Even you would have to agree, if you look at our society, many, many crimes are committed, due to one of those "mutually consenting adults" deciding the other must be punished for not 'continuing to please'.

If you don't have enough respect for the person to make a serious committment, you should have enough respect for yourself, not to 'mutually pleasure each other'.

Casual sex does not help society (something the libs are always pushing); it can have the adverse effect, where people are afraid to committ, and miss building strong relationships and families. Exposing children to that behavior can cause even worse problems. Do your own study: as "sex" is declared a "necessity", note how the "value" of life has declined. Instead of protecting individual rights, we protect the "right to abuse others". We would do better if we tried to honor G*d (and indirectly, our parents).

You're one of those straight laced, fanatical, rabid GOP Christians ain't ya No Logic For Anyone?

I bet you probably think that Sanford and his Bible quotes exonerates him from adultery in Argentina as well.

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