San Francisco Ignoring Murder Of Woman By Illegal Because Fox News Is Reporting The Crime

I don't know why the topic of this thread should surprise anyone. San Francisco is the hub of the hard left cult. And Fox represents a Christian viewpoint. It's a personal thing. San Francisco can never make mistakes...dontcha know...every single thing that comes out of that septic tank "Must always be virtuous and right!". If not, one single flaw exposed and the other gaping carbuncles might flop out onto the tabel for all to see.
I remember hearing that ESPN dickhead Colin Heard proclaiming this morning how smart SF is. What a great place to live.

San Francisco is a shithole. Anyone who's been there knows San Diego kicks San Francisco's butt when it comes to great places to live...and I've lived in both. No small wonder that the Earth destroys the place at least once a century.
Stop it! You know as well as I that the sheriff was cognizant of Ramirez' release since ICE had requested him to notify them. How many illegal immigrants have you heard about who holds felony counts and 5 deportations?

Probably way more than you realize. I don't know what the Sheriff knew, I know as a retired law enforcement manager a whole lot of stuff went on which I never learned about, unless the shit hit the fan. Your making judgments based on your biases, I'm making one based on my experience.

So, you were once sheriff of San Francisco. Why didn't you say so.

You need to enroll in a reading comprehension course. For confidentiality I use the term Law Enforcement and Manager generically. At times I was a deputy, a supervisor, a manager, a director and a technical consultant, I worked for and with local, state and federal agencies during a 32 year career.

I never ran for or aspired to an elected office; Sheriff's are elected, not appointed.

I have quite a few friends in law enforcement...I've never heard any of them refer to a law enforcement "manager". I'm curious. Where were you located that they referred to a law enforcement position as "manager"?

Generic term, maybe used for Captain, or Commander depending on the chain of command - suffice it to say I have done some very unique things in my career which can identify me to those in the know; I try to keep my identity private.

Generally a manager is at least one level, sometimes more in the chain, from the level of supervisor or sgt. In my case I supervised supervisors who supervised first level supervisors. In some cases that is a deputy chief, undersheriff or a director.

If you indeed can be identified with those in the know, then surely you realize the degrees of priority regarding prisoners. If you were too busy to heed the advice of ICE when they requested to be notified of Ramirez' release, then you definitely were not in the know.
Stop it! You know as well as I that the sheriff was cognizant of Ramirez' release since ICE had requested him to notify them. How many illegal immigrants have you heard about who holds felony counts and 5 deportations?

Probably way more than you realize. I don't know what the Sheriff knew, I know as a retired law enforcement manager a whole lot of stuff went on which I never learned about, unless the shit hit the fan. Your making judgments based on your biases, I'm making one based on my experience.

So, you were once sheriff of San Francisco. Why didn't you say so.

You need to enroll in a reading comprehension course. For confidentiality I use the term Law Enforcement and Manager generically. At times I was a deputy, a supervisor, a manager, a director and a technical consultant, I worked for and with local, state and federal agencies during a 32 year career.

I never ran for or aspired to an elected office; Sheriff's are elected, not appointed.

So, you are making judgments based on your biases.

No, based on my experience. What experience do you have in LE or as a boss?"

My experience as a leader has everything to do with my ability to respect the law, and follow orders, as well as be respectful of requests made by others that might or might not be detrimental to the safety of others.
Probably way more than you realize. I don't know what the Sheriff knew, I know as a retired law enforcement manager a whole lot of stuff went on which I never learned about, unless the shit hit the fan. Your making judgments based on your biases, I'm making one based on my experience.

So, you were once sheriff of San Francisco. Why didn't you say so.

You need to enroll in a reading comprehension course. For confidentiality I use the term Law Enforcement and Manager generically. At times I was a deputy, a supervisor, a manager, a director and a technical consultant, I worked for and with local, state and federal agencies during a 32 year career.

I never ran for or aspired to an elected office; Sheriff's are elected, not appointed.

So, you are making judgments based on your biases.

No, based on my experience. What experience do you have in LE or as a boss?"

My experience as a leader has everything to do with my ability to respect the law, and follow orders, as well as be respectful of requests made by others that might or might not be detrimental to the safety of others.

Good for you. As a leader the next time you suspect someone might be a danger to others take them into custody by restricting their movements and liberty. Let us know how that turns out for you.
So, you were once sheriff of San Francisco. Why didn't you say so.

You need to enroll in a reading comprehension course. For confidentiality I use the term Law Enforcement and Manager generically. At times I was a deputy, a supervisor, a manager, a director and a technical consultant, I worked for and with local, state and federal agencies during a 32 year career.

I never ran for or aspired to an elected office; Sheriff's are elected, not appointed.

So, you are making judgments based on your biases.

No, based on my experience. What experience do you have in LE or as a boss?"

My experience as a leader has everything to do with my ability to respect the law, and follow orders, as well as be respectful of requests made by others that might or might not be detrimental to the safety of others.

Good for you. As a leader the next time you suspect someone might be a danger to others take them into custody by restricting their movements and liberty. Let us know how that turns out for you.

Your posts reveal you are not someone well suited to be in a leadership role as you are too emotional to think properly.
If you follow along, you'll soon discover that Ramirez was in custody and was released to the Sheriff, who instead of respecting the office of ICE, who had requested he call the when Ramirez was released, took it upon himself to let Ramirez roam freely once again on the streets of San Francisco.
You need to enroll in a reading comprehension course. For confidentiality I use the term Law Enforcement and Manager generically. At times I was a deputy, a supervisor, a manager, a director and a technical consultant, I worked for and with local, state and federal agencies during a 32 year career.

I never ran for or aspired to an elected office; Sheriff's are elected, not appointed.

So, you are making judgments based on your biases.

No, based on my experience. What experience do you have in LE or as a boss?"

My experience as a leader has everything to do with my ability to respect the law, and follow orders, as well as be respectful of requests made by others that might or might not be detrimental to the safety of others.

Good for you. As a leader the next time you suspect someone might be a danger to others take them into custody by restricting their movements and liberty. Let us know how that turns out for you.

Your posts reveal you are not someone well suited to be in a leadership role as you are too emotional to think properly.
If you follow along, you'll soon discover that Ramirez was in custody and was released to the Sheriff, who instead of respecting the office of ICE, who had requested he call the when Ramirez was released, took it upon himself to let Ramirez roam freely once again on the streets of San Francisco.

See 4,.4 in the attached:
So, you are making judgments based on your biases.

No, based on my experience. What experience do you have in LE or as a boss?"

My experience as a leader has everything to do with my ability to respect the law, and follow orders, as well as be respectful of requests made by others that might or might not be detrimental to the safety of others.

Good for you. As a leader the next time you suspect someone might be a danger to others take them into custody by restricting their movements and liberty. Let us know how that turns out for you.

Your posts reveal you are not someone well suited to be in a leadership role as you are too emotional to think properly.
If you follow along, you'll soon discover that Ramirez was in custody and was released to the Sheriff, who instead of respecting the office of ICE, who had requested he call the when Ramirez was released, took it upon himself to let Ramirez roam freely once again on the streets of San Francisco.

See 4,.4 in the attached:

What message are you trying to convey?
No, based on my experience. What experience do you have in LE or as a boss?"

My experience as a leader has everything to do with my ability to respect the law, and follow orders, as well as be respectful of requests made by others that might or might not be detrimental to the safety of others.

Good for you. As a leader the next time you suspect someone might be a danger to others take them into custody by restricting their movements and liberty. Let us know how that turns out for you.

Your posts reveal you are not someone well suited to be in a leadership role as you are too emotional to think properly.
If you follow along, you'll soon discover that Ramirez was in custody and was released to the Sheriff, who instead of respecting the office of ICE, who had requested he call the when Ramirez was released, took it upon himself to let Ramirez roam freely once again on the streets of San Francisco.

See 4,.4 in the attached:

What message are you trying to convey?

I see, you want to play games. I don't. Read the link or not - I don't give a damn.
My experience as a leader has everything to do with my ability to respect the law, and follow orders, as well as be respectful of requests made by others that might or might not be detrimental to the safety of others.

Good for you. As a leader the next time you suspect someone might be a danger to others take them into custody by restricting their movements and liberty. Let us know how that turns out for you.

Your posts reveal you are not someone well suited to be in a leadership role as you are too emotional to think properly.
If you follow along, you'll soon discover that Ramirez was in custody and was released to the Sheriff, who instead of respecting the office of ICE, who had requested he call the when Ramirez was released, took it upon himself to let Ramirez roam freely once again on the streets of San Francisco.

See 4,.4 in the attached:

What message are you trying to convey?

I see, you want to play games. I don't. Read the link or not - I don't give a damn.

The fact that you don't give a damn was obvious a long time ago.
Why would the government reach out to this family? The administration did its job by deporting the killer 5 times. If someone is determined to keep coming back, there is nothing anyone can do to stop them.

Building a wall is useless, because they just come in by boat or private planes.

The administration had no part in or responsibility for her death.

San Francisco Sheriff Mirkarimiis made the decision to release an illegal immigrant, who is a seven time felon and five time deportee, onto the streets of his sanctuary city. Are you sure nothing could have been done?

And this is the Obama Administration's fault because?????

Fox Noise is making political capital on this woman's death, just like they did with Benghazi. The Obama Administration is not St fault here, nor were they at fault in Benghazi but that doesn't stop Fox News from screaming about it endlessly.

They do this to distract the idiots who watch Fox News from real issues that make Republicans look bad, like the do-nothing Congress, the declining middle class incomes.
Why would the government reach out to this family? The administration did its job by deporting the killer 5 times. If someone is determined to keep coming back, there is nothing anyone can do to stop them.

Building a wall is useless, because they just come in by boat or private planes.

The administration had no part in or responsibility for her death.

San Francisco Sheriff Mirkarimiis made the decision to release an illegal immigrant, who is a seven time felon and five time deportee, onto the streets of his sanctuary city. Are you sure nothing could have been done?

And this is the Obama Administration's fault because?????

Fox Noise is making political capital on this woman's death, just like they did with Benghazi. The Obama Administration is not St fault here, nor were they at fault in Benghazi but that doesn't stop Fox News from screaming about it endlessly.

They do this to distract the idiots who watch Fox News from real issues that make Republicans look bad, like the do-nothing Congress, the declining middle class incomes.
Dude is a multiple time released *immigrant*.

Good lord. Border agents are just sleeping? Do you have exact knowledge of what is going on with our borders? Have you visited how this process work?

Do you not realize that we have a porous southern border? It isn't that border agents are's that they've been given an impossible task. What's even more disturbing however is that even when they caught illegals trying to enter the country the Obama Administration refused to deport them.

Bullshit. I know 3 border agents and a DEA that works with in our borders. So you're saying if and when they caught an illegals at the borders they just released them? These agents by the thousands are like everyone else republicans, democrat or independent or racist etc. They are free to voice their opinions to the public if anything illegal. Don't you think all of your accusations had come out by now?
I know 5 people got deported to the Philippines this year because of overstaying. That's just an example for you that we deport people everyday.

Did you sleep through that entire debacle with young illegals stampeding our border and turning themselves over to Border Patrol officers because the word had gone out that the Obama Administration was not going to deport them?

Maybe you're eyes are blurry. Give me an specific or a proof aside from your babling BS..

You're really clueless this took place, aren't you? That's amazing to be quite frank...

thousands of young illegals crossing - Yahoo Search Results Yahoo Search Results

Yes I am very familiar with this since 2009. Not sure if you understand these illegal crossings from South America. You should be asking yourself how and why most of these unaccompanied children without parents were able to cross the border. WHEN there's about 300 or so died each year of border crossing on the Arizona side.
In Dec. 2008 Bush sign a new immigration law called William Wilberforce for Trafficking Victims Protection (non borders with US) from South America. These border crossing that you read are the end result. THAT IS THE LAW.
However Obama did deport about 600 or so to El Salvador (65%) and rest are mixed Nicaraguan and Honduran. With $500. each deportee. During that time there was also an ad in those countries run about 3 times a day as a warning the danger and being deported. Those ads are still being run but not sure how many times in a week. Train called the Beast are now stop twice before entering Mexico.
Obama never said come to my country and fuck me. Your twisted comment that news has gone out that Obama will not deport them is a LIE.
The problem is, people like you will hear news like sanctuaries suddenly you become an expert then blame Obama. Then come out with all kinds of BS.
Remember you ONLY get your information from the news that is the difference between you and me. I've been doing business in Mexico all the way to South America for decades. Based from all your post YOU are clueless and ignorant. Try again.
Also Rick Perry a republican was threatening to send national guard to help secure the border but he backed off. Because he knew it doesn't work. BTW I'm a disgusted republican.
"San Francisco Ignoring Murder Of Woman By Illegal Because Fox News Is Reporting The Crime"

Another ridiculous lie from the right.
Is this woman the ONLY American citizen ever killed by an illegal alien in the USA?

What is making this particular killing big news compared to other murders committed by illegal aliens?
All the usual anti American scum are out making excuses for American killing aliens to ite I see. Nothing like the murder of a half dozen or so innocents to get you guys all het up and ready to put more lives on the line. Let's just hope the next victims are idiots like you who are so willing to attack your fellow citizens, instead of defending them.
Do you not realize that we have a porous southern border? It isn't that border agents are's that they've been given an impossible task. What's even more disturbing however is that even when they caught illegals trying to enter the country the Obama Administration refused to deport them.

Bullshit. I know 3 border agents and a DEA that works with in our borders. So you're saying if and when they caught an illegals at the borders they just released them? These agents by the thousands are like everyone else republicans, democrat or independent or racist etc. They are free to voice their opinions to the public if anything illegal. Don't you think all of your accusations had come out by now?
I know 5 people got deported to the Philippines this year because of overstaying. That's just an example for you that we deport people everyday.

Did you sleep through that entire debacle with young illegals stampeding our border and turning themselves over to Border Patrol officers because the word had gone out that the Obama Administration was not going to deport them?

Maybe you're eyes are blurry. Give me an specific or a proof aside from your babling BS..

You're really clueless this took place, aren't you? That's amazing to be quite frank...

thousands of young illegals crossing - Yahoo Search Results Yahoo Search Results

Yes I am very familiar with this since 2009. Not sure if you understand these illegal crossings from South America. You should be asking yourself how and why most of these unaccompanied children without parents were able to cross the border. WHEN there's about 300 or so died each year of border crossing on the Arizona side.
In Dec. 2008 Bush sign a new immigration law called William Wilberforce for Trafficking Victims Protection (non borders with US) from South America. These border crossing that you read are the end result. THAT IS THE LAW.
However Obama did deport about 600 or so to El Salvador (65%) and rest are mixed Nicaraguan and Honduran. With $500. each deportee. During that time there was also an ad in those countries run about 3 times a day as a warning the danger and being deported. Those ads are still being run but not sure how many times in a week. Train called the Beast are now stop twice before entering Mexico.
Obama never said come to my country and fuck me. Your twisted comment that news has gone out that Obama will not deport them is a LIE.
The problem is, people like you will hear news like sanctuaries suddenly you become an expert then blame Obama. Then come out with all kinds of BS.
Remember you ONLY get your information from the news that is the difference between you and me. I've been doing business in Mexico all the way to South America for decades. Based from all your post YOU are clueless and ignorant. Try again.
Also Rick Perry a republican was threatening to send national guard to help secure the border but he backed off. Because he knew it doesn't work. BTW I'm a disgusted republican.

You're an idiot is what you are! The law that was passed back when W. was President was specifically so that minors who had been brought into the country to be used in prostitution rings wouldn't automatically be sent back to their country of origin. The Obama Administration took THAT law and used it so that any minor coming into the country would be exempt from deportation. Once word got out in Central America that minors making it across the border would be given a defacto amnesty a stampede of children headed north for our border.
Bullshit. I know 3 border agents and a DEA that works with in our borders. So you're saying if and when they caught an illegals at the borders they just released them? These agents by the thousands are like everyone else republicans, democrat or independent or racist etc. They are free to voice their opinions to the public if anything illegal. Don't you think all of your accusations had come out by now?
I know 5 people got deported to the Philippines this year because of overstaying. That's just an example for you that we deport people everyday.

Did you sleep through that entire debacle with young illegals stampeding our border and turning themselves over to Border Patrol officers because the word had gone out that the Obama Administration was not going to deport them?

Maybe you're eyes are blurry. Give me an specific or a proof aside from your babling BS..

You're really clueless this took place, aren't you? That's amazing to be quite frank...

thousands of young illegals crossing - Yahoo Search Results Yahoo Search Results

Yes I am very familiar with this since 2009. Not sure if you understand these illegal crossings from South America. You should be asking yourself how and why most of these unaccompanied children without parents were able to cross the border. WHEN there's about 300 or so died each year of border crossing on the Arizona side.
In Dec. 2008 Bush sign a new immigration law called William Wilberforce for Trafficking Victims Protection (non borders with US) from South America. These border crossing that you read are the end result. THAT IS THE LAW.
However Obama did deport about 600 or so to El Salvador (65%) and rest are mixed Nicaraguan and Honduran. With $500. each deportee. During that time there was also an ad in those countries run about 3 times a day as a warning the danger and being deported. Those ads are still being run but not sure how many times in a week. Train called the Beast are now stop twice before entering Mexico.
Obama never said come to my country and fuck me. Your twisted comment that news has gone out that Obama will not deport them is a LIE.
The problem is, people like you will hear news like sanctuaries suddenly you become an expert then blame Obama. Then come out with all kinds of BS.
Remember you ONLY get your information from the news that is the difference between you and me. I've been doing business in Mexico all the way to South America for decades. Based from all your post YOU are clueless and ignorant. Try again.
Also Rick Perry a republican was threatening to send national guard to help secure the border but he backed off. Because he knew it doesn't work. BTW I'm a disgusted republican.

You're an idiot is what you are! The law that was passed back when W. was President was specifically so that minors who had been brought into the country to be used in prostitution rings wouldn't automatically be sent back to their country of origin. The Obama Administration took THAT law and used it so that any minor coming into the country would be exempt from deportation. Once word got out in Central America that minors making it across the border would be given a defacto amnesty a stampede of children headed north for our border.
If it was specifically for just sex trafficking, then why wasn't the law written SPECIFIC to simply that.....?
Bullshit. I know 3 border agents and a DEA that works with in our borders. So you're saying if and when they caught an illegals at the borders they just released them? These agents by the thousands are like everyone else republicans, democrat or independent or racist etc. They are free to voice their opinions to the public if anything illegal. Don't you think all of your accusations had come out by now?
I know 5 people got deported to the Philippines this year because of overstaying. That's just an example for you that we deport people everyday.

Did you sleep through that entire debacle with young illegals stampeding our border and turning themselves over to Border Patrol officers because the word had gone out that the Obama Administration was not going to deport them?

Maybe you're eyes are blurry. Give me an specific or a proof aside from your babling BS..

You're really clueless this took place, aren't you? That's amazing to be quite frank...

thousands of young illegals crossing - Yahoo Search Results Yahoo Search Results

Yes I am very familiar with this since 2009. Not sure if you understand these illegal crossings from South America. You should be asking yourself how and why most of these unaccompanied children without parents were able to cross the border. WHEN there's about 300 or so died each year of border crossing on the Arizona side.
In Dec. 2008 Bush sign a new immigration law called William Wilberforce for Trafficking Victims Protection (non borders with US) from South America. These border crossing that you read are the end result. THAT IS THE LAW.
However Obama did deport about 600 or so to El Salvador (65%) and rest are mixed Nicaraguan and Honduran. With $500. each deportee. During that time there was also an ad in those countries run about 3 times a day as a warning the danger and being deported. Those ads are still being run but not sure how many times in a week. Train called the Beast are now stop twice before entering Mexico.
Obama never said come to my country and fuck me. Your twisted comment that news has gone out that Obama will not deport them is a LIE.
The problem is, people like you will hear news like sanctuaries suddenly you become an expert then blame Obama. Then come out with all kinds of BS.
Remember you ONLY get your information from the news that is the difference between you and me. I've been doing business in Mexico all the way to South America for decades. Based from all your post YOU are clueless and ignorant. Try again.
Also Rick Perry a republican was threatening to send national guard to help secure the border but he backed off. Because he knew it doesn't work. BTW I'm a disgusted republican.

You're an idiot is what you are! The law that was passed back when W. was President was specifically so that minors who had been brought into the country to be used in prostitution rings wouldn't automatically be sent back to their country of origin. The Obama Administration took THAT law and used it so that any minor coming into the country would be exempt from deportation. Once word got out in Central America that minors making it across the border would be given a defacto amnesty a stampede of children headed north for our border.

Wrong...You lying shit head. When Bush sign the wilberforce act in Dec. 2008 this was a news headlines in that region then continue on for several days. What the hell you are talking about "when the news got out" they knew this law since 2008. See the difference between you and me?
So when you hear a news like sanctuary Obama did it. Do you really think Obama will create his own problem? Your saying, hey kids come to my country and screw me. Your more stupid than I thought. The problem for people like you is you create your own version based from your hatred. I don't. Your brain is as twisted as your post.
All the usual anti American scum are out making excuses for American killing aliens to ite I see. Nothing like the murder of a half dozen or so innocents to get you guys all het up and ready to put more lives on the line. Let's just hope the next victims are idiots like you who are so willing to attack your fellow citizens, instead of defending them.

I see no one here supporting this murderer. I can assure you that 100% that members on this site will strangle this bastard if we have a chance.
The problem is how, why and where people lay the blame. That's where the arguments is.
Sanctuaries was born in the 80s so when they hear a tragic news like this. Wow sanctuary created by Obama last week. They point to Obama "immediately". People make it sound that Obama sent him to SF, gave him the gun. That's sickening don't you think?
I'm not a racist and I love all races. So people like me....How do you expect me to react?
My 1cent, I blamed solely on the Chief of Police. Even the mayor of SF blasted the chief for not cooperating with the ICE.

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