San Francisco Ignoring Murder Of Woman By Illegal Because Fox News Is Reporting The Crime

All the usual anti American scum are out making excuses for American killing aliens to ite I see. Nothing like the murder of a half dozen or so innocents to get you guys all het up and ready to put more lives on the line. Let's just hope the next victims are idiots like you who are so willing to attack your fellow citizens, instead of defending them.

I see no one here supporting this murderer. I can assure you that 100% that members on this site will strangle this bastard if we have a chance.
The problem is how, why and where people lay the blame. That's where the arguments is.
Sanctuaries was born in the 80s so when they hear a tragic news like this. Wow sanctuary created by Obama last week. They point to Obama "immediately". People make it sound that Obama sent him to SF, gave him the gun. That's sickening don't you think?
I'm not a racist and I love all races. So people like me....How do you expect me to react?
My 1cent, I blamed solely on the Chief of Police. Even the mayor of SF blasted the chief for not cooperating with the ICE.
What you see are people attacking anyone who says it's a mistake to release criminal illegal back into our population. Exemplified by care's callous lament..."is she the first person killed by an illegal?" As if the fact that it's. COMMON makes the case that illegal aren't a threat to our safety.
Syntax, spelling, grammar, punctuation and plurality errors are because my phone is a pain in the ass.
Did you sleep through that entire debacle with young illegals stampeding our border and turning themselves over to Border Patrol officers because the word had gone out that the Obama Administration was not going to deport them?

Maybe you're eyes are blurry. Give me an specific or a proof aside from your babling BS..

You're really clueless this took place, aren't you? That's amazing to be quite frank...

thousands of young illegals crossing - Yahoo Search Results Yahoo Search Results

Yes I am very familiar with this since 2009. Not sure if you understand these illegal crossings from South America. You should be asking yourself how and why most of these unaccompanied children without parents were able to cross the border. WHEN there's about 300 or so died each year of border crossing on the Arizona side.
In Dec. 2008 Bush sign a new immigration law called William Wilberforce for Trafficking Victims Protection (non borders with US) from South America. These border crossing that you read are the end result. THAT IS THE LAW.
However Obama did deport about 600 or so to El Salvador (65%) and rest are mixed Nicaraguan and Honduran. With $500. each deportee. During that time there was also an ad in those countries run about 3 times a day as a warning the danger and being deported. Those ads are still being run but not sure how many times in a week. Train called the Beast are now stop twice before entering Mexico.
Obama never said come to my country and fuck me. Your twisted comment that news has gone out that Obama will not deport them is a LIE.
The problem is, people like you will hear news like sanctuaries suddenly you become an expert then blame Obama. Then come out with all kinds of BS.
Remember you ONLY get your information from the news that is the difference between you and me. I've been doing business in Mexico all the way to South America for decades. Based from all your post YOU are clueless and ignorant. Try again.
Also Rick Perry a republican was threatening to send national guard to help secure the border but he backed off. Because he knew it doesn't work. BTW I'm a disgusted republican.

You're an idiot is what you are! The law that was passed back when W. was President was specifically so that minors who had been brought into the country to be used in prostitution rings wouldn't automatically be sent back to their country of origin. The Obama Administration took THAT law and used it so that any minor coming into the country would be exempt from deportation. Once word got out in Central America that minors making it across the border would be given a defacto amnesty a stampede of children headed north for our border.
If it was specifically for just sex trafficking, then why wasn't the law written SPECIFIC to simply that.....?

Because nobody foresaw what this Administration is doing in regards to illegal immigration? Let's be honest with ourselves here, was obvious that the Obama Administration was caught off guard by the huge influx of illegal minors flooding the border. Just one more example of them not really having a clue what it is that they're doing.
Maybe you're eyes are blurry. Give me an specific or a proof aside from your babling BS..

You're really clueless this took place, aren't you? That's amazing to be quite frank...

thousands of young illegals crossing - Yahoo Search Results Yahoo Search Results

Yes I am very familiar with this since 2009. Not sure if you understand these illegal crossings from South America. You should be asking yourself how and why most of these unaccompanied children without parents were able to cross the border. WHEN there's about 300 or so died each year of border crossing on the Arizona side.
In Dec. 2008 Bush sign a new immigration law called William Wilberforce for Trafficking Victims Protection (non borders with US) from South America. These border crossing that you read are the end result. THAT IS THE LAW.
However Obama did deport about 600 or so to El Salvador (65%) and rest are mixed Nicaraguan and Honduran. With $500. each deportee. During that time there was also an ad in those countries run about 3 times a day as a warning the danger and being deported. Those ads are still being run but not sure how many times in a week. Train called the Beast are now stop twice before entering Mexico.
Obama never said come to my country and fuck me. Your twisted comment that news has gone out that Obama will not deport them is a LIE.
The problem is, people like you will hear news like sanctuaries suddenly you become an expert then blame Obama. Then come out with all kinds of BS.
Remember you ONLY get your information from the news that is the difference between you and me. I've been doing business in Mexico all the way to South America for decades. Based from all your post YOU are clueless and ignorant. Try again.
Also Rick Perry a republican was threatening to send national guard to help secure the border but he backed off. Because he knew it doesn't work. BTW I'm a disgusted republican.

You're an idiot is what you are! The law that was passed back when W. was President was specifically so that minors who had been brought into the country to be used in prostitution rings wouldn't automatically be sent back to their country of origin. The Obama Administration took THAT law and used it so that any minor coming into the country would be exempt from deportation. Once word got out in Central America that minors making it across the border would be given a defacto amnesty a stampede of children headed north for our border.
If it was specifically for just sex trafficking, then why wasn't the law written SPECIFIC to simply that.....?

Because nobody foresaw what this Administration is doing in regards to illegal immigration? Let's be honest with ourselves here, was obvious that the Obama Administration was caught off guard by the huge influx of illegal minors flooding the border. Just one more example of them not really having a clue what it is that they're doing.

They weren't caught off guard. Exactly what they anticipated happening is happening. And it's going to get much, much worse if we don't stop it.
Did you sleep through that entire debacle with young illegals stampeding our border and turning themselves over to Border Patrol officers because the word had gone out that the Obama Administration was not going to deport them?

Maybe you're eyes are blurry. Give me an specific or a proof aside from your babling BS..

You're really clueless this took place, aren't you? That's amazing to be quite frank...

thousands of young illegals crossing - Yahoo Search Results Yahoo Search Results

Yes I am very familiar with this since 2009. Not sure if you understand these illegal crossings from South America. You should be asking yourself how and why most of these unaccompanied children without parents were able to cross the border. WHEN there's about 300 or so died each year of border crossing on the Arizona side.
In Dec. 2008 Bush sign a new immigration law called William Wilberforce for Trafficking Victims Protection (non borders with US) from South America. These border crossing that you read are the end result. THAT IS THE LAW.
However Obama did deport about 600 or so to El Salvador (65%) and rest are mixed Nicaraguan and Honduran. With $500. each deportee. During that time there was also an ad in those countries run about 3 times a day as a warning the danger and being deported. Those ads are still being run but not sure how many times in a week. Train called the Beast are now stop twice before entering Mexico.
Obama never said come to my country and fuck me. Your twisted comment that news has gone out that Obama will not deport them is a LIE.
The problem is, people like you will hear news like sanctuaries suddenly you become an expert then blame Obama. Then come out with all kinds of BS.
Remember you ONLY get your information from the news that is the difference between you and me. I've been doing business in Mexico all the way to South America for decades. Based from all your post YOU are clueless and ignorant. Try again.
Also Rick Perry a republican was threatening to send national guard to help secure the border but he backed off. Because he knew it doesn't work. BTW I'm a disgusted republican.

You're an idiot is what you are! The law that was passed back when W. was President was specifically so that minors who had been brought into the country to be used in prostitution rings wouldn't automatically be sent back to their country of origin. The Obama Administration took THAT law and used it so that any minor coming into the country would be exempt from deportation. Once word got out in Central America that minors making it across the border would be given a defacto amnesty a stampede of children headed north for our border.

Wrong...You lying shit head. When Bush sign the wilberforce act in Dec. 2008 this was a news headlines in that region then continue on for several days. What the hell you are talking about "when the news got out" they knew this law since 2008. See the difference between you and me?
So when you hear a news like sanctuary Obama did it. Do you really think Obama will create his own problem? Your saying, hey kids come to my country and screw me. Your more stupid than I thought. The problem for people like you is you create your own version based from your hatred. I don't. Your brain is as twisted as your post.

Not the news about the 2008 law, you buffoon! The news that the Obama Administration wasn't going to deport illegal minors who were caught crossing the border! That's the word that got out in Central America and created that tidal wave of illegals headed north. They weren't before...because that wasn't US policy before Obama.
You can tell that a different understanding was in place because those minors crossing the border weren't trying to elude the Border Patrol...they were deliberately seeking them out. They did so because they believed that they wouldn't be deported.
Maybe you're eyes are blurry. Give me an specific or a proof aside from your babling BS..

You're really clueless this took place, aren't you? That's amazing to be quite frank...

thousands of young illegals crossing - Yahoo Search Results Yahoo Search Results

Yes I am very familiar with this since 2009. Not sure if you understand these illegal crossings from South America. You should be asking yourself how and why most of these unaccompanied children without parents were able to cross the border. WHEN there's about 300 or so died each year of border crossing on the Arizona side.
In Dec. 2008 Bush sign a new immigration law called William Wilberforce for Trafficking Victims Protection (non borders with US) from South America. These border crossing that you read are the end result. THAT IS THE LAW.
However Obama did deport about 600 or so to El Salvador (65%) and rest are mixed Nicaraguan and Honduran. With $500. each deportee. During that time there was also an ad in those countries run about 3 times a day as a warning the danger and being deported. Those ads are still being run but not sure how many times in a week. Train called the Beast are now stop twice before entering Mexico.
Obama never said come to my country and fuck me. Your twisted comment that news has gone out that Obama will not deport them is a LIE.
The problem is, people like you will hear news like sanctuaries suddenly you become an expert then blame Obama. Then come out with all kinds of BS.
Remember you ONLY get your information from the news that is the difference between you and me. I've been doing business in Mexico all the way to South America for decades. Based from all your post YOU are clueless and ignorant. Try again.
Also Rick Perry a republican was threatening to send national guard to help secure the border but he backed off. Because he knew it doesn't work. BTW I'm a disgusted republican.

You're an idiot is what you are! The law that was passed back when W. was President was specifically so that minors who had been brought into the country to be used in prostitution rings wouldn't automatically be sent back to their country of origin. The Obama Administration took THAT law and used it so that any minor coming into the country would be exempt from deportation. Once word got out in Central America that minors making it across the border would be given a defacto amnesty a stampede of children headed north for our border.
If it was specifically for just sex trafficking, then why wasn't the law written SPECIFIC to simply that.....?

Because nobody foresaw what this Administration is doing in regards to illegal immigration? Let's be honest with ourselves here, was obvious that the Obama Administration was caught off guard by the huge influx of illegal minors flooding the border. Just one more example of them not really having a clue what it is that they're doing.

Your comments off guard is correct. It does not make who is the president either Romney or Obama or you for that matter. This illegal crossings children happened and still on going but at very small number.
Okay Sherlock. Since you claimed they don't have a clue what they are doing. Can you tell me how should Obama handle this? Straight honest answer no oldstyle bullcrap.
Last edited:
Maybe you're eyes are blurry. Give me an specific or a proof aside from your babling BS..

You're really clueless this took place, aren't you? That's amazing to be quite frank...

thousands of young illegals crossing - Yahoo Search Results Yahoo Search Results

Yes I am very familiar with this since 2009. Not sure if you understand these illegal crossings from South America. You should be asking yourself how and why most of these unaccompanied children without parents were able to cross the border. WHEN there's about 300 or so died each year of border crossing on the Arizona side.
In Dec. 2008 Bush sign a new immigration law called William Wilberforce for Trafficking Victims Protection (non borders with US) from South America. These border crossing that you read are the end result. THAT IS THE LAW.
However Obama did deport about 600 or so to El Salvador (65%) and rest are mixed Nicaraguan and Honduran. With $500. each deportee. During that time there was also an ad in those countries run about 3 times a day as a warning the danger and being deported. Those ads are still being run but not sure how many times in a week. Train called the Beast are now stop twice before entering Mexico.
Obama never said come to my country and fuck me. Your twisted comment that news has gone out that Obama will not deport them is a LIE.
The problem is, people like you will hear news like sanctuaries suddenly you become an expert then blame Obama. Then come out with all kinds of BS.
Remember you ONLY get your information from the news that is the difference between you and me. I've been doing business in Mexico all the way to South America for decades. Based from all your post YOU are clueless and ignorant. Try again.
Also Rick Perry a republican was threatening to send national guard to help secure the border but he backed off. Because he knew it doesn't work. BTW I'm a disgusted republican.

You're an idiot is what you are! The law that was passed back when W. was President was specifically so that minors who had been brought into the country to be used in prostitution rings wouldn't automatically be sent back to their country of origin. The Obama Administration took THAT law and used it so that any minor coming into the country would be exempt from deportation. Once word got out in Central America that minors making it across the border would be given a defacto amnesty a stampede of children headed north for our border.

Wrong...You lying shit head. When Bush sign the wilberforce act in Dec. 2008 this was a news headlines in that region then continue on for several days. What the hell you are talking about "when the news got out" they knew this law since 2008. See the difference between you and me?
So when you hear a news like sanctuary Obama did it. Do you really think Obama will create his own problem? Your saying, hey kids come to my country and screw me. Your more stupid than I thought. The problem for people like you is you create your own version based from your hatred. I don't. Your brain is as twisted as your post.

Not the news about the 2008 law, you buffoon! The news that the Obama Administration wasn't going to deport illegal minors who were caught crossing the border! That's the word that got out in Central America and created that tidal wave of illegals headed north. They weren't before...because that wasn't US policy before Obama.

Wrong again...The thing is you only heard the LAST tidal waves.... Tidal waves happened in 2009 and 10. At that time hatred and Obama blaming attitude bullcrap is not as big as in last 4 years. Try again tinkle bell.
You're really clueless this took place, aren't you? That's amazing to be quite frank...

thousands of young illegals crossing - Yahoo Search Results Yahoo Search Results

Yes I am very familiar with this since 2009. Not sure if you understand these illegal crossings from South America. You should be asking yourself how and why most of these unaccompanied children without parents were able to cross the border. WHEN there's about 300 or so died each year of border crossing on the Arizona side.
In Dec. 2008 Bush sign a new immigration law called William Wilberforce for Trafficking Victims Protection (non borders with US) from South America. These border crossing that you read are the end result. THAT IS THE LAW.
However Obama did deport about 600 or so to El Salvador (65%) and rest are mixed Nicaraguan and Honduran. With $500. each deportee. During that time there was also an ad in those countries run about 3 times a day as a warning the danger and being deported. Those ads are still being run but not sure how many times in a week. Train called the Beast are now stop twice before entering Mexico.
Obama never said come to my country and fuck me. Your twisted comment that news has gone out that Obama will not deport them is a LIE.
The problem is, people like you will hear news like sanctuaries suddenly you become an expert then blame Obama. Then come out with all kinds of BS.
Remember you ONLY get your information from the news that is the difference between you and me. I've been doing business in Mexico all the way to South America for decades. Based from all your post YOU are clueless and ignorant. Try again.
Also Rick Perry a republican was threatening to send national guard to help secure the border but he backed off. Because he knew it doesn't work. BTW I'm a disgusted republican.

You're an idiot is what you are! The law that was passed back when W. was President was specifically so that minors who had been brought into the country to be used in prostitution rings wouldn't automatically be sent back to their country of origin. The Obama Administration took THAT law and used it so that any minor coming into the country would be exempt from deportation. Once word got out in Central America that minors making it across the border would be given a defacto amnesty a stampede of children headed north for our border.
If it was specifically for just sex trafficking, then why wasn't the law written SPECIFIC to simply that.....?

Because nobody foresaw what this Administration is doing in regards to illegal immigration? Let's be honest with ourselves here, was obvious that the Obama Administration was caught off guard by the huge influx of illegal minors flooding the border. Just one more example of them not really having a clue what it is that they're doing.

They weren't caught off guard. Exactly what they anticipated happening is happening. And it's going to get much, much worse if we don't stop it.

I can tell you that yes they were caught off guard. I also believed that we've seen the worst.
You're really clueless this took place, aren't you? That's amazing to be quite frank...

thousands of young illegals crossing - Yahoo Search Results Yahoo Search Results

Yes I am very familiar with this since 2009. Not sure if you understand these illegal crossings from South America. You should be asking yourself how and why most of these unaccompanied children without parents were able to cross the border. WHEN there's about 300 or so died each year of border crossing on the Arizona side.
In Dec. 2008 Bush sign a new immigration law called William Wilberforce for Trafficking Victims Protection (non borders with US) from South America. These border crossing that you read are the end result. THAT IS THE LAW.
However Obama did deport about 600 or so to El Salvador (65%) and rest are mixed Nicaraguan and Honduran. With $500. each deportee. During that time there was also an ad in those countries run about 3 times a day as a warning the danger and being deported. Those ads are still being run but not sure how many times in a week. Train called the Beast are now stop twice before entering Mexico.
Obama never said come to my country and fuck me. Your twisted comment that news has gone out that Obama will not deport them is a LIE.
The problem is, people like you will hear news like sanctuaries suddenly you become an expert then blame Obama. Then come out with all kinds of BS.
Remember you ONLY get your information from the news that is the difference between you and me. I've been doing business in Mexico all the way to South America for decades. Based from all your post YOU are clueless and ignorant. Try again.
Also Rick Perry a republican was threatening to send national guard to help secure the border but he backed off. Because he knew it doesn't work. BTW I'm a disgusted republican.

You're an idiot is what you are! The law that was passed back when W. was President was specifically so that minors who had been brought into the country to be used in prostitution rings wouldn't automatically be sent back to their country of origin. The Obama Administration took THAT law and used it so that any minor coming into the country would be exempt from deportation. Once word got out in Central America that minors making it across the border would be given a defacto amnesty a stampede of children headed north for our border.
If it was specifically for just sex trafficking, then why wasn't the law written SPECIFIC to simply that.....?

Because nobody foresaw what this Administration is doing in regards to illegal immigration? Let's be honest with ourselves here, was obvious that the Obama Administration was caught off guard by the huge influx of illegal minors flooding the border. Just one more example of them not really having a clue what it is that they're doing.

Your comments off guard is correct. It does not make who is the president either Romney or Obama or you for that matter. This illegal crossings children happened and still on going but at very small number.
Okay Sherlock. Since you claimed they don't have a clue what they are doing. Can you tell me how should Obama handle this? Straight honest answer no oldstyle bullcrap.

Is English a second language for you, Charwin? "It does not make who is the president either Romney or Obama or you for that matter." What, pray tell, does that sentence mean?

As for how the President of the United States should handle immigration issues? For starters, he or she should enforce the laws that we have on the books...not choose to enforce some immigration laws and ignore others!

The reason that flood of minors came across the border was that Barack Obama unilaterally decided that the US would not deport minors caught entering the country illegally but would instead send them to family or "legal guardians". That was the change in policy that prompted the flood in the first place...something that's obvious since there was no rush of illegals when the law they were working under was passed back during the Bush Administration. There was no rush then because the Bush White House never intended the new law to open the borders to minor illegals. It's purpose was only to keep innocents from being returned to the same people who had put them into prostitution slavery in the first place.
Yes I am very familiar with this since 2009. Not sure if you understand these illegal crossings from South America. You should be asking yourself how and why most of these unaccompanied children without parents were able to cross the border. WHEN there's about 300 or so died each year of border crossing on the Arizona side.
In Dec. 2008 Bush sign a new immigration law called William Wilberforce for Trafficking Victims Protection (non borders with US) from South America. These border crossing that you read are the end result. THAT IS THE LAW.
However Obama did deport about 600 or so to El Salvador (65%) and rest are mixed Nicaraguan and Honduran. With $500. each deportee. During that time there was also an ad in those countries run about 3 times a day as a warning the danger and being deported. Those ads are still being run but not sure how many times in a week. Train called the Beast are now stop twice before entering Mexico.
Obama never said come to my country and fuck me. Your twisted comment that news has gone out that Obama will not deport them is a LIE.
The problem is, people like you will hear news like sanctuaries suddenly you become an expert then blame Obama. Then come out with all kinds of BS.
Remember you ONLY get your information from the news that is the difference between you and me. I've been doing business in Mexico all the way to South America for decades. Based from all your post YOU are clueless and ignorant. Try again.
Also Rick Perry a republican was threatening to send national guard to help secure the border but he backed off. Because he knew it doesn't work. BTW I'm a disgusted republican.

You're an idiot is what you are! The law that was passed back when W. was President was specifically so that minors who had been brought into the country to be used in prostitution rings wouldn't automatically be sent back to their country of origin. The Obama Administration took THAT law and used it so that any minor coming into the country would be exempt from deportation. Once word got out in Central America that minors making it across the border would be given a defacto amnesty a stampede of children headed north for our border.
If it was specifically for just sex trafficking, then why wasn't the law written SPECIFIC to simply that.....?

Because nobody foresaw what this Administration is doing in regards to illegal immigration? Let's be honest with ourselves here, was obvious that the Obama Administration was caught off guard by the huge influx of illegal minors flooding the border. Just one more example of them not really having a clue what it is that they're doing.

Your comments off guard is correct. It does not make who is the president either Romney or Obama or you for that matter. This illegal crossings children happened and still on going but at very small number.
Okay Sherlock. Since you claimed they don't have a clue what they are doing. Can you tell me how should Obama handle this? Straight honest answer no oldstyle bullcrap.

Is English a second language for you, Charwin? "It does not make who is the president either Romney or Obama or you for that matter." What, pray tell, does that sentence mean?

As for how the President of the United States should handle immigration issues? For starters, he or she should enforce the laws that we have on the books...not choose to enforce some immigration laws and ignore others!

The reason that flood of minors came across the border was that Barack Obama unilaterally decided that the US would not deport minors caught entering the country illegally but would instead send them to family or "legal guardians". That was the change in policy that prompted the flood in the first place...something that's obvious since there was no rush of illegals when the law they were working under was passed back during the Bush Administration. There was no rush then because the Bush White House never intended the new law to open the borders to minor illegals. It's purpose was only to keep innocents from being returned to the same people who had put them into prostitution slavery in the first place.

English? I'm using IPhone 6 and iPad which use predictive text and if I'm not careful type wrong words. I meant to say. It does not make any difference who is the president...
I disagree with your last paragraph. The first wave in 09 and 10 we did deport most of them. The last wave as you mentioned that ICE was caught off guard. Thousands just showed up at the borders almost at the same time. Obama did not unilaterally change the policy that I can tell you. I'm sure you read the Wilberforce act.
Be realistic how can you deport these children? Just deport them to El Salvador hoping that parents will pick them up? How do you notify the parents? Just dump them anywhere? How do you distinguish which children are the victims of sex slavery or any illegal activities? If we did not create W. act we will not be discussing this problem. Agree?
There are thousands of ICE people and it happened that I know several of them that works closely to the borders. Is where I get my updates. They are not dummies or robots. They are like you or me with differences. Racist, bigots etc. most are educated. If any of these inaccurate or illegal activities, bullcrap policy of Obama on immigration. Don't you think we could have it heard it by now? Especially those agents that are not happy or got fired for obvious reasons.
As an add on. I have total 4,500 direct employees in SA countries. This is how and where I also get some of my information. In 2009 and 10 ICE lease one of my building in south Tx as a staging but I am not involved in last (last wave) 2 years.
You're an idiot is what you are! The law that was passed back when W. was President was specifically so that minors who had been brought into the country to be used in prostitution rings wouldn't automatically be sent back to their country of origin. The Obama Administration took THAT law and used it so that any minor coming into the country would be exempt from deportation. Once word got out in Central America that minors making it across the border would be given a defacto amnesty a stampede of children headed north for our border.
If it was specifically for just sex trafficking, then why wasn't the law written SPECIFIC to simply that.....?

Because nobody foresaw what this Administration is doing in regards to illegal immigration? Let's be honest with ourselves here, was obvious that the Obama Administration was caught off guard by the huge influx of illegal minors flooding the border. Just one more example of them not really having a clue what it is that they're doing.

Your comments off guard is correct. It does not make who is the president either Romney or Obama or you for that matter. This illegal crossings children happened and still on going but at very small number.
Okay Sherlock. Since you claimed they don't have a clue what they are doing. Can you tell me how should Obama handle this? Straight honest answer no oldstyle bullcrap.

Is English a second language for you, Charwin? "It does not make who is the president either Romney or Obama or you for that matter." What, pray tell, does that sentence mean?

As for how the President of the United States should handle immigration issues? For starters, he or she should enforce the laws that we have on the books...not choose to enforce some immigration laws and ignore others!

The reason that flood of minors came across the border was that Barack Obama unilaterally decided that the US would not deport minors caught entering the country illegally but would instead send them to family or "legal guardians". That was the change in policy that prompted the flood in the first place...something that's obvious since there was no rush of illegals when the law they were working under was passed back during the Bush Administration. There was no rush then because the Bush White House never intended the new law to open the borders to minor illegals. It's purpose was only to keep innocents from being returned to the same people who had put them into prostitution slavery in the first place.

English? I'm using IPhone 6 and iPad which use predictive text and if I'm not careful type wrong words. I meant to say. It does not make any difference who is the president...
I disagree with your last paragraph. The first wave in 09 and 10 we did deport most of them. The last wave as you mentioned that ICE was caught off guard. Thousands just showed up at the borders almost at the same time. Obama did not unilaterally change the policy that I can tell you. I'm sure you read the Wilberforce act.
Be realistic how can you deport these children? Just deport them to El Salvador hoping that parents will pick them up? How do you notify the parents? Just dump them anywhere? How do you distinguish which children are the victims of sex slavery or any illegal activities? If we did not create W. act we will not be discussing this problem. Agree?
There are thousands of ICE people and it happened that I know several of them that works closely to the borders. Is where I get my updates. They are not dummies or robots. They are like you or me with differences. Racist, bigots etc. most are educated. If any of these inaccurate or illegal activities, bullcrap policy of Obama on immigration. Don't you think we could have it heard it by now? Especially those agents that are not happy or got fired for obvious reasons.
As an add on. I have total 4,500 direct employees in SA countries. This is how and where I also get some of my information. In 2009 and 10 ICE lease one of my building in south Tx as a staging but I am not involved in last (last wave) 2 years.

Think about what you just posted. "Thousands just showed up at the borders almost at the same time. Obama did not unilaterally change the policy that I can tell you." Why would tens of thousands of minors from Central America suddenly start streaming towards the US border and not try to evade Border Agents? Why would that happen, Charwin if there wasn't a change in US policy? It's not a mystery. The word had gone out that the Obama Administration had made the decision NOT to deport minors caught crossing the border but instead transport them from the border to where family members or friends were already living in the US. That was what prompted the flood.

As for what we "heard" about this? The only reason we heard about it is that Border Agents went to the media complaining that they were so busy "babysitting" these tens of thousands that they couldn't patrol the border.
As for the last part of your post...

Why do all of you liberals that don't seem to have a clue what's happening around them always claim to be hot shot business people with thousands of employees? :bs1:
As for the last part of your post...

Why do all of you liberals that don't seem to have a clue what's happening around them always claim to be hot shot business people with thousands of employees? :bs1:

I'm not sure who are you calling liberals when I'm a born republican. But disgusted from people like you. I'm telling you the real truth not just an assumption and BS as you continue to blab. I can assure you that I know far more knowledgeable than you know about immigration. As I keep telling you all you got is reading newspaper or your fellow hatred racist on this board. My 4,500 employees is just in SA. What if I told you numbers in USA and Asia? Are you jealous. Hot shot is a demotion to me. These are the facts.
If it was specifically for just sex trafficking, then why wasn't the law written SPECIFIC to simply that.....?

Because nobody foresaw what this Administration is doing in regards to illegal immigration? Let's be honest with ourselves here, was obvious that the Obama Administration was caught off guard by the huge influx of illegal minors flooding the border. Just one more example of them not really having a clue what it is that they're doing.

Your comments off guard is correct. It does not make who is the president either Romney or Obama or you for that matter. This illegal crossings children happened and still on going but at very small number.
Okay Sherlock. Since you claimed they don't have a clue what they are doing. Can you tell me how should Obama handle this? Straight honest answer no oldstyle bullcrap.

Is English a second language for you, Charwin? "It does not make who is the president either Romney or Obama or you for that matter." What, pray tell, does that sentence mean?

As for how the President of the United States should handle immigration issues? For starters, he or she should enforce the laws that we have on the books...not choose to enforce some immigration laws and ignore others!

The reason that flood of minors came across the border was that Barack Obama unilaterally decided that the US would not deport minors caught entering the country illegally but would instead send them to family or "legal guardians". That was the change in policy that prompted the flood in the first place...something that's obvious since there was no rush of illegals when the law they were working under was passed back during the Bush Administration. There was no rush then because the Bush White House never intended the new law to open the borders to minor illegals. It's purpose was only to keep innocents from being returned to the same people who had put them into prostitution slavery in the first place.

English? I'm using IPhone 6 and iPad which use predictive text and if I'm not careful type wrong words. I meant to say. It does not make any difference who is the president...
I disagree with your last paragraph. The first wave in 09 and 10 we did deport most of them. The last wave as you mentioned that ICE was caught off guard. Thousands just showed up at the borders almost at the same time. Obama did not unilaterally change the policy that I can tell you. I'm sure you read the Wilberforce act.
Be realistic how can you deport these children? Just deport them to El Salvador hoping that parents will pick them up? How do you notify the parents? Just dump them anywhere? How do you distinguish which children are the victims of sex slavery or any illegal activities? If we did not create W. act we will not be discussing this problem. Agree?
There are thousands of ICE people and it happened that I know several of them that works closely to the borders. Is where I get my updates. They are not dummies or robots. They are like you or me with differences. Racist, bigots etc. most are educated. If any of these inaccurate or illegal activities, bullcrap policy of Obama on immigration. Don't you think we could have it heard it by now? Especially those agents that are not happy or got fired for obvious reasons.
As an add on. I have total 4,500 direct employees in SA countries. This is how and where I also get some of my information. In 2009 and 10 ICE lease one of my building in south Tx as a staging but I am not involved in last (last wave) 2 years.

Think about what you just posted. "Thousands just showed up at the borders almost at the same time. Obama did not unilaterally change the policy that I can tell you." Why would tens of thousands of minors from Central America suddenly start streaming towards the US border and not try to evade Border Agents? Why would that happen, Charwin if there wasn't a change in US policy? It's not a mystery. The word had gone out that the Obama Administration had made the decision NOT to deport minors caught crossing the border but instead transport them from the border to where family members or friends were already living in the US. That was what prompted the flood.

As for what we "heard" about this? The only reason we heard about it is that Border Agents went to the media complaining that they were so busy "babysitting" these tens of thousands that they couldn't patrol the border.

Oh Lord.....yes thousands just showed up almost at the same time. That is a fact. Obama policy in this region is the same as in 2008, two years ago and the same today. I will repeat it for you no change. Apparently you still do not understand the W. act and the whole surrounding of these illegal waves from SA countries.
Let me repeat it again for you. When W. Act was signed in 2008 it was headline news for several days and months to follow. This was a very big deal for them. These people knew then what the law means that victims "WILL NOT GET DEPORTED" that is the law. Do you u n d e r s t a n d? It is not because of Obama change in policy. You did not even bother to answer any of my questions which is the reality.
Do you have a knowledge of what is going on on these countries? Don't worry I know you are clueless.
Before the waves of illegals coming to our borders the crime in that region especially in El Salvador grew ten folds. Because gang called MS13 took several territories neglected by corrupt officials. People don't know where to turn to so the easiest way they know is travel north. That many? Others took advantage of this predicaments. In reality people that I knew or me why the numbers are low. why not in 500k?
You should be asking yourself... 1. Why did it stop? Nothing change. 2. How can an accompanied children travel almost a thousand mile to our borders? How?Parents traveled with them then dropped them off closest to the U.S. borders.
ICE complain babysitting. Correct. If they can complain about babysitting. Do you think they could have complained something bigger?
As for the last part of your post...

Why do all of you liberals that don't seem to have a clue what's happening around them always claim to be hot shot business people with thousands of employees? :bs1:

I'm not sure who are you calling liberals when I'm a born republican. But disgusted from people like you. I'm telling you the real truth not just an assumption and BS as you continue to blab. I can assure you that I know far more knowledgeable than you know about immigration. As I keep telling you all you got is reading newspaper or your fellow hatred racist on this board. My 4,500 employees is just in SA. What if I told you numbers in USA and Asia? Are you jealous. Hot shot is a demotion to me. These are the facts.

You claim to be this incredibly successful businessman...yet you can't string together a coherent sentence?

The last time I had an idiot like you claiming to be a "master of the universe" who couldn't spell to save his life and had the worst grammar I've ever seen...he claimed he didn't have to worry about spelling and grammar at work because his "private secretary" took care of all those things for him!

"I can assure you that I know far more knowledgeable than you know about immigration."

Here's a suggestion, Sparky...when you want to impress people with how much "knowledge" you have...try doing it in a post where you don't sound like an 8th grade dropout!
Because nobody foresaw what this Administration is doing in regards to illegal immigration? Let's be honest with ourselves here, was obvious that the Obama Administration was caught off guard by the huge influx of illegal minors flooding the border. Just one more example of them not really having a clue what it is that they're doing.

Your comments off guard is correct. It does not make who is the president either Romney or Obama or you for that matter. This illegal crossings children happened and still on going but at very small number.
Okay Sherlock. Since you claimed they don't have a clue what they are doing. Can you tell me how should Obama handle this? Straight honest answer no oldstyle bullcrap.

Is English a second language for you, Charwin? "It does not make who is the president either Romney or Obama or you for that matter." What, pray tell, does that sentence mean?

As for how the President of the United States should handle immigration issues? For starters, he or she should enforce the laws that we have on the books...not choose to enforce some immigration laws and ignore others!

The reason that flood of minors came across the border was that Barack Obama unilaterally decided that the US would not deport minors caught entering the country illegally but would instead send them to family or "legal guardians". That was the change in policy that prompted the flood in the first place...something that's obvious since there was no rush of illegals when the law they were working under was passed back during the Bush Administration. There was no rush then because the Bush White House never intended the new law to open the borders to minor illegals. It's purpose was only to keep innocents from being returned to the same people who had put them into prostitution slavery in the first place.

English? I'm using IPhone 6 and iPad which use predictive text and if I'm not careful type wrong words. I meant to say. It does not make any difference who is the president...
I disagree with your last paragraph. The first wave in 09 and 10 we did deport most of them. The last wave as you mentioned that ICE was caught off guard. Thousands just showed up at the borders almost at the same time. Obama did not unilaterally change the policy that I can tell you. I'm sure you read the Wilberforce act.
Be realistic how can you deport these children? Just deport them to El Salvador hoping that parents will pick them up? How do you notify the parents? Just dump them anywhere? How do you distinguish which children are the victims of sex slavery or any illegal activities? If we did not create W. act we will not be discussing this problem. Agree?
There are thousands of ICE people and it happened that I know several of them that works closely to the borders. Is where I get my updates. They are not dummies or robots. They are like you or me with differences. Racist, bigots etc. most are educated. If any of these inaccurate or illegal activities, bullcrap policy of Obama on immigration. Don't you think we could have it heard it by now? Especially those agents that are not happy or got fired for obvious reasons.
As an add on. I have total 4,500 direct employees in SA countries. This is how and where I also get some of my information. In 2009 and 10 ICE lease one of my building in south Tx as a staging but I am not involved in last (last wave) 2 years.

Think about what you just posted. "Thousands just showed up at the borders almost at the same time. Obama did not unilaterally change the policy that I can tell you." Why would tens of thousands of minors from Central America suddenly start streaming towards the US border and not try to evade Border Agents? Why would that happen, Charwin if there wasn't a change in US policy? It's not a mystery. The word had gone out that the Obama Administration had made the decision NOT to deport minors caught crossing the border but instead transport them from the border to where family members or friends were already living in the US. That was what prompted the flood.

As for what we "heard" about this? The only reason we heard about it is that Border Agents went to the media complaining that they were so busy "babysitting" these tens of thousands that they couldn't patrol the border.

Oh Lord.....yes thousands just showed up almost at the same time. That is a fact. Obama policy in this region is the same as in 2008, two years ago and the same today. I will repeat it for you no change. Apparently you still do not understand the W. act and the whole surrounding of these illegal waves from SA countries.
Let me repeat it again for you. When W. Act was signed in 2008 it was headline news for several days and months to follow. This was a very big deal for them. These people knew then what the law means that victims "WILL NOT GET DEPORTED" that is the law. Do you u n d e r s t a n d? It is not because of Obama change in policy. You did not even bother to answer any of my questions which is the reality.
Do you have a knowledge of what is going on on these countries? Don't worry I know you are clueless.
Before the waves of illegals coming to our borders the crime in that region especially in El Salvador grew ten folds. Because gang called MS13 took several territories neglected by corrupt officials. People don't know where to turn to so the easiest way they know is travel north. That many? Others took advantage of this predicaments. In reality people that I knew or me why the numbers are low. why not in 500k?
You should be asking yourself... 1. Why did it stop? Nothing change. 2. How can an accompanied children travel almost a thousand mile to our borders? How?Parents traveled with them then dropped them off closest to the U.S. borders.
ICE complain babysitting. Correct. If they can complain about babysitting. Do you think they could have complained something bigger?

The law wasn't big news back when it was passed in 2008 because it was only intended to affect a very small number of minors already here in the US after they were brought in to use in sex trade operations. It was never intended to be used as a "back door" means to allow illegals to enter the country. It's purpose was to protect minors from being sent back to a situation where they could be sexually exploited once again.

Why did it stop? Because the Obama Administration had AWFUL press because so many illegal minors came over the border that they overwhelmed the system? Because both the Border Patrol and ICE agents were complaining to the public about what was happening? It stopped because it was a political cluster fuck that was blowing up their faces!
Your comments off guard is correct. It does not make who is the president either Romney or Obama or you for that matter. This illegal crossings children happened and still on going but at very small number.
Okay Sherlock. Since you claimed they don't have a clue what they are doing. Can you tell me how should Obama handle this? Straight honest answer no oldstyle bullcrap.

Is English a second language for you, Charwin? "It does not make who is the president either Romney or Obama or you for that matter." What, pray tell, does that sentence mean?

As for how the President of the United States should handle immigration issues? For starters, he or she should enforce the laws that we have on the books...not choose to enforce some immigration laws and ignore others!

The reason that flood of minors came across the border was that Barack Obama unilaterally decided that the US would not deport minors caught entering the country illegally but would instead send them to family or "legal guardians". That was the change in policy that prompted the flood in the first place...something that's obvious since there was no rush of illegals when the law they were working under was passed back during the Bush Administration. There was no rush then because the Bush White House never intended the new law to open the borders to minor illegals. It's purpose was only to keep innocents from being returned to the same people who had put them into prostitution slavery in the first place.

English? I'm using IPhone 6 and iPad which use predictive text and if I'm not careful type wrong words. I meant to say. It does not make any difference who is the president...
I disagree with your last paragraph. The first wave in 09 and 10 we did deport most of them. The last wave as you mentioned that ICE was caught off guard. Thousands just showed up at the borders almost at the same time. Obama did not unilaterally change the policy that I can tell you. I'm sure you read the Wilberforce act.
Be realistic how can you deport these children? Just deport them to El Salvador hoping that parents will pick them up? How do you notify the parents? Just dump them anywhere? How do you distinguish which children are the victims of sex slavery or any illegal activities? If we did not create W. act we will not be discussing this problem. Agree?
There are thousands of ICE people and it happened that I know several of them that works closely to the borders. Is where I get my updates. They are not dummies or robots. They are like you or me with differences. Racist, bigots etc. most are educated. If any of these inaccurate or illegal activities, bullcrap policy of Obama on immigration. Don't you think we could have it heard it by now? Especially those agents that are not happy or got fired for obvious reasons.
As an add on. I have total 4,500 direct employees in SA countries. This is how and where I also get some of my information. In 2009 and 10 ICE lease one of my building in south Tx as a staging but I am not involved in last (last wave) 2 years.

Think about what you just posted. "Thousands just showed up at the borders almost at the same time. Obama did not unilaterally change the policy that I can tell you." Why would tens of thousands of minors from Central America suddenly start streaming towards the US border and not try to evade Border Agents? Why would that happen, Charwin if there wasn't a change in US policy? It's not a mystery. The word had gone out that the Obama Administration had made the decision NOT to deport minors caught crossing the border but instead transport them from the border to where family members or friends were already living in the US. That was what prompted the flood.

As for what we "heard" about this? The only reason we heard about it is that Border Agents went to the media complaining that they were so busy "babysitting" these tens of thousands that they couldn't patrol the border.

Oh Lord.....yes thousands just showed up almost at the same time. That is a fact. Obama policy in this region is the same as in 2008, two years ago and the same today. I will repeat it for you no change. Apparently you still do not understand the W. act and the whole surrounding of these illegal waves from SA countries.
Let me repeat it again for you. When W. Act was signed in 2008 it was headline news for several days and months to follow. This was a very big deal for them. These people knew then what the law means that victims "WILL NOT GET DEPORTED" that is the law. Do you u n d e r s t a n d? It is not because of Obama change in policy. You did not even bother to answer any of my questions which is the reality.
Do you have a knowledge of what is going on on these countries? Don't worry I know you are clueless.
Before the waves of illegals coming to our borders the crime in that region especially in El Salvador grew ten folds. Because gang called MS13 took several territories neglected by corrupt officials. People don't know where to turn to so the easiest way they know is travel north. That many? Others took advantage of this predicaments. In reality people that I knew or me why the numbers are low. why not in 500k?
You should be asking yourself... 1. Why did it stop? Nothing change. 2. How can an accompanied children travel almost a thousand mile to our borders? How?Parents traveled with them then dropped them off closest to the U.S. borders.
ICE complain babysitting. Correct. If they can complain about babysitting. Do you think they could have complained something bigger?

The law wasn't big news back when it was passed in 2008 because it was only intended to affect a very small number of minors already here in the US after they were brought in to use in sex trade operations. It was never intended to be used as a "back door" means to allow illegals to enter the country. It's purpose was to protect minors from being sent back to a situation where they could be sexually exploited once again.

Why did it stop? Because the Obama Administration had AWFUL press because so many illegal minors came over the border that they overwhelmed the system? Because both the Border Patrol and ICE agents were complaining to the public about what was happening? It stopped because it was a political cluster fuck that was blowing up their faces!

You still don't know what you are talking about. All it is is just your hatred ignorant attitude. Shit head. Are you a retarded?
In 2008 the law was not a big news here in U.S. but it was a headlines in that countries. You don't even know what W. Act till I mentioned it to you.
Is English a second language for you, Charwin? "It does not make who is the president either Romney or Obama or you for that matter." What, pray tell, does that sentence mean?

As for how the President of the United States should handle immigration issues? For starters, he or she should enforce the laws that we have on the books...not choose to enforce some immigration laws and ignore others!

The reason that flood of minors came across the border was that Barack Obama unilaterally decided that the US would not deport minors caught entering the country illegally but would instead send them to family or "legal guardians". That was the change in policy that prompted the flood in the first place...something that's obvious since there was no rush of illegals when the law they were working under was passed back during the Bush Administration. There was no rush then because the Bush White House never intended the new law to open the borders to minor illegals. It's purpose was only to keep innocents from being returned to the same people who had put them into prostitution slavery in the first place.

English? I'm using IPhone 6 and iPad which use predictive text and if I'm not careful type wrong words. I meant to say. It does not make any difference who is the president...
I disagree with your last paragraph. The first wave in 09 and 10 we did deport most of them. The last wave as you mentioned that ICE was caught off guard. Thousands just showed up at the borders almost at the same time. Obama did not unilaterally change the policy that I can tell you. I'm sure you read the Wilberforce act.
Be realistic how can you deport these children? Just deport them to El Salvador hoping that parents will pick them up? How do you notify the parents? Just dump them anywhere? How do you distinguish which children are the victims of sex slavery or any illegal activities? If we did not create W. act we will not be discussing this problem. Agree?
There are thousands of ICE people and it happened that I know several of them that works closely to the borders. Is where I get my updates. They are not dummies or robots. They are like you or me with differences. Racist, bigots etc. most are educated. If any of these inaccurate or illegal activities, bullcrap policy of Obama on immigration. Don't you think we could have it heard it by now? Especially those agents that are not happy or got fired for obvious reasons.
As an add on. I have total 4,500 direct employees in SA countries. This is how and where I also get some of my information. In 2009 and 10 ICE lease one of my building in south Tx as a staging but I am not involved in last (last wave) 2 years.

Think about what you just posted. "Thousands just showed up at the borders almost at the same time. Obama did not unilaterally change the policy that I can tell you." Why would tens of thousands of minors from Central America suddenly start streaming towards the US border and not try to evade Border Agents? Why would that happen, Charwin if there wasn't a change in US policy? It's not a mystery. The word had gone out that the Obama Administration had made the decision NOT to deport minors caught crossing the border but instead transport them from the border to where family members or friends were already living in the US. That was what prompted the flood.

As for what we "heard" about this? The only reason we heard about it is that Border Agents went to the media complaining that they were so busy "babysitting" these tens of thousands that they couldn't patrol the border.

Oh Lord.....yes thousands just showed up almost at the same time. That is a fact. Obama policy in this region is the same as in 2008, two years ago and the same today. I will repeat it for you no change. Apparently you still do not understand the W. act and the whole surrounding of these illegal waves from SA countries.
Let me repeat it again for you. When W. Act was signed in 2008 it was headline news for several days and months to follow. This was a very big deal for them. These people knew then what the law means that victims "WILL NOT GET DEPORTED" that is the law. Do you u n d e r s t a n d? It is not because of Obama change in policy. You did not even bother to answer any of my questions which is the reality.
Do you have a knowledge of what is going on on these countries? Don't worry I know you are clueless.
Before the waves of illegals coming to our borders the crime in that region especially in El Salvador grew ten folds. Because gang called MS13 took several territories neglected by corrupt officials. People don't know where to turn to so the easiest way they know is travel north. That many? Others took advantage of this predicaments. In reality people that I knew or me why the numbers are low. why not in 500k?
You should be asking yourself... 1. Why did it stop? Nothing change. 2. How can an accompanied children travel almost a thousand mile to our borders? How?Parents traveled with them then dropped them off closest to the U.S. borders.
ICE complain babysitting. Correct. If they can complain about babysitting. Do you think they could have complained something bigger?

The law wasn't big news back when it was passed in 2008 because it was only intended to affect a very small number of minors already here in the US after they were brought in to use in sex trade operations. It was never intended to be used as a "back door" means to allow illegals to enter the country. It's purpose was to protect minors from being sent back to a situation where they could be sexually exploited once again.

Why did it stop? Because the Obama Administration had AWFUL press because so many illegal minors came over the border that they overwhelmed the system? Because both the Border Patrol and ICE agents were complaining to the public about what was happening? It stopped because it was a political cluster fuck that was blowing up their faces!

You still don't know what you are talking about. All it is is just your hatred ignorant attitude. Shit head. Are you a retarded?
In 2008 the law was not a big news here in U.S. but it was a headlines in that countries. You don't even know what W. Act till I mentioned it to you.
Is English a second language for you, Charwin? "It does not make who is the president either Romney or Obama or you for that matter." What, pray tell, does that sentence mean?

As for how the President of the United States should handle immigration issues? For starters, he or she should enforce the laws that we have on the books...not choose to enforce some immigration laws and ignore others!

The reason that flood of minors came across the border was that Barack Obama unilaterally decided that the US would not deport minors caught entering the country illegally but would instead send them to family or "legal guardians". That was the change in policy that prompted the flood in the first place...something that's obvious since there was no rush of illegals when the law they were working under was passed back during the Bush Administration. There was no rush then because the Bush White House never intended the new law to open the borders to minor illegals. It's purpose was only to keep innocents from being returned to the same people who had put them into prostitution slavery in the first place.

English? I'm using IPhone 6 and iPad which use predictive text and if I'm not careful type wrong words. I meant to say. It does not make any difference who is the president...
I disagree with your last paragraph. The first wave in 09 and 10 we did deport most of them. The last wave as you mentioned that ICE was caught off guard. Thousands just showed up at the borders almost at the same time. Obama did not unilaterally change the policy that I can tell you. I'm sure you read the Wilberforce act.
Be realistic how can you deport these children? Just deport them to El Salvador hoping that parents will pick them up? How do you notify the parents? Just dump them anywhere? How do you distinguish which children are the victims of sex slavery or any illegal activities? If we did not create W. act we will not be discussing this problem. Agree?
There are thousands of ICE people and it happened that I know several of them that works closely to the borders. Is where I get my updates. They are not dummies or robots. They are like you or me with differences. Racist, bigots etc. most are educated. If any of these inaccurate or illegal activities, bullcrap policy of Obama on immigration. Don't you think we could have it heard it by now? Especially those agents that are not happy or got fired for obvious reasons.
As an add on. I have total 4,500 direct employees in SA countries. This is how and where I also get some of my information. In 2009 and 10 ICE lease one of my building in south Tx as a staging but I am not involved in last (last wave) 2 years.

Think about what you just posted. "Thousands just showed up at the borders almost at the same time. Obama did not unilaterally change the policy that I can tell you." Why would tens of thousands of minors from Central America suddenly start streaming towards the US border and not try to evade Border Agents? Why would that happen, Charwin if there wasn't a change in US policy? It's not a mystery. The word had gone out that the Obama Administration had made the decision NOT to deport minors caught crossing the border but instead transport them from the border to where family members or friends were already living in the US. That was what prompted the flood.

As for what we "heard" about this? The only reason we heard about it is that Border Agents went to the media complaining that they were so busy "babysitting" these tens of thousands that they couldn't patrol the border.

Oh Lord.....yes thousands just showed up almost at the same time. That is a fact. Obama policy in this region is the same as in 2008, two years ago and the same today. I will repeat it for you no change. Apparently you still do not understand the W. act and the whole surrounding of these illegal waves from SA countries.
Let me repeat it again for you. When W. Act was signed in 2008 it was headline news for several days and months to follow. This was a very big deal for them. These people knew then what the law means that victims "WILL NOT GET DEPORTED" that is the law. Do you u n d e r s t a n d? It is not because of Obama change in policy. You did not even bother to answer any of my questions which is the reality.
Do you have a knowledge of what is going on on these countries? Don't worry I know you are clueless.
Before the waves of illegals coming to our borders the crime in that region especially in El Salvador grew ten folds. Because gang called MS13 took several territories neglected by corrupt officials. People don't know where to turn to so the easiest way they know is travel north. That many? Others took advantage of this predicaments. In reality people that I knew or me why the numbers are low. why not in 500k?
You should be asking yourself... 1. Why did it stop? Nothing change. 2. How can an accompanied children travel almost a thousand mile to our borders? How?Parents traveled with them then dropped them off closest to the U.S. borders.
ICE complain babysitting. Correct. If they can complain about babysitting. Do you think they could have complained something bigger?

The law wasn't big news back when it was passed in 2008 because it was only intended to affect a very small number of minors already here in the US after they were brought in to use in sex trade operations. It was never intended to be used as a "back door" means to allow illegals to enter the country. It's purpose was to protect minors from being sent back to a situation where they could be sexually exploited once again.

Why did it stop? Because the Obama Administration had AWFUL press because so many illegal minors came over the border that they overwhelmed the system? Because both the Border Patrol and ICE agents were complaining to the public about what was happening? It stopped because it was a political cluster fuck that was blowing up their faces!

You still don't know what you are talking about. All it is is just your hatred ignorant attitude. Shit head. Are you a retarded?
In 2008 the law was not a big news here in U.S. but it was a headlines in that countries. You don't even know what W. Act till I mentioned it to you. clueless does someone have to be to accuse others of ignorance and retardation in posts filled with so many misspellings and grammatical errors they would make a 9th grade English teacher recoil in horror? :disbelief::disbelief::disbelief::disbelief::disbelief::disbelief::disbelief::disbelief::disbelief::disbelief::disbelief::disbelief::disbelief::disbelief::disbelief:

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