San Jose CA's Democrat mayor justifies mob violence against Trump supporters

They should face the same as the Trump supporter who Blind sided a protester with his elbow or who beat up protesters.

How do you or anyone else know if these Latino protesters are Democrats?

Just like the mayor, you are trying to justify things like this:

This man is running for his life because he happens to support Donald Trump. Who do you think those people are pursuing him? And you are sitting there trying to play this down. The worst any Trump supporter over the past year or so has done is punch someone. They have NEVER engaged in this kind of violence. Over the past couple of months, in Albuquerque, Costa Mesa, Chicago, Anaheim, San Jose and Burlingame you have had "protesters" engage in a slew of violent, riotous behavior; they've vandalized police vehicles, taunted cops, set things on fire, attacked supporters, waved the Mexican flag at people on American soil, and blocked busy roads, forcing Trump to go through the side entrance to speak to members of the California GOP convention.

This trumps (for lack of a better word) anything any Trump supporter has ever done. EVER.

RightWing thinks that when we get to Minority Majority and a defacto ONe Party State with the dems in charge that it will be a peaceful happy place.
Blame the victim? The world is truly upside down to hypocrite bigot liberal democrats. What do they expect Trump to do, cave into the oppression created by the damocrat party and stay out of California?

Yes, that is exactly what they expect.

Since California is majority minority, they don't think republicans or whites, the minority now, should have a voice, or representation, at all.
They should face the same as the Trump supporter who Blind sided a protester with his elbow or who beat up protesters.

How do you or anyone else know if these Latino protesters are Democrats?

Just like the mayor, you are trying to justify things like this:

This man is running for his life because he happens to support Donald Trump. Who do you think those people are pursuing him? And you are sitting there trying to play this down. The worst any Trump supporter over the past year or so has done is punch someone. They have NEVER engaged in this kind of violence. Over the past couple of months, in Albuquerque, Costa Mesa, Chicago, Anaheim, San Jose and Burlingame you have had "protesters" engage in a slew of violent, riotous behavior; they've vandalized police vehicles, taunted cops, set things on fire, attacked supporters, waved the Mexican flag at people on American soil, and blocked busy roads, forcing Trump to go through the side entrance to speak to members of the California GOP convention.

This trumps (for lack of a better word) anything any Trump supporter has ever done. EVER.

Hope they do that here.
They should face the same as the Trump supporter who Blind sided a protester with his elbow or who beat up protesters.

How do you or anyone else know if these Latino protesters are Democrats?

Just like the mayor, you are trying to justify things like this:

This man is running for his life because he happens to support Donald Trump. Who do you think those people are pursuing him? And you are sitting there trying to play this down. The worst any Trump supporter over the past year or so has done is punch someone. They have NEVER engaged in this kind of violence. Over the past couple of months, in Albuquerque, Costa Mesa, Chicago, Anaheim, San Jose and Burlingame you have had "protesters" engage in a slew of violent, riotous behavior; they've vandalized police vehicles, taunted cops, set things on fire, attacked supporters, waved the Mexican flag at people on American soil, and blocked busy roads, forcing Trump to go through the side entrance to speak to members of the California GOP convention.

This trumps (for lack of a better word) anything any Trump supporter has ever done. EVER.

Hope they do that here.

Hope they do what here?
And you think that Trump bears any responsibility for this?

That's one millennial who isn't going to be voting for any dems anytime soon.

And what kind of impression is this going to make on his friends and family when he comes home with stitches?
They should face the same as the Trump supporter who Blind sided a protester with his elbow or who beat up protesters.

How do you or anyone else know if these Latino protesters are Democrats?

Just like the mayor, you are trying to justify things like this:

This man is running for his life because he happens to support Donald Trump. Who do you think those people are pursuing him? And you are sitting there trying to play this down. The worst any Trump supporter over the past year or so has done is punch someone. They have NEVER engaged in this kind of violence. Over the past couple of months, in Albuquerque, Costa Mesa, Chicago, Anaheim, San Jose and Burlingame you have had "protesters" engage in a slew of violent, riotous behavior; they've vandalized police vehicles, taunted cops, set things on fire, attacked supporters, waved the Mexican flag at people on American soil, and blocked busy roads, forcing Trump to go through the side entrance to speak to members of the California GOP convention.

This trumps (for lack of a better word) anything any Trump supporter has ever done. EVER.

Hope they do that here.

Hope they do what here?

Pick a Trump guy and try and run him down for a beating. These out of control illegal mexicans need to start being shot like the dogs they are.
They should face the same as the Trump supporter who Blind sided a protester with his elbow or who beat up protesters.

How do you or anyone else know if these Latino protesters are Democrats?

Just like the mayor, you are trying to justify things like this:

This man is running for his life because he happens to support Donald Trump. Who do you think those people are pursuing him? And you are sitting there trying to play this down. The worst any Trump supporter over the past year or so has done is punch someone. They have NEVER engaged in this kind of violence. Over the past couple of months, in Albuquerque, Costa Mesa, Chicago, Anaheim, San Jose and Burlingame you have had "protesters" engage in a slew of violent, riotous behavior; they've vandalized police vehicles, taunted cops, set things on fire, attacked supporters, waved the Mexican flag at people on American soil, and blocked busy roads, forcing Trump to go through the side entrance to speak to members of the California GOP convention.

This trumps (for lack of a better word) anything any Trump supporter has ever done. EVER.

Hope they do that here.

Hope they do what here?

Pick a Trump guy and try and run him down. These out of control illegal mexicans need to start being shot like the dogs they are.

There are lines you don't cross. I'll hear no more of that talk.
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San Jose has a joke of a police department.
Their motto must be 'To serve and protect, Liberals only.'
I live a 1/2 drive from butt-ugly San Jose so I can't say I'm surprised. Liberals have become so violent, bullying and amoral at this point I no longer consider these treasonous pigs human. That's why my favorite English tradition is the hang/draw/quarter penalty. Pure, 1st-world-hating, sadistic filth. A "sanctuary city" like San Jo-shithead needs their inhabitants locked in cages with Hannibal Lecter bite masks.

Good god, is there a single liberal out there with enough self-awareness to understand the loathsome, thuggish cesspool of rabid, vicious, anti-free-speech pond-algae your political platform has dissipated into under that treasonous THING in the WH?
I live a 1/2 drive from butt-ugly San Jose so I can't say I'm surprised. Liberals have become so violent, bullying and amoral at this point I no longer consider these treasonous pigs human. That's why my favorite English tradition is the hang/draw/quarter penalty. Pure, 1st-world-hating, sadistic filth. A "sanctuary city" like San Jo-shithead needs their inhabitants locked in cages with Hannibal Lecter bite masks.

Good god, is there a single liberal out there with enough self-awareness to understand the loathsome, thuggish cesspool of rabid, vicious, anti-free-speech pond-algae your political platform has dissipated into under that treasonous THING in the WH?

Nope. many feel the trump people deserve what they get.
Apparently the board liberals have nothing but praise and agreement with the leftist thugs who have been assaulting people at Donald Trump rallies.

When the pot boils, the scum rises to the surface.

They should face the same as the Trump supporter who Blind sided a protester with his elbow or who beat up protesters.

How do you or anyone else know if these Latino protesters are Democrats?

That guy went to jail, so I'm perfectly OK with that. All the protesters should go to prison for assault.

Anyone who participated in a violent attack? Yes.
I live a 1/2 drive from butt-ugly San Jose so I can't say I'm surprised. Liberals have become so violent, bullying and amoral at this point I no longer consider these treasonous pigs human. That's why my favorite English tradition is the hang/draw/quarter penalty. Pure, 1st-world-hating, sadistic filth. A "sanctuary city" like San Jo-shithead needs their inhabitants locked in cages with Hannibal Lecter bite masks.

Good god, is there a single liberal out there with enough self-awareness to understand the loathsome, thuggish cesspool of rabid, vicious, anti-free-speech pond-algae your political platform has dissipated into under that treasonous THING in the WH?

Nope. many feel the trump people deserve what they get.

Are you pro or against people who feel it's okay to inflict mindless violence on people because they want to hear a candidate other people don't like? I'm not sure if you're agreeing with these public temper tantrums or not.
They should face the same as the Trump supporter who Blind sided a protester with his elbow or who beat up protesters.

How do you or anyone else know if these Latino protesters are Democrats?

Just like the mayor, you are trying to justify things like this:

This man is running for his life because he happens to support Donald Trump. Who do you think those people are pursuing him? And you are sitting there trying to play this down. The worst any Trump supporter over the past year or so has done is punch someone. They have NEVER engaged in this kind of violence. Over the past couple of months, in Albuquerque, Costa Mesa, Chicago, Anaheim you have had "protesters" engage in a slew of violent, riotous behavior, they've vandalized police vehicles, taunted cops, attacked supporters, waved the Mexican flag at people on American soil. This trumps (for lack of a better word) anything any Trump supporter has ever done. EVER.

“Yes, he deserved it,” McGraw said. “The next time we see him, we might have to kill him.”

He was arrested and so should these guys chasing that fellow (if that is what you say it is.)

Trump Supporter Who Punched Protester Shocks With Comments: ‘Next Time, We Might Have to Kill Him’

And that happened way back in March. Turns out that was nothing more than a crazy old man making an idle threat. He has never seen or heard from again. But here, in the cities I mentioned, we see these kinds of "protests" take place over and over again.

Which is worse, the words and actions of one crazy old man, or the words and actions of tens of hundreds of "protesters"?

I stand by my posts. Violence from anyone should be inexcusable and they should face the full punishment the law allows.. Doesn't make the case that the Mayor actually justified mob violence.
Isn't the job of law enforcement to protect ALL citizens....
Will Obama's justice department look into the order to police in San Jose from the Mayor to stand down that allowed anti Trump protesters to surround and attack Trump supporters.....

I doubt it...
Obama is too busy celebrating shitty job and GDP numbers.

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