San Jose shooting: Guns, petrol and 22,000 rounds of ammunition found

He had 12 guns as well.

It really sounds like he was planning a war. Should that not exclude him from owning a gun ? Why would you need 12 guns and 22000 bullets ?

I bet there is one like him on every street.
Rights aren't about needs.

But then again you like being told what you need and don't need because you're a fucking sheep

He had 12 guns as well.

It really sounds like he was planning a war. Should that not exclude him from owning a gun ? Why would you need 12 guns and 22000 bullets ?

I bet there is one like him on every street.

I know quite a few people that own 12 or more firearms....

as far as I know, none of us are planning to start a war.
Twelve guns is a start to a nice small gun collection.

With the current ammo shortage I wish I would have stockpiled a lot more ammo. Target shooting is a great hobby but requires ammo.

He had 12 guns as well.

It really sounds like he was planning a war. Should that not exclude him from owning a gun ? Why would you need 12 guns and 22000 bullets ?

I bet there is one like him on every street.

I know quite a few people that own 12 or more firearms....

as far as I know, none of us are planning to start a war.
Twelve guns is a start to a nice small gun collection.

With the current ammo shortage I wish I would have stockpiled a lot more ammo. Target shooting is a great hobby but requires ammo.
I'm kind of wishing I had an AR because then I would at least be able to steal 5.56 ammo from police cars.

He had 12 guns as well.

It really sounds like he was planning a war. Should that not exclude him from owning a gun ? Why would you need 12 guns and 22000 bullets ?

I bet there is one like him on every street.

I know quite a few people that own 12 or more firearms....

as far as I know, none of us are planning to start a war.
Twelve guns is a start to a nice small gun collection.

With the current ammo shortage I wish I would have stockpiled a lot more ammo. Target shooting is a great hobby but requires ammo.
You idiots poison our soil & water with Lead! Your hero's mixed into gasoline for the same reason.

He had 12 guns as well.

It really sounds like he was planning a war. Should that not exclude him from owning a gun ? Why would you need 12 guns and 22000 bullets ?

I bet there is one like him on every street.
Do you think that's a lot?

Do you think that's even a particularly remarkable number of guns and ammo to have in a household?

Its an obscene amount.
If by "obscene" you mean about 1/3 what he should have, then yes. It's an obscene amount.

Just go fuck yourself. You're a fucking limey who bows down to other people because they were born in the right family. You have no rights. Your ancestors surrendered them long ago. Quit bitching about ours.

He had 12 guns as well.

It really sounds like he was planning a war. Should that not exclude him from owning a gun ? Why would you need 12 guns and 22000 bullets ?

I bet there is one like him on every street.

I know quite a few people that own 12 or more firearms....

as far as I know, none of us are planning to start a war.
Twelve guns is a start to a nice small gun collection.

With the current ammo shortage I wish I would have stockpiled a lot more ammo. Target shooting is a great hobby but requires ammo.
You idiots poison our soil & water with Lead! Your hero's mixed into gasoline for the same reason.
Where did I say he was a hero? I just commented on the size of his small gun collection and the fact that the ammo shortage has caused me to reduce my target shooting considerably.

The ammo shortage is being caused by all the gun hating liberals waking up to the fact that our police have turned reactive and are no longer proactive. Plus they are quitting and retiring in large numbers. Therefore liberals are now the people buying up all the guns and ammo to be able to protect themselves and their families.


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