Sanders just submitted college for all bill.

If some taxes must be paid to fund essential public services, it's okay to take 90 to 100% of someone's income to fund private services.
I live in a blue state...they sheeple what ever the FEDs want...,,,true states rights involves the Feds respecting states and not trying to blackmail them into every hairbrained idea

So education is a "hare-brained idea"? I see.
Which of course I didnt say
Sanders' proposal is about education. Your posts are anti-fed, anti-Dem rants. Post something substantive about education.


This year, FY 2016, the federal government in its latest budget has estimated that the deficit will be $474 billion.

US Federal Deficit Definition - plus charts and analysis

We can't afford to add even more spending commitments, particularly for things that are not the business of the federal government.

Consider yourself educated.
ClosedCaption said unless you're a hedge fund manager, you won't be paying. It still involves the thought process of someone other than the kid's parents doing the paying.

I didnt say that, thats what the bill itself says. So again, you nor I will be affected. Do you want me to shed a tear for the Hedge Fund fuck up's?

wrong everyone is affected once we all agree that it is A-Ok to force someone else to pay for something for someone else

Taxes are force. Dont like taxes? Then move somewhere that doesnt have them, like death.

Being responsible for funding your own kid's college, don't demand someone else do it.

Sorry, I dont want to fund your street either but thats not how taxes work.

Sorry, but streets are public property, and therefore a public funding concern.

Your kid's brain and future, however, are his private concern and yours.
I live in a blue state...they sheeple what ever the FEDs want...,,,true states rights involves the Feds respecting states and not trying to blackmail them into every hairbrained idea

So education is a "hare-brained idea"? I see.

Education handed out as a party favor is a hare-brained idea.
I agree. Education based on academic achievement, however, is an excellent idea. That's the way it used to be, back in the 1950s y'all pine for so much.
I live in a blue state...they sheeple what ever the FEDs want...,,,true states rights involves the Feds respecting states and not trying to blackmail them into every hairbrained idea

So education is a "hare-brained idea"? I see.
Which of course I didnt say
Sanders' proposal is about education. Your posts are anti-fed, anti-Dem rants. Post something substantive about education.
Sanders bill is about advancing dem doctrine thru Fed mandates otherwise you get

And this is why more Americans need better education. Thank you for illustrating my point.

Well, getting you to talk IS the best way to provide evidence of how stupid and inane people have become, that's true.
Apparently some people see the word "tax" and their brains shut down.

Here's a one-page summary of the proposal:

Let me quote the only part that's apparently of concern (no one here has college-age kids?):

Fully Paid for by Imposing a Robin Hood Tax on Wall Street.
This legislation is offset by imposing a Wall Street speculation fee on investment houses, hedge fund
s, and other speculators of 0.5% on stock trades (50 cents for every $100 worth of stock), a 0.1% fee
on bonds, and a 0.005% fee on derivatives. It has been estimated that this provision could
raise hundreds of billions a year which could be used not only to make tuition free at public colleges
and universities in this country, it could also be used to create millions of jobs and rebuild the
middle class of this country.

I'll be happy to break it down further if anyone's interested but, bottom line, unless you're a hedge fund manager (and a bad one), you've got nothing to worry about.

This legislation is offset by imposing a Wall Street speculation fee on investment houses, hedge fund
s, and other speculators of 0.5% on stock trades (50 cents for every $100 worth of stock), a 0.1% fee
on bonds, and a 0.005% fee on derivatives. It has been estimated that this provision could
raise hundreds of billions a year

Awesome idea! What will we do when trading operations relocate to London or Frankfurt?

Funny thing is, leftists really do think people are going to just sit still quietly to be plucked like Thanksgiving turkeys, and then when they don't, they rant and rail and question their "patriotism". As if willingly being ripped off is somehow patriotic.
Soon there won't be stick and motor colleges, no sense in adding on to them. I know teachers who got teaching degrees via net and did on the job training in her area ,, and also one does not need to go to school, except for testing's or for on the job training, or chemistry classes, etc. There goes a lot of construction jobs, teaching jobs, janitor jobs, etc. That will become the norm In they say 20 years.

They are even thinking of changing law schools, learn the basics and then pick your area, work under a mentor.

I mean today, a teen is young as 12 and as old as 29, start younger and last longer.

Well, apprenticeships were once the norm in learning a profession. Not surprising they're coming back. I myself am taking online courses in bookkeeping and accounting, and will most likely go to work for a local CPA after I complete to learn the hands-on aspect.
this move might cost Sanders the nomination. The general folk is too cash strapped right now for this
proposal to fly


Trick question: Does anyone here even know what a hedge fund is?

Translated: "You're hurting someone other than yourself, so it's okay!"

I guess that works if you have no morality.
Why have college costs skyrocketed? Two words: Moral Hazard. Look it up then explain to me how further corporate welfare from uncle sugar is going to make things better.
I never lived where state college was free, but yes college tuition has gone up so much, why, I know a teacher who got their degree online and by doing testing and in-service at a local school she lived by. Most brick and mortar colleges do more and more via internet.

And as more and more colleges are forced to accept open carry, eventually all higher education will move online. But, yeah, when Sanders went to Brooklyn College (a city university), it was tuition-free, as were all the SUNY (state universities) colleges.

Uh-oh. I see why so many people in this thread are have shitfits. They're thinking: Bernie Sanders got a free education. Sanders is the Antichrist (well, except for Hillary). Down with free education! J/k...maybe. Because Hillary went to Yale. No free education there. ;)

Yeah, online education is becoming popular because people are afraid of their neighbors who acquire concealed-carry permits. :cuckoo: You've cracked the code!
Revenues? Just look at profits. Will they just give up hundreds of billions (a huge chunk of annual profit)?

Obviously the Sanders campaign has looked at the accounting. Clearly you have, too. Present it here.

If his campaign thinks it will raises hundreds of billions, their accounting is wrong.

The Monstrous Idiocy Of The Robin Hood Tax Rears Its Ugly Head Again

Leftist accounting always assumes that people are going to submit quietly to being fleeced. And then they're always surprised when the reality doesn't match their projections, and flail around like chickens with their heads cut off, trying to explain it away.
At least he's not a geriatric Commie.

Yeah, Putin is 63. Not geriatric necessarily, but all those shirtless photos are of a man trying waaaay too hard. The Right needs to get over its infatuation with him.

Free stuff for everybody!

It's not "free stuff."

But keep telling yourself that.

I don't like strongman Commies, like Putin, or weak man Commies, like Obama.
And the Commies who just want to give away Trillions more to buy votes, like Sanders, Warren and Clinton suck too.
So "commie" is code for "everyone who doesn't think like me."

This was a really good discussion up to now...

No, Commie is code for assclowns like Sanders who want to add $18 trillion in new spending over the next decade.
That WSJ article has been debunked.

But I can see why your side is so reluctant to allow more kids to go to college.

The definition of "allow" is not "fund it with tax dollars", Noah Webster. Not that I would expect word meanings to give you anything but trouble.
If Sanders wants to make college free, just mandate zero tuition.

That's something Putin would do. Apparently you approve of communism when it's implemented in your name.

I'm sure they'll be happy to work for free.

As I'm sure you would.

Why is my side, "so reluctant to allow more kids to go to college"?

Because educated people are less likely to post drivel like the above. And they'd compete with "why don't we just mandate free college tuition" types for jobs, and then were would you be?

If you have a link to a debunking, perhaps you'll share?

Do you consider Business Insider a reputable source?

Bernie Sanders: My proposals don't cost $18 trillion - Business Insider

The WSJ either can't count or deliberately misinterpreted the data.

The more I read nonsense like your last post, the more I'm inclined to believe the former.

Yeah, Business Insider isn't saying it won't cost $18 trillion, English major. They're just reporting that Sanders said it wouldn't. Learn to read.
I live in a blue state...they sheeple what ever the FEDs want...,,,true states rights involves the Feds respecting states and not trying to blackmail them into every hairbrained idea

So education is a "hare-brained idea"? I see.

Education handed out as a party favor is a hare-brained idea.
I agree. Education based on academic achievement, however, is an excellent idea. That's the way it used to be, back in the 1950s y'all pine for so much.
ClosedCaption said unless you're a hedge fund manager, you won't be paying. It still involves the thought process of someone other than the kid's parents doing the paying.

I didnt say that, thats what the bill itself says. So again, you nor I will be affected. Do you want me to shed a tear for the Hedge Fund fuck up's?

wrong everyone is affected once we all agree that it is A-Ok to force someone else to pay for something for someone else

Taxes are force. Dont like taxes? Then move somewhere that doesnt have them, like death.

Being responsible for funding your own kid's college, don't demand someone else do it.

Sorry, I dont want to fund your street either but thats not how taxes work.

You get something from funding the streets. I get nothing from funding some kid's college because his parents don't do it.
Summary of Sen. Sanders’ College for All Act

Eliminate Undergraduate Tuition at 4-year Public Colleges and Universities. This legislation

would provide $47 billion per year to states to eliminate undergraduate tuition and fees at public

colleges and universities.

Today, total tuition at public colleges and universities amounts to about $70 billion per year. Under

the College for All Act, the federal government would cover 67% of this cost, while the states would

be responsible for the remaining 33% of the cost. (then above it says states get 47 billion a year, so why not have the fed gov to pay the cost)

To qualify for federal funding, states must meet a number of requirements designed to protect

students, ensure quality, and reduce ballooning costs. States will need to maintain spending on their

higher education systems, on academic instruction, and on need-based financial aid. In addition,

colleges and universities must reduce their reliance on low-paid adjunct faculty.

States would be able to use funding to increase academic opportunities for students, hire new faculty,

and provide professional development opportunities for professors.

No funding under this program may be used to fund administrator salaries, merit-based fina

4 aid,

For one thing I do not think colleges should keep raising rates as they are, needs to be a ban placed on the costs, so much of the classroom is done via Skype and well at home on personal computers. I do not believe in tenure either.

also anything free, is well taken for granted.

also a lot of our property tax goes to public schools, the two year college we have and also the 4 year university we have in our county, mileage increases.

Most can't afford higher property taxes, sales tax hikes or state income tax raises, so this is going to affect everyone is it not?

When I went to college, awhile ago, the special interest rate was 9,9% interest on student loans. I'm don't want to go back to that, and I do think college should be affordable to all, but not on the tax payers back.

I'm not understanding this I guess.

How do you propose making college affordable for all? The only proposals I seem to hear form the left involves doing so by making someone else pay for what parents aren't doing.

easy ... you stop waging stupid wars and start making corporations and the top 1% pay the taxes they should and restoring the tax rate that existed prior to shrub becoming president.

funny how the right never thinks there's enough money to do good things but has all the money in the world to subsidize corporations.
I live in a blue state...they sheeple what ever the FEDs want...,,,true states rights involves the Feds respecting states and not trying to blackmail them into every hairbrained idea

So education is a "hare-brained idea"? I see.

Education handed out as a party favor is a hare-brained idea.
I agree. Education based on academic achievement, however, is an excellent idea. That's the way it used to be, back in the 1950s y'all pine for so much.
I didnt say that, thats what the bill itself says. So again, you nor I will be affected. Do you want me to shed a tear for the Hedge Fund fuck up's?

wrong everyone is affected once we all agree that it is A-Ok to force someone else to pay for something for someone else

Taxes are force. Dont like taxes? Then move somewhere that doesnt have them, like death.

Being responsible for funding your own kid's college, don't demand someone else do it.

Sorry, I dont want to fund your street either but thats not how taxes work.

You get something from funding the streets. I get nothing from funding some kid's college because his parents don't do it.

No I dont, I dont use your street dumbass but I still fund it. Now as soon as you and your neighbors reject funds and manage the maintenance on your street then tell me all about it
I live in a blue state...they sheeple what ever the FEDs want...,,,true states rights involves the Feds respecting states and not trying to blackmail them into every hairbrained idea

So education is a "hare-brained idea"? I see.

Education handed out as a party favor is a hare-brained idea.
I agree. Education based on academic achievement, however, is an excellent idea. That's the way it used to be, back in the 1950s y'all pine for so much.
wrong everyone is affected once we all agree that it is A-Ok to force someone else to pay for something for someone else

Taxes are force. Dont like taxes? Then move somewhere that doesnt have them, like death.

Being responsible for funding your own kid's college, don't demand someone else do it.

Sorry, I dont want to fund your street either but thats not how taxes work.

You get something from funding the streets. I get nothing from funding some kid's college because his parents don't do it.

No I dont, I dont use your street dumbass but I still fund it. Now as soon as you and your neighbors reject funds and manage the maintenance on your street then tell me all about it

I don't use your streets but I still fund it. That makes it a wash if you really want to get to a specific level. However, I meant streets in general.

I get nothing from funding social welfare programs.

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