Sanders must be the nominee so Trump can defeat him.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
When you watch Nancy Pelosi rip up the president’s State of the Union Speech you should realize that it is a symbolic gesture demonstrating the plan democrats have had for America since the Great Society. While your workplace pensions and affordable employee health insurance have been taken away to encourage US industry to abandon American workers, your government is forcing you into a system of Cuban/Venezuelan healthcare they call the Affordable Care Act.

The government that foisted this on you had an escape hatch to protect themselves in the form of a technicality allowing them to absolve themselves of responsibility to follow their own rules. While they get Cadillac health insurance you get the junk yard of the health exchanges. Now that company pensions and good employee health coverage have vanished so US industry can locate in countries where average people die in the gutter, you can enjoy the handicap parking spaces and electric shopping cart scooters that replaced them.

Wasn’t this a wonderful idea? How’s that working out for you? The people that want to run your national healthcare are the same people that ran the Iowa Caucus. How did that go? If you attended school fifty years ago you learned that socialism is poison to democracies. But schools have changed from education to indoctrination. Kids are systematically brainwashed from early on to bear a burden of self-loathing using white privilege and racial guilt to bear false witness against themselves as a group.

They can’t read or write competently, and they are dying in droves from opioids and suicide, but they are jazz handing at rallies accusing their parents and grandparents of lynching Negros and attending father-son gay bashing picnics. America’s educational system is driving American white kids to drugs and early death to advance a master plan that will replace them with interlopers from south and Central America.

This is how socialism works; it’s a creeping strategy the weakens the resolve of the free in the name of industrial strength fairness that must be imposed from the top down. Bernie Sanders comes right out and says this which is why the democrats are working to defeat him. You can’t just come out and say it; you must trick the people into accepting it so it can sneak up on them until it’s too late to turn back.

Sanders must be allowed to become the nominee so Trump can defeat him.

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