Sanders promises halt to deportations, faster citizenship for illegal immigrants


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
What is it with the left wing and immigration? Can't they see it is an invasion just like what is going on in Europe? We are getting the worse of other counties not the best. For all their faults democrats are not stupid. They have to be able to see the damage being done so please someone explain why they make illegal immigration such a priority. Please. Is it just to get their pool cleaned on the cheap? I don't care who these folks are, it does not matter, it is not a race issue it is what is happening to our country and across the world.

Democratic presidential candidate Bernard Sanders said Monday he would grant a blanket deportation amnesty to most illegal immigrants and welcome a new surge of illegal immigrants from Central America as he accused Republicans of “racism” for demanding stiffer immigration enforcement.

Bernie Sanders promises halt to deportations, faster citizenship for illegal immigrants
Democrats see these foreign invaders as potential Democratic voters. That is why they are opposed to any measures to prevent invading foreign criminals from voting, and that is why they are eager to help these invaders attain citizenship so that they can legitimately vote.
Best reason yet not to vote for the nutjob.

Do you mean nutjobs? Mrs. Clinton isn't far behind Sanders, well at least for today we have to wait to see tomorrow.
What is it with the left wing and immigration? Can't they see it is an invasion just like what is going on in Europe? We are getting the worse of other counties not the best. For all their faults democrats are not stupid. They have to be able to see the damage being done so please someone explain why they make illegal immigration such a priority. Please. Is it just to get their pool cleaned on the cheap? I don't care who these folks are, it does not matter, it is not a race issue it is what is happening to our country and across the world.

Democratic presidential candidate Bernard Sanders said Monday he would grant a blanket deportation amnesty to most illegal immigrants and welcome a new surge of illegal immigrants from Central America as he accused Republicans of “racism” for demanding stiffer immigration enforcement.

Bernie Sanders promises halt to deportations, faster citizenship for illegal immigrants

He's a socialist - and he won't be the nominee.

Hillary Clinton is to the Right of Bush 43 and Jeb on immigration.

You need to turn off talk radio and study how Rove/Bush courted hispanics voters, the largest growing demographic in the USA. They understood that threats of mass deportation were the quickest way to ensure a Democratic victory.

Reagan passed the largest Amnesty Bill in U.S. History - he created Mexifornia, but he also understood how to win elections, and he wasn't going to lose an election by appealing to the crude nativism of low-information morons. [And this is coming from someone who actually lived in a "sanctuary city" and is far to the Right of the Libs on illegal immigration]

Dorothy, this is chess not checkers. Rove secured two elections by getting Bush to tack to the Left of Gore and Kerry on illegals. He is well known for understanding the power of America's largest growing demographic. Rove understood that the Republican party's white base was shrinking - and you can't win elections by calling Mexicans rapists and murders, and thus shrinking your hispanic vote to Romney levels.

Read what Rove says. He knows how to beat the Left at their own game - he proved that the path to power was by including hispanics. This is why the Democrats don't want to run against Jeb and his hispanic wife. They will lose too much of the hispanic vote upon which they depend.

Click me Dorothy > More White Votes Alone Won't Save the GOP | Karl Rove

In the 2000 election, Bush garnered 35 percent of the Latino vote. Four years later, he captured a record 44 percent for a Republican, trailing Democratic nominee John Kerry by only nine points. Bush's ability to capture a larger percentage of the Latino vote is a major factor (if not the major factor) why he won two extremely close elections.

(Turn off talk radio. You can do better)
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